Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2053 Red Light

When encountering this situation, it is even more clear that this is a formation. Zhang Yu didn't panic, as long as he could find the location of the formation's eye, everything would be solved.

He took out the Guizhen Four Elephants Plate from his pocket, but this time, Zhang Yu's heart tightened, "Huh?"

"What's wrong?" Zhu Jiuzhen asked quickly.

"Something went wrong," Zhang Yu sighed.

What went wrong? What's quite serious is that the compass needle doesn't move at all.

Last time in the formation of the wheelchair man, although he was trapped, at least he had the Four Elements Coil in his hand and could easily find the location of the formation.

Now that the compass doesn't move, things are a little troublesome.

His body immediately turned. No matter how he moved forward, backward, left, and right, the pointer remained motionless.

Zhang Yu had never encountered this situation before.

Seeing Zhang Yu spinning in circles, Zhu Jiuzhen became even more confused, but he could see that Zhang Yu's face now also showed an anxious look.

"Brother, don't panic, we will definitely find a solution." At this time, Zhu Jiuzhen calmed down and comforted Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu also understood that he could not panic now.

The Dongtian Villa was left behind by the seniors of Yuxu Palace. It would definitely not be a dead end, otherwise it would be impossible to retrieve the treasures of Yuxu Palace here in the future.

This place is definitely not a Jedi, but it has a certain degree of difficulty.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yu said: "Let's keep going forward. See if we can find any clues."

"Yeah." Zhu Jiuzhen nodded.

The two of them continued to walk forward. It seemed that it was useless to count the steps now.

As they kept walking forward, they could only feel the faint light coming from the left and right sides. From time to time, Zhang Yu would close his eyes and feel everything around him.

This place is really too big. Apart from the stone walls we saw earlier, the rest of the place is boundless.


At this moment, Zhang Yu suddenly heard a faint gasp coming from the thorn.

Hearing this voice, Zhang Yu immediately felt with his mind's eye that there seemed to be a real person not far away.

He walked over slowly and shouted, "Who is it?"

"Water" a small voice sounded, sounding a little immature.

Soon, Zhang Yu and Zhu Jiuzhen arrived at the place where the sound was made.

"It's a child!" Zhu Jiuzhen immediately made a surprised voice.

"It's you!" Zhang Yu couldn't help shouting.

It's absolutely true that this person is none other than Luo Chen's son, Yizhimei who has recovered the memory of his previous life.

"Shui Shui." The child-like Yizhimei was lying on the ground, seemingly without any strength, and her voice was very hoarse.

Zhu Jiuzhen looked at Zhang Yu and asked curiously: "Do you know each other?"

"We know you." Zhang Yu said, taking a few steps to Iljimae's side.

I saw Yizhimei's lips were chapped, her eyes were sunken, listless, and dying. Just like this, I'm afraid it will die at any time.

Without feeling the pulse, Zhang Yu could determine whether he was thirsty or hungry.

"Brother, get him some food and water." Zhang Yu said again.

Zhu Jiuzhen also followed, carrying a travel bag on his back. This is a hike up Taihang Mountain, and I don’t know if I can find it that day. I need to bring at least some water and dry food. Zhang Yu needed to use a compass to find the direction, so this job was done by Zhu Jiuzhen.

He took out a bottle of mineral water and two compressed biscuits from his bag. Zhang Yu took the water, squatted next to Iljimae, and slowly fed the water into Iljimae's mouth.

As soon as he drank the water, Iljimae immediately became energetic, and Zhang Yu gave him the compressed biscuit again.

In fact, people cannot eat this kind of food when they are very hungry. It is best to eat some porridge or something. But here, there is no porridge, so it would be nice to have something to eat. To put it bluntly, Zhang Yu doesn't know when he can leave here.

Seeing the compressed biscuits, Iljimae's dull eyes shone brightly. She put the biscuits directly into her mouth and chewed them vigorously. I also ate too quickly and choked. He quickly drank water again.

After eating two compressed biscuits and a bottle of mineral water, I felt relieved and regained a lot of energy.

Yiljimae got up from the ground and said gratefully: "Thank you. Thank you, Abbot."

He converted to Wudang Taoist Temple at the beginning. Although he did not say that he worshiped Zhang Yu as his teacher, he was nominally a member of Wudang Taoist Temple.

