Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1970 A promising career

John Brown found the basket for signatures. There were signatures in the basket, but it had not been used for a long time and there was a lot of dust on it.

After simply wiping it, he told the woman how to use it.

According to John Brown, the woman shook it hard and a bamboo stick fell out.

I picked it up and looked at it. It was bilingual, with signatures in Mandarin and annotations in English.

The signature reads: Beware of dogs when entering the house, tigers and wolves when climbing the mountain, Xi Shi's body is unclean, and people are surrounded and hidden.

Even if it is translated into English, it is not easy because the foreign devils do not know who Xi Shi is.

The woman took a look at it, read it in English, and handed it to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu read the sign and said calmly: "This sign is that Xue Rengui is trapped in Baihu Pass. It is the hexagram of peace and good fortune."

At this point, he paused and then said: "Your mother and son have been separated for many years. Fortunately, he is safe and sound. As the signature shows, mother and son will be reunited soon."

After hearing this, Zhao Hua thought to himself, whether it is true or false, can this be accurate?

He followed the interpreter and after listening to what he said, everyone present stared at the woman.

You know, the question the woman asked Zhang Yu just now was how old his son was, and Zhang Yu gave such an answer.

"Really? I can really see my son again!" For a moment, an excited voice came from the woman's mouth.

Zhang Yu nodded lightly and said nothing.

"Ring ring ring"

It was at this stall that the cell phone in the woman's pocket rang.

She took out her phone, looked at the caller ID, and answered, "hello."

"Hello, is this Ms. Lucy? I'm Jesse Bond from the American Private Detective Agency." A man's voice rang on the phone.

"It's me, what do you want from me?" the woman asked.

"Three years ago, you entrusted our detective agency to find your son who was lost in Las Vegas. Now we have found it for you. Please confirm it." The man said.

"Really!" After hearing this, the woman jumped up from her chair.

"Yes. The child is currently adopted by an orphanage, and we found it with great difficulty," the man said.

"Okay, okay, I'll go today, thank you, thank you!" the woman shouted excitedly.

After hanging up the phone, she couldn't help shouting excitedly: "My son is so good! My son has been found!"

Everyone at the scene was stunned, and they all whispered, "Really or not?" "It's so accurate!" "This is too fast."

After a long time, the woman managed to calm down her excitement, thanked Zhang Yu repeatedly, and then bought incense from Chamberlain to offer incense to Daozu.

Immediately, another fifty-year-old man rushed over and said, "Help me do the math."

"Help me do the math."

"Do the math for me."

In this way, Zhang Yu told six people one after another. Because it was so accurate, other people had already begun to scramble. In the end, more than 20 people rushed to the table and surrounded Zhang Yu.

"Mine!" "It's my turn!" "I came first!" "I came first!" "Obviously I came first!"

Zhang Yu has long been used to this scene. When you don't show your skills, others don't take it seriously. When you show your skills, they will flock to you.

This kind of thing is the same not only in China, but also in the world.

Zhang Yu smiled slightly, stood up, clasped his hands, and said calmly: "I am here today, not specifically for fortune telling or divination. I just want to tell you that my Taoist Xuanmen skills are not deception. I used to look for poverty. Taoist fortune-telling is a matter of fate. Now the time has come. Mr. Fran and I still have some things to do, so we can't stay here for the time being. I am also a Taoist who is sincere and spiritual, leading people to do good, which is similar to Christianity, Catholicism, etc. All religions do not conflict or contradict. If you can treat Taoism equally and spend equal time going to church to burn incense in Taoist temples, I think Taoist ancestors will definitely bless you. I, Taoism, will open the door to convenience and solve worries and doubts for believers. . Remember, sincerity leads to success!”

After saying this, Zhang Yu separated from the crowd and walked towards Fran.

Zhao Hua translated his words to everyone.

After hearing this, all the foreign devils felt a little unhappy. Previously, Zhang Yu had given it to those people, but now he did not give it to them.

