Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2011: Evil-Cleaning Curse

The magic of attracting luck!

If you use this trick at the gambling table, it can be said to be a tried and tested method.

The last time Zhang Yu picked a gambling boat by himself, he relied on this skill.

The orange-red partial wealth and luck flow was directly rolled up by the transparent silk thread.

But something unexpected happened next.

The originally rich orange-red air flow became lighter and lighter as it was pulled over, and when it was in front of Zhang Yu, it was gone.

Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment, and he was extremely surprised as to what was going on.

At the moment when he was stunned, Zhou Jiafu, who was sitting opposite, suddenly changed.

Behind Zhou Jiafu, an orange-red figure appeared. The figure held his hands flat, as if holding a large ingot. However, the figure disappeared in an instant, turning into a ball of orange-red air and reappearing above Zhou Jiafu's head.

"What is this?" Zhang Yu was secretly frightened. His luck-absorbing method was almost perfect despite being tried and tested. He only failed once with Longhuachi, but he succeeded in the end. As for how he succeeded, he didn't know.

At that time, my cultivation level was limited, but now, my strength is extraordinary. If I encounter Long Hua Chi again, I will definitely hit the mark with every shot.

The situation encountered this time was obviously different from that in Longhuachi. Why did this happen automatically to Zhou Jiafu.

While he was thinking about it, the receptionist next to him made a gesture of invitation to him, "Sir, please take a seat."

"Thank you." Zhang Yu said.

Having been in Yingjili for so many days, even with Zhang Yu's intelligence, he could not understand a word of English.

The other person said, "Sir, please take a seat." Zhang Yu said politely and sat down in his seat.

Immediately afterwards, the four people had to exchange chips, each worth 10 million pounds.

This was a huge gamble. Zhang Yinling was far away, so just seeing the chips didn't give her much of a shock. But when Cheryl and Eliza saw so many chips, their bodies were obviously trembling.

They know that this is all money!

The chips are placed and the dealer begins to deal the cards. Zhang Yu already knew the general rules, and at the gambling table, even if he didn't understand the language, he didn't actually need to say too many words. There were special gestures to represent it.

It's just that Zhang Yu's luck-absorbing technique didn't work, and he had no confidence at all if he wanted to win against the opponent. He tried to use the luck-absorbing method again, but the result was the same as last time. After the orange-red partial wealth luck was pulled out, it became lighter and lighter and disappeared. Behind Zhou Jiafu, an orange-red figure appeared, and finally turned into a person with partial wealth.

There are rules for gambling here. As long as you sit down and start the game, you can never just play and leave. Either the time has come, or one of the players has lost all the chips on the table and indicated that they will no longer gamble any more.

How is it possible to win when gambling with someone who is extremely wealthy? That woman, who is nearly forty years old, bets very steadily, but she also loses money. Allardyce obviously gambled a lot, and he analyzed the poker game very clearly, and knew when to follow a bet and when not to follow.

Zhang Yu is different. He just knows which cards are big and which are small. He has no experience at all. If luck is not on your side, you basically have no choice but to lose.

Anyway, Zhang Yu was willing to take the risk. It was just ten million pounds. If he lost, he would lose.

In one hour, Zhang Yu lost all the chips on the table.

The croupier immediately asked Zhang Yu if he wanted to increase his gambling capital. Ajiu came over to help Zhang Yu translate. Zhang Yu shook his head and said with a smile: "I only brought 10 million, I didn't prepare that much. Let's prepare more tomorrow and then gamble again." "

After saying that, he spread his hands helplessly.

In this hour, Allardyce lost four million, and the middle-aged woman also lost almost the same amount, but Zhang Yu lost the most.

Zhang Yu did not leave immediately, but walked towards Zhou Jiafu.

Arriving in front of Zhou Jiafu, Zhang Yu took the initiative to extend his palm and said with a smile: "I didn't expect to meet Chinese people here. It really feels like meeting an old friend in a foreign country, which makes people very friendly."

Seeing how polite Zhang Yu was, Zhou Jiafu stood up, shook hands with Zhang Yu, and said politely: "Knowing each other is fate. It seems that your luck today is not very good."

"Who says it's not right? Let's take a good bath tonight and let's continue playing tomorrow." Zhang Yu said, holding the Mu Lei Jue with his left hand and directly copying Zhou Jiafu's shadow.

This Zhou family is a bit evil, and it seems that gambling is not enough. Zhang Yu decided to be more direct and use the Five Thunder Curse to directly force the Zhou family out.

Zhou Jiafu smiled slightly and said, "Being respectful is worse than obeying orders. Let's meet at noon tomorrow."

