Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2010 The building is empty

Today's Allardyce can be said to be in great glory. After the game, he and Cheryl were not idle. The reporters seemed unwilling to leave him and surrounded him. They not only wanted to do interviews, but also Do exclusive interviews.

Zhang Yu, Zhao Hua, and Brighton left first and returned to the hotel.

They waited at the Hilton Hotel until after nine o'clock in the evening before the Allardyce couple came back. It is not difficult to see that Allardyce is glowing and drinking a lot of wine. They continued to stay here that night, and returned to the Casino Royale the next morning.

Entering the villa where they were staying, when Zhang Yinling, Kaka and others saw Allardyce, they all called him the boxing champion, which made Allardyce look very embarrassed.

He knew best how he defeated Mayweather. Without Zhang Yu's secret help, he probably would have been KO'd by Mayweather in the first round.

Everyone was happy and said that Allardyce became the boxing champion yesterday. Cheryl had bet 400,000 and won the most this time. She must treat him to dinner.

Cheryl was in a very good mood, so there was no problem with the treat, so everyone could just do whatever they wanted and have fun.

But while eating, Zhang Yu always felt something was wrong. He and Shen Qing had agreed on the phone before that the bet played during the day yesterday would definitely be lost. After losing, let Shen Qing and Hua Yunong say that they are here and willing to help.

It stands to reason that Hua Yunong should have called him whether he agreed or not, but why there is no news now.

Zhang Yu opened his palms and used the Circle Light Technique.


For a moment, Zhang Yu was stunned.

All he saw was darkness in the round light, and Shen Qing could not be seen at all. This happened once before, when I was looking for Xiao Mingshan, I couldn't see Xiao Mingshan even with the round light technique. At that time, Xiao Mingshan was trapped in the formation, which made Zhang Yu's round light technique useless.

At that time, Zhang Yu didn't have a particularly deep understanding of the Round Light Technique. Later, he strengthened his understanding and realized that the Round Light Technique is not omnipotent. It will also have no effect if the distance is particularly far. After all, the circular light technique is also divided into levels. In the early stage, a circular light appears in the palm of the hand. If you want to see what a person is doing, you can basically see it. In the middle stage, the round light can be as big as a plate. In the late stage, the round light is like a big mirror, and can even be sent and received freely. Anyone who wants to see it can see it. To put it bluntly, they are almost like the gods on TV.

This spell is similar to the Western crystal technique, but most Westerners need a crystal ball with mana to control it, while Eastern Taoists use pure mana to control it, which shows how difficult it is.

Zhang Yu is still in the early stage, and the circular light technique cannot yet see the whole world. If it exceeds the range, it will also be completely dark.

Zhang Yu was a little confused. Yingjili wasn't very big. Could Shen Qing be trapped by someone?

Zhang Yinling, who was standing next to her, saw Zhang Yu's abnormal reaction and asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing." Zhang Yu shook his head and smiled, and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

He got up from the table and walked towards the bathroom.

In the bathroom, he took out Shen Qing's cell phone and made a call.

It says all in English, "Sorry, the number you dialed is power off."

Based on Zhang Yu's experience of making phone calls in China, this sentence means "the phone you are dialing has been turned off."

"It's turned off. It shouldn't be. Could something have happened?" Zhang Yu couldn't help but worry.

Zhang Yu really couldn't figure out what would happen and who would catch Shen Qing.

He immediately opened his palms again and examined Hua Yunong.

This look surprised him again.

Within the circular light, there was also darkness, and Hua Yunong could not be seen at all.

"Why is she gone? Something happened to the two of them together." Zhang Yu took a breath.

Based on everything that happened between him and Hua Yunong, even if nothing could happen between the two of them, Zhang Yu couldn't ignore it if Hua Yunong was in danger.

Zhang Yu gritted his teeth, thinking that he needed to visit Hua Yunong's villa.

After leaving the bathroom, Zhang Yu called Ajiu, and together they left the restaurant and headed to the villa where Hua Yunong lived. When we arrived at the place, there were still foreign Japanese bodyguards guarding the entrance of the villa.

Zhang Yu came closer and said directly: "Is Miss Hua who lives here here?"

Ajiu translated, and the bodyguard spoke English after listening. Ajiu translated to Zhang Yu, "He asked us who we are?"

"I am Miss Hua's friend." Zhang Yu said.

Ajiu continued to translate, and the bodyguard said: "The person who lives here did not check out, but did not come back last night. Since you know each other, let's contact him by phone."

After hearing the translation, Zhang Yu was stunned again. He didn't check out and didn't come back after leaving. He went somewhere.

