Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2048 Mechanism

Zhang Yu and Zhu Jiuzhen had a chat, and the two of them had a great time chatting. As the saying goes, when you meet a close friend, a thousand cups are too short.

After chatting for a long time, Zhu Jiuzhen said: "Brother, I heard you say before that Allardyce was able to defeat Mayweather only because you used some tricks. I wonder if you can tell me what it is. What kind of means."

The two of them had already bowed to each other. Of course, Zhang Yu couldn't hide his sworn relationship with his eldest brother, and immediately said: "It's also simple. We in Taoism have a kind of talisman called Shen Da Talu. As long as you wear this talisman or take the talisman, Paper, within a certain period of time, can become iron-clad and invulnerable. Allardyce was able to withstand Mayweather's heavy punches because he took the magic spell at the time. In addition, during the game, I also secretly asked Mayweather used a headache curse and a stomachache curse, so that after being hit by Allardyce, Mayweather was in unbearable pain and lost the game. Of course, this Mayweather is really powerful, and the boxing champion is the boxing champion , Even if I use these methods, Allardyce will only win by a narrow margin."

This is absolutely true. Allardyce was almost knocked unconscious by Mayweather in the later stage. Even after being convinced by the gods, this shows Mayweather's strength.

"You Taoists are really powerful, and you have such a method. Brother Yu, I have a merciless request. Can you teach me the skill of making talismans?" When Zhu Jiuzhen said this, he was very cheerful and did not show any offence.

Zhang Yu said with a smile: "There is no such thing as an unkind invitation between you and me. However, if you want to draw a divine talisman, you need a certain level of cultivation. My brother is not a Taoist, so I am afraid it will be difficult for him to learn it. "

Having said this, Zhang Yu took out a few divine talismans from his pocket, handed them to Zhu Jiuzhen, and said: "These are the divine talismans drawn by my younger brother. If my brother meets a master, he can stick them on his body or burn them." Take the ash. This is all I have in hand now, and I will draw some more to give to my brother when I get back."

"Thank you, brother." Zhu Jiuzhen took the divine talisman and looked at the talisman papers as if he had found a treasure.

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Jiuzhen said: "Brother gave me this self-defense treasure. As a brother, I can't help but express it."

He put the divine talisman into his pocket, then took out a thin booklet and handed it to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu took it and took a look, only to see four big characters written in simplified Chinese - the general outline of the mechanism.

Before Zhang Yu could ask, Zhu Jiuzhen said: "This is the general outline of our machine doors. The art of shutting down machines in the world all evolved from this general outline. But this is not an ancient book, it is my father's handwritten manuscript. The handwriting is also a little ugly. Brother, you are very capable. My brother, even though you generally look down on me, I will give you this general outline. It may be of some help to you. Among this general outline, there is As long as you can develop the samples of the simple and traditional hidden weapons, I can guarantee that there will be very few traps in the world that can defeat you!"

This is a family heirloom, even if it is a manuscript, it is extremely precious. Zhang Yu quickly said: "Brother, this is your agency's treasure, how can I bear it? There is no need to be so polite between you and me, brothers!"

"Brother, you are out of touch when you say this!" Zhu Jiuzhen pushed Zhang Yu's hand back and said seriously: "I am not interested in the art of trapping weapons. This skill has been passed down to my generation. Even if it is lost. I will not pass it on to my children in the future. The reason why I won’t give you that ancient book is because it is a family heirloom and cannot be given away. I don’t know how important this craft is to my brothers. Whether it’s useful to you or not, this is Brother Yu’s intention, so please accept it!”

"That's good. I'll just thank you." Seeing that Zhu Jiuzhen had said this, Zhang Yu couldn't be polite anymore.

Zhang Yu put the general outline of the mechanism into his pocket, and then said: "Brother, you came to my Wudang Taoist Temple this time. I should have been with you for a few days, but I have to go down the mountain to find someone tomorrow and can't accompany you. If nothing happens, brother , you might as well wait for me at the Taoist Temple, and when I find him, I will come back immediately to have a drink with my elder brother."

"Don't be polite to big brother. If you have something to do, just do your thing. I am very free now and have nothing to do. Otherwise, I will accompany you to find someone. I also know some friends in the world, who may be able to help. Maybe I'll be busy." Zhu Jiuzhen said enthusiastically.

Zhang Yu planned to find Shen Qing, and it shouldn't be particularly difficult to find her using the eight-character fortune-finding technique. If you can't find it in Zhenhai, go to other cities and try. If you don't find it in one day, you might find it in two days.

