Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2001 Partial wealth

"What's going on?" Seeing Zhang Yu hesitate to speak, Shen Qing asked in a low voice.

"Nothing, I was just thinking that there are so many surveillances here. It is easy to come in at night, but it is difficult to go out during the day." Zhang Yu deliberately changed the subject.

This is also true. There are too many surveillance cameras. I came in through the heavy fog at night. I don’t have any magic weapon with me at the moment. It’s obviously not that easy to prevent another heavy fog.

"This." Shen Qing thought about it and said, "It's actually not difficult."

"How?" Zhang Yu asked curiously.

The corners of Shen Qing's mouth turned up. After such a long time, she finally had a smile. Shen Qing said: "If several neighbors have cats and dogs of the same breed, can you identify whose family they belong to?"

"If you are not familiar with it, you will definitely not recognize it." Zhang Yu said.

"That's it." Shen Qing then said cutely: "If there are several foreigners living in a house, and you are not familiar with it, can you tell who has sneaked in?"

"Of course." Zhang Yu's eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "You mean, the bodyguard at the door won't recognize me."

"Miss Hua brought more than 20 people this time. It's very normal for everyone to come in and out. When you come in, you sometimes check your identity, but when you go out, you never do it. In the eyes of foreigners, our appearance , In fact, it’s almost the same. Plus I don’t talk to them, so it’s hard for them to tell the difference.” Shen Qing said seriously.

"That's right, that's right." Zhang Yu said with a smile: "Shen Qing, you are too smart."

"I'm pretty smart to begin with." Shen Qing's little mouth pursed.

"It's not time to cry just now." Zhang Yu teased deliberately.

The distance between the two people was already close, but when Shen Qing pouted her little mouth, she almost touched Zhang Yu's mouth. She didn't notice it at first, but when Zhang Yu spoke, his breath sprayed on her lips, which made her realize that the two people were too close.

Her pretty face turned red again, her heart pounded wildly, and her upper and lower teeth bit her lower lip unconsciously. Then, her head slowly lowered, and her forehead gently rested on Zhang Yu's chin, as if she was embarrassed to look at Zhang Yu in this situation.

Seeing Shen Qing being so shy, Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel nervous, thinking to himself, what did I say wrong? How could I let her be like this?

Shen Qing's hair was right in front of his nose, making Zhang Yu feel itchy. Zhang Yu had nothing to say, so he deliberately said: "That"

"What?" Shen Qing asked in a low voice.

"Well. Just now you said you were smart. Let me test you to see if you are really smart..." Zhang Yu deliberately changed his subject.

"Test to test..." Shen Qing raised her head and looked at Zhang Yu.

"The question is very simple. A fool and a smart person are separated by just one thought. Let me see if you are really smart." Zhang Yu pretended again. Now at least Shen Qing's hair no longer bothers his nose.

"Say." Shen Qing said curiously.

"Why can frogs fly?" Zhang Yu asked seriously.

"How can a frog fly? I don't know..." Shen Qing said.

"Because it took the magic little pill. Let me ask you again, why does the snake fly?" Zhang Yu said slowly.

"Because it took the magic pill." Shen Qing replied immediately.

"Wrong! Because it ate a frog. Let me ask you again, why can the eagle fly?" Zhang Yu asked seriously again.

"Because it ate a snake." Shen Qing said bluntly.

"You are stupid!" Zhang Yu laughed, "Eagles can fly!"

"You... you are stupid, you tricked me..." Shen Qing's hand was originally on Zhang Yu's body, but now she simply twisted it on Zhang Yu's arm.

" hurts, it hurts..." Zhang Yu smiled and pretended to be in pain.

"Let's see if you dare to tease me again..." Shen Qing pursed her lips again, her appearance even more beautiful. Because Zhang Yu had just teased her, the atmosphere here became much more relaxed.

"I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore..." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Disgusting..." Shen Qing's mouth uttered these two words unconsciously.

Generally speaking, when a woman really hates a man, she will never say these two words. This is an irony. Usually you only say you hate something when you like it.

The two of them were so close, and Zhang Yu cared for her in every possible way and made her laugh. At this moment, Shen Qing's heart felt particularly warm.

It doesn't matter if one person sleeps alone in the curtain. But if two people are lying inside, this dim and hazy effect is particularly emotional.

Women are all emotional, and the same is true for Shen Qing. Unconsciously, she gently closed her eyes, raised her chin slightly, and pursed her mouth slightly.

