Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2002 High Technology

After letting the three people in during the day, only the seat opposite Zhou Jiafu was left on the table. During the day, he went directly there to sit down, while Shen Qing and the young man went to sit on the sofa in the row behind the Filipinos.

The reason why I sit here is because during the day, if I turn my head slightly, I can see Shen Qing. This will help him grasp the signal easily.

When the four people arrived, a dedicated staff member came over and swiped their cards with a machine, deducted 10 million pounds from each person's funds, and then handed them 9.9 million pounds in chips. This 1% fee is equivalent to the casino's water money.

100,000 pounds per person is not a small amount, but on the gambling table, 100,000 pounds is nothing.

The chips are arranged, the smallest chip is 100,000, the largest face value is 1 million, and there are also 200,000 and 500,000.

The four of them exchanged a few polite words and then started betting.

The dealer first takes out the poker, spreads it out, and asks everyone to check the cards to make sure there are no more or less, then shuffle the cards, and then put the poker into the card shoe.

Each of them threw in a 100,000 pound chip as the ante, and the dealer began to deal the cards. They were betting on Five Card Stud, which in Mandarin is called "Suoha". There are also other names such as Five Cards and House.

The dealer dealt out the hole cards and then dealt out the bright cards to the four people, and the person with the highest card spoke.

The bright card played during the day is an Ace of Spades, which is the biggest card in the game. The opposite card of Zhou Jiafu is the 2 of Hearts, the white card of Frank Lampard is the 9 of Diamonds, and the card of the Filipino Fu Chai is the Diamond. Q.

During the day, Fang Fang took a look at his hole card, which was an Ace of Hearts. He was secretly happy that he was very lucky today.

He immediately threw in a half-million chip and said: "In the first game, it's smaller, half a million."

Zhou Jiafu looked at his hole card, which was a club 6, a small 2 and a small 6. It was really not that good. He threw the card away and immediately surrendered and stopped playing.

Lampard also surrendered, and Fuchai followed suit, but Fang came up with another club ace during the day, which forced Fuchai to surrender.

According to the rules of the casino, the poker cards are changed every game to prevent anyone from leaving marks on them or doing other tricks. Especially for this kind of big gambling, management is even stricter. This 400,000 water money is not in vain.

The staff collected the cards and put them in a shredder for destruction. Then he took out a new pair of playing cards, and the colors on the back of this playing card were completely different from the previous pair. This approach also prevents someone from stealing cards and replacing them. Usually in a casino, there are hundreds of different suits of poker, and it is very difficult to win.

The croupier continued to deal the cards. In the second round, he dealt another big card during the day, and his first hand was a pair of kings. He shouted another five hundred thousand. Zhou Jiafu looked at the cards and saw a 3 and a 5. They were just bad cards. Following the bet would not mean seeking death, so he threw away the poker and surrendered.

In this way, for the past ten games in a row, Bai Tianfang, Lampard, and Fuchai all had big cards, while Zhou Jiafu's bright card was either a small 2 or a small 3, and the biggest one was also a 7.

He gave up ten games in a row. Even so, he lost one million at the end of the game.

Seeing that Zhou Jiafu didn't follow in every game, Bai Tianfang said deliberately: "Brother Zhou, why don't you follow in every game? You are being too cautious. In this case, even if you lose the bottom, you will be dead."

Zhou Jiafu smiled helplessly and said: "I really want to follow, but how can I follow this card? The biggest one is a 7."

The croupier continued to deal the cards, and in the eleventh round, Zhou Jiafu finally came up with a big card. The bright card was a diamond K. Lampard and Fu Chai's cards were not big, a 9, a 6, and Bai Yunfei was a 1. There was a 4 of hearts. He looked at the hole card and saw that it was a 4 of spades.

Seeing that he had a pair, Tian Tian laughed and said: "It really didn't bother me to talk about it. This time it's Brother Zhou's turn to speak."