Zhu Jiu was so enthusiastic that Zhang Yu couldn't refuse, so he said, "Since brother is fine, let's set off together tomorrow."

There was a lot of drinking tonight, and the two of them went to rest separately.

Zhang Yu returned to his abbot's bedroom and fell asleep. When he got up early the next morning, Zhang Yu first used the eight-character fortune-seeking technique to check Shen Qing's situation to see if he could find anyone, but the pointer didn't move at all.

If the pointer doesn't move, there are only two possibilities, one is that the person is dead, and the other is that he is not in the "service area". Obviously, it's the latter. Zhang Yu ordered two disciples to accompany him, drove an Iveco, and set off with Zhu Jiuzhen.

Although he didn't know where Shen Qing and Hua Yunong would be, Zhang Yu had a feeling that they would definitely not be in the south, but most likely in the north. So the car went all the way north.

He and Zhu Jiuzhen were sitting in the compartment of the car, with the two apprentices in front. When they were tired from driving, they could change each other. Whenever you come to a city, you must tell him that Zhang Yu can use the eight-character fortune-seeking technique to find him.

This is a long distance, and you can't just chat and drink while sitting in the back compartment. Zhang Yu took the time to take out the outline of the mechanism that Zhu Jiuzhen had given him and look at it.

Turning over the first page, it says - "All the institutions in the world have reached the same goal through different paths, simplifying it into complexity, and hitting the nail on the head."

The earliest mechanism in the world was actually the bear trap invented by primitive tribes. In the later stages, when we started to make a little progress, an important invention appeared, that is, the lock. Locks can take care of people's homes, but the early fish-shaped locks were all of the same style, as if they were carved from the same mold, and one key could open almost all locks.

Therefore, Lu Ban, the founder of the machine door, created a great invention-a key opens a lock.

The invention of the lock opened the long history of the mechanism door. It can be said that almost every institution draws lessons from the lock.

Next is an example. For example, the dark crossbow is hidden in the hole in the stone wall. When a person touches the mechanism, the crossbow arrows will automatically pop out. It's like putting a key in a lock and twisting it. Various secret doors, even if they are not opened with a key, still have something similar to a key. As long as you find it, you can open the door.

The thin booklet can be read in three hours, but the content described in it requires careful study and careful consideration.

As Zhu Jiuzhen said, there are two examples here. One is a sleeve arrow and the other is a lock.

The sleeve arrow is not an ordinary sleeve arrow, it is a chain of sleeve arrows. It looks like a wrist guard, with twelve tubes hidden inside, filled with buttons. As long as the mechanism is pulled, a sleeve arrow will eject. Not only that, in order to avoid hurting yourself, every time a sleeve arrow is fired, the empty tube will rotate by itself, which is a bit like a revolver.

That lock is even more unusual, it's called the Eight Treasures Exquisite Lock. There are eight mechanisms on the lock, only one can open the lock, and the other seven have hidden weapons hidden inside. Once you press the wrong button, the hidden weapon will be released, and the lock will be completely locked and cannot be opened again. The bell hidden inside will make a sound continuously. Such a mechanism is like a modern security alarm system.

After reading this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but secretly admire the wisdom of the ancients. In the past, I only saw this on TV and movies, but now it is possible to learn it myself.

Such knowledge may not be noticeable in modern times, because science and technology are advanced, and if needed, no institution can buy it. Are sleeve arrows more effective than submachine guns? Even this exquisite eight-treasure lock cannot compare with modern anti-theft systems.

But the sentence at the beginning makes it clear - all the institutions in the world reach the same goal through different paths, simplifying it to make it complex, and hitting the nail on the head.

To put it bluntly, there are various changes in the organization, but it is actually the same thing. After you understand it, it is all the same. It is not difficult to break the trap, it only takes a moment, but there is a prerequisite, that is, if you want to break the trap, you must first learn to arrange the trap.

For example, locks have become more and more complex from ancient times to the present, but some people can still easily open the lock with a piece of iron wire. To put it bluntly, you need to find the central control of the lock and break it with a simple push. Even if there are more sophisticated locks, there are also more sophisticated master keys.

Various sophisticated anti-theft systems work on the same principle. As long as the central control of the system is found, they can be broken easily. The only difference is that many central control agencies are located in places with dedicated supervision. If you try to break in, you will be easily hit.

This principle is similar to the formation eyes when setting up the formation, except that one relies on Xuanmen techniques and the other relies on technology.

Zhang Yu did not feel that it was useless, but a thought came to his mind. If he could combine the art of Xuanmen and the art of mechanism, would the effect be better?

