Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1998 It’s her!

"Which building is it in?"

Zhang Yu frowned and couldn't determine which villa it was. After thinking about it for a while, he had a plan in his mind. He opened his palms and a white light appeared in his palms.

In the circular light mirror, Zhou Jiafu was lying on the bed sleeping, with a middle-aged woman next to him. Because his face was on the outside, Zhang Yu couldn't see his appearance.

It's getting late now, and it seems that this guy has a pretty regular schedule.

Zhang Yu looked at the surrounding villas. It was so foggy that he couldn't see clearly. He had to walk a few steps before he could barely see the light from the villa's windows.

He took a rough look and saw that several surrounding villas had lights, but only one was completely dark.

From the specific location, it was impossible to tell whether it was the villa that the man entered. Zhang Yu decided to go in and take a look first.

Taking advantage of the heavy fog, he slowly approached the villa and climbed in through the side courtyard wall. There was no light in the entire villa. Zhang Yu climbed up to the balcony on the second floor gently and deftly. The balcony door was closed. Zhang Yu stretched out his hand and twisted it gently. There was almost no sound, and the door opened.

He first looked inside and saw a large bedroom, similar to the villa room they lived in.

There are screens, wardrobes, etc. in this half, and there must be a bed behind the screen. He was about to go in, but then he felt that it couldn't be done. He came all the way, and his shoes were covered with water. If he went in like this, he would definitely leave footprints.

There are four rooms in the villa. If there is no one in this room, and I have to continue searching, wouldn't I have to leave shoe prints on the floor? It's okay if it's the person you're looking for, just take the person away. If not, you still have to leave.

The next morning, people found footprints on the ground, which must have meant someone came in at night. There is a thief in the Royal Casino, which alarms the people here and is also a problem.

To ensure safety, Zhang Yu took off his shoes and stepped inside. After closing the door gently, he picked up his shoes and walked tiptoe behind the screen.

After coming to the screen, there is a large square bed. The bed is very big, enough to sleep three people. The bed in the room in Zhang Yu's villa is also this big, which is normal. At that time, when he was using the round light technique to look at Zhou Jiafu, Zhou Jiafu and his wife were lying on the big bed.

There were exquisite curtains around the bed, and it was too dark in the room to see if there was anyone inside.

Zhang Yu stretched out his hand and gently grabbed the curtain, preparing to pull it open. Unexpectedly, at this stall, the sound of opening the door suddenly sounded outside.


The sound was not loud, but Zhang Yu heard it clearly. His heart tightened. He never expected that someone would suddenly open the door.

With Zhang Yu's hearing ability, if there were footsteps, they would never escape his ears. When he walked over, he didn't make any sound. He could definitely hear anything moving outside.

There was no sound of footsteps and the door opened directly. What's going on?

It was definitely too late to run outside now. In desperation, he had no time to think too much and decided reflexively that he could not be seen by others.

He subconsciously opened the curtain and got in directly.

When he got to the bed, he realized that there was a person lying on the bed.

With a click, the lights in the room turned on.

This lamp is in front of the screen and is not particularly bright, so there is only a faint light on the bed behind the screen.

However, the light was enough for Zhang Yu to see clearly the person on the bed. Zhang Yu only took a look and saw that the person on the bed was sleeping soundly, with his back to his side, covered with a quilt, and only his head exposed. This should be a woman with very long hair. The woman was obviously asleep, breathing evenly and silently.

Slow footsteps sounded, coming from behind. Zhang Yu cried out in his heart. If he left now, it would definitely be too late.

The quilt on the bed was so big that Zhang Yu simply got into it and kept praying, "Don't come up, don't come up."

While he was muttering, Zhang Yu suddenly realized something was wrong. The man's footsteps were very light, and it didn't sound like normal footsteps entering his room.

Normally, people don't feel so light when they go home. But then I thought about it, was this person afraid of disturbing the people resting on the bed?

He was thinking wildly, and the man had already come to the bed, which happened to be on the woman's side.

"Xiaoqing, are you asleep?" A man's voice sounded.

The voice was not loud, and it seemed that he was afraid of disturbing the people on the bed.

The most important thing is not this, but that this person speaks Mandarin.

"It seems right that he is a Chinese. But the person on the bed doesn't seem to be the target." Zhang Yu muttered in his mind.

There was no movement from the woman beside him, and Zhang Yu then heard that the man seemed to have opened the curtain.

"Xiaoqing, are you asleep? I have something to tell you." The man said again in a low voice.

Such a sound can only be heard by people who are not asleep. People who are asleep cannot hear it at all.

The woman was still silent, but Zhang Yu became even more nervous. Fortunately, he was a little far away from the woman. Even if the woman woke up, she would not be able to feel his presence.

In his opinion, a man should not be a woman's husband, but maybe a friend looking for something to do with the woman. This made Zhang Yu reluctantly breathe a sigh of relief. The man probably wouldn't come up, and he would definitely wake up the woman next.

However, the next sound surprised Zhang Yu.

It turned out that the sound he heard was a man's proud chuckle, "Hehehehe. You can't fly out of my hand."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment.

Immediately, Zhang Yu heard the sound of taking off his clothes, and the man outside started to take off his clothes.

Zhang Yu's heart tightened again, and he asked secretly: "What do you mean? Don't you have trouble with the woman on the bed? Why did you start to take off your clothes when you didn't wake me up? Isn't it because you want to go to bed to do something?"

Listening to this meaning, they are probably inseparable.

As long as this man comes up, he will most likely be discovered.

Zhang Yu gritted his teeth and said to himself, "Brother, I'm really sorry. Although I don't know what your relationship is, when you come up, I can only ruin your good deeds."

He made up his mind to knock the man unconscious as soon as he came up, and then set up a phantom formation to make the man forget about this problem.

But at this moment, there were rapid footsteps in the corridor, and then, with a click, the door outside was opened again.

"Who?" the man said nervously when he heard the voice.

But after saying this, he seemed to realize that he shouldn't speak out, and subconsciously covered his mouth. Obviously, it's too late.

A woman's voice sounded at the door, "Let it go during the day, it's me!"

This woman's voice was cold, but it sounded so familiar to Zhang Yu's ears.

Zhang Yu couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart, "It's her"

The reason why the voice is so familiar is naturally because this woman has a very close relationship with Zhang Yu.

That's right, this woman is none other than Hua Yunong!

"Miss. Why are you here?" The man's voice was a little nervous.

"Did it delay your good deeds?" Hua Yunong said coldly.

"No, no, Miss, I was wrong." Bai Tianfang said nervously.

"Get out!" Hua Yunong said calmly.

"Yes, yes," Bai Tian said hurriedly in agreement, and began to get dressed in a hurry, "Miss, please wait. Right now, right now."

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