Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1819 Hesitation

Zhang Yu only turned around and saw that the garden entrance where he came had disappeared.

He was not surprised when he saw this, because he had just felt the breath of the formation, and there was definitely something wrong with it.

What puzzled him was who would arrange this formation. He knew that the only people he came here to solve the feng shui tonight were members of the Hua family, and the Hua family should not attack him.

Furthermore, the Hua family seems to have no experts in this field. He was suspicious and kept calm. After all, in this situation, the first thing to do is to stay calm.

Paris also felt that what Zhang Yu just said made sense. With Zhang Yu's strength, if he wanted to deal with her, he didn't need to use those methods at all.

Seeing Zhang Yu looking back, she also turned around and saw that there was suddenly no road behind, just a garden that could not be seen to the edge. Her heart trembled, and she said a little nervously: "Why, how did this place become like this?" That’s it.”

Wen Qiong and Pan Yun both turned around and were shocked when they saw there was no way behind them.

Pan Yun, who was holding his mother's body, asked eagerly: "What's going on?"

Wen Qiong seemed very calm and looked at Zhang Yu. In her opinion, as long as this man was here, nothing would happen.

"Nothing?" Zhang Yu said, glancing around.

He was wearing a Taoist robe at the moment and took out the Four Symbols of Guizhen from his arms. Although he had already studied how to break the formation, he still brought the Four Symbols of Guizhen just in case.

This compass is not only used to arrange the four-image array, it can also be used as a general compass.

After looking at the compass, Zhang Yu said again: "Let's go."

Judging from the current situation, this should be a trapped formation. Since it is a trapped formation, it must have a life gate. Even if it doesn't, there must be an formation eye.

Tonight, the moon is bright and the stars are everywhere. Zhang Yu checked the compass and looked at the stars in the sky, looking for a way out.

He was on guard, and Paris, Wen Qiong, and Pan Yun were following him.

I searched all the way and didn't encounter anything unusual.

But after walking for a while, Zhang Yu faintly noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with this formation.

"It seems weird here. Why do I feel that the formation is not only meant to trap us, but also contains murderous intent." At this time, Paris suddenly said something.

She is the fourth disciple of the great astrologer Pisano, so she naturally has some knowledge.

What Paris said was exactly what Zhang Yu felt. Zhang Yu also discovered that the formation contained murderous intent. This was not only a trapping formation, but also a killing formation.

There was a strong murderous aura in it, and Zhang Yu could even vaguely conclude that the formation had not yet been fully activated. Once activated, all the killing moves will be unleashed. As long as you block the killing moves, maybe the formation will resolve itself.

Not only that, Zhang Yu could also feel that a pair of eyes were peering at them. These are obviously the eyes of the organizer.

Hearing what Paris said, Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said, "You also discovered it."

"Hmph!" Paris snorted softly and said, "Don't underestimate people."

"Of course I won't look down on you." Zhang Yu smiled.

"But, can you please return the Holy Lessons to me first?" Paris said a little embarrassed this time: "It's quite dangerous here. Without that thing, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to do it."

Zhang Yu thought about it for a moment and said, "Don't play any tricks."

"I, Paris, have always said I am right, so don't worry." Paris puffed out her cheeks and said.

Judging from her appearance, she seemed a little aggrieved.

Zhang Yu took out the holy lesson from his arms and handed it to her.

Because Zhang Yu also knew that the current situation was unfavorable and that once the people hiding in the dark took action, he would have to protect the three people. To be precise, I mainly take care of Wen Qiong and her daughter, and I won't be too devoted to Paris.

However, Paris is useful after all. If she dies, who will replace the souls of Wen Qiong and her daughter?

Paris took over "Holy Lessons" and her spirits were obviously lifted. With this thing, although she couldn't beat Zhang Yu, ordinary masters still wouldn't take it seriously. At least she can be sure that self-protection is no problem.

"Continue to follow me." Zhang Yu whispered.

Zhang Yu couldn't explain the current situation clearly. Hidden murderous intent might appear at any time. But I can't wait forever, I still need to find the formation.

Maybe the opponent is playing a cat and mouse game right now, and he may not take action until he finds an opportunity.

On the diagonal side outside the garden, three people walked slowly over. One of them was in a wheelchair, and the two behind him were pushing wheelchairs.

Yes, these are the three people in the wheelchair.

After the wheelchair man arranged the formation, he hid on the diagonal side of the garden and asked the young man and Xiaoyun not to make any noise.

The faucet garden of the Hua family is very large. No matter how powerful Zhang Yu is, he cannot hear normal breathing sounds from such a distance. The man in the wheelchair didn't peek over here, he just waited quietly, so that Zhang Yu didn't notice anyone hiding in the dark.

The young man and Xiaoyun pushed the wheelchair, and the person in the wheelchair sat on it, but his eyes were closed. For those who didn't know, I thought he had fallen asleep at this moment.

Of course he would not fall asleep, but would feel the situation in the formation with his mind's eye.

There was darkness in the wheelchair man's mind. In the darkness, four figures were very clear.

These four people are exactly the four of Zhang Yu, and the wheelchair man can distinguish the appearance of each one.

"Why are they both here?" The wheelchair man muttered in his heart.

Gradually, he saw a Bagua pattern appearing on the side of the four people.

"Zhang Yu is so powerful, we have to find the formation point now. I..." The wheelchair man's hands immediately grasped the sword technique.

However, the pinched sword technique was immediately released.

"The two of them are here too. No matter how hateful Wen Qiong is,..."

He was muttering in his heart again, and the corners of his mouth were twitching a little, as if he was struggling in his heart.

"Master, I wonder what the situation is inside? Zhang Yu should have been in there for a while." Suddenly, the young man said.

"He's not dead yet." The wheelchair man said solemnly.

"He can't be that powerful. He's fine now. What should we do?" The young man didn't know what was going on inside and was a little worried.

"Don't worry. As long as the adoptive father takes action, he will definitely win. I don't believe it, and I always lose to him!" Xiaoyun said with a little pout.

The wheelchair man obviously didn't take their words to heart very much.

His heart was twitching now. Can the Thirty-Six Swords of Tiangang be shot?

If he didn't shoot, Zhang Yu would quickly find the location of the formation eye. If he could break the formation eye, he wouldn't have to shoot the Gang Thirty-Six Swords that day.

But if it is shot, the wheelchair man knows the power of these thirty-six swords. Zhang Yu is probably unstoppable, and the people around Zhang Yu are even more unstoppable.

At this moment, a strange cry suddenly sounded not far away, "Woof woof woof woof woof."

The dog barks!

That's right, it's a barking dog!

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