For example, if you set up a trap, the person trapped in it is still an expert. In this case, the trapping formation may not necessarily trap people. If you arrange mechanisms in the formation, the power of the formation will naturally be greater. You can even set up traps at the center of the array so that your opponent knows where the array eye is. Even if you can't break the trap on the array eye, it's all in vain.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu became more serious, that is, every time he went to a place, he would use the eight-character fortune-seeking technique. If he didn't find it, he would continue to learn.

After walking for a day, the apprentice in front reported, "Master, we have arrived in Shicheng."

Zhang Yu put down the booklet in his hand, picked up the eight-character fortune-finding chart and Shen Qing's vest, and immediately used the eight-character fortune-finding technique.


At this moment, the pointer in the compass in his palm suddenly started to rotate.

Seeing the pointer turning, Zhang Yu felt happy. When the pointer stopped, Zhang Yu immediately said: "Get off the highway and enter the urban area of ​​​​Shicheng!"

The apprentice driving in front immediately complied and drove off the highway. After getting off the expressway, the apprentice stopped the car, and Zhang Yu sat in the front passenger seat. He could watch the road conditions and direct the forward route more effectively.

The pointer of the eight-character fortune-telling chart does not rotate very much. It just specifies a direction. At best, it needs to be detoured when encountering some buildings. Otherwise, the target's position is fixed.

After entering the city for a while, the pointer on the compass suddenly changed, and the direction it pointed was no longer fixed.

Originally the pointer was pointing forward, that is to say, if you keep going forward, you should be able to find the target. But now, the needle is starting to turn to the right.

"Huh? Why did it suddenly move?" Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment, and then told the apprentice driving the car to rush to the right.

After driving for a while, the pointer continued to change, not to the left, but also to the right, as if there was no definite direction.

Zhang Yu felt more and more that something was wrong. After chasing him for another hour, Zhang Yu became more sure that something was wrong. The reason is simple. The car is almost catching up to the highway entrance.

"What's going on?" Zhang Yu put down the eight-character fortune-telling chart, then spread his right hand, and a white light emerged.

In the white light, Shen Qing was sitting in the back seat of a car. The person sitting next to her was Hua Yunong. Zhang Yu was able to confirm through the car window next to him that the car was in driving condition. Looking at the environment outside, it seems to be on a highway.

Zhang Yu secretly resented that this was really unlucky. He was about to find it, but he left unexpectedly.

We had no choice but to take the highway along the road and follow him.

Zhang Yu's car was an Iveco, and it was obvious that the car Hua Yunong was riding in was a sedan. If Iveco wanted to chase the car, it was almost impossible on the highway.

Zhang Yu chased him all the way to HD. After getting off the highway, it was already dark. To be honest, the eight-character fortune-seeking chart cannot be messed with like this. It also needs spiritual energy to support it. Zhang Yu was certain that there was not much spiritual energy left in the eight-character fortune-seeking chart and it would take time to recover.

Before this, Zhang Yu had never used the eight-character fortune-finding chart for such a long time. This was simply nonsense.

Zhang Yu was still unwilling to give up like this. He guessed that Hua Yunong was going somewhere, and there was a 80% chance that he would find a hotel in HD to stay first. After all, it was getting late. If he persists for a while, he might be able to find the place where Hua Yunong stays.

He continued to persist, and the result was good. He chased for another hour or so, and felt that the aura in the horoscope would disappear at any time, and the place they arrived at was the entrance of the highway from HD to the capital.

"This" Zhang Yu was immediately dumbfounded.

The pointer of the compass suddenly makes a "clattering" sound, which indicates that the spiritual energy in the eight-character fortune-telling chart is gone and it will take some time to recover.

"Master, should we get on the highway?" said the disciple who was driving.

Zhang Yu glanced at his apprentice. From driving all the way, he could clearly see that his apprentice was very tired and had a tired look on his face.

"We can't get on the expressway anymore, so let's find a hotel to stay in first." Zhang Yu said gently.

The apprentice breathed a sigh of relief. If he continued running like this, he would collapse. Now he was driving while fatigued.

Zhang Yu used his circular light technique to look again, and sure enough, Shen Qing and Hua Yunong were still in the car, running on the highway.

His car turned around and went to look for the hotel. Zhang Yu was muttering to himself, what on earth is going on?

If it was a coincidence, Hua Yunong happened to be going to the capital today, but he shouldn't have gone to the HD execution area first.

"Could it be." A thought came to Zhang Yu's mind that he couldn't believe, "It's impossible for her to find me."

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