Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2052 Golden Dragon

"That's right!"

Zhang Yu nodded, then squatted down and carefully observed the corpse on the ground.

First, he wanted to see the identities of the deceased. Judging from the characteristics, there is no doubt that he is a little devil.

In this case, what is the identity of the person who killed them?

Zhang Yu focused on the corpse with a big hole in its chest. Based on Zhang Yu's experience, in addition to the decaying corpse energy of the person killed by the corpse cultivator, there should also be corpses from the murderer. gas.

It's just that the time is a little long, and I can't be sure now. On the surface, there is no other corpse energy.

After observing for a while, he and Zhu Jiuzhen went to the right side to observe.

Here are twelve corpses, staggering here and there, and there are all kinds of things. But obviously, these people all showed their weapons, some had pistols, and some had Japanese swords. Their death conditions were similar to the six corpses they just saw.

Either a big hole was made in the chest, or the head was smashed, or there was a hole under the body.

It was obvious that the murderer was the same person and there was no other person.

"Who could they be? Are they Hua Yunong's men?" Zhang Yu guessed in his mind.

In the past, Zhang Yu only thought that Hua Yunong's men were in demand, such as people like Tietou. But during the last battle at Haimen Mountain, Zhang Yu met the man in white robes, and was able to confirm that Hua Yunong also had some strange people here, who should not be underestimated.

He looked at the corpses, then at Zhu Jiuzhen, and said, "Brother, if you take action, can you kill these people?"

"You mean, these little devils who died on the ground." Zhu Jiuzhen said.

"Yes." Zhang Yu said.

"It definitely wasn't possible before. Now that we have the divine talisman, it shouldn't be a problem to kill them. But if the other party wants to run away, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop them." Zhu Jiuzhen said.

Zhang Yu nodded, knowing it was reasonable, and then said: "You are an expert in martial arts. In your opinion, how good is the kung fu of the people who killed them?"

"Let's put it this way, looking at the corpses, I observed them very carefully. The murderer always killed with one move and never used a second move. There was no second injury on these corpses. It is not difficult to see from this, They are definitely masters! If I fight with them, on the surface, there are almost three people on the other side. If there is no divine talisman, I may, barely be able to deal with one. Even if there is a divine talisman, I will not be able to deal with such an expert. I can't guarantee that I can handle it all." Zhu Jiuzhen said with some fear.

Zhang Yu also understood that practicing martial arts and killing people may seem similar, but they are actually two different things. Although it all depends on kung fu, killing people's kung fu is often more direct than orthodox martial arts. It might be okay if Zhu Jiu competes with others in an honest and fair manner, but if it involves killing people, it might not be possible.

However, Zhang Yu is not a pure martial arts practitioner. He is a magician. He is not afraid of the opponent's high kung fu. As long as he does not give the opponent a chance to get close and kill him with one move, he will basically hit him.

"If it's just martial arts masters, it's no big deal. Don't be afraid of them. Brother, let's go ahead and go in and have a look." Zhang Yu said confidently.

"With your Taoist skills, brother, and my kung fu, I guess no one can be our opponent!" Zhu Jiuzhen didn't show any weakness.

The two continued walking forward and came to the hole on the right.

Two iron doors opened on the left and right, but it was not pitch black inside, but a faint golden light could be seen.

Zhang Yu only needs to hit a fireball, and the situation inside can be seen at a glance.

This is a larger cave. On the left side, there is a giant dragon. The dragon's body is golden, and the dragon head above is even more lifelike.

As soon as he saw this faucet, Zhang Yu immediately thought of the picture of the faucet that Yang Wenbin showed him. It was absolutely correct. The faucet in the picture was the same as the one here.

"That's right!" Zhang Yu then looked around. There was no one here, and there was no sound at all.

On the side of the stone wall opposite the dragon, there is a cave entrance on the left and right sides.

"Come on, let's go over and take a look." Zhang Yu said.

He and Zhu Jiuzhen came to the opposite side and first checked the hole on the left.

A fireball entered, and the situation inside could be seen clearly. It seemed to be a rest room. There are many rotten wooden beds among them, and there are gray nets everywhere. It can be roughly seen that more than twenty beds were once placed.

The two people came to the cave entrance on the right side. It looked like a storage room with many rusty tools and some weapons.

Some rag sacks seemed to contain grain before, but now they are empty.

