Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2030 Maintenance

Zhang Yu didn't know what to say now, so he simply stayed silent. Miss Allen, who was sitting in front of him, also lowered her head and said nothing.

However, in Miss Allen's heart, it couldn't help but cause ripples, and the scene just now was recalled in her mind.

His own horse threw him away. At that time, he was so frightened that his soul flew into the sky. At the critical moment, it was the man behind her who saved her.

Because she was so scared just now, she didn't have time to think about it. But now that she thought about it, she suddenly realized that this boy in the white robe was so handsome.

The white horse, the white clothes, and the cross-armed horse are so similar to Napoleon's portrait when I think about it at the moment.

Leaning in this man's arms made her feel particularly at ease. The previous fear had disappeared, but this sense of at ease was still there. This was a feeling she had never experienced before.

Not only is he down-to-earth, there is also a sense of mystery about this man. In the hearts of Westerners, the great Eastern countries are a transition full of mystery. Although this country has been humiliated by foreign powers, it will soon recover and become stronger. Many people use this word to describe this country, that is, the Eastern Dragon. Even when he was weak, no one dared to underestimate him, even calling him a "sleeping lion".

Miss Allen can speak Mandarin, so she also has some understanding of Eastern culture. She knew that in the history of ancient Eastern countries, there had been many heroes and scientists. The greatness and wisdom of these people even surpassed those in the West. Among the 100 people who influence the world, two of the top ten are from this country. Einstein is probably 13, but in ranking, he is still behind Cai Lun, who invented papermaking.

The mystery of the ancient eastern country seems to be fully reflected in this man.

The original fall would have broken her bones and muscles even if she didn't die. In theory, no one could save her. As a result, he was inexplicably saved and sat firmly in this man's arms.

When she thought of this, she unconsciously thought of the position of Zhang Yu's hands. One is on top, caught in that spot, and the other is on the bottom, pressed by his butt.

She felt her cheeks getting hotter and hotter, and her heart thumped faster.

"Da da da"

Just as the two were silent, there was the sound of horse hooves behind them, and in a blink of an eye, the sweaty horse came to the side of the big white horse.

The sweaty horse looked up at Miss Allen and snorted softly, as if he was apologizing to his master. It was because he was too incompetent that he threw his master out.

In fact, just now, after Miss Allen fell out, Han Xue Ma also somersaulted on the ground and fell hard. Fortunately, he is tall and in good shape, so there is no serious problem. It quickly got up and came to check on its owner.

When the big white horse saw it coming, it snorted as if to show off, "Huh huh huh huh"

The meaning seems to be telling the sweaty horse, "Girl, you still can't do it. You just fell so hard that you have to compete with me."

The sweaty horse obviously understood what the big white horse meant, and immediately got angry. It snorted angrily, "Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

It seemed to be saying to the big white horse, "I fell down accidentally. Let's compete again if we can!"

The big white horse snorted again in a lively manner, implicitly saying, "I'll compete again, I'm afraid I'll knock you to death!"

Good guys, these two horses started fighting again, "huhuhu" and "huhuhu"

You come and I go, the snoring goes on endlessly.

Although Zhang Yu and Miss Allen, who were riding on the big white horses, didn't know what the two horses were talking about, it could be seen from their postures that they were dissatisfied with each other and were ready to continue fighting.

However, the two horses were quite civilized, fully embodying the spirit of "a gentleman speaks but does not use his hands". They only spat at each other and did not hit each other with their hooves.

In comparison, the owners of the two horses are much more harmonious.

Miss Allen leaned on Zhang Yu's chest, smiled repeatedly, and said, "Look at them, they have been fighting since they first met, and they are still fighting now."

"Isn't it? It's not harmonious at all. We are at peace, so why are they fighting?" Zhang Yu said casually.

"That's right." Miss Allen nodded slightly, her cheeks were burning again. She was embarrassed, and she immediately said forcefully: "Whoever makes peace with you, don't think that you saved me, let's forget about it. !”

"It's already like this, why don't you continue to compete?" Zhang Yu did not expect that Miss Allen would say such a thing.

What Zhang Yu means by this is that he has saved you, and the winner of this round should be decided. There is no need to continue the competition.

But sometimes the person who speaks means the same thing, but the person who listens to the words may not understand it that way.

