Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2029 Waving the Pipa

"What!" "Is that a horse?" "I bought it!" "What!" "Meteor!" "Meteor, your sister!"

Not only Zhang Yu's apprentices were stunned, but also Miss Allen's bodyguards and racecourse staff were also stunned now. They were dumbfounded, and some rubbed their eyes hard, thinking they had seen it wrong.



None of these words can describe the unbridled feeling at this moment.

The name of the big white horse is the Jade Lion of Zhaoye. Its body is snow-white without any stray hairs. At night, it emits a silver light.

It's ten minutes past noon, and the sun is dazzling. Under the direct sunlight, the leaping white horse is so fast that it looks like a silver rainbow. It's almost like a shooting star.

With just this leap, those who didn't know better thought that the big white horse had wings attached to its ribs, and it was no different from flying.

Behind the steep upward slope, there are three consecutive obstacles, which are extremely difficult and require the rider and his horse to achieve a harmonious resonance. The landing position must be just right, leaving a certain sprint distance so that the horse can pass these three obstacles in succession while sprinting. If you jump from the wrong place, it will be a trivial matter to waste time, but it may also seriously injure people or horses.

But Zhang Yu's horse jumped directly over the three railings. Even so, he had no intention of falling yet, so he still jumped towards the front position, glided in the air for a distance, and then went down.

In ancient times, there is an allusion about the horse leaping over Tanxi River. The leap of the jade lion at this moment is even worse than that of Lu Du.

Not to mention this, the distance of this leap is further than that of leaping across the Yellow River.

There are motorcycles flying over the Yellow River in China, but there are also explanations for flying over the Yellow River. The Yellow River is 1,500 meters wide at its widest point, and any motorcycle can fly across it. The so-called flying over the Yellow River means flying from the mouth of the Yellow River, which is the narrowest place. Although it is said to be narrow, it is still 55 meters long. It is definitely not easy to fly over on a motorcycle. It is very likely that you will plunge into the Yellow River.

The distance of the big white horse under Zhang Yu's crotch was not only more than 50 meters, but hundreds of meters.

The beautiful silver-white parabola is extremely gorgeous.

Miss Allen rode the sweat horse in front of Zhang Yu and took the lead in crossing the steep slope. She was about a hundred meters ahead of Zhang Yu.

Suddenly, she felt a gust of wind behind her, which made her turn her head subconsciously.

Seeing this, everyone was confused.

In her eyes, a celestial horse descended from the sky. Zhang Yu, who was riding on the horse, had his Taoist robes flowing backward in the wind, making a hunting sound. The Bagua pattern on his chest is particularly eye-catching, making Zhang Yu look like a god descending to earth.


Before Miss Allen could react, the big white horse landed next to Miss Allen.

Straight ahead, there is a deep pit. The pit is not wide, about five meters long and about two meters deep. If the horse falls, it will be hit hard. But after the big white horse landed, it didn't even need to run. It kicked off its hind legs and jumped directly over.

Beyond this deep pit, there is a wider pit two horses' distance ahead. The depth of the pit is still two meters, but the width is up to fifteen meters.

This obstacle is much more difficult than the previous one. It is not something ordinary people can do to jump over such a wide pit in a short sprint distance. Of course, ordinary horses are also in vain. Without enough sprinting distance, some horses dare not jump, but if they jump forward under the inertia, they are likely to fall into a pit.

The Zhaoye Jade Lion is certainly not an ordinary horse, and it is even faster with the Divine Walking Vest. In particular, there is another point. This horse has not been trained. It is just running on its own and does not need to be controlled at all.

This is a shortcoming in normal horse racing. Without good rider control, the horse will sometimes be afraid of obstacles and dare not jump in some places. Moreover, the distance may not be well grasped.

In this competition, it was an untrained horse, which was more suitable for Zhang Yu. If Zhang Yu was given a well-trained horse, Zhang Yu would not know when to signal the horse to sprint, nor when to jump. The rider doesn't know, and the horse is even more confused. It doesn't know whether it should jump where it should take off. No matter how fast the horse is, especially in the obstacle course, every action must be completed at the critical moment. If you miss it, you may be in danger.

Zhang Yu didn't know how to ride a horse, and Zhaoye Jade Lion hadn't been trained either. He was running purely on his own intuition. A good horse is spiritual. It has its own judgment about danger and so on. When it is time to jump, the horse will jump on its own.

After the Zhaoye Jade Lion crossed the first pit, it jumped forward, followed by jumping, and steadily crossed the big pit.

Zhang Yu passed by with his men and horses. Miss Allen was behind him. Miss Allen was a little dumbfounded. She never thought that this guy could catch up. Moreover, the horse was so good that he didn't need to fight. The horse, the horse jumped by itself. The combination of man and horse is simply perfect.

She secretly said to herself, this guy must have been pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

But at this time, her horse had already arrived at the first pit. Logically speaking, the previous step should have been to hit the horse and let the horse take off at this step, but it ended up being a step slower.

Fortunately, Miss Allen reacted quickly and whipped the horse. The bloody horse took a step forward and immediately jumped up, crossing the pit easily.