Hua Yunong's phone number in China has long been empty. Zhang Yu now only has Shen Qing's phone number, but she still turned off her phone. Where can she go?

Zhang Yu became worried. Hua Yunong came to Zhou Jiafu to gamble. He obviously had some conspiracy. There must be something weird in this.

Now that the person is gone, could it be related to Zhou Jiafu?

"Zhou Jiafu! It seems I have to meet this guy in person!" Zhang Yu said in his heart.

He turned around and left. Ajiu followed him and whispered, "Mr. Zhang, do you have any friends here?"

"A friend from the domestic business world, I didn't expect to meet him here the day before yesterday." Zhang Yu said casually.

"That's it." Ajiu nodded and said nothing more.

Zhang Yu didn't want to go back to the restaurant to eat. He walked towards where he lived, thinking in his mind, what should he do now?

"Ring ring ring"

Just then, the cell phone in his pocket rang.

Zhang Yu thought it was Shen Qing who was calling, so he hurriedly took out his cell phone and was a little disappointed when he saw the caller ID. The phone number is not Shen Qing, but Yang Wenbin.

He put it to his ear to answer and said, "Hello, hello."

"Hey, Brother Zhang, how's the situation over there?" Yang Wenbin's voice rang on the phone.

"I've seen Zhou Jiafu with my own eyes, adopted brother, where are you?" Zhang Yu said.

"I bought the painting at a transaction price of 13 million pounds, but the owner of the painting was not the person we were looking for, just a middleman. I spent a lot of money to learn from this middleman that I entrusted him The person who sells the paintings is in Scotland. I originally wanted to ask if you have met a target there. Now that you have met, who is the person who entrusted a middleman to sell the paintings in Scotland?" Yang Wenbin was quite surprised. He said in confusion.

"I am here, and the only person I have seen with my own eyes is Zhou Jiafu. In addition, his wife seems to be here as well. Could the Scottish person you mentioned be the third target?" Zhang Yu guessed uncertainly.

"This." Yang Wenbin thought for a while and said, "I have dealt with Zhou Jiafu in the shopping mall, and I also know the situation here at the Royal Casino. If I go to the casino to meet Zhou Jiafu, I'm afraid this guy will think that I'm going to catch him, I'm afraid I'll shrink back even more. Brother, is there any way you can catch him?"

"There are too many bodyguards and surveillance here, so it's not easy." Zhang Yu said.

"I also know that this matter is very difficult, right? As far as I know, Zhou Jiafu is a good gambler. I even played cards with him. Everything in the Royal Casino is about money. If you have money, you can If you can live here forever, if you run out of money, you have no choice but to get out. Many people have fled here, but they have lost everything because of the extravagant life here and were invited out. There are even precedents of people who have no choice but to return to their country and surrender. Brother, you Can you think of a solution from here?" Yang Wenbin suggested slowly.

"Find a solution from here." Zhang Yu muttered, and then thought of what Shen Qing said, Hua Yunong asked Bai Tianfang to rely on high technology to win Zhou Jiafu's money. And he also planned to make Zhou Jiafu submit after winning the money.

Yang Wenbin's method is very similar to Hua Yunong's method. It seems that there is only one way to catch the person hiding in Casino Royale.

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll give it a try."

"I know, you must have a way. If you have any problems, call me and I will take the middleman to Scotland to check. Let's keep in touch." Yang Wenbin said.

"No problem." Zhang Yu agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Ajiu next to him said, "It's Mr. Yang calling."

Zhang Yu nodded and said truthfully: "My adopted brother also got some clues, saying that he is going to Scotland. On our side, we need to find a way to win all the target's money at the gambling table and force the target to be kicked out of the casino. ."

"This is a good idea." Ajiu nodded and said.

"That's what I said, but that Zhou Jiafu is probably gambling in the luxury VIP casino on the fifth floor. If you want to become a luxury VIP, you must not only have money, but also have a VIP as an introducer. I don't know where to live here. It’s familiar, I’m afraid it’s not easy.” Zhang Yu said.

"This." Ajiu thought about it for a while and said, "Mr. Zhang, if it was two days ago, it would definitely not be easy. But it is different now. Allardyce just defeated boxing champion Mayweather, and he was unparalleled for a while. If we say, he It shouldn't be difficult to apply to become a luxury VIP. Once he becomes a VIP, it will be a matter of course for him to introduce you."

"Yes." Zhang Yu nodded repeatedly and said, "This is a good method."

As Ajiu said, Allardyce is definitely different now. The man who beat Mayweather is not an easy man.