As he said that, he looked at Shen Qing deliberately. This means asking Shen Qing to send him a signal, because when the cards are dealt, Shen Qing can get the status of the cards through the X-ray transmitter.

It was a bit urgent to put it out during the day. I had agreed in advance that it would only be used when it was an enemy card, but the time had not come yet. But Zhou Jiafu gave up ten rounds in a row, and he couldn't hold back his anger.

Shen Qing seemed careless, but in fact she had been secretly observing Tian Fang. When she saw Tian Fang asking, she immediately scratched the tip of her nose casually with her finger.

This tells Bai Tianfang that the opponent's trump card is A. Then, Shen Qing took out a cigarette from her bag, lit it for herself, and started smoking.

Now Bai Tianfang felt confident, and then he heard Zhou Jiafu say: "It's such a rare opportunity, I have to get my capital back no matter what. One million!"

Zhou Jiafu dropped one million and looked at Shen Qing again during the day. Shen Qing held the cigarette in her hand and put it on her mouth. She tapped her nose with her thumb and took a puff before flicking it. After flicking the cigarette ashes, the originally hooked ring finger stretched out.

These are three signals. There are so many poker cards in the card shoe, and the X-ray sensor cannot be said to be at such a long distance. It can sense all the poker cards at once. This distance can only sense the first three cards.

Touching the nose is a natural A, flicking the ash is a 6, and the ring finger is a 4.

After learning the trump card during the day, he felt secretly happy and deliberately picked up the chips with his right hand.

Lampard was thinking about whether to follow him, but when he saw him like this, he hesitated again, shook his head, and surrendered with a snap of his cards.

Fu Chai threw in one million and followed, and during the day he also followed one million.

The dealer continued to deal the cards, and the card dealt to Zhou Jiafu was indeed an A. Fuchai got a 6, which made it a pair of 6s. During the day, he got a 4, and together with the hole card, there were three 4s in total.

According to the cards, Fu Chai is the biggest, so he has the say. Fuchai smiled and said: "It was already 1 million just now. This time it cannot be less than 1 million."

He took out 2 million chips and threw it in.

During the day, when I was looking at Fu Chai, I could also see Shen Qing, so turning around to look at her seemed very natural.

Shen Qing was flicking the ashes from her cigarette, then she took a puff of the cigarette and scratched her finger from the middle of her body to the tip of her nose.

In this sense, the three hole cards below are 6, K, and A respectively. During the day, he made quick calculations. If he followed the bet, Zhou Jiafu would get an ace after the cards were dealt.

So, even though he held three 4s, he chose to surrender. Zhou Jiafu unambiguously followed 2 million, and the croupier continued to deal the cards.

Fuchai was dealt a 6, and Zhou Jiafu was dealt a K. No one had three famous cards. Fuchai's was three 6s, and Zhou Jiafu's was two K's and an A.

Fuchai's hole card, he had inadvertently told Bai Tianfang, was a J. The next card dealt to Fuchai must be an A, depending on what card was dealt to Zhou Jiafu.

During the day, he pretended to be fine and looked at Fu Chai, but in fact he looked at Shen Qing. Shen Qing knew he would look over, smoking and placing her thumb on the person. In other words, Zhou Jiafu will get a K.

Seeing this gesture, Bai Tianfang almost stopped crying. This was too embarrassing. If the bet continues, Fuchai will definitely lose, especially with the current card. Fuchai has three 6s on the card, so it is impossible to surrender directly.

Fuchai was holding the chips and thinking about it, gritting his teeth secretly during the day, and then naturally placed his hand next to the cigar box he had taken out earlier.

This means telling Fu Chai that everything will fall at once.

Fu Chai didn't know what was going on now. Seeing him act like this during the day, he thought he would definitely win. He immediately showed a hint of arrogance and said, "How much do you have on the table? I'll bet you everything!"

Zhou Jiafu looked at it and said calmly: "There are 5.8 million."

