Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2047 Chapter 2047 Betrothal to Jinlan

"I fell down after drinking." Mr. Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment. Allardyce and Brydon were not weak in physique. Although they had never drank when they were together, Zhang Yu knew that their drinking capacity should not be too bad. .

But when he saw Zhu Jiuzhen opposite, Zhang Yu felt relieved. There are probably not many people in this world who can really drink Zhujiu.

What made Zhang Yu a little surprised was why the others didn't drink down. Allardyce and Brydon fell down first.

Zhang Yu then asked: "What is going on? Logically speaking, they should not lie down first."

"Well, I didn't plan to drink at first, just to meet. It's just that Mr. Zhu asked Uncle Allardyce if it was Mayweather he defeated. After I translated, I didn't even need to say anything, and Uncle Elugao said That's right. Next, Mr. Zhu proposed a challenge, saying that he had always wanted to challenge Mayweather, but never had the chance. Now that he met someone who defeated Mayweather, he wanted to challenge him even more. The uncle originally did not intend to accept the challenge. But Master Ai Lu Gao was nearby and encouraged him, saying that he should not be afraid of his opponent. He felt that Mr. Zhu was just a tall man and a big horse, so it was no big deal. So, the two sides followed the rules of boxing and started fighting with boxing gloves on. "Zhao Huaman said Speak slowly.

"What's the result? Who won?" Zhang Yu asked.

In his opinion, Zhu Jiuzhen is definitely better than Allardyce, but if he simply follows the rules of boxing and is not allowed to move his feet, there may be variables.

"As a result, Junior Uncle was beaten to the ground by Mr. Zhu. Then Senior Uncle Brighton wanted to compete with Mr. Zhu. As a result, he was also beaten to the ground. At that time, a group fight almost broke out. Fortunately, Junior Uncle Li Mingyue He stepped forward to persuade him, so the fight stopped. Then, Mr. Zhu proposed to drink, and also said that he could drink all of us alone. If you are not convinced, you can try Uncle Allardyce. He was already feeling aggrieved. So he agreed. He drank first, and then he got down. Then Uncle Master and Mr. Zhu drank and fell down. Uncle Li Mingyue also went up and drank a bowl. Then he got down too. Now everyone is fighting. Drink. Everyone drank two bowls," Zhao Hua told the specific process.

Now Zhang Yu understood. Isn't this nonsense? With your drinking capacity and your real drinking ability with Zhujiu, you will become a ghost if you can drink enough.

He glanced at the people on the table, and they all drank.

Elugao used to have very fair skin, but now his face is flushed. At this time, she picked up the wine bowl in front of her and said carelessly: "Do it!"

Although my Mandarin is not very good, I can still understand it in one or two words.

Zhu Jiuzhen also raised his wine bowl, and the two drank from it. This bowl weighs a pound. After eating this bowl of wine, Elugao put down the bowl. His body seemed to be paralyzed, and his head was shaking from side to side.

When Zhang Yu saw this posture, he knew it was going to be over.

He quickly said: "Zhao Hua, Eliza, you two help her go back to sleep quickly. Others, don't drink and go back to sleep."

Zhang Yu's words were still very effective. Elugao was carried out, and the other people were swaying, not even walking. Zhang Yu was absolutely sure that if these people drank one more bowl, they would all have to lie down.

After everyone left, Zhu Jiuzhen and Zhang Yu were the only two people left in the room.

Before Zhang Yu could speak, Zhu Jiuzhen immediately clasped his fists and said, "Brother, I have offended a lot of people when I came here today. I made all your disciples drink too much. Forgive me, forgive me."

"Isn't it just drinking? It's not a big deal." Zhang Yu said, found an empty wine bowl, and poured himself a bowl. He raised the wine bowl and said, "My drinking capacity is limited, so let's take a sip with Brother Zhu."

Drink normally, and you won't be able to drink Zhujiuzhen even if you die. Zhang Yu took a sip and drank a full bowl of Zhujiu.

Zhang Yu then said, "Why did Brother Zhu suddenly come all the way to my Wudang Taoist Temple?"

"To be honest, I learned from the news that the person who defeated boxing champion Mayweather was your apprentice. I also like boxing, and I once went to see Mayweather boxing live. From what I saw, if If you don't let me use my feet and just use my fists according to the rules, I will definitely not be able to beat Mayweather. So, I am very curious about this and want to know how you train your disciples. So, I rushed Come here haha." At the end of the sentence, Zhu Jiuzhen grinned and said after a while: "I didn't expect that it was such a coincidence that I met the person who defeated Mayweather here. At that time, I was feeling hungry and wanted to learn a few moves with him. Your little disciple also told you that he was sorry for what happened next, and he was really sorry."

Zhang Yu had seen Mayweather's punches before, and in his impression, Zhu Jiu was the only one who could really fight with him. Of course, if he wasn't allowed to use his feet, Zhu Jiuzhen probably wouldn't be sure. Now Zhu Jiu really thinks so, and it seems that this is really the case.