After hearing this, Miss Allen obviously understood wrongly. She mistakenly thought that when Zhang Yu said "that's all," he meant, "I've already touched you. Do we need to continue our relationship?"

This made Miss Allen even more shy. In order not to show her embarrassment, she said forcefully: "It's okay not to compete, but you"

As she spoke, she subconsciously turned her head back. Zhang Yu, who was sitting behind her, couldn't possibly say that his face was always facing the back of her head, so Zhang Yu put his head to Miss Allen's right shoulder. On the one hand, it was convenient to speak, and on the other hand, he was looking at the two horses. horse.

He just maintained this posture, and the result was great. Miss Allen suddenly turned her head, Zhang Yu couldn't react in time, and the two people's mouths suddenly met.


The second after their mouths met, Zhang Yu was the first to react. He leaned back and said eagerly: "You..."

Almost at the same time, Miss Allen also turned her head, bent down to hug the horse's neck, and pursed her mouth, not knowing what to do.

Her face was as red as red cloth, and her heartbeat was beating faster.

"Huhuhuhu" The sweaty horse was not only a little jealous when he saw his owner suddenly hugging the big white horse's neck, but also snorted at Miss Allen, apparently telling the owner, "You hugged the wrong horse."

But Miss Allen didn't care about it, she was still ashamed.

At this moment, a voice shouted from the side, "Miss!" "Miss Allen!" "Miss, are you okay!".

These people all spoke English, and as soon as they heard the movement, they knew they were their subordinates. Miss Allen was startled and quickly raised her hands to cover her cheeks, fearing that someone would see her feverish face.

She peeked towards the source of the sound and saw that her men were still more than twenty meters away.

Miss Allen hurriedly shouted: "I'm fine! It's a competition, you all go back!"

Everyone stopped when they heard her shout.

From this distance, they could only see Zhang Yu and Miss Allen sitting on the big white horse.

They heard Miss Allen's cry before and thought something happened. As for how Miss Allen was saved, they didn't know.

Seeing that the young lady was okay, they also breathed a sigh of relief. One of the bodyguards said with concern: "God bless, young lady, are you really okay? Do you need to call a doctor? Can we still compete?"

"Do you think I'm in trouble?" Miss Allen deliberately raised her voice and shouted.

"It doesn't look like that," the bodyguard said quickly.

If you can still shout like that, of course it's okay.

"Go back and wait there!" Miss Allen shouted.

"Yes!" "Yes!" "Yes!". The subordinates nodded. Since the lady is fine and she said so, let's go back.

Everyone turned around and walked back. Miss Allen felt at ease when everyone saw that everyone was gone.

However, she was still embarrassed to talk to Zhang Yu, and Zhang Yu was also embarrassed to talk.

Time seemed to stand still, and neither of them made a sound.

But sitting here, Zhang Yu felt that it was not a big deal, so he said: "Miss, you just told me that it's okay not to compete, but I...what do you mean?"

"It's not like I don't have a name," Allen said, lowering his head.

"Then what's your name? I don't know either." Zhang Yu said casually.

"My name is Allen, you can call me Allen from now on. What's your name?" Miss Allen said.

"My name is Zhang Yu." Zhang Yu said.

"I just said this." As soon as Miss Allen said this, she immediately thought of the scene of two people mouth to mouth. Her upper and lower teeth unconsciously lowered her lips, and then she said: "I want to tell you that I am willing to admit defeat and promise you." I will definitely do what I want and leave the person to you. But you have to tell me how you earned the money in our casino."

Casino royale.

In the monitoring room on the second floor, Kane sat in front of the large monitoring screen, his brows furrowed and his face solemn.

Behind him, there were more than ten people standing, all of them looking downcast and with helpless expressions on their faces.

The screen showed the scene in the casino. The three roulette tables on the second floor were still crowded with a large number of gamblers.

Roulette, which used to be unpopular, is now extremely popular.

Fortunately, gamblers have a mentality, that is, "the more you win, the more timid you become, and the more you lose, the more timid you become." This means that when you win a lot, you often don’t dare to place big bets, but when you lose, you don’t dare to place big bets.

At present, many gamblers who have won money have reduced their bets, and some have even stopped when they saw the profit. But because there were some new gamblers, they found that other people were gathering around the roulette wheel to gamble, so they came to join in the fun. From the initial trial to the increase in bets, the casino lost some money.

