Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1761 A critical moment

"This" "This" "This" "What is this.".

Everyone present suddenly saw the ball of light shooting out of the vortex, and everyone was shocked.

Not only the Chinese, but also the fake foreign devil Jack Liu were shocked and couldn't help shouting: "What is this?"

He didn't know, but Paris, standing next to him, recognized it instantly.

I still remember that last night, I had proposed to Dhruv that I could compete with Zhang Yu today and take revenge, but Dhruv objected.

At that time, Dhruv held a ball of light with a four-pointed star in his hand. The size of this light ball is similar to the size of the light ball shot out of the water at this moment.

Later, she was walking by the lake, and the water suddenly lit up, catching her eye. I still remember that at that time, I took a look into the lake, but the light had disappeared.

Thinking about it now, Paris was vaguely sure that after she left the villa last night, Dhruv probably went to the lake and threw the crystal ball in his hand into the lake. And this crystal ball is most likely the center of the formation.

"No way," Paris secretly exclaimed. The black robe on her body had also been soaked by the rain. Normally, no one could see her figure in a black robe, but now, the clothes attached to her body made her look so slim. It was evident in her.

Like many Western models, Paris is tall, big in front and big in the back, but has a slim waist. However, many Western models are not as beautiful as her. After all, models pay attention to body shape and just have an average face. But Paris's appearance can be called a beauty in the West.

Her delicate body showed off, and she couldn't help but tremble, looking at Zhang Yu as if she were looking at a ghost.

"He is so powerful," Paris said in her heart, unable to measure Zhang Yu's strength.

In fact, Zhang Yu has fallen to the ground now, looking somewhat embarrassed. But she didn't show any disdain for Zhang Yu sitting on the ground. Instead, she looked shocked.

Zhang Yu naturally wouldn't look at anything else. He only had that ball of light in his eyes now.

He was absolutely certain that this ball of light was where the formation's eye was. As long as you break this ball of light, the formation will be broken.

Zhang Yu subconsciously raised his left palm, and then realized that he had not yet drawn the palm Lei Nei on his hand. He reached into his arms and took out a thunder talisman, but he immediately realized that with the energy in his body, he could not activate this bright yellow thunder talisman.

This is the case with spells. Every Taoist technique requires a certain amount of Qi to control it. Just like this talisman paper, it doesn't mean that after the talisman paper is drawn, everyone can use it.

This does not mean that who can use the talisman paper? The talisman drawn by Zhang San cannot be used by Li Si. There is no such thing.

Zhang Yu can also use the talismans drawn by Zhang Yu's apprentices. But the disciples couldn't use the talismans drawn by Zhang Yu, because their cultivation was not worthy of this.

This time he forced to break the formation, and the formation here was so powerful that he was forced to use all his strength and use the Eighteen Transformations of Qiankun to the extreme, which shