"I'm just doing a small favor. In fact, I plan to wait until your store's business is good, and then I can easily cash out the store." Zhang Yu said truthfully.

"It's just that the business was not good, so I cashed it out. If the business was good, it would be a fool who cashed it in. I had to go through a lot of trouble to rent this house." Sun Jianmin said with a grin.

"Since you won't exchange it, how can I collect the money from you?" Zhang Yu said in a dilemma.

"You are my benefactor. You solved such a big problem for me. This money is labor fee. Don't be polite to me. If you eat at my place in the future, it will all be mine. If I have anything else in the future, it will be mine." I won't cause any trouble to you." Sun Jianmin said cheerfully.

"Well, well, I just need money now, so I will accept the money. If anything happens in the future, you can come to me." After Zhang Yu finished speaking, he handed the envelope to Yang Ying who was standing aside.

Yang Ying had already seen the tens of millions of dollars in banknotes inside. She was confused now. What was going on? People gave money to Zhang Yu so early in the morning. What did Zhang Yu do?

Let alone her, Hou Xingcai, Lin Hai and Han Yanyan were all confused. Everyone secretly muttered to themselves, is this Sun Jianmin mentally ill? Why did he give Zhang Yu 60,000 yuan for no reason?

Sun Jianmin chatted with Zhang Yu for a few more words before saying goodbye and leaving with a smile.

After he left, Yang Ying glanced at Lin Hai, Hou Xingcai, and Han Yanyan, raised her chin, raised her hand to brush her wavy hair, and showed an arrogant look on her face.

She then looked at Zhang Yu and said softly: "Help me in, let's ignore them."

Zhang Yu supported Yang Ying, and the two entered the agency together.

Yang Ying felt so happy now. Zhang Yu helped her exhale and raise his eyebrows last time. This morning, she was very depressed after being humiliated, but at the critical moment, it was Zhang Yu who stood up and earned enough face for her.

However, she was still curious in her heart and planned to ask Zhang Yu how he did it after returning home in the evening.

Mr. Shi was still standing at the door of Anmei Agency. He had just seen clearly that Sun Jianmin was the owner of the hot pot restaurant. Now that people are leaving like this, and the store won't redeem them, isn't this a joke?

He looked at Lin Hai angrily and shouted angrily: "Lin Hai, what do you mean? Is the store still cashing it?"

Lin Hai was very embarrassed and said: "Mr. Shi, there was a little misunderstanding, and he didn't honor it."

"You are kidding me! You called me yesterday and asked me to visit the store. I agreed at that time to pay the deposit this morning. Do you have any credibility?" Mr. Shi shouted angrily.

"I'm sorry. I really didn't expect this. But don't worry, I will definitely help you pay attention to other stores." Lin Hai said quickly with apology.

"Stop coming! This is how you do business, who can cooperate with you in the future! Okay, I'm leaving!" Mr. Shi got into the car unhappily, stepped on the accelerator and left directly.

"Mr. Shi, Mr. Shi" Lin Hai shouted again, wanting to keep Mr. Shi behind to explain, but the car had already gone away.

Mr. Shi was a big customer of Lin Hai, and now he was gone, which made Lin Hai very angry. He turned to look at Jiabao Agent, his teeth itching with hatred.

However, he still couldn't figure out what happened to Sun Jianmin.

After such a big fall, they had no shame in staying at the door of Jiabao Agency, so they had no choice but to go into their own agency angrily.

The three of them entered Hou Xingcai's office. After sitting down, Lin Hai said: "Mr. Hou, what's going on with Boss Sun? You gave me his order yesterday. As soon as I found a customer to redeem the order, he immediately If this happens, how will I be able to work in the industry in the future?"

It was reasonable for him to complain to Hou Xingcai. This order was not his in the first place. Hou Xingcai gave it to him yesterday and asked him to cash it out immediately. After negotiating with the client, but then something like this happened again, who wouldn't have any complaints?

Hou Xingcai also knew that he was a little aggrieved and asked Lin Hai to break up with a big customer. He quickly apologized and comforted her again and again, and then he reluctantly let Lin Hai feel relieved.

However, Lin Hai was not a fool. He was very shrewd and said immediately: "Mr. Hou, why do I feel that this matter is strange."

"How?" Hou Xingcai asked.

"Look, the business of the hot pot restaurant was extremely bad. After I went to the opposite side to register yesterday, when I went there with my customers yesterday, I found that the business there was very good. It was not like what you said. At first, I thought Who found the sitter? Now it seems that it is not the sitter’s business." Lin Hai said.

Hou Xingcai nodded and said: "What you said makes sense, and when Sun Jianmin came just now, he thanked the boy in Yang Ying's shop profusely. I think the problem must be with him. Otherwise, I will wait. I'm going to ask someone to go to the hot pot restaurant and find out what happened."

"Okay." Lin Hai nodded.

It should be said that no, Hou Xingcai was very efficient in doing things, and he found out the matter before noon.

Mainly, this matter is not a secret. In the hot pot restaurant, everyone knows it from top to bottom.

After Hou Xingcai got the news, he called Lin Hai into his office alone and explained the matter exactly.

After hearing this, Lin Hai nodded slightly and said: "That boy is indeed a bit weird. It's like the house in Galaxy Homes. It has been listed with the agency for a long time. It has always had problems and cannot be sold at all. As a result, when he went there, the house The problem will disappear. Looking at it this way, that guy might actually be good at Feng Shui or something."

"Then what should we do? If he is really that capable, our intermediary will have to be robbed by him in the future. Brother, you have to think of a way." Hou Xingcai said a little worriedly.

"I think it shouldn't be difficult to deal with that silly boy. Looking at him like that, it seems that he is not familiar with the world. If he just plays some tricks, he will definitely be killed." Lin Hai said confidently.

"Then tell me, what means should we use?" Hou Xingcai asked.

When Lin Hai saw Zhang Yu carrying Yang Ying on his back, he was almost furious, and what happened next almost made him angry to death.

In Lin Hai's opinion, he absolutely did not believe that Zhang Yu was Yang Ying's nephew. Maybe Yang Ying disagreed because of this silly boy. Since you like this brat, don't blame me for being rude.

Lin Hai said: "I think so."

He spoke in a low voice at the moment and slowly revealed all his plans.

"Wonderful! Wonderful!" After hearing Lin Hai's method, Hou Xingcai couldn't help but praise loudly, and then said: "Then let's do this! Play that kid to death and see if he still dares to go against us!"

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