Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1832 Unexpected Visitor

Zhang Yu waited until almost noon in the villa for wheelchair users, but did not see anyone. He was hungry from the front to the back. He was about to call the driver and ask him to pick him up when he suddenly heard the sound of a car outside.

Soon, the car stopped steadily, and with Zhang Yu's ears, he could tell that the car was parked outside the courtyard of the villa.

Zhang Yu was overjoyed. He thought someone was coming. He pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

There were two "clicks", the car door opened, and then a man's voice was heard, "Why is this courtyard door still open?"

Upon hearing this voice, Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, because this voice was very familiar to him, wasn't it Qi Wuyao's.

"Yeah, why is the door open? Go and ring the doorbell." It was Qi Tongwei who spoke this time.

Although Zhang Yu and Qi Tongwei had nothing in common, Qi Tongwei said a lot on the day of the Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui exchange meeting, which left an impression on Zhang Yu.

Footsteps sounded, followed by the doorbell, "Ding dong. Ding dong."

Zhang Yu was the only one in the villa, so naturally no one responded.

Qi Wuyao outside said: "There is no one at home. Dad, where did this gentleman go? Didn't he say that he was going to deal with Zhang Yu last night? He still can't be contacted. Could it be that Zhang Yu dealt with him?"

"No way." Qi Tongwei sighed.

"Then where did this person go?" Qi Wuyao said.

"I think there is something wrong here. Think about it, if my husband is really dead, then the door to the house cannot be left open. Come on, let's go in and take a look." Qi Tongwei said.

"Okay, let's go in and have a look." Qi Wuyao agreed.

Zhang Yu heard clearly the footsteps of the two people coming to the courtyard and in front of the villa.

"Eh? Why is this door open again? Could it be a thief?" Qi Wuyao said.

"Nonsense, how dare a thief be so blatant? This is robbery, not stealing!" Qi Tongwei said.

"That's true." Qi Wuyao shouted inside: "Is there anyone? Is there anyone? Sir! Sir! Xiaoyun, Xiaoyun."

He shouted for a long time, but there was no movement inside.

"Dad, it seems that this person is really not here. I think this means that there is probably something wrong." Qi Wuyao said.

"That can't be true. If Mr. dies, doesn't it mean that Zhang Yu is safe and sound? If that's the case, things may be in trouble." Qi Tongwei said a little worried.

"Damn it, how can this kid Zhang Yu have such a long life! What should we do now?" Qi Wuyao said here, and suddenly said happily: "Dad, that kid Zhang Yu can borrow money to fight against us, why don't we Financing is used to raise the stock price. As soon as the stock price rises, Zhang Yu's stocks from the securities financing will be closed immediately. If it is not balanced, he will lose all his money in one fell swoop!"

From his tone, he seemed to have thought of some good idea.

But Qi Tongwei immediately said: "Financing is too risky. Once the stock falls, we will die even worse."

"I also know that it is indeed a bit dangerous, but think about it, even if Zhang Yu can lend money, how much can the securities dealers have? It's just that little. He sold it yesterday, and he probably doesn't have much left in his hand. In the air battle, one relies on chips, and the other relies on funds. Zhang Yu has no chips, but we still have funds to mobilize. It is not too obvious who wins and who loses." Qi Wuyao said.

"Of course I understand this. However, we have no control over those stocks at all, and the chips are all outside. Once it rises, how much profit will be made, and it won't crush us by then! Especially if we have to raise funds to take over, then damn Faster!" Qi Tongwei said seriously.

Securities lending is margin trading, which is the same thing as financing. Securities lending is short selling, while financing is long selling. To put it bluntly, you can buy a million worth of stocks with 100,000 yuan. If the stock rises, you will naturally make ten times the profit at once, but if it falls, as long as it falls to 10%, the 100,000 yuan will be gone. If you still want to hold on, you have to close your position.

How could Qi Tongwei not know that this kind of long-term financing is too risky and is very likely to collapse.

"There are definitely risks. But now we are forced to do this. All our family's assets have been mortgaged. We only have so much money in hand. Zhang Yu and the Hua family are helping. If the futures index falls sharply, everything will be lost." It’s really no good if we don’t have him anymore, so we can only look for my grandfather,” Qi Wuyao said.

"It's too early to talk to your grandpa. We can't talk to your grandpa unless we have to." As soon as Qi Tongwei said this, the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

"Ring ring ring ring ring."

Hearing the ringtone, Qi Tongwei took out his cell phone and answered it immediately, "Hey, how was the check? Oh? It turned out to be in his hands. Well, you did a good job this time."

After saying a few more words, they were all words of praise. When Qi Tongwei hung up the phone, Qi Wuyao immediately asked: "Dad, what's the good thing?"

"There are a total of thirty stocks in the National Securities 30. We have eight stocks in our hands, Huajia has six stocks, and there are still sixteen stocks left. These chips must be controlled by bookmakers. If the bookmakers of these stocks can be found, With the combination, it is not easy to increase the stock price!" Qi Tongwei said proudly.

Zhang Yu, who was upstairs, was lying under the window sill listening. When he heard this, his heart couldn't help but tremble.

Zhang Yu naturally understands this truth, but it is not so easy to check the bookmakers of the other sixteen stocks.

Sometimes, real bookmakers do not hold shares openly and openly, but act secretly. Open many accounts and build many inconspicuous rat warehouses. In fact, the same is true for Zhang Yu.

This kind of trading is highly concealed and very flexible. Because of this, it is particularly difficult to find the bookmaker. Like the Qi family and the Hua family, they are both large-scale shareholdings, so it is relatively easy to check.

Judging from Qi Tongwei's tone, it is obvious that he has found the bookmakers of other stocks.

Zhang Yu listened carefully and heard Qi Wuyao ask: "You mean, you have found the banker behind these stocks?"

"It's not that easy. I've only found one so far. According to reliable information, Monkey Financial Management should hold one or two stocks of National Securities 30. I had dinner with their boss Chang Lexing twice, and we have some friendship. I I believe that as long as I personally take action and propose cooperation, Chang Lexing will happily agree. By then, the stock index will inevitably rise sharply, and I wonder what Zhang Yu can do to stop us!" Qi Tongwei said confidently.

"That's great! Dad, I don't think we need to worry about whether the old guy is dead or alive. Let's go to Brother Monkey to manage the money and find someone to cooperate." Qi Wuyao said excitedly.

"No one is at home anyway, no matter what happened to him, let's go." Qi Tongwei said.

After he said this, Zhang Yu heard footsteps turning back.

Not long after, the two got into the car, started the car, and drove away.

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