It can be said that this situation is difficult for any man to refuse.

Such a wonderful person almost offers her lips for you to pick. Zhang Yu's heart trembled, and he quickly told himself, no, no, she and I are just friends, we can't mess around!

"Well." Zhang Yu quickly thought of a way to change the subject, "By the way, how many people live in your villa. Although the foreign devils at the door can't tell, your people can still be sure that I am not one of your own."

When Shen Qing heard what he said, she had no choice but to open her eyes, with a hint of loss in her eyes. She said quietly: "I will go to dinner with them later, you can just go out at that time."

"Let's write down the phone number now and contact you then." Zhang Yu said still a little nervously.

"Yeah." Shen Qing responded softly, and after dawdling for half a minute, she reluctantly moved away and picked up the mobile phone on the bedside.

The two of them left their phone numbers, and Shen Qing's phone number already belonged to Yingjili.

Next, Shen Qing got out of bed like a rabbit. On her body, she only had a thin vest and a pair of shorts.

She deliberately locked the door again, then went into the bathroom to wash up and change her clothes. Zhang Yu also washed himself and put his shoes on the bed.

As agreed upon, Shen Qing went out first to join Hua Yunong, Bai Tianfang and others. They left the villa and went to the hotel for dinner. After a while, Zhang Yu left the room alone and went downstairs.

He seemed calm and natural, without any rush, as if he lived here.

Don't worry, Shen Qing's words are absolutely correct. When you enter the villa, the bodyguards at the door will check you, but when you go out, they will not stop you. Especially Zhang Yu, who wore a neat suit and didn't look like a thief. There was nothing wrong with his expression, so he mistakenly thought he was from Hua Yunong's side. Hua Yunong brought so many people. They came and went from time to time, and the bodyguards of the villa were also used to it.

Even when I met Zhang Yu for the first time, I mistakenly thought he was from Hua Yunong.

After leaving the villa, Zhang Yu walked towards his own villa. His speed was very slow, just like walking. Even if he was out of sight of the security guard, his speed was still not fast.

The manor is not small, and I walked around for a while before arriving at the middle of the manor. No matter what time of year, the scenery here is picturesque, but Zhang Yu was in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery here. He was just thinking about how to take Shen Qing away.

It is easy to take Shen Qing away, but it is not easy to take Grandpa Shen away with him. He needed to find someone from Hua Yunong. Although the two of them had nothing to owe, in Zhang Yu's heart, he was a little afraid to see this woman. Even he himself didn't know what the reason was. Maybe he took someone's first blood and he couldn't be held responsible.

He was thinking wildly when he suddenly heard footsteps from the right direction. Judging from the sound, there are quite a few people.

Zhang Yu subconsciously turned his head to look, and saw a group of people approaching from a distance. The person walking in front was a middle-aged man. Beside the middle-aged man, there were six people following him. These six brothers looked like bodyguards at first glance. Four of them are Chinese and the other two are foreign devils.

However, Zhang Yu's eyes were not on these six people, but on the middle-aged man.

Because he had met this middle-aged man more than once, but this was the first time he saw him in person.

That's right, this person is none other than the target Zhang Yu is looking for - Zhou Jiafu.

Zhang Yu looked at Zhou Jiafu and said to himself, "He is indeed here. It's really effortless to find someone who can't find anything."

To be honest, it is not difficult to capture Zhou Jiafu. Isn't it just six bodyguards? They can take care of everyone with just a raise of their hands. But what will happen if I take it down? The casino will soon discover it, and I don’t know how much trouble it will cause. This is not the country, it is England, the territory of the British. If he was allowed to take people away like this, he probably wouldn't have to mess around.

Zhang Yu didn't move, just watched quietly. In front of him there is a circular fountain. He was on the right side of the fountain. Maybe Zhou Jiafu saw him standing here and chose the other side to walk over. Zhang Yu still stared at Zhou Jiafu, always looking at this face.


Suddenly, Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment, and saw that Zhou Jiafu's face was glowing red and he was having good luck.

According to Zhang Yu's guess, the person Hua Yunong wants to plot against is most likely Zhou Jiafu. From what Shen Qing said, they had already made plans and brought high technology to gamble with Zhou Jiafu. They were absolutely sure of winning and would definitely win money.

