Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1971 Cemetery

"Then let's set off." Seeing that Fran had no objection, Zhang Yu was even more straightforward and made a gesture of invitation.

Fran could understand Zhang Yu’s gestures without the need for an interpreter, and he immediately said: “please!”

In the past two days in England, Zhang Yu already knew what simple words meant.

He immediately shook off his robe, turned around and walked outside. Fran accompanied Zhang Yu, and John Brown, Zhang Qingfeng, Zhang Yinling, the Allardyce couple, Brydon and others quickly followed.

Most of the foreign devils who came to see them were still standing inside and outside the door. When they saw Zhang Yu and Fran walking outside, they subconsciously moved out of the way.

When the others went out, they all looked out in unison, and then murmured again, "It turned out that Fran was looking for this boy to read Feng Shui." "This guy is young and can also read Feng Shui. How is it possible?" "Don't do that either. So, his divination just now was very accurate." "That's true. They are going to the grave of Grandpa Fran's house to check the feng shui. Should we go and have a look too." "Yes, yes, let's check it out. Look." "If it's really powerful, I'll ask him for help."

Regarding the Feng Shui theory, it is not just Easterners who pay attention to it, Westerners also pay attention to it. It can be said that shopping malls, businesses, government offices, and churches all have Feng Shui techniques. Just because ordinary people can't understand it doesn't mean it's not there.

There is a well-established Western figure who is particularly obsessed with the art of Feng Shui. This person is none other than the famous founder of Microsoft - Bill Gates.

He once said, "When I go to the East, if I want to rent a house, I have to ask a Feng Shui master to check it for me before I dare to use it. Not only in the East, I want to open a Microsoft branch anywhere in the world." When I work in the company, I have to ask a Feng Shui master to look at my house when choosing a house. If a Feng Shui master doesn't look at it, I won't dare to live there."

In the East and the West, Feng Shui has completely entered every aspect of business management. Whether entrepreneurs recognize Feng Shui in a high-profile manner or quietly carry out Feng Shui layouts, it all shows one problem. The richer the entrepreneurs, the more they believe in Feng Shui. On the contrary, the more a company believes in Feng Shui, the more successfully it can avoid many risks, making it easier to achieve success!

Now Zhang Yu was going to show Fran the feng shui, which naturally attracted the attention of these people, and they followed him one after another.

Unfortunately, after leaving the house, Fran called and asked the driver to bring his car, which was parked five miles away. Here at the Taoist temple, there were also Blyton's car and John Brown's car. They got in the car together and drove towards the cemetery.

Seeing Fran and others getting into the car and leaving, everyone could not help but feel resentful and looked at each other. Some said: "It's not fun anymore." "Let's go." "Let's go." "Let's go and wait until we come back." Ask around and see how it goes."

Everyone left immediately, but not far away, a middle-aged woman stopped, thought for a moment, then turned around and walked back.

"Meris, where are you going?" Someone who knew this woman would inevitably ask.

"I'm going to put up the incense sticks," the middle-aged woman replied.

"Singing incense? You have nothing to do. He didn't tell your fortune." The man said.

"The man said that sincerity leads to wisdom." The middle-aged woman did not explain much, just said one sentence, and continued to walk to the Taoist temple.

Don't say it, because as soon as she turned around, someone else walked back, and this person was Richardson who opened a watch shop.

If there was one, there would be two, and if there were two, there would be four. In the blink of an eye, more than 20 people returned to the Taoist temple.

Among the people who did not go back, it was inevitable that some would curl their lips and say: "I didn't get anything, so I had to spend a pound on incense. You must be sick. I never have to pay when I go to church!"

A middle-aged man squeezed out next to him. It seemed that he was going to the Taoist temple. After hearing this, the middle-aged man said, "The church doesn't charge money, but it doesn't mean a small donation. In comparison, a It doesn’t seem expensive to incense in pounds.”

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he continued walking towards the Taoist temple.

"Donate to the church. It's not charged by the church. It's okay not to donate. I don't know what you think about offering incense to the messy gods in the East. Let's go." The man showed disdain on his face.

Richardson and more than 20 people came to Sanqing Temple. Chamberlain and others did not follow. Firstly, there were not so many cars, and secondly, there were people in the Taoist temple to watch.

When they saw more than 20 people coming back, they were a little surprised, but they still said hello quickly, "Infinite Heavenly Lord, why are you back again?"

"I came back to burn incense," Richardson said.

The middle-aged woman also said: "I am also here to offer incense."

"I'm also here to offer incense." "I'm also here to offer incense." Other people also said the same.

No one has come to offer incense at Sanqing Temple for a long time. At least Chamberlain and his friends have never seen anyone come to offer incense.

When I heard that these people were here to offer incense, I was so excited that I quickly invited these people into the hall.

He took out the merit box, three sticks of incense for one pound, and led everyone to offer incense to Taozu.

Besides, Fran, Zhang Yu and others arrived at a cemetery not long after riding.

This cemetery is not far from the local Christian church. In foreign countries, many churches are very close to cemeteries, so residents have no objection to living not far from cemeteries. After all, the church is here, and they feel that living next to the church is a matter of getting closer to God.

The cemetery was built almost like a park. After getting off the car, Fran led the way. This cemetery is also built on a hill. From the foot of the hill up, there are neat graves all the way up.

In the West, crosses are basically erected on tombstones. This is a belief that represents people going to heaven after death.

Fran and the others were all moving forward, but Zhang Yu and several disciples were watching as they walked.

Zhang Yu could tell at a glance that there was a Feng Shui formation in this cemetery, and it was not built casually.

"Master, is there also a Feng Shui bureau here?" At this time, Zhang Qingfeng, who was following Zhang Yu, said.

"Yes, it is indeed a Feng Shui bureau, used to protect the safety of descendants. But this formation..." At this point, Zhang Yu wanted to test Zhang Qingfeng, and deliberately paused and asked: "Can you tell, Are there any clues about this formation?"

"Clue." Zhang Qingfeng took a closer look and said: "It doesn't seem to be anything special, but I feel that although there is a Feng Shui bureau, the effect is not very strong. It seems that it is built according to the mountain topography. This dispersion, In fact, it has no big effect on every ghost house."

"Very good, you can see now." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"It's not because Master taught me well." Zhang Qingfeng said immediately in a flattering manner.

As the eldest disciple, Zhang Qingfeng has very good qualifications and learns things quickly.

"You don't have to be modest." Zhang Yu smiled again, but then he was stunned and couldn't help but stop.

Not many people present could understand the conversation between him and Zhang Qingfeng. John Brown and Zhao Hua understood clearly and said in their hearts, it is true that a great teacher makes a great disciple.

Although their level is very sparse, especially Zhao Hua, he can't understand it at all.

But when Zhang Yu stopped, he attracted everyone's attention.

Fran quickly asked: "Zhenzhen Zhang, what's wrong?"

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