"There is no one here anymore. Could it be that Yang Huanzhang was taken away?" Zhang Yu muttered again, not sure.

He subconsciously raised his hand and used the Circle Light Technique.

There was a flash of white light, followed by darkness. Just like when he used the round light technique before, Yang Huanzhang could not be found at all.

Walking out of the cave, you will see the majestic golden dragon on the opposite side.

The golden dragon coiled up and had the potential to reach the sky. Zhang Yu simply walked towards the golden dragon.

Zhang Yu didn't observe Jin Long carefully just now. His goal was to find someone, so he went to the other side first. This time, he and Zhu Jiuzhen were under the golden dragon together, and when they got closer, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

It seems that there is a strange aura hidden behind this golden dragon.

Zhang Yu walked around behind the giant dragon. The dragon was not built against the wall. It was still more than two meters wide from the stone wall behind it. When Zhang Yu came around, his eyes couldn't help but light up.

It turned out that behind the dragon, there was a dark cave entrance.

"Brother, look there is a door there." Zhu Jiuzhen pointed to the entrance of the cave.

"Why is there a door here? Let me go and take a look first." Zhang Yu said and walked over first.

When I arrived at the entrance of the cave, I immediately discovered that there was a staircase going down inside the cave, and it was extremely dark inside.

Looking up at the cave again, there is a stone plaque on the cave. On the plaque are engraved four words-Dongtian Bieyuan.

"This is really the Cave Heaven Garden." Zhang Yu took a breath. He never expected that he would find the place inexplicably without any intention.

It's just strange to say that this Dongtian Villa was designed in Longxin, Taihang Mountain. The devils from the island nation apparently discovered this place back then.

"It's not simple." Zhang Yu sighed.

I still remember the suicide note that he, Xiong Jian and others found. It seems that the ancestor was named Guang Chengzi. He once came here and wanted to recognize his ancestor and return to the clan. As a result, he encountered a master from the island country and escaped seriously injured.

You know, this Guangchengzi has a Yuxu rope in his hand, and he is still unbeatable. It can be seen that he has encountered many masters from the island country, and his strength is quite impressive.

The people of the island country forged the dragon vein here. Now that they have discovered the Dongtian Villa, it is impossible not to go and find out. If the secrets in Dongtian Villa have not been revealed to this day, then there must be unexpected mysteries in it.

"Luck. Yang Huanzhang." Zhang Yu couldn't help but connect the two.

"Could it be that Hua Yunong also knew about this Yinlong Vein and wanted to make some articles about it? It's unlikely. It seems to have nothing to do with their family. It was an extension from the island country. What does Yang Huanzhang have to do with this place? .If there is, Xiong Jian is almost the same." Zhang Yu became more and more confused as he thought about it.

However, there seems to be a power of temptation exuding in the cave, making people want to go down and find out.

Zhang Yu took out a fire talisman from his pocket and hit it directly, "Poof!"

The fire symbol turned into a flaming meteor.

However, for a moment, the fire could be seen, and then it was completely dark again, and nothing could be seen.

"This" Zhang Yu was shocked.

It's not like Zhang Yu has never been to tombs before. Usually, he can guide the way by relying on the fire gathering talisman.

But now, when the fire talisman goes down, there is no light at all.

There seems to be only one explanation, and that is too deep.

"Brother, I want to go down and have a look. You stay here, it's better not to go down yet." Zhang Yu looked at Zhu Jiuzhen.

When Zhu Jiuzhen heard what he said, he immediately walked over quickly and said with a straight face: "Brother, how can you say such a thing? We are brothers who worship each other and swear to live and die together. If you go down by yourself, you won't be able to come up in a short time. If you do, you don’t have to rush my brother to death. Think about it for yourself, if I go down first and you wait above, don’t worry!”

"This." Zhang Yu nodded, and he agreed with these words. If he was asked to wait up there, he might as well go down and take the risk.

"Your brother, I am not a greedy person. Let's put it this way. If you go down by yourself, if you can't come up in half an hour, I, the older brother, will have to go down to find you! With my temper, I will never sit down. Can't stop!" Zhu Jiuzhen said carelessly.

Zhu Jiu is really a sweetheart, which can be seen when the two of them drink. Zhang Yu understood that if he did not agree, he would definitely feel chilled by his sworn brother.

He nodded and said: "Okay, let's go down together. You walk behind me and I will clear the way."

"Sure!" Zhu Jiuzhen nodded happily.