"Okay!" Fuchai pointed out the chip and pushed it directly.

This time, it was Zhou Jiafu's turn to think about it.

You know, if you lose all your money at once, it is equivalent to losing 10 million pounds, which is equivalent to 100 million pounds in domestic money.

He hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "I'll follow!"

Immediately, he pushed out all the chips of everyone in front of him.

The dealer dealt the cards and dealt an A to Fu Chai and a King to Zhou Jiafu. Because it has already been shuttled, no additional bets are allowed, only cards can be opened.

Casinos have casino rules, but it's not about making money on the street. There are no restrictions. Just like some cockfighting gambling, also called three-card gambling, if there are three or more companies that don't give up, then they have to follow until the end. In this way, it is easy for people with little money to win big names and still lose because they have no money to continue following. This is hurting others with your own merits. If this is a bet, not many people can bet on Li Chaoren.

The casino calculates according to the table to avoid such a situation of hurting people with their own money.

The two sides opened the cards. Zhou Jiafu's three kings and one ace were greater than Fu Chai's three sixes, and he won the game.

Afterwards, the gambling game continued, and Zhou Jiafu failed to get any big cards in several consecutive games, so he gave up. After more than twenty games, he got a handful of decent cards. After following, even if he played all the tricks during the day, he lost in the end. .

In the blink of an eye, the sixty rounds were over. After using sixty decks of cards, Zhou Jiafu gave up fifty-seven rounds and won three rounds in total. Looking at the chips on the table, Zhou Jiafu still has the most.

They had previously set a time for gambling from one o'clock to five o'clock, four hours. Unless one family lost all their chips and did not want to add more, the gambling would have to continue.

Under normal circumstances, sixty decks of cards would be enough for them to play until five o'clock. Because Zhou Jiafu had surrendered too many times, he had used up all sixty decks of poker at three o'clock.

This is nothing, the casino would be ruined without poker. The croupier immediately asked someone to bring another sixty decks of cards and continued gambling.

But at this moment, Bai Tianfang was a little confused.

There was no other reason than that they had prepared sixty decks of cards before. This kind of cheating poker is difficult to take out after it is stored in the warehouse. Once discovered, the problem will be huge. Therefore, the people they bribed did not dare to bring too many mark pokers during the day. Once it is used up and destroyed in one day, no one will know and everything will be fine. After all, warehouses work in shifts, and it’s not just one person who has the final say.

Bai Tianfang also thought that Zhou Jiafu could be dealt with in sixty rounds, God knows what will happen.

It's definitely not possible to say no to gambling right now, so I can only bite the bullet and continue.

The ante bet is placed and the dealer begins to deal the cards.

This time, Zhou Jiafu's famous card was a spade K, Lampard's famous card was a diamond queen, Fu Chai's famous card was a club nine, and the famous card played during the day was an ace of hearts. During the day, Fang Fang took a look at his trump card, which was an Ace of Spades. He was secretly happy in his heart, but he kept it secret on the surface and lost half a million chips.

Zhou Jiafu chose to follow the bet, Lampard and Fuchai both followed the bet, and by the way told Tian Fang their trump cards. Lampard's hole card was a K, and Fuchai's hole card was a 9.

The croupier continued to deal the cards, and dealt out an Ace of Diamonds to Bai Tian, ​​Zhou Jiafu got a Jack of Spades, Lampard got a 10 of Diamonds, and Fu Chai got an 8 of Spades.

Now I don’t know what cards are in the card shoe. I played it during the day because the bright card was a pair of Aces and it couldn’t be too weak, so I simply bet 2 million. By the way, Lampard and Fuchai both wanted to follow suit.

Zhou Jiafu also followed the bet, and the dealer dealt the cards and gave Bai Tian an Ace of Clubs. When he saw this card, he almost jumped out of excitement, good guy, now he has all four Aces in his hand. Zhou Jiafu got a 10 of spades, Lampard got a jack of diamonds, and Fu Chai got a 9 of diamonds.