I jumped over, but there was an accident. Because I jumped one step late, there was only one extra step forward, leaving no distance left for me to sprint. When Zhang Yu's horse came over just now, it took a step forward before jumping.

Horses that have been trained for a long time are different from wild horses that have not been trained. To put it bluntly, it is a bit mechanical, not as responsive as the Mustang, and requires human control. This is a good thing and a bad thing.

Of course, Miss Allen also found that her horse took an extra step, which would definitely affect the next takeoff. At this place, it was too late to stop the horse suddenly. Moreover, she still wanted to chase Zhang Yu. If she stopped the horse by force, it would be too late.

There was no other way, and Miss Allen didn't care so much anymore. She whipped the horse's buttocks with her back hand. After receiving the order, the bloody horse took off and jumped forward.

The horse just jumped over and didn't get the space to sprint. Then he used force to take off. This is almost like a triple jump. Normally, you can't jump over it if you try hard and exhaust yourself.

Fortunately, a sweaty horse is a sweaty horse after all, and the horse's front hooves just stepped on the edge of the pit. However, there is no place for the back kick to land, and it will fall into the pit as soon as it lands. Although the horse is a bit mechanical, it is not a fool. At this critical moment, it also has its own response.

When the sweaty horse fell down, he kicked forward hard with his front hooves, trying to push forward a certain distance with the power of his front hooves. However, the jump just now has already been exhausted again, and this time again, it will be three failures.

The horse's body fell forward directly, its inertia was so great, not to mention that Ms. Allen on the horse was involuntarily thrown away.


The racecourse is more than 3,000 meters long, which is a huge piece of land. Miss Allen's scream at this moment could be heard clearly even by those watching at the starting point.

Miss Allen's bodyguards and racecourse staff were frightened. "This" "Miss." "Miss."

Everyone screamed in alarm, and some reacted quickly and hurriedly ran towards the track. But everyone knows that it is definitely too late, and we can only wait and see how it falls. In such a short time, it is estimated that even if he does not fall to death, he will be half crippled.

They all could hear this exclamation, but how could Zhang Yu, who was in front of Miss Allen, not hear it. Zhang Yu hurriedly looked back and saw Miss Allen falling towards this side in a parabola.

If it were someone else, he might have quickly pulled the reins and called "donkey" to ask the horse to stop quickly, and then dismounted to save the person.

But Zhang Yu is now at least fifty meters away from Miss Allen. When he stops his horse, Miss Allen will probably fall to the ground.

In desperation, Zhang Yu no longer cared whether this was his opponent or not, saving others was more important. Seeing that the parabola drawn by Miss Allen began to go downwards, Zhang Yu hurriedly raised his hand and fired a blast of wind.


The wind talisman shot directly behind Miss Allen, followed by a strong wind, "Whoop"

Miss Allen's falling body slid forward out of thin air, blown by the strong wind.

At the same time, Zhang Yu turned his head and held the reins firmly with one hand.

The jade lion was running wildly at Zhaoye. When Zhang Yu exerted his strength, the big white horse couldn't stand it any longer. It immediately raised its front hooves, kicked off its legs, and stood upright.

Zhang Yu's legs locked the horse's belly. When he saw the person being thrown away, Zhang Yu released his left hand from the reins and raised his hands to catch the person.

The idea was good, but Zhang Yu forgot one thing, that is, it was his first time riding a horse. As soon as his hands took off the reins, his body immediately leaned down and almost fell off the horse. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and grabbed the saddle bridge with my left hand, so I could only face Miss Allen with one hand.

Miss Allen fell face to face. Under the influence of the wind talisman, her body looked delicate, but she was extremely powerful. Zhang Yu didn't have two hands. How could he catch someone with just one hand?

When his palm touched the opponent's body, Zhang Yu's arm was shaken. He was a Taoist, martial arts was not his strong point, and he had never practiced the Great Shift of the Universe. This kind of forced connection requires the arm to be cut off. In a hurry, he subconsciously used a move from Tai Chi to wave the pipa.

Zhang Yu had learned this trick before, but he didn't use it well. It was always visible and unintentional. Unexpectedly, he was so anxious at this moment that he used it just right. He took off the force of Miss Allen's throw to the side, and then twisted it, and Miss Allen's body fell. He was firmly twisted in front of him.

The white horse's front hooves fell immediately, and Miss Allen sat firmly on the horse's back.

Seeing that the person was safe and sound, Zhang Yu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and asked subconsciously: "Are you okay?"

"Huhu. Huhu." Miss Allen's face turned pale with fear, and there was no color on her face. She sat on the horse and began to breathe heavily.

Her body seemed to have no strength at all, and she lay softly in Zhang Yu's arms. She gasped for a long time and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm fine, thank you," Miss Allen said weakly.

"It's okay." Zhang Yu said calmly.

"You" Miss Allen didn't know what to say.

He was originally competing with Zhang Yu, but unexpectedly his horse stumbled and he fell out. In the end, he was rescued by Zhang Yu. By this time, the outcome was basically decided.

She was a little embarrassed in her heart, she felt so unsatisfied. I was thinking about saying a few more words, but I said "thank you" before saying anything else.

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