At the moment, Zhang Yu held the money sword in his right hand and pulled out a piece of talisman paper with his left hand. He just shook it and the talisman paper ignited. The yellow firelight was like a flashlight, allowing him to see the steps going down. He took the lead to walk down, and Zhu Jiuzhen followed him. There were stone walls on both sides, and the steps were so steep that there was no end in sight.

All the way down, just walking like this, Zhang Yu estimated that he could go down for more than thirty meters, and finally he could keep his feet on the ground.

Looking around, it is a spacious hall. In the hall, there is a faint light, both on the left and right sides. However, there is still a trace of fog here, which blocks people's sight. At best, you can see six or seven meters away. If it is further away, you won't be able to see clearly.

Of course, this is because Zhang Yu has good eyesight. For an ordinary person, it would be pretty good if he could see someone three or four meters away.

"Where does the light come from?" Zhang Yu muttered.

Zhu Jiuzhen also looked around, but there was nothing special on the other side. "The light seems to be coming from both sides. When we came, it was almost dark. It couldn't be sunlight."

"It's really evil. Let's not separate. Let's go to the left first and see if we can find anything. By the way, it's too foggy here. Just count your steps." Zhang Yu said.

"Yes." Zhu Jiuzhen nodded, clenching his fists tightly as if facing a formidable enemy.

A place like this would inevitably make people nervous.

The two of them faced each other first. Their steps were not large, especially Zhang Yu's span of each step was the same, only about half a meter.

After walking thirty steps, there was a stone wall on the opposite side. The stone wall is very smooth, as if it has been polished, but there is no outline, it is just a smooth stone wall.

"Go to the left." Zhang Yu turned around and walked to the left.

One step, two steps, three steps.

The two of them walked very slowly. Even so, after a while, they could only walk 300 steps.

This distance is not short, but everything seems to be the same as before, the light is still faint, not much stronger than before. There is still fog all around, giving people the feeling of being in a fairyland.

"We have already walked three hundred steps. Why are we still like this?" Zhang Yu said.

"I'm lighting it too. There are three hundred steps in total. Where is this place? Why is it so big?" Zhu Jiuzhen couldn't help but said in surprise.

He then bent down and looked at the ground. The ground was made of stone, and the sound it made was very thick without any holes.

"Brother, everything down here is solid, and there is no rain or mud. Where did this fog come from?" Zhu Jiuzhen said again in confusion.

"I can't figure it out either." Zhang Yu groaned, then closed his eyes and felt everything here with his mind's eye.

In his mind's eye, the surrounding area was dark, and he could not feel the source of the light. It's as if the fog and light are fake and don't exist.

Zhu Jiuzhen saw Zhang Yu closing his eyes at the side, so he did not disturb him. After waiting for a while, he saw Zhang Yu open his eyes, and then he asked: "Brother, how are you? Did you find anything?"

"No." Zhang Yu shook his head slightly and continued: "But it gives me a feeling that we seem to have made a wrong move. Let's go back and start from the beginning."

"Okay." In a place like this, Zhu Jiuzhen naturally had no other choice. He followed Zhang Yu's lead in everything.

The two of them turned around and walked in the direction they came from.

In Zhang Yu's opinion, this is most likely a formation, otherwise, it cannot be like this. If it was just an ordinary place, how could it have not been destroyed for so long?

After walking three hundred steps, the two turned sideways again and walked towards the opposite side. This is the place to come down, only thirty steps away.

One step, two steps, three steps. Thirty steps, thirty-one steps, thirty-six steps!

When Zhang and Yu reached the thirty-sixth step, they were stunned.

The two of them stopped almost at the same time. Zhu Jiuzhen said a little nervously: "Thirty-six steps, brother, how many steps did you choose?"

"Same as you, it's also thirty-six steps," Zhang Yu said.

"When we came, it was only thirty steps. Now we have walked thirty-six steps. Why is there no way for us to come down?" Zhu Jiuzhen looked around. Even though he was like a black iron tower, he could not help but feel a little scared when he encountered this kind of thing. .

"Don't be anxious, wait a moment." Zhang Yu stood there, closed his eyes again, and felt everything here with his mind's eye.

As far as the eye can see, it is still dark, and there is no stairs to go down anywhere.

Fortunately, Zhang Yu has not experienced this kind of thing before. Just like the formation the wheelchair man set up last time, after entering, there is no way back.

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