This wasn't the only thing that worried Kane. The casino on the first floor was a small fight, and the casino didn't have a lot of money. As a result, he suffered heavy losses. The ants are eating the elephants in this game, and the casino can't bear it.

Kane raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist, still muttering in his mind, "When will they come? If we continue to lose, how much money will we have to pay? How will we explain to the superiors then?"

With a click, the monitoring room opened, and a middle-aged man hurried over.

"Manager, manager. Michelo astrologer has arrived"

Upon hearing the middle-aged man's voice, Kane jumped up from his chair.

"Where are they?" Kane shouted.

"People have already gone upstairs and should be there soon." The middle-aged man said.

"Okay." Kane immediately walked outside.

When he came to the door, he saw a middle-aged man in a neat suit walking over. Behind the middle-aged man, there were four other people.

"You must be Mr. Michelo, the eldest disciple of the great astrologer Mr. Shakespeare." Kane waited for the other party to come to him and took the initiative to say hello.

"Exactly." Michelo said with a smile: "You must be Mr. Kane. May I ask what you want to do with me this time?"

"Back then, our casino asked Shakespeare's great astrologer to show us the feng shui, saying that the casino could kill everyone and make money every day. But today, something strange suddenly happened in the casino. The gamblers kept winning money, causing our casino to suffer heavy losses. .Now that the great astrologer is no longer here, I would like to ask Mr. Michelo to help find out if there is something wrong with Feng Shui." Kane said enthusiastically.

"So that's what happened." Michelo nodded slightly and said: "The astrology and Feng Shui bureau of the Royal Casino was designed and arranged by my teacher's teacher's teacher to be precise. This Feng Shui bureau is laid out according to the Lynx constellation. It’s foolproof. It’s just that the Feng Shui Bureau doesn’t say that it will be done once and for all. Every ten years, it needs to be maintained and taken care of. Otherwise, it will easily become ineffective.”

"So that's it. Then please ask Mr. Michelo to help maintain our casino as soon as possible." Kane said eagerly.

"Easy to say, easy to say." Michelo said confidently: "My teacher also gave special instructions before he died about the astrology and feng shui of your casino. Mr. Kane, let's go to the fourth floor."

"OK." Kane nodded.

Immediately, the group headed to the fourth floor.

When he arrived at the place, Michelo went directly to the super large chandelier hanging in the hall.

Kane and others followed him until they came here. Everyone was confused and didn't know why Michelo came here directly.

Michelo looked at the large chandelier above his head, and then said: "Let someone bring a big ladder, and no one else can get down. At this moment, no one is allowed to approach or watch."

"Okay." Kane agreed and quickly obeyed.

On the one hand, he arranged for people to block the entrances to the left and right casinos, as well as the stairwells and elevators. In addition, he had people move in ladders.

The ladder was set up under the lamp, and Kane told the remaining people to leave. No one was allowed to stay here.

Michelo glanced around and saw that there was no one else, then he said: "Turn off the light switch. I'll go up and take a look now."

Kane turned off the light himself, and Michelo climbed down the ladder to the light alone.

This light is a three-color light, blue in the morning, yellow in the afternoon, and green in the evening.

On the lamp panel of the chandelier, three-color light bulbs are placed at random. Some are large and some are small. There are primary and secondary bulbs.

Michelo first unscrewed a blue main light bulb. The bulb looked particularly high-end, especially the position of the lamp head, which was also covered with a small blue crystal.

Seeing this, Michelo was stunned for a moment, and said to himself, "Didn't Master say that when the color of the crystal disappears, the formation will fail? Now that the color of the crystal has not disappeared, how can the formation fail?"

He looked at the lamp head for a while, and thought that it was getting old. Even if the color of the crystal hadn't disappeared yet, it should be soon. Simply, just replace it with a new crystal.

This saves trouble. Without thinking about other reasons, he directly unscrewed the crystal embedded in the lamp head and replaced it with a blue and colorful crystal. After screwing it on, press it into the lampshade again.

In this way, yellow and green light bulbs are also installed.

He came down from the ladder. Kane didn't know what it meant and asked with concern: "How was it?"

"It's done. Remember, no one is allowed to touch the lights here." Michelo said seriously.

"Don't worry, no one dares to touch this lamp." Kane said.

"That's it. Let's see who has the ability to win money here." Michelo said confidently.

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