Just when we were having dinner, when the waitress saw Allardyce, she was extremely surprised and extremely attentive. Some punters who were dining took the initiative to say hello, shake hands warmly and take photos when they saw Allardyce.

Zhang Yu didn't go back to the villa. He called Zhao Hua directly and told everyone to meet at the casino.

To be honest, Zhang Yinling's gambling addiction is not small. When she heard about going to the casino, she didn't even eat. Not only him, but Brighton, Kaka and others are also gearing up.

Except for Wang Jie, they all made a lot of money last time, and they plan to continue winning with Zhang Yu.

Meeting on the first floor of the casino, Zhang Yu told Allardyce his plan and asked Allardyce to apply to become a luxury VIP first, and then bring him in.

Allardyce naturally didn't hesitate, and first went to the casino on the third floor together. Cheryl and Brighton exchanged their lottery tickets and then went upstairs.

If it was in the past, if Allardyce wanted to take the initiative to apply to become a luxury VIP, he would definitely not be qualified unless someone recommended him. Today is different from the past. Allardyce's name alone is enough to become a luxurious guest here. Of course, the premise is that ten million pounds must be spent.

After he finished his work and became the honored guest, he immediately invited Zhang Yu to become the honored guest.

Zhang Yu didn't have enough cash in his hand, so he could only transfer 100 million domestic money through his bank card and exchange it to become a high-level VIP.

In terms of exchange rate, the casino actually suffered a loss and made a profit, so Zhang Yu had no choice but to accept it.

Later, Zhang Yu took Zhang Yinling and Ajiu, and Allardyce took Cheryl and Eliza upstairs together. The others were free to move around. Even if they had won money before, they were not allowed to mess around. If they wanted to play, they could only at first floor.

This is Zhang Yu's spit. You can play for a while, but you can't indulge. With these words, the guys were full of energy and immediately went downstairs to have a decisive battle with the casino.

The reason why Allardyce was asked to take care of Cheryl and Eliza was because it seemed more natural. Otherwise, it would be quite inconsistent to bring a Chinese person along.

Zhang Yu and others stayed on the fifth floor, and a reception girl took the initiative to greet them and asked them what they liked to play.

In a place like this, the casino does not involve anyone in any gambling game. It only charges fees and allows the gamblers to make their own bets. If there are few people, the casino will find a way to accommodate you.

They had agreed in advance, and Allardyce said directly: "Haha."

When the girl heard this, she immediately made a gesture of invitation and said: "There are two gentlemen who are also preparing to instigate trouble. They are waiting because there are not enough people. Please come with me."

Allardyce looked at Zhang Yu. After Ajiu translated, Zhang Yu nodded and smiled and said, "I'm going to the bathroom, please wait a moment."

He wanted to open his eyes. He couldn't ask for his fingers at the gambling table. He had to go to a place where no one could see him.

Today is the first time I bet at the gambling table, and the girl didn’t say what the two people who wanted to bet and instigated did. If it's Zhou Jiafu, then naturally it's best. If not, you have to continue to sit down and gamble. Otherwise, it would be nothing, and it would easily make people suspicious.

But no matter what, Zhang Yu didn’t want to lose.

A gambling capital of 10 million pounds would be equivalent to 100 million in domestic money, which is not a small number. I don't know how to bet. Don't catch Zhou Jiafu, and then I will get hundreds of millions in a muddle-headed way.

He went to the bathroom and opened his eyes. When Zhang Yu came out again, air currents of various colors appeared above everyone's heads. Zhang Yu took a brief look, and the career luck flow above Allardyce's head was very eye-catching.

They followed the girl to a gambling hall. The gambling hall was very large, with an oval gambling table in the middle, and beside it stood the croupier and the girl who paid the odds.

In addition, there were two people sitting next to the gambling table. One was sitting directly opposite the door. This was a Chinese. Zhang Yu recognized him at a glance. He was Zhou Jiafu. The other one is a foreign ghost woman who looks like she is forty years old and is covered in famous brands.

The girl introduced him, and because of Allardyce's fame, the foreign ghost woman couldn't help but look at Allardyce a few more times. Zhang Yu was not surprised. The woman didn't even look at him, but Zhou Jiafu opposite him kept looking at her.

Zhang Yu also glanced at Zhou Jiafu. Above Zhou Jiafu's head, the orange-red flow of wealth and luck was still so strong.

This made Zhang Yu secretly surprised. When a person's fortune goes awry, he really can't stop it. But the Zhou family should have won a lot before, so why hasn't it ended yet?

Of course, Zhang Yu was not afraid of his partial wealth. He flipped his palm and a transparent silk thread shot out from his palm, directly hitting the orange-red airflow above Zhou Jiafu's head.


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