"Okay." Zhang Yu said with a smile: "I don't know if I will live here forever. This is really a paradise on earth. I plan to live here forever."

"I have long decided to live here forever." Zhou Jiafu also smiled.

"Brother, I live in several buildings. When we have nothing to do, we visit each other. I live in Building XX." Zhang Yu reported his house number.

"I live in Building XX. If you have time, you can move around more." Zhou Jiafu nodded and said.

The two were polite, and Zhang Yu said goodbye and left.

Allardyce and others followed him.

After going downstairs and leaving the casino, the little girl couldn't help but said: "Why did you still lose?"

Cheryl, Allardyce, and Eliza didn't understand what she said, but the three of them also had doubts in their hearts, and they all looked at Zhang Yu.

In their opinion, they should definitely win if they follow Zhang Yu to gamble. Even if Allardyce loses, Zhang Yu should win. The result was so unexpected, Zhang Yu lost 10 million pounds in one fell swoop!

Zhang Yu also cares about such numbers. Even if he has money, it is quite frustrating to throw ten million pounds into it and not even hear a sound.

But Zhang Yu still smiled freely and said: "Isn't it normal to win or lose? Don't worry about it."

As he said this, Zhang Yu was thinking about how Zhou Jiafu could have such bad fortune.

Fortunately, I have the Five Thunder Methods, so I don't necessarily have to rely on this.

They returned to the villa, and in the evening the others came back. Everyone was gambling in the casino today, and it was quite painful to play. However, they lost more than they won, and they were all dejected.

Everyone was surprised when they heard that Zhang Yu lost ten million pounds. Obviously, no one believed that Zhang Yu would lose money.

Everyone had their own fun in the evening, some wanted to gamble again, and some wanted to go swimming. Zhang Yu played with them as he pleased, which made everyone happy.

Everyone else went to play together, leaving Ajiu and Zhang Yu in the villa.

Ajiu said: "Mr. Zhang suddenly lost ten million pounds today."

He was worried about Zhang Yu. He came to arrest people, but he lost so much.

Zhang Yu said with a smile: "It's no big deal. Wait until tomorrow and the target will follow us obediently."

"Really?" Ajiu couldn't believe it.

"Just wait and see." Zhang Yu said confidently.

After saying that, he walked upstairs and entered his room.

Lying on the bed, he was not in a hurry and took a nap first.

That night.

In the bedroom of a villa, Zhou Jiafu and a middle-aged woman were lying on the bed. The woman is Yang Wu, Zhou Jiafu's wife.

Zhou Jiafu had a cigarette in his mouth and seemed a little melancholy.

Seeing that something was wrong with her husband's expression, Yang Wu said, "Jia Fu, I won almost 20 million pounds today, why are you still so depressed?"

"So what if I win money? Apart from gambling every day, I don't know what to do. I'm afraid that as soon as I leave here, I will be captured by people from China." Zhou Jiafu said helplessly.

"Then let's not leave here. Here, as long as we have money, we can still eat, drink and have fun. Besides, you don't have to be upset. I have already sent someone to take the painting to the auction. The person who bought the painting is really trying to find out about us. Clues. First lead them to Scotland, and then to Mexico. They will no longer be able to determine where we are." Yang Wu said confidently.

"That's what I said, but I feel like we have been exposed. In the past two days, two groups of Chinese people have come to the luxury VIP room, and they are all gambling with me. I suspect that they are sent from China." Zhou Jiafu said.

"Don't be suspicious. If they are sent from the country, how can they get so much money to bet with you? You are not the only wanted criminal on the run. Have you ever seen anyone in the country who has used such great force against someone?" Yang Wu said.

"I also hope that I am suspicious." Zhou Jiafu smiled bitterly.

Then he took a drag of his cigarette.

"Okay, stop smoking and go to bed quickly. I will also suffer from second-hand smoke with you. We have so much money in our hands that we will never be able to spend it all in a few lifetimes. When the limelight comes, I plan to travel around the world." Yang Wu said softly.

"Okay, okay," Zhou Jiafu put out the cigarette butt.

But then, he bared his teeth and said, "Tsk, tsk."

"What's wrong?" Yang Wu asked with concern.

"I suddenly felt a little cold." Zhou Jiafu said.

"How can it be cold? The temperature of the air conditioner is moderate, but I still feel a little hot," Yang Wu said doubtfully.

"It's really cold." Zhou Jiafu crossed his arms and huddled under the quilt.

"Is it because I have a cold?" Yang Wu reached out to touch Zhou Jiafu's forehead and said in surprise: "Why is it so cold?"

"I don't know. I suddenly felt cold," Zhou Jiafu said, trembling.

"I'll get you some cold medicine and drink some hot water." Yang Wu got up immediately, found the cold medicine, took a cup of hot water, and adjusted the air conditioner to the maximum temperature.

Zhou Jiafu took medicine and drank water, but his body was still shivering. He was still shivering after a long time, and he looked even colder.

"Why is it so serious all of a sudden? What should I do?" Seeing that her husband was getting heavier and heavier, Yang Wu panicked and said, "Otherwise, I will ask someone to find a doctor."

"No need. I, I have a way." Zhou Jiafu said, suddenly clasping his palms together and starting to mutter, "\u0026amp;\u0026amp;\u0026amp;\u0026amp;###\u0026amp;\u0026amp;\u0026amp;"

His wife could not understand a word of what he was reciting.

But after a while, Zhou Jiafu's body was no longer trembling as badly as before.

"Huh?" In another villa, Zhang Yu was sitting cross-legged on the bed, with a light mirror appearing in his right palm, watching Zhou Jiafu's every move.

Zhou Jiafu would suddenly get cold, and it was naturally his doing. The Water Thunder Technique not only made people sweat, but also made them feel cold.

At this moment, Zhou Jiafu clasped his palms together and kept mumbling, which seemed to make his body relax a lot, which really surprised Zhang Yu.

"What is he thinking? He can actually resolve my Water Thunder Technique?" Zhang Yu was secretly surprised. He never expected that Zhou Jiafu would have such ability.

"Is it impossible to say that this guy can also do magic?" Zhang Yu obviously didn't believe it, but everything in the circular light mirror made people believe it.

Not long after, Zhou Jiafu put down his hands and seemed to be fine.

"Okay." Zhang Yu was stunned, and then used the round light technique.

He then grabbed the Mu Lei Jue, then shot out Zhou Jiafu's shadow, grabbed the Fire Thunder Jue with his right hand and hit it upwards.

After the beating, Zhang Yu used the round light technique again. In the light mirror, Zhou Jiafu seemed to be fine.

"This" Zhang Yu was completely stupid.

On Zhou Jiafu's bed, Yang Wu saw that her husband was fine, and said in confusion: "Jiafu, what happened just now? It's suddenly cold. What did you mean? Now he's fine again."

Zhou Jiafu said with a serious face: "Someone is using evil magic to plot against me!"

"Ah?" Yang Wu was startled and asked quickly: "Is it true or not? It's impossible to do magic, right?"

"There is something that I have been hiding from you. That is, three years ago, I suddenly had headaches all the time. I went to the hospital for a check-up. The doctor said that I had brain cancer and that I would not survive for a year, even if I had surgery. Even cranial surgery has little chance of success." Zhou Jiafu said seriously.

"This" Yang Wu was even more shocked and stammered: "You, aren't you a good person now? Don't scare me all the time."

"What I said is true. I was in a desperate situation at that time, and I had prepared my will. However, I was still thinking of ways to survive. I heard people say that there is a magical place in the Western Regions, and there are many terminally ill patients. After arriving there, I miraculously survived. Of course, the probability is not high, everything depends on fate. So, I went to the Western Regions alone. At that time, I told you that I was going abroad to discuss business. There, I was lucky enough to meet Fanseng Buddha, he said that I have a predestined relationship with Tantric Buddhism, baptized me, and taught me the "Cleaning Mantra", saying that as long as I recite this mantra, I will be immune to all evil. After I come back, I went to the hospital for a check-up and my brain cancer miraculously disappeared. So, I admired the Buddha even more."

"There is such a thing, then why didn't you tell me?" Yang Wu said with some dissatisfaction.

"If I tell you, it will only cause you trouble." Zhou Jiafu said.

"Then you can tell me the curse to cleanse the evil spirits." Yang Wu said.

"This spell can only be used by those who have been baptized. Others cannot use it. My father-in-law, Taishan, said that this is my fate." Zhou Jiafu said calmly.

"My dad knows it all! Okay, just keep it from me!" Yang Wu said again dissatisfied.

"I didn't tell Lao Taishan, it was Lao Taishan who saw it himself. I have to admire his clever calculation." Zhou Jiafu said with emotion.

"What kind of clever plan? If it was really a clever plan, our family would be in this situation today." Yang Wu looked unbelieving.

"The old man didn't let me bid for this project at first." Zhou Jiafu said with a sigh.

"Since you obeyed him so much and he didn't even let you pick it up, how come you still won the bid?" Yang Wu immediately stared.

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