But Zhang Yu's words are also clear. Sincerity is the spirit. I just prove to you that we Taoists are not liars. If you want to seek help from our Taoists to resolve your worries, you must show sincerity and at least get a Taoist temple to offer incense. You cannot say that you only go to the church when you have nothing to do, and you only come to the Taoist temple when you have something to do.

Zhang Yu walked up to Fran, who had been waiting for him. Seeing Zhang Yu's accuracy, Fran was convinced.

He secretly said in his heart, no wonder Allardyce worshiped Zhang Yu as his disciple. It turned out there was a reason.

This time, before Zhang Yu took the initiative to say hello to him, he quickly followed suit and clasped his hands, "Zhang, Master Zhang, you're done."

Zhang Yu smiled slightly, clasped his hands and said, "Mr. Fran, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long."

John Brown helped him translate, and Fran quickly said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Is Mr. Zhang free now? Let's set off right now."

Zhang Yu nodded lightly and continued: "No problem. However, before setting off, I have something to explain to Mr. Fran."

"Please speak," Fran said politely after John Brown translated.

"When senior Xuan Zhanzi chose the Feng Shui Yin Mansion for his ancestors, he did not take any money from it. It seems that the land of Sanqingguan was donated by his grandfather. It is said to be a donation, but in fact it is also a good faith forged. There is a saying in my Taoist school, called There is a reward for doing the Way of Heaven. That is to say, using Taoist mystical skills to help you solve problems is to build good faith, which is for a fee. Of course, the good faith gained must also be returned to the ancestors and the society. This is also called the loss of the Way of Heaven. Make up for the excess. For example, after helping you solve the problem this time, I will make a good faith of one hundred thousand pounds, half of which will be used to repair the Taoist temple and be used for the daily expenses of the Taoist temple, and the other half will be used to help those in need. People. Of course, if it doesn’t work, there will be no charge. It’s all voluntary.” Zhang Yu spoke eloquently and made his words clear.

John Brown translated, and everyone present could understand it. The meaning was very simple. If you ask me to do something, you have to spend money.

However, this is normal, especially Zhang Yu’s last sentence. If it doesn’t work, there will be no charge.

Everyone looked at Fran to see what he would say.

Fran nodded immediately and said: "What Mr. Zhang said is true. If it is really effective, let alone one hundred thousand pounds, even if it is two hundred thousand or five hundred thousand pounds, I am willing to forge this good faith!"

"Okay! Then let's invite him!" Zhang Yu made an inviting gesture.

Fran agreed so happily. In fact, many people also knew that Fran Ranch encountered difficulties, and it was up to Zhang Yu to solve them. If it can be solved, the money really won't be much.

Brighton and Allardyce also listened. Brydon had also been thinking about how he would make a living as a Taoist priest, and how much money he would have even if he was paid.

Now when I heard that Zhang Yu opened his mouth and asked for 100,000 francs, but he didn't even negotiate the price, he said to himself that it seems that being a Taoist priest is also a promising career.

How much money do you pay for a boxing match yourself, and you also risk being beaten to death and maimed. Looking at Zhang Yu making money, it seems too easy.


Special thanks to: Mr. Wugui, Happy Bad Guy, Crying Lightly, Black Pegasus, Master Feng, Lie Sun Dao Kuang, wonwinwonkey, BOSS Shang Qing, Brother Kang'er, superhood, Hong Jingjing, Book Friends 201711, Qiaoqiao Aijuan, Gang Guoguo, Benbenniu Travel Network, Shancha Wangh, Xiaoyu Qingfeng, Mr. Elegant, Asian Eagle, Smiling at You, Jiuwuliu, Nangang Dianlao, Fengxing, Kuda has been receiving daily rewards these days, as well as more than 300 monthly tickets and more than 2,000 recommendation tickets.

Brothers and sisters who have tickets, can you give all your tickets to Lao Tie?

Now in sixth place, just one step away from fifth place! Thank you very much! ! !

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