Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1997 The Magical Use of Five Thunders

Zhang Yu was worried when an idea suddenly came to his mind.

Although there are surveillance everywhere and everything is under the control of the casino, there is still nothing that can be done to prevent the surveillance from failing.

Usually when it rains, monitoring is definitely useless.

This was Zhang Yu's idea.

Just when he was about to do this, he asked for a heavy rain first and went out on a rainy night. But then he thought about it and felt it was inappropriate.

It's easy when it rains, but if you go out in the rain, you will get soaked. Sneaking into someone else's villa will leave many traces. Moreover, on a rainy night, the surveillance cannot be ineffective at all. You can still see some traces on a rainy night.

"It's not okay to rain. It would be nice if there was a heavy fog." A thought came to Zhang Yu's mind again.

"It's foggy." Thinking of this, Zhang Yu's eyes lit up, "Yes, if there is a heavy fog, wouldn't I be able to avoid all surveillance and sneak into that person's villa? If the person in the villa , it’s not the person I’m looking for, that’s it, if it is, I can even take the person away by force through the heavy fog.”

With Zhang Yu's ability, it is not a problem to ask for rain, but it is not so easy to ask for fog.

At this moment, Zhang Yu thought that when he learned to pray for rain from Lao Wangtou, although he was unsuccessful, after it rained, fog appeared. He asked Lao Wangtou why there was fog and whether fog could also be prayed for. Come.

Lao Wangtou's answer was that even the mist could come, but he couldn't. The reason why aerosols occur in nature is that after it rains, the temperature of the rainwater is lower than the temperature of the surface, and it vaporizes when heated, so fog is produced.

Therefore, in summer, there is often aerosol after rain, but not in winter.

Now that autumn is turning to winter, the weather is a bit cold. The temperature in England is even colder than that in Zhenhai City. Even if you can ask for rain, you may not be able to get mist.

"Hot air. Rain. Five Thunder Zhengfa." Zhang Yu walked to the window with a smile on his face, "Okay! Tonight, I will let it cause a heavy fog. You don't have a lot of surveillance here. It just depends on how powerful your technology is. , my Taoism is still powerful!"

Zhang Yu opened the window and took out his suitcase from the cabinet. Opening the suitcase, there were many magical artifacts inside. Zhang Yu took out four flags praying for rain and a small folded lantern.

He arranged the lantern, sat cross-legged on the ground, placed four small flags on the four corners of the lantern, and then used four talismans to place them in the four directions on the front, back, left and right of the lantern. This small lantern is round, half black and half white, with a white dot in the black half and a black dot in the white half.

The order flags, talisman paper and lanterns form a Bagua pattern.

Lanterns are one of the Taoist magic weapons. They have many uses. They can attract wealth, fend off evil spirits, and even kill people.

Zhang Yu's lantern was inspired by the yin and yang fish. It is surrounded by peach wood struck by thunder and equipped with flags and talismans. It can be used for many purposes, and praying for rain is one of them. Especially after Zhang Yu learned the Five Thunder Method, Zhang Yu was certain that with this lantern magic weapon and his own water thunder spell, the effect of praying for rain would be better and the magic weapon would be consumed less.

He held a rain talisman in his hand and spoke plausibly. After a moment, he shook his fingers gently, and with a "pop" sound, the talisman ignited.

Zhang Yu threw the fireball into the lantern, still chanting, "The water and thunder are turning the waves for my use. God has commanded it, and it is as urgent as the law."

The talisman burned out after a while, and rain began to fall outside. The raindrops became heavier and heavier, and after a while, there was a "crash" sound.

He then collected the rain-seeking flags and talisman papers, took out a blank stack of talisman papers, dipped a brush in cinnabar, and started drawing on them. After drawing, use eight pieces of talisman paper and place them on the eight sides of the lantern according to the Bagua directions, still with the Bagua pattern.

Zhang Yu sat cross-legged, picked up another talisman paper in his hand, and began to read. The talisman was lit, he threw the fire ball into the lantern, and chanted again, "The mountains are thundering and the earth is for my use. God has commanded it, and it is as urgent as a law."

When the fireball burned out, Zhang Yu used the talisman paper again, but the incantation he recited was different.

"Fire and thunder, Brahma, are for my use. God decrees, as urgent as a law."

The reason why Zhang Yu used mountain thunder and fire thunder is very simple. Mountain thunder is actually the earth in the five elements, but according to Taoism, it is mountain thunder. He wants to heat up the surface of the earth, so he first needs to combine mountain thunder and then fire thunder to form mist.

The Five Thunder Method has the power to summon wind and rain. If used cleverly, it can naturally attract heavy fog. It's like Zhuge Liang's straw boat borrowing arrows during the Three Kingdoms period, saying that Zhuge Liang calculated that there would be heavy fog in Chibi that night. Then he took Lu Su with him on a straw boat and went to Cao Cao's side to win the game, which led Cao Cao to order an arrow to be fired.

The so-called calculation is just a theory. There are rumors within Taoism that Zhuge Liang actually used the Water Thunder Curse and the Fire Thunder Curse similar to the Five Thunder Method to heat up the water surface and generate mist.

Of course, this is just a guess, and no one can be sure whether this kind of magic is used. After all, Zhuge Liang was not a Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain, and there was no Quanzhen Sect in those days. Zhuge Liang learned his magic from his father-in-law, Huang Chengyan, and who Huang Chengyan was has always been a mystery.

That is, after Lu Xun was trapped by Zhuge Liang's Eight Formation Diagram, the old man came out and led Lu Xun out of the Eight Formation Diagram.

In order to commemorate this incident, later generations also wrote a poem - the contribution covers three parts of the country, which is called the Eight Formations Picture. The stone in the river will not turn, and the regret will be swallowed by Wu.

After the fire talisman in the lantern was extinguished, Zhang Yu put away the magic weapon and walked to the window.

In the night, as the rain fell to the ground, mist gradually rose.

Zhang Yu had a smile on his face and said in his heart, "The Five Thunders Zhengfa is really powerful. If I hadn't learned this, I'm afraid it wouldn't have been so easy tonight."

Time passed slowly, the rain gradually became lighter, and the fog became larger and larger.

In the dark, the manor was so foggy that nothing could be seen clearly, just like a fairyland.

Zhang Yu changed into a black suit, and after the rain stopped, he left the villa and walked towards the park as if admiring the scenery.

Of course, he acted as if he was admiring the scenery. In fact, even he himself couldn't see clearly, so there was no scenery to see.

The bodyguard sitting in the concierge doesn't care where the guest goes. He can go wherever he likes and have nothing to say.

The man I met before lived in the villa area at the other end of the park, where there were also twenty-seven villa courtyards.

After arriving, Zhang Yu frowned. At this moment, he realized that he had shot himself in the foot.

You know, the villas in the park all look the same, and I don’t know what the Royal Garden thinks. If you don’t know which villa you are staying in, it is actually a bit difficult to deliberately find which one.

Especially now that there is heavy fog, it is even more difficult to find it. Even though Zhang Yu remembered which villa the man entered, he was still a little confused now. He could only roughly determine that it was one of the surrounding buildings, but he couldn't tell which one it was.

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