Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1831 Sheepskin

Nanman Mountain.

This is a barren mountain, and it was a tomb site in the early years. It was already dawn when the woman in red drove here.

Parking the car at the foot of the mountain, she and the man in the suit got out of the car and followed the man in the wheelchair towards the mountain.

The woman in red has a very good figure, with a curved front and a curved back. Although she does not look like that kind of frail woman, no one would believe that such a woman can lift a man with one hand.

The man in the wheelchair explained the path, all the way to the halfway point of the mountain. Everywhere he passed were graves, some of which were no longer what they looked like, while others looked like they were being cared for.

In front of you is a medium-sized tomb. It doesn't look very conspicuous, but you can also be sure that it was definitely built by a wealthy family.

The tomb is made of marble, and the tombstone on it is engraved with four words - Master's Tomb. Other than that, there is no name.

In wheelchair terms, he did not know the master's name. It is estimated that the two disciples who broke into the house did not know their names.

"This is it." The wheelchair man said weakly.

The woman in red threw him to the ground, looked at the grave, and then looked at the man in the suit. "You look at him, and I will dig up the grave and see what's inside."

"Okay." The man in the suit nodded.

The woman in red walked to the grave and did not take action immediately. Instead, she walked around in a circle to observe.

After looking at it for a while, he came to the back of the grave, showed off his pair of chicken feet, and started digging the grave.

The marble that was thrown there was smashed directly by her, and a pair of chicken claws could easily turn up the soil.

Judging from her movements, she is very skilled, as if she often steals graves and digs up graves. These two chicken feet are more effective than the Luoyang shovel.

In a short time, the woman in red dug out the horse path going downwards, and then dug out the stone door that sealed the tomb in one go. The so-called Shimen is made of bluestone slabs. The woman in red removed the bluestone slabs with just a hook of her chicken claws.

However, when she was removing the bluestone, she made a subconscious evasive action, probably because she was worried about some mechanism inside. Fortunately, everything is normal, and behind the stone slab is the coffin.

"Come down and help!" the woman in red shouted.

Although she was fierce enough, she still couldn't carry the coffin up by herself.

The man in the suit glanced at the wheelchair man on the ground. The wheelchair man's arms were useless, and he expected that he would not be able to pull off any tricks. He went down to help, and the two of them worked together to move the coffin up.

This is a nanmu coffin, which looks very good. These days, it is extremely rare to be able to use nanmu to build a coffin.

The coffin was placed on the ground, but the two did not open it immediately. The woman in red first gently tapped the coffin board and around the coffin with her hands, and placed her ears on it to listen carefully. She did not know what she was listening to.

After knocking for a while, the woman in red said, "I didn't hear anything wrong."

After saying that, she motioned to the man in the suit to push it aside, and then used chicken claws to pry the coffin board.

This thing is not only useful for digging graves, it is also very useful for prying coffins. The nails on the coffin board were pried open by her in just a few strokes.

Then, she raised her foot and kicked the coffin board. The board was immediately thrown away, and she jumped back several meters.

After waiting for a moment and seeing nothing unusual, the woman in red waved to the man in the suit, and the two walked to the coffin together.

Before looking inside, I could smell a rotten smell.

This tomb does not look very old. In the words of a person in a wheelchair, the master has not been dead for long.

Looking into the coffin, I saw that the body and the shroud had rotted away, but not completely. There was still some carrion. On the top of the head of the skeleton, there is white hair. This is not surprising. Hair will grow automatically after death.

The two of them mainly looked at the shape of the skeleton. It could be seen that the deceased was not tall and extremely thin during his lifetime.

After looking at it for a while, the man in the suit said: "The figure is about the same as the boss."

"That's right." The woman in red nodded, and then said: "There seems to be nothing here. The map is not in the hands of the other two apprentices."

"I don't know about this, but the boss, a once-in-a-lifetime hero, died like this. It's really hard to believe." The man in the suit couldn't help but sigh.

"There are countless heroes in ancient and modern times, and none of them can escape death. This is true for the emperors of Qin and Han, not to mention the boss. However..." the woman in red changed the topic and continued: "What you said is true to me, so I'd better check it carefully. Make sure it is."

As she spoke, she used her chicken claws to lift away the rotten flesh and shrouds on the bones, completely exposing the bones.

There are two ribs with obvious cracks on the ribs under the right chest of the skeleton. It is not difficult to see from this that the deceased's right rib was broken during his lifetime and was later reattached.

"I remember that Fifth Brother's white dragon palm hit him in the ribs," the woman in red said.

"In my impression, it should be this location." The man in the suit nodded slightly.

"Keep looking." The woman in red used her chicken claws to slowly open the shroud and carrion downwards, until she reached the legs of the skeleton.

It can be seen from the knees that the deceased's legs were disabled before his death. The calf on the left side has white bones exposed, while the calf on the right side has skin and flesh on it. There are no signs of decay at all, and it is also slightly bulging.

"Look at his calves, what's going on?" the woman in red asked.

"There seems to be something wrong here. Everything else is rotten, so it should be rotten here too. What do I think?" The man in the suit looked carefully and said: "It stands to reason that his calves are so tight, there must be something wrong here. Please open it and take a look."

"I thought so too." The woman in red used her chicken claws to slowly scratch the flesh on the skeleton's calf.

The skin and flesh are very tight, as if they were born on top. To be precise, it's tighter than being born on it.

The woman in red exerted more force, and then heard a "squeak" sound, and the flesh was finally torn off.

This time, it happened to be opened, and only the white bones were left on the right calf of the skeleton. Under the opened skin, there was an unusual piece of skin, which looked like sheepskin.

Upon seeing this, the two couldn't help but shout excitedly, "Map!"

Immediately afterwards, the man in the suit reached out to grab him. The woman in red used her left chicken claw to grab his hand, and then said coldly: "Why are you so anxious?"

"Look first!" the man in the suit said angrily.

The woman in red used the chicken paw of her right hand to gently hook up the sheepskin. After catching it in his hand, he hid the chicken feet and couldn't wait to unfold the sheepskin and read it.

As expected, what was drawn on the sheepskin was exactly a map.

There is a mountain range drawn on the map with many red dots marked on the mountain range. On the far right side of the map, there is also a poem, which says: The shadow of the disk covers the black sky, and I look at the cliff with sorrow. It's hard to get through when you come high, but it's difficult when you go deep. The green dead cold stream is fragrant and the flowers in the cave are gone. Where to stay when you are sober? The sun is setting at the mountain pass.

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