Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1804 Taking the bait

Looking at the market conditions on the screen, Yang Huainian suddenly said: "Mr. Zhang, Aoxiang, how many days do you think Qi Wuyao can be stable?"

"I guess it will take five or six days before I can't sit still." Jin Aoxiang replied directly.

Zhang Yu nodded and said: "The original analysis was also based on this day."

Yang Huainian smiled and said: "When we analyzed it at the beginning, the idea was that the funds would not be available all at once. But now, Qi Tongwei has put all 4 billion into the investment company's account, and Qi Wuyao has full control. In this way , with Qi Wuyao’s character, he definitely can’t wait for so many days.”

"Then tell me, when will he take action?" Jin Aoxiang said.

"The fastest should be the day after tomorrow!" Yang Huainian said with certainty.

The market has closed today, and all we can do is wait until the market opens tomorrow morning.

Qi's investment company's trading method is still the original strategy, which is to increase the stock slightly.

Eight stocks also rose a bit, but the National Securities 30 stock index still fell slightly.

In the general manager's office of the investment company, Qi Wuyao was sitting behind the boss' desk, looking at the computer screen in front of him with a gloomy expression.

After a while, he picked up the phone and dialed a number. As soon as the call was connected, Qi Wuyao said directly: "Come to my office!"

Soon, there was a knock on the door, Qi Wuyao shouted "come in", the door opened, and Ning Lu walked in from the outside.

"Mr. Qi, you are looking for me."

"Sit." Qi Wuyao pointed to the chair opposite the boss' desk.

Ning Lu went over and sat down. She had a graceful figure and was well-dressed. She was not revealing to anyone, but she had a somewhat office-like and seductive look.

"Mr. Qi, what's going on?" Ning Lu asked softly.

"You should have seen today's closing situation, right?" Qi Wuyao said.

"I've been paying attention. Those eight stocks rose slightly, just like our plan. It's just that the stock index didn't move completely, and actually fell slightly." Ning Lu said calmly.

"It's been two days. It's been two days. The stock price has risen, but the stock index has fallen. Isn't this work in vain?" Qi Wuyao said.

"The situation of the market is indeed a bit bad. If we pull up slightly, it will be difficult to drive the stock index." Ning Lu said.

"Then what should we do better?" Qi Wuyao asked.

"The original plan was to steadily increase the price for ten days and then attack with all our strength. By doing this, we can save money and get twice the result with half the effort. At present, if we increase the price in advance, the investment may be relatively large. But I am thinking that we can try to increase the price tentatively. For a moment." On the surface, Ning Lu insisted on the plan, but in fact, she led Qi Wuyao into the ditch.

Sure enough, Qi Wuyao asked eagerly: "Tentative promotion? How do you say this?"

"The idea is to raise the stock price by about 8% tomorrow and see if the resistance is big. If the resistance is big, then we will maintain the original plan. If the resistance is small, we will look at it again." Ning Lu said.

"Yes." Qi Wuyao nodded and said, "This is also my idea, that's it."

The next day, as soon as I got to work in the morning, I informed deputy general manager Gao Chunxiang to change the trading plan and tentatively raise the stock price.

Gao Chunxiang came to the company with Ning Lu to apply for the deputy general manager. As a newcomer, he would not dare to point fingers at Qi Wuyao's orders. He must implement them honestly.

Eight stocks began to be pulled up, no longer slowly. The stock price is now at a low level, and it has not risen much in the past two days. There is definitely no profit taking, and there will be no hold-up orders. Zhang Yu and the others will not "ruin" Qi Wuyao's good deeds at this time, and let him raise the stock price.

Without any interference, the company used very little capital to achieve its target. As these eight stocks rose significantly, the National Securities 30 stock index was also driven, rising by 3.7%.

Qi Wuyao was very satisfied with the closing results. He called Ning Lu and asked her to sit in his room.

As soon as Ning Lu sat down, Qi Wuyao said with a smile: "There is not much turnover today, the stock price has easily risen, and the stock index has easily risen by 3.7%. What do you think about tomorrow's trading?"

"I think we can still do this tomorrow. Keep the upward momentum and look at the trends of retail investors." Ning Lu said.

"Then do this." Qi Wuyao nodded.

The next day, the stock price still encountered no resistance. The eight stocks rose by 7% to 9% respectively, and the National Securities 30 stock index rose by 4%.

After tasting the sweetness, Qi Wuyao was a little busy and continued to operate in the same way for the next two days, and the stock price continued to rise significantly.

This has been six days, and the four-day rise has really made the stock price rise a lot. Looking at the promising situation, Qi Wuyao's face was full of smiles. If this continues, he will definitely make a fortune when the futures contract expires. This number will definitely satisfy the old man.

His idea was good, but when the market opened next time, it was no longer the case.

The stock price had just been pulled down to about 7%, and a large amount of selling orders were placed out of thin air. The excessive selling caught Qi's Investment Company off guard, and the large buy orders placed on it were immediately filled.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaobi's sell order fell again, causing the stock price to fall steadily.

Qi Wuyao in the office was a little confused when he saw this posture. The office phone on the desk also rang. It was Vice President Gao Chunxiang calling, asking Qi Wuyao what to do?

Gao Chunxiang is actually an experienced trader and has considerable experience in being in charge of trading. But he has found that the job at Qi's Investment Company is not easy, and he has to follow the prince. Therefore, he did not dare to act according to his own wishes, so he should ask Qi Wuyao.

How could Qi Wuyao have any decent ideas? When Gao Chunxiang asked him, he immediately got angry and said angrily: "You are asking me about such a small matter. Aren't you an experienced person? You count on me for everything, and you still want this?" What does the deputy general manager do?”

"I" Gao Chunxiang was left speechless by Qi Wuyao's words. All operations are under the full command of your general manager. As the vice president, I am just a soy saucer. If anything happens, I can just report it. Why do you say that now?

"I think it's better to wait and see what happens for the time being," Gao Chunxiang said cautiously.

"You're only at this level! Wait for me to think about it!" After Qi Wuyao finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

He immediately dialed Ning Lu's number and asked Ning Lu to come over quickly.

Of course Ning Lu knew what was going on. After entering Qi Wuyao's room, she took the initiative to smile and said, "Mr. Qi, you are looking for me."

"When it first started to rise, it encountered serious resistance. A large number of sell orders were placed, and now the stock price has also fallen. What do you think?" Qi Wuyao asked.

Ning Lu came and sat down opposite Qi Wuyao and said: "Actually, I think this is normal. The stock price has been rising continuously these days, and it is reasonable for profit taking and some hold-up orders to come out. If there is no resistance, then something is wrong. ."

"That's true, what should we do?" Qi Wuyao asked.

"I think it is necessary to protect the market at the opening price, close the upper doji in late trading, and open lower tomorrow, making retail investors think that the stock price is going to fall, which will shake out the profit and hold-up orders. Then proceed. The second promotion!" Ning Lu said confidently.


I wrote it during the day, but I feel it is not good, so I am revising it. Two updates before 12 o'clock, Lao Tie continues to revise, and the next two chapters will be posted soon.

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