He shook his head and smiled and said: "To be honest, my apprentice was able to defeat Mayweather through some small means. Otherwise, he would naturally not be able to defeat him."

"But this also further illustrates the power of Taoist mysticism. Brother, I have one more thing to do when I come here this time." Zhu Jiuzhen said.

"Brother Zhu, please speak." Zhang Yu said immediately.

"Last time we were drinking together, I actually wanted to say it. My brother, I, and the girl Yin Ling hit it off immediately, and we were determined to become brothers of the opposite sex. But at that time, brother, you were in a hurry and didn't have time to explain." Zhu Jiu said sincerely. Said: "Brother Yu has formally proposed this meeting. I wonder if brother is willing?"

Zhang Yu didn't expect that Zhu Jiuzhen came all the way this time with the intention of sworn sworn relationship with him.

Zhu Jiu is really generous and a person worth getting to know.

Since he brought it up, Zhang Yu said boldly: "Thanks to Brother Zhu for thinking highly of me, let's marry Jinlan today!"

"Okay!" Zhu Jiuzhen was even more heroic. He continued, "I don't know where Miss Yinling is. Ask her to come with us!"

When Zhu Jiuzhen mentioned Zhang Yinling, Zhang Yu shook his head helplessly and said, "Yinling went home with her father, and I guess she won't be back for a while."

"That's alright, let's sworn sworn friends first, and when we see Yin Ling, we'll include her too!" Zhu Jiuzhen said with a little regret.

"Okay!" Zhang Yu nodded and couldn't help but think of the last time he drank at Zhu Jiuzhen's house. He said with emotion: "I still remember that time, Yin Ling said that you look like Qiao Feng but I'm not like Duan Yu because I'm not handsome."

"Who says it's not the case? At that time, I intended to sworn sworn brothers with you!" Zhu Jiuzhen said boldly: "I, Zhu Jiu, am just a fool. It is definitely a blessing to get to know my brother and sister Yin Ling. As the saying goes, Ning Learn from the three sworn brothers in Taoyuan, and don’t make half-burned incense in Wagang! From today on, you and I are blood allies and sworn brothers of the opposite sex. We share the blessings and share the hardships!"

"Brother, shouldn't we ask not to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but to die in the same year, the same month and the same day, so that we can share the blessings and share the hardships?" Zhang Yu said hurriedly.

"That's not okay!" Zhu Jiuzhen said seriously: "I am much older than you. If I die in the same year, the same month, and the same day, wouldn't you lose the money! Since I am the eldest brother, I will be the first to be in trouble! "

After saying this, Zhu Jiuzhen poured himself a bowl of wine, bit his left index finger, dripped blood into the wine bowl, and placed it in the middle of the table.

Zhang Yu knew that this was called blood-based alliance. Zhang Yu also bit his finger and dripped his own blood into the wine bowl.

The two of them divided the wine, half for each person. Then, Zhu Jiuzhen stood up, came over and pulled Zhang Yu, and knelt down opposite each other in the open space.

They held the wine bowl in both hands and slowly raised the wine bowl above their heads. Zhu Jiuzhen said solemnly: "Brother, today you and I are sworn brothers with different surnames. We vow to live and die together!"

"Brother! Today you and I have become sworn brothers with different surnames. We vow to live and die together!" Zhang Yu also said proudly.

Drain the wine from the bowl and then pray to each other eight times. This is called the eight prayers.

After the ceremony was completed, Zhu Jiuzhen hugged Zhang Yu's shoulders with both hands and shouted sincerely: "Brother!"

Zhang Yu hugged Zhu Jiuzhen's armpits and said solemnly: "Brother!"

The two slowly stood up and hugged each other. When they let go, they looked at each other and laughed. We sat down again at the table and drank happily. Zhang Yu's drinking capacity was definitely not comparable to that of Zhu Jiuzhen, but he still drank three large bowls of wine with Zhu Jiuzhen.

After three bowls of wine, Zhang Yu was a little confused. He couldn't help but say: "Brother's drinking capacity is simply indescribable. The so-called huge amount is nothing more than that. I have been wondering if eldest brother grew up drinking in a wine vat... Hahahaha..."

"I'm ashamed to say that your brother and I don't have any other hobbies in my life. I just like drinking. I heard from my dad that when I was three years old, I saw him drinking, so I went over to join in the fun and insisted on drinking... The result was strange. After drinking The small cup is fine... He said, I was born to drink... Hahahaha..." Zhu Jiuzhen said with a grin.

"Not only is the eldest brother's drinking capacity admirable, but his majestic kung fu is even more admirable!" Zhang Yu said.

