Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1805 No Money

Ning Lu's words made Qi Wuyao nod his head, wasn't it? After several consecutive days of rising prices, if there were no hold-up orders and profit-making orders coming out, then something was wrong.

Qi Wuyao immediately called Deputy General Manager Gao Chunxiang and asked Gao Chunxiang to fully protect the market when the stock price fell to today's opening price.

Gao Chunxiang just works and does whatever the boss says. Since it is the opening price to receive the goods, let's go ahead and place the sales orders one after another, and Gao Chunxiang will eat them all.

Four billion funds, if used to operate a stock, is actually quite a lot. But when used to operate eight stocks, it is inevitably a bit weak. After all, there are no small-cap stocks in the National Securities 30, they are all mid- and large-cap stocks. Unless you have absolute control over the market, it will be very difficult to do things with only 4 billion.

Qi's Investment Company has a lot of chips, and even if it does not have absolute control, it can already control the overall situation. Normally, with the chips they control, there is no problem at all in controlling the stock market.

But the key problem is that the stocks floating outside are not particularly scattered, and Zhang Yu controls a considerable part of the chips. Of course, these chips cannot be compared with Qi Wuyao's, but Zhang Yu is not competing with you for the power to control the company, but is just sabotaging it, which is unbearable.

In the previous confrontation, Qi Wuyao once smashed the market, allowing Zhang Yu to gain a lot of chips at a low price. This time the stock price rose, Zhang Yu sold the bargaining chips he had acquired at a low price back to Qi Wuyao at a high price. Wasn't this putting Qi Wuyao in a trap?

The purchasing power of 4 billion will change with the increase in stock prices in the securities market. When the stock price is low, buy more. When the stock price is high, fewer people buy it.

Now that the stock price has been pushed up, the purchasing power of 4 billion has shrunk accordingly.

Today, at the opening price, the situation was stabilized. But on the second day, according to Ning Lu's suggestion, the profit and hold-up orders were completely shaken out, clearing the way.

Facts have proved that it was indeed shaken out. The profit-taking and hold-up orders in the hands of retail investors rushed out. Coupled with the stocks in Zhang Yu's hands, the stock price continued to fall, falling by 10%.

Based on the current market conditions, it is impossible for Qi Wuyao to raise those eight stocks to completely bring up the National Securities 30 stock index, but if it falls, it can bring down the National Securities 30 stock index.

The eight stocks on his side all fell by 10%. Together with the decline of other stocks in the National Securities 30, the stock index suddenly fell by 7%.

Qi Wuyao's heart was bleeding when he saw such a decline.

When the market opened in the morning, the National Securities 30 index was 2,700 points. 1% is 27 points, and 7% is a drop of 189 points. How much is 1 point in the stock index? 300 yuan. A drop of 189 points is equivalent to a loss of 56,900 yuan. This is just a loss in one hand. Qi Wuyao definitely can't buy one hand. No one can bear such a drop.

Qi Wuyao couldn't help it, grabbed the phone on the table and dialed Gao Chunxiang's number.

As soon as the call was connected, he shouted loudly, "Raise the stock price for me! Raise the stock price! We can't let the stock index drop like this again!"

"Mr. Qi, there are too many selling orders and we can't pull them back," Gao Chunxiang said bitterly.

"Why can't it be pulled?" Qi Wuyao shouted.

"Our total funds are only 4 billion. When we took over the order yesterday, each stock required funds. As a result, it cost almost 3 billion. Now we have less than 1 billion left in our hands. , these funds cannot be obtained at all. I can’t even eat the chips that are pouring out now." Gao Chunxiang said bitterly again.

"How do you operate?" When he heard that he had no money, Qi Wuyao became anxious, "Four billion in funds were gone so quickly! Can you, the deputy general manager, still work!"

"Mr. Qi, you said yesterday that we should protect the market at the opening price with all our strength," Gao Chunxiang said aggrievedly.

"I said I would protect the market with all my strength, but I didn't let you spend so much money! Now with so little money on hand, how will you deal with the future situation?" Qi Wuyao still asked loudly and boldly.

"I," Gao Chunxiang, have troubles that I can't express. What kind of logic is this? On the one hand, I want to protect the market with all my strength, but I have spent money and still been complained about. Without enough funds, the stock price would have fallen to the current price yesterday. But he didn't dare to contradict him, so he could only say: "The profit orders that are pouring out are really too much. If we don't have enough funds, we really can't absorb them."

"Okay, okay! I'm not in the mood to listen to your nonsense," Qi Wuyao said angrily.

"Then do you still need to push it up now?" Gao Chunxiang asked carefully.

Qi Wuyao glanced at the market conditions on the screen, gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, just wait!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone, then dialed Ning Lu's phone number and called Ning Lu over.

As soon as Ning Lu came in, she saw Qi Wuyao's furious look. She couldn't help but secretly said in her heart that this Qi Wuyao was really unable to keep his temper. With such a state of mind, how could he compete with Zhang Yu and the others? He would really be beaten to death. To be precise, it's not on the same level at all.

"Lulu, what do you think we should do now that the stock price has plummeted and the stock index has plummeted?" Qi Wuyao asked anxiously.

Ning Lu came to Qi Wuyao and said calmly: "Mr. Qi, the current situation is normal. In my opinion, as long as we eat all the chips that are currently being thrown into the market, the upward channel will be clear. To When the time comes, you will definitely win a great victory.”

"This" is what Ning Lu would say. Her words immediately made Qi Wuyao's eyes light up, but Qi Wuyao immediately frowned slightly, "This is true, and I can see it. But right now, the company is short of funds, and there is only a lot of money left." To one billion. It is simply impossible to use this money to eat all the chips.”

"Then we have to find a way to raise money. We must eat these chips, and we must do so as soon as possible. Otherwise, every day that passes will cause a day of losses. There are only about ten days left before the futures contract expires. , the market is still closed over the weekend, and the stock index can only be said to be flat now. If we don’t move, the stock index will only fall, and when the contract is settled, we will most likely suffer heavy losses." Ning Lu said earnestly.

This is Zhang Yu's strategy, to lure Qi Wuyao's four billion into the water first. Once the money is thrown in, whether it is Qi Wuyao or Qi Tongwei, they must not be resigned to it and must invest more.

This additional investment will sink deeper and deeper into the urn.

"That's right. Raise money." Qi Wuyao clenched his fists.

Index futures, like futures, must be settled at maturity. If you win, you take the money directly, but if you lose a lot, you have to close the position. Otherwise, you need to go bankrupt and liquidate, and there are many people who jump off the building.

Qi Wuyao bought a large amount of futures and could not lose this round.

"Mr. Qi, now is the opportunity to get chips. The price is not high at the moment. When the stock price rises significantly in the future, these chips will remain outside, which will cost us even more." Ning Lu gave another suggestion.

"Yes! Yes!" Qi Wuyao nodded heavily, then picked up the phone and dialed Gao Chunxiang's number, "Sweep the goods for me immediately! Use the money you have to eat these chips!"

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