Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 18 Grievance

"Zhang Yu, what on earth did you do at the hot pot restaurant? You can make someone pay you 60,000 yuan so early in the morning."

When she went home for dinner in the evening, Yang Ying couldn't help her curiosity and opened her mouth to ask.

"The feng shui in his store is not very good, which affects his wealth. I have changed it, and the business will definitely improve. I guess it is because the business has improved that he came to thank me." Zhang Yu said truthfully.

"You said last night that you could definitely cash out his hotel because you changed his feng shui?" Yang Ying asked again.

"Yes." Zhang Yu nodded.

"You're stupid!" Yang Ying immediately said dissatisfied: "What a little fool. You changed someone's Feng Shui first, and almost let the people across the street take advantage of it. I asked Lin Hai how could he find a customer to redeem the store so quickly. It’s better to rely on Boss Sun, otherwise, your work will be in vain this time!”

"I, I... I didn't think much about it. I just felt that Feng Shui would affect the business, so I just wanted to help..." Zhang Yu said.

"You are not allowed to do this in the future. If you encounter this kind of thing again, I will not allow you to make the decision without authorization. You must inform me in advance." Yang Ying said seriously.

"Oh, I understand." Zhang Yu nodded.

"Isn't this good..." Yang Ying smiled sweetly, nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "We've finished eating, it's time..."

She originally wanted to say that it was time to wash my feet, but the words came to her lips. In the past two days, she had become accustomed to letting Zhang Yu wash and massage her feet after meals.

"Today is the last day to wash and massage your feet." Zhang Yu stood up.

"Why?" Yang Ying asked.

After she said this, she felt a little regretful.

"Because if you press it for another day, your feet will be healed and you won't need me to wash them anymore." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"When I get better, I won't mind letting you wash it." Yang Ying said deliberately.

Zhang Yu washed Yang Ying's feet and then massaged them. After today's massage, Zhang Yu was sure that Yang Ying's feet were almost healed and she would be able to walk on her own tomorrow morning.

In fact, Zhang Yu didn't need to say it, Yang Ying had already felt it. While Zhang Yu was cooking, she tried to see if she could walk. Although it still hurt a little, she was almost able to walk on her own.

Zhang Yu's massage is really comfortable. Yang Ying was in a very good mood today, and it was the last day of massage. Yang Ying closed her eyes and enjoyed it.

Unknowingly, I fell asleep comfortably.

After Zhang Yu fell asleep, he got up and left the bedroom, watching TV in the small living room.

It wasn't until nine o'clock in the evening that I turned off the TV and went to bed. To be honest, the floor tiles were too cold. Zhang Yu only had a layer of mattress and always slept on the floor tiles. Even a tough man couldn't stand it.

Zhang Yu also felt that he couldn't sleep on the floor tiles all the time, but it was okay to sleep occasionally. So he lay down on the sofa and fell asleep.

At around twelve o'clock, Yang Ying woke up from urinating and got up to go to the bathroom. All of a sudden, she found that her feet no longer hurt, and she thought to herself, Zhang Yu really has some tricks up his sleeve. He said that it would be better after a sleep, but everything was fine.

She tiptoed out of the bedroom, not wanting to disturb Zhang Yu's sleep. She turned on the light, and she could see Zhang Yu sleeping soundly on the sofa. The sofa was obviously not long enough, and Zhang Yu was curled up, looking quite awkward.

"The family is really too small. I have wronged him..." Yang Ying felt a little apologetic.

After entering the bathroom, she looked at the water heater hanging above.

In the summer, she basically had to take a bath every day, but in the few days since Zhang Yu came, she didn't take a bath once. Firstly, it is inconvenient, and secondly, it is embarrassing.

I was taking a bath inside while Zhang Yu was outside, how embarrassing it was.

"Push!" Suddenly, there was a muffled sound outside.

Yang Ying heard the noise and quickly went out to check. At first glance, it turned out that Zhang Yu had fallen to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Yang Ying rushed over with concern. She walked too fast and her ankles really hurt.

"I'm fine..." Zhang Yu got up from the ground and rubbed his nose.

Yang Ying saw that Zhang Yu's nose was red. For some reason, she felt distressed. She stretched out her hand to touch it and said softly, "Does it hurt a lot?"

While talking, he gently rubbed the tip of Zhang Yu's nose.

"Nothing, just a touch." Zhang Yu said with a grin.

"You just don't pay attention..." Yang Ying complained.

Zhang Yu stuck out his tongue and just grinned.

Yang Ying looked at the sofa and then at the tiles on the floor. She also knew that Zhang Yu would not be able to sleep well because the tiles were too cold, and the sofa was too small to accommodate Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu naturally didn't know what Yang Ying was thinking, and he said carelessly: "The sofa is too small, so I'll just sleep on the floor. Auntie, go back to sleep quickly. I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

"You are such a rough guy..." Yang Ying rolled her eyes at Zhang Yu and returned to the bedroom.

Lying on the bed, Yang Ying couldn't help but think about Zhang Yu.

Thinking of all the benefits Zhang Yu had given her, she couldn't give Zhang Yu anything. She even wanted Zhang Yu to be wronged by her.

"It's easy to get sick lying on the tiles... I can't really let him sleep like this forever... It's really sad..."

She spent the whole night thinking of a solution, but she couldn't think of any decent solution.

At dawn in the morning, Zhang Yu made breakfast again, and the two of them ate together.

When going out, Yang Ying looked at Zhang Yu subconsciously when she saw the stairs. In the past few days, Zhang Yu would squat down and carry her down, but now, Zhang Yu was already walking forward on his own.

She suddenly realized that she seemed to be a little used to the feeling of being carried by this guy, and she felt a little uncomfortable being carried downstairs by Zhang Yu.

But she couldn't say these words, so she pouted and walked downstairs.

As soon as she arrived at the agency, Yang Ying asked Zhang Yu to help look at the agency's Feng Shui layout. Don't always show your ability in Feng Shui to the outside world. Your own business is the most important thing.

Yang Ying's agency does not need to deliberately arrange Feng Shui. In Zhang Yu's words, just placing the fish tank here is enough. The only thing that's bad is good management.

After all, an agency is different from a restaurant and must have good housing. The food in the restaurant is delicious, but the agency must have good housing. Otherwise, no matter how good the Feng Shui is, it will not be able to influence the buyer's psychology.

Zhang Yu changed the water in the fish tank. The old water in it had been a little turbid for too long, which would also affect the feng shui to a certain extent.

As soon as he changed the water, the door of the agency opened, and a young woman in bright clothes walked in from the outside.

"Welcome, do you want to buy a house or rent a house?" The girl with glasses immediately stood up and said hello.

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