Talking during the day again, he smiled and said: "Three Aces, what a coincidence."

As he said that, he glanced at Fuchai and Lampard. Lampard had the least chips on the table.

Bai Tianfang followed up and said: "Lampard, how much money do you have on the table? I'll take it all."

Lampard counted them and said: "There are still 3.2 million."

"Then 3.2 million!" Bai Tianfang pointed out the chips and threw them up.

Zhou Jiafu hesitated for a moment and then called. Lampard looked at Bai Tianfang, who signaled him to give up.

At that moment, Lampard laughed and said: "The 9 of diamonds and the ace of diamonds are both showing up, so I won't go for a flush."

He gave up directly, and it was Fuchai's turn. Fuchai also got the hint from Bai Tianfang, shook his head and said, "I'm not going either, you two let's fight."

Then, he surrendered.

The dealer continued to deal the cards, dealing out a 5 of spades to Tian Tian and a queen of spades to Zhou Jiafu.

As a result, Zhou Jiafu got a straight flush, spades K, Q, J, 10.

The croupier stretched out his hand toward Zhou Jiafu and said, "Talking to your face."

Zhou Jiafu hesitated for a moment and said, "How much more do you have? I'll take it away!"

His voice was loud, but it lacked some confidence.

I counted the chips during the day and found that the chips on the table for both people were about the same. During the day, the chips were slightly less. When counting, he deliberately looked at Fuchai, thinking that he knew the suit of the 9 in Fuchai's hole card.

Fu Chai put his hand on the table with his index finger slightly sticking out, which told Tian Fang that his trump card was the 9 of hearts.

That is, there is a 9 of spades outside.

The chips were counted, and Zhou Jiafu pushed his own chips out first. Fang kept staring at Zhou Jiafu during the day, and suddenly found that Zhou Jiafu's hands were shaking slightly when he was pushing the chips.

Just now, Zhou Jiafu didn't seem particularly confident when he said "It's over". During the day, he said to himself, "There are so many more cards. What a coincidence, it's the 9 of spades! Damn it, I think it's probably the 9 of spades." Steal the chicken!”

Having made up his mind, Bai Tianfang gritted his teeth again and pushed out the chips in front of him.

Then, he turned over his trump card and slammed it on the table, "How dare you steal the chicken in front of me! The Ace of Spades is here!"

That's right, his trump card is the Ace of Spades.

But Zhou Jiafu opposite him smiled faintly and said: "Four aces, that's amazing. It's a pity that the nine of spades can kill you."

Zhou Jiafu flipped over his hole card lightly, and it turned out to be a 9 of spades.


"This round, Mr. Peter Zhou wins!" The croupier immediately announced the result.

The two girls who had lost their chips immediately cleared the chips and placed all the chips on the table in front of Zhou Jiafu.

Then, the croupier looked at Tian Fang again and said, "Mr. Bai, you have lost all your chips. Do you want to add more?"

Now that this is the case, cheating can no longer be done, so let’s just forget about it. After all, from this game, we can already see whose side luck is on.

However, people who gamble often do not believe in evil and believe that they will definitely win back the next game.

Especially now, I have lost everything on the table. How can I make a deal when I go back to see Hua Yunong? I made a mistake last night, and I promised to win today. If I go back like this, I will be scolded by Miss Hua.

During the day, he gritted his teeth and said that he would add 10 million chips.

But according to the rules, if one family loses all and adds more chips, if someone among the other three has less than 5 million chips, they must increase it to 10 million, otherwise, the game will be ruined.

Lampard and Fu Chai saw that they had to add more during the day, so they had no choice but to do the same.

This is great. Without cheating, one of the three loses miserably. By five o'clock, they had lost 30 million during the day, and Lampard and Fuchai had lost nearly 20 million each.

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