But looking at Zhou Jiafu's face, it doesn't seem like this is the case. If a person loses money, especially if he loses a lot of money, his face will definitely be full of bad luck and will never be glowing.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Yu pretended to bend down and prepare to tie his shoelaces. But then he discovered that there were no laces on his shoes at all, so he simply took them off, pretending that they were separated from his feet, and the shoes were empty. Taking this opportunity, he bit open the middle finger of his right hand with his teeth and scratched it in front of his eyes.

When he put on his shoes again and looked at Zhou Jiafu, he had already reached the position opposite him. Because there were so many of them, and there were various air currents floating above their heads, it was difficult to see who belonged to whom.

Zhang Yu walked around the pool and met again on the side leading to the casino. Zhang Yu seemed to be walking in the direction of the casino casually, taking the opportunity to look at the airflow above Zhou Jiafu's head.

The top of Zhou Jiafu's head is full of luck. The green career luck is very weak and it seems that he has no career. The pink love luck is pretty good. The white health luck is a bit weak and belongs to a sub-healthy state. But the wealth luck is overwhelming. Normal wealth is red, which represents good wealth, but the top of Zhou Jiafu's head is filled with rich orange.

In wealth luck, there are positive wealth, partial wealth and windfall wealth.

The orange color represents partial wealth, that is to say, Zhou Jiafu's partial wealth luck is extremely strong. What is partial wealth? To put it bluntly, it means unexpected wealth, which is a symbol of getting something for nothing. Opportunities that are not encountered can be unexpectedly encountered.

This is actually similar to windfall, both are obtained without hard work. However, there is one biggest difference between the two. The difference is that wealth luck can be long-lasting. Money comes to find people. To put it bluntly, if you sit at home every day, your wealth cannot escape. When the time comes, you can at least pick up a wallet when you go out to buy groceries.

Windfalls have a time limit. For example, if you have a windfall today and your luck is very good, you have to buy lottery tickets or play mahjong or something. It is best to be proactive. If this time is missed, the windfall will disappear automatically.

Just like Sister Biao, when they first met, Zhang Yu said that she had a windfall that day and asked her to buy lottery tickets quickly. Sure enough, Sister Biao won the prize. If she didn't go, she would definitely miss it.

Nowadays, Zhou Jiafu has such a strong fortune on his head, Zhang Yu secretly thought, with this fortune, he might not lose money if he gambles.

He thought so in his heart, but he didn't stop and still walked towards the casino.

After entering the casino, Zhang Yu walked directly to the elevator. Elevators are naturally indispensable in casinos, but there are also different levels of elevators. Just take the elevators on the 2nd and 3rd floors. To go to the elevator on the 4th floor, you need to take the VIP elevator and show your VIP card. If you want to go to the 5th floor, you have to show your VIP card.

Zhang Yu saw with his own eyes that Zhou Jiafu and his party entered the elevator to the fifth floor. He couldn't follow them at this point. No matter how capable he was, he couldn't force his way in.

Zhou Jiafu and his party went up to the fifth floor. He seemed to be very familiar with this place and went straight to a luxurious gambling hall.

The rule here is that you can bring people in, but no more than two. Zhou Jiafu brought a Chinese bodyguard and a foreigner bodyguard walked in.

The gambling hall is very large, with an oval gambling table inside. On one side of the gaming table, stands a beautiful female dealer in her twenties. There are two girls next to him who are responsible for the compensation, and they can also be regarded as assistants.

The three of them stood neatly, with two positions at each end of the gaming table, and two positions opposite the female dealer, for a total of four.

There is a white line drawn around the gaming table, which obviously prohibits the entry of idlers.

In the distance around, there is a row of sofas and coffee tables, allowing girlfriends, bodyguards, etc. to sit here and wait. After all, some people are not particularly comfortable with this kind of gambling and need to have someone by their side to feel at ease.

There was already a white foreigner sitting at the gambling table. Zhou Jiafu made a gesture to the bodyguard to sit on the side. He walked over directly and said in English with a smile: "Lampard, you're here so early. "

"I'm always used to arriving early. You've been very good with your hands these past two days. You must be merciful today." The foreign devil stood up and said with a smile.

"You're lucky, but if you raise your bet today, it won't be so. I hope you can show mercy." Zhou Jiafu also said with a smile.

He walked to one end of the gaming table and sat down. After a while, another black Filipino came in. But beside the black man, there were two blond white girls.

Call it discrimination against black people, but it also depends on whether you have money. If you have money, there will still be a lot of white girls taking the initiative to embrace you.

The nigger also sat down at the gaming table, and after waiting for a while, Shen Qing, Bai Tianfang, and a young man finally arrived belatedly.

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