"Speaking of kung fu, it's nothing... Everyone knows your details, but I'm afraid you don't know my details yet! Since you and I are sworn sworn brothers to Jinlan, then the eldest brother has nothing to hide from you, so I will give you my details." I’ll tell you the truth!” Zhu Jiuzhen grinned and said, “There are three religions and nine streams in the Jianghu... People like you, brother, are naturally members of the three religions, but I, brother, do not fall within the scope of the three religions and nine streams.”

"If it doesn't belong to the three religions or the nine streams, then what does it belong to?" Zhang Yu asked curiously.

"Besides the Three Religions and Nine Streams, there are also the Outer Eight Elements! These Outer Eight Elements are the Stealing Gate, the Gu Gate, the Organ Gate, the Thousand Gates, the Orchid Gate, the Divine Tune Gate, the Red Handkerchief and the Suo Ming Gate! From ancient times to the present , there are three religions, nine streams, and three hundred and sixty professions, but the outer eight professions are different, that is, they are not included in the regular business, and do not belong to industry, agriculture, commerce, learning, and military. It seems that there are only eight professions, but in fact, These eight sects cover almost all the side sects in Jianghu, and almost all Jianghu schools from ancient times to the present are inseparable from them." Zhu Jiuzhen said eloquently.

Zhang Yu nodded and said: "I have heard of a man named Qianmen Bajiang. I guess it is the Qianmen you mentioned."

He once heard that group of crooks talk about the so-called Qianmen. Those crooks are the eight generals of the Qianmen, and there are also the eight generals of the upper class.

"That's right!" Zhu Jiuzhen nodded and said: "According to legend, Qianmen was created by Fuxi, and its name is 'Qianmen', in order to save the suffering in the world. But as time goes by, the greed of human nature gradually turns into Qianmen. It uses people’s psychology to defraud. Whether it’s gambling or other methods to deceive people, it all falls into this category.”

"I see, then what do you think of Big Brother's agency?" Zhang Yu said humbly.

"The machine door, as the name suggests, is the one who makes the machine door. It can also be said to be a pin. It is said that Lu Ban is the ancestor of our machine door. In fact, it is Zu Chongzhi who can really be said to have created the art of the machine door. After Zu Chongzhi, the tomb's In the Qin Dynasty, there was an ambush with traps. Rumors that there are traps in the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang and ancient tombs of the Han Dynasty are all nonsense. At best, there is only a thousand catty gate. In the Qin Mausoleum, it was also because of too much mercury. It's too toxic, so it can't be opened." Zhu Jiuzhen looked quite proud when he said this.

After hearing this, Zhang Yu thought about it and found that this was also the case. I have been to the ancient tomb of King Zhao Wuling, and inside is the Qianjin Gate. The so-called ambush is the Xuanmen formation and has nothing to do with traps.

Zhang Yu asked curiously again: "I don't know how powerful the trap of this machine door is?"

"In the powerful mechanism, there are quicksand crossbows and locust pits inside. Even if a master of martial arts enters, he will definitely die. With the smooth sea routes in the Ming Dynasty and the introduction of Western eight-treasure turning screws, the mechanism door reached its peak, and even Many masters entered the Shenji camp to serve the imperial court. But in the previous dynasty, because the royal family conquered the world on horseback, they were extremely disdainful of the art of the machine, so my machine door completely flowed into the world. Before Emperor Yongzheng succeeded to the throne, the Internet Countless martial arts masters, some of whom are in our organization, and are first-class masters, have made great contributions to Yongzheng's ascension to the throne. Who would have thought that after Yongzheng ascended the throne, the unfairness of his position would be leaked, and poison and wine would harm the heroes? , not only caused heavy losses to the masters of my agency gate, but also secretly sent masters to kill the people in my agency gate. As a result, many masters had no choice but to change careers, and many of them ended up in the theft gate."

Speaking of this place, Zhu Jiuzhen shook his head and sighed, and then said: "In the early years, my office was always shameless towards burglars. I thought it was all about robbing houses, rats and dogs... To be honest, brother, I My great-great-grandfather, my grandfather, and my father all make a living by robbing tombs. They are mainly responsible for breaking the mechanisms in tombs... But I don’t know if there is retribution for doing this business. None of them have lived past fifty, and they have accumulated I have a lot of money, but I still have money to make money. I still remember that when I was sensible, my father taught me the skills of my ancestors, but he told me repeatedly not to engage in tomb robbing anymore... I am careless, I am not keen on this either, but I like to learn martial arts. I haven’t learned much about the skills passed down from my family, but I have practiced pretty good Kung Fu... Hahahaha..."

Zhu Jiuzhen smiled bitterly, which seemed to be a trick of fate.

"Brother, what ambitions and pursuits do you have in this life?" Zhang Yu asked.

"I..." Zhu Jiuzhen smiled bitterly and said: "Mediocre... apart from drinking and practicing martial arts, I don't seem to have any pursuits... Before my father died, he hoped that I could carry forward the organization and follow the right path... But My kung fu is much better than that of being an organ...hahahaha..."

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