Zhang Yu nodded and said: "We are all our own people, no need to be polite. How long have you been here?"

"I can't remember the day since I left Wudang Taoist Temple. I came here directly. All the food and water I brought have been used up," Yizhimei said bitterly.

"Is this the place you were curious about at the beginning?" Zhang Yu asked.

"That's right." Iljimae nodded.

"Why are you curious about this place?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"This." Yi Zhimei looked at Zhu Jiuzhen unconsciously.

"It's okay, let's talk." Zhang Yu said directly.

"Back then, I heard people from the island country say that they discovered a mysterious place here, but there was no way in or out. They had already sent several waves of people down, but after they went down, no one could come up. That day At night, after I sneaked in, I hid behind the golden dragon. At that time, I also saw this cave, and I always felt that there was an infinite attraction that attracted me and asked me to go down. But I didn't go down because I wanted to steal the dragon head." Yizhimei Tell the truth.

"You didn't tell me about this at the time." Zhang Yu stared at Yizhimei.

"I" Iljimae was a little embarrassed.

"Forget it. Let's not mention this." Zhang Yu looked Yiljimae up and down, and then said: "You have been here for a long time. Have you seen anyone else?"

"Yes." Iljimae said immediately.

Zhu Jiuzhen heard the conversation between Yizhimei and Zhang Yu earlier and found it baffling that such a child could steal a dragon head.

Now that Iljimae said that he had met other people, his and Zhang Yu's eyes lit up.

Zhang Yu then asked: "Who is he?"

"It's the Japanese devils!" Iljimae said in a positive tone.

Zhang Yu was not surprised that the Japanese devils would come here. After all, the people who died outside were all Japanese.

Zhang Yu asked again: "How many people are there?"

"More than thirty people," Iljimae said.

"Listen carefully if you are observant." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Haha." Iljimae smiled bitterly and said, "It's not that I have observed clearly, but I can't do it without observation. At that time, I had already eaten all the food I brought, and I happened to meet them, so I thought about stealing some from them. It's really a shame. , I can’t defeat that many by myself.”

"Then the way you look now, I guess you haven't succeeded." Zhang Yu said.

"Yeah." Yi Zhimei nodded bitterly, "There were four weirdos in white robes and tall hats on their heads. They looked evil. When they were resting, I wanted to I approached them and waited for an opportunity to steal some food. I didn't want a man in white robe to suddenly take action. Fortunately, I reacted quickly. Otherwise, I might have lost my life."

"Wearing white robes and tall hats, there are still four." Zhang Yu's expression changed drastically.

"What's wrong?" Zhu Jiuzhen saw that Zhang Yu's expression was wrong and asked quickly.

You know, when the roulette wheel didn't work, Zhang Yu was just a little nervous, but his expression didn't change drastically. But now, it seems that it's more than just nervousness.

"It's nothing." Zhang Yu said to Iljimae: "What tricks did that man in the high hat and white robe use on you?"

"As soon as he waved his hand, I felt like there was a ray of white light coming over me, and my eyes were dazzled. At that time, I subconsciously avoided it, then turned around and ran away. It is probably because the fog here was too heavy that the other party did not continue to chase me." Mei said.

"That's it." Zhang Yu nodded without saying a word, thinking about what to do next.

He had fought against astrologers before, and ordinary astrologers were naturally nothing. The only one who impressed him the most was the great astrologer Ming Bu Longxing.

At that time, Ming Bu Longxing was dressed like this, wearing a white robe and a high hat on his head.

If these four are all great astrologers, then no one can survive.

When Zhang Yu dealt with Ming Bu Longxing, he relied on deception and almost lost his life. Although I have greatly improved my strength now and have powerful magical weapons, it is too difficult to deal with four of them at once. He didn't have this certainty.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yu said, "Where are they?"

"Well." Iljimae looked around and said, "I can't tell for sure. After I was beaten away, I ran quite far away, and then I wandered around here and couldn't tell the direction."

Zhang Yu also knew that he had just arrived in this place and could barely remember where he came from. After wandering around for a few days, he might not be sure.

Iljimae has been hanging around for a long time, and those Japanese devils, it is estimated that the time is also not short. Zhang Yu could basically conclude that Yang Huanzhang was most likely here and was taken down by the islanders. Otherwise, it would be impossible not to see his circular light technique.

If you want to take Yang Huanzhang away, you will definitely have to fight with the islanders. However, it is too early to take action now. The opponent is also a master. He can injure the enemy by 1,000 and injure himself by 800. I don't know if I can get out of here. Let's fight first. If he is seriously injured, even if he can get Yang Huanzhang back, it will be much more difficult to leave. In addition, there are three masters here who can kill the devils outside.

I had previously inferred that it might be Hua Yunong, but what if it wasn't. Even someone from Hua Yunong probably knows who Zhang Yu is. If he really kills someone, he has no temper.

Zhang Yu looked around, but couldn't see how far it was. The road ahead was bleak. He had no idea how to go.

Zhang Yu said again: "You have been wandering around here for so long, but what have you discovered?"

"No." Iljimae shook her head helplessly, "I can't find the way down at all. There is fog everywhere."

"Then all places are the same, with no difference at all?" Zhang Yu asked again.

Iljimae shook her head, but then her eyes lit up as if she thought of something. He immediately said: "It's not that there are no differences."

Zhang Yu was overjoyed and immediately asked: "What's the difference?"

"The paths here are all the same, there is no difference. No matter where you go, it is all in the clouds and fog. But, I once found it up there." Iljimae said, pointing to the top of her head.

Zhang Yu and Zhu Jiuzhen also looked up. There was also a faint mist, but they could more or less see the stone layers on the top.

Iljimae continued: "Most places are like this. Occasionally, I found a red light hanging on it. At that time, I thought it was some kind of mechanism, and I jumped up. When I touched it with my hand, it was like It was like an electric shock, knocking me down.”

"Then what?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"Then, I jumped up a few more times, and when I touched the lamp, it still felt like an electric shock. I had no choice but to touch the stone wall next to it, but it was of no use. I was delayed there for a long time, I always wondered if I could find anything, but unfortunately I found nothing," Iljimae said helplessly.

"There must be something wrong with the red light. Where is the red light?" Zhang Yu asked while thinking.

"I can't remember the location. In my memory, I've seen this kind of red light three times in total. I can't tell if it's the same one." Iljimae said uncertainly.

"Let's go, let's go find the red light first." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay." "Okay." Both Yi Zhimei and Zhu Jiuzhen nodded. When they arrived at a place like this, Zhang Yu was able to keep his head in the right place.

Without seeing the red light, Zhang Yu didn't know if it was useful. But this is the only clue. Perhaps according to this clue, some clues can be found.

Next, the three of them almost walked with their heads raised, for fear of missing the red light above.

This place is really too big. Zhang Yu and Zhu Jiuzhen originally remembered the direction, but when they went to look for the red light this time, they completely lost their way.

Of course, even if they remembered it, it would be useless. They had remembered the passage they came from, but they couldn't find it when they turned around.

The three of them walked like this for who knows how long. The tallest Zhu Jiuzhen suddenly shouted: "Look! Look! There is a red light there!"

Following the direction of his finger, Zhang Yu took a look and saw that there was a red light hanging on the stone wall diagonally to the right.

They walked over in a few steps, came under the red light, and observed carefully. This red lantern is like an ancient lamp with a lampshade, not a big red lantern hanging high. It looked like there was light inside, but there didn't seem to be any candles.

Looking at this lamp, there is no eerie feeling, it is just normal. It's just that there is a lamp hanging upside down here, which makes people feel a bit weird.

"Is this it?" Zhang Yu pointed at the lamp and said.

"That's right." Iljimae nodded.

Zhang Yu thought about it for a while, took out a fire talisman, and hit it with his hand.

With a "pop" sound, the fire talisman hit the red lampshade. The lampshade was not affected in any way, but the fireball turned into a fire talisman burst out and turned into a gorgeous fireworks.

"Have you found anything?" Zhu Jiuzhen asked.

Zhang Yu shook his head and said, "This red light seems to be indestructible."

"Then tell me, what's the use of it? It doesn't seem to be used for lighting." Zhu Jiuzhen said.

"It's definitely not used for lighting, but I'm sure that hanging such a lamp here will definitely not be just for decoration." Zhang Yu said solemnly.

"What's the use of that? I don't know how long I've been researching it, but I just can't figure it out." Iljimae said bleakly.

"Well, I can't tell you right now. When you see the lights above your head, how far apart are they? Can you estimate where the next light will be?" Zhang Yu said.

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