Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1820 Bloody Battle

"Dogs are barking. Why are dogs barking suddenly here?" When Xiaoyun heard the dog barking, she was a little nervous. In fact, the dog barking sounded a bit fierce, and it also gave people an uncomfortable feeling. .

"Master, there seems to be something wrong with the barking of the dog." The young man had some sense after all, and when he heard the barking of the dog, he felt that it was very strange and unusual.

The wheelchair man said calmly: "Don't be afraid."

He glanced around and said loudly: "Where are you friends from? Come out!"

As his words settled, three figures gradually appeared in front of him.

The three people in wheelchairs looked carefully and quickly saw clearly the three people walking across from them.

As soon as they saw the visitor, Xiaoyun and the young man shouted almost in unison: "Senior brother!" "Senior brother!"

The three people walking opposite were Yang Qizhao, a man in a black suit, and a woman in red.

The senior brother that Xiaoyun and the young people called was, of course, not the man in the suit and the woman in red, but Yang Qizhao.

Yang Qizhao lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

On the other hand, the man in the suit glanced at Yang Qizhao and said coldly: "Is he the one who taught you the six-star sword diagram?"

"Yes." Yang Qizhao responded softly and nodded slightly.

"What do you want from me?" The wheelchair man could easily tell at this moment that Yang Qizhao was being held hostage by these two people, and their target was him.

The man in the suit and the woman in red looked at the man in the wheelchair, and then the woman in red said sadly: "Who did you learn the six-star sword diagram from?"

"Do I need to tell you, who are you?" the wheelchair man said coldly.

It was obvious that he didn't take the other party seriously.

"Hehehehe." The man in the suit sneered, "Who are we? No one has dared to talk to us like this for a long time. Didn't the person who handed you the Six-Star Sword Diagram tell you about the twelve astrology?"

"I don't know what the twelve horoscopes are. However, you caught my apprentice and came to me, obviously you want to go against me, so don't blame me for being rude!" The wheelchair man said lightly, raising his right hand got up.

At this moment, the man in the suit and the woman in red were stunned for a moment and looked at each other. Then, the two men nodded to each other.

"Then let me try your skills! See if you are qualified to speak nonsense in front of us!"

After the man in the suit said this, he shouted loudly. He raised his arms and immediately showed six bright yellow talisman papers.

"Puff puff!".

With a series of noises, the talisman turned into six fireballs, which then hit the wheelchair man one after another.

The man in the wheelchair did not hesitate. With a wave of his raised right hand, he drew out a black handkerchief. There were six small swords drawn on the handkerchief and a cloud of black mist was wrapped on it.


This handkerchief was like a wind-swept cloud, covering the six fireballs. The black mist surrounding it was extremely strong, far better than the one Yang Qizhao fired last time.

With a "pop" sound, the black handkerchief and six fireballs collided, and all the fireballs were extinguished at once.

The black mist on the six-star sword diagram has faded a lot, but it is still covering the man in the suit.

The man in the suit's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly raised his hand to take out the folding fan. He unfolded the folding fan and "swiped" the ground, like a sharp blade, abruptly breaking the Six-Star Sword Diagram in half.

The sword picture disappeared immediately. The woman in red took this opportunity and moved like a red shadow, rushing towards the wheelchair man.


The woman screamed strangely, her eyes widened at this moment, looking like a Rakshasa from hell.

How could a person in a wheelchair get her closer? With a shake of his hands, he shot out four fireballs.

"Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!"

Seeing this, the woman's body suddenly leaned back, and she suddenly crossed the iron bridge.

Four fireballs passed directly in front of her, but they didn't hurt her at all.

The man in the wheelchair raised his hand again and hit four fire talismans again. These four fire talismans were struck downwards.

In the current posture of the woman in red, it would be extremely difficult to escape.

But what people didn't expect was that the woman in red's hands suddenly twitched towards her waist, and her body that was almost lying on the ground bounced up. In her hand, there was already a pair of things that looked like chicken feet.

This thing has no handle, it just fits on the hand, just like a boxing glove. There are a few fingers protruding from the front, just like chicken feet.

Such a strange weapon has a scientific name, called Ziwu Chicken Claw Mandarin Duck Yue. It is said that during the Yongzheng period of the previous dynasty, there was a top master named Tong Lin and Tong Haichuan who used this. With these chicken claws, he cut off Gan Fengchi's legs with a bloody drop.

By the way, this is not a book, I went to the wrong set.

Back to the main story, there were four sounds of "pop", "pop", "pop" and "pop". The woman in red used her chicken claws to break all four fireballs almost at the same time.

Seeing this scene, the face of the wheelchair man changed drastically. Before he could take action, the woman in red had already rushed to the wheelchair and stabbed the wheelchair man on the shoulder with one claw.

It is not difficult to see from this that the woman in red did not want the wheelchair man's life, but if she was stabbed in the shoulder, she would probably be disabled.

Soon enough, the young man behind the wheelchair man suddenly dodged, and when he was in front of the wheelchair man, he punched the woman in red in the face.

With a "pop" sound, the young man's punch passed by the cheek of the woman in red, but his heart was pierced by a chicken claw.


The young man screamed and fell back weakly. As he was dying, a weak voice came out of his mouth, "Master."

"Senior brother!" Seeing the young man being pierced through the back of the heart, Xiaoyun shouted and rushed towards the woman in red.

Neither wheelchairs nor young people were opponents, let alone her. The woman in red raised her leg and kicked Xiaoyun in the lower abdomen.

Xiaoyun was kicked out suddenly, her body was like a kite, and she fell into the garden wall next to her.

When the man in the wheelchair saw the tragic death of the young man and Xiaoyun being kicked away, he became very anxious for a moment. He hurriedly raised his hand to draw a black handkerchief and attacked the woman in red.

The woman in red seemed to have seen the wheelchair man's strength. She didn't dodge or dodge, and the chicken paw in her hand went straight towards him.


The chicken claws were divided to the left and right, and the handkerchief was torn into pieces.

"I'll fight with you!" Yang Qizhao, who was standing next to the man in the suit, saw his master in danger, his junior brother beaten to death, and his junior sister's life and death unknown. The blood in his heart was also aroused. He roared violently and rushed towards the man in the suit.

The man in the suit really didn't expect that this kid would be hugged by Yang Qizhao if he dared to make a sudden move.

Yang Qizhao didn't care about any tricks, opened his mouth and bit the man in the suit's ear.


The man in the suit screamed and hurriedly bumped into Yang Qizhao with his elbow.

Yang Qizhao's ribs clicked, his painful neck leaned back, and his mouth was already covered with blood. In his mouth, there is also an ear.

"I want your life!" The man in the suit roared through gritted teeth, and slashed at Yang Qizhao's body with the folding fan in his hand.

"Ah" this time it was Yang Qizhao who screamed and collapsed to the ground, his waist covered with blood.

The screams here made the woman in red turn her head to look. At this juncture, the wheelchair user no longer cared about the wheelchair. She slapped the armrests of the wheelchair with both hands, and her body immediately bounced up and then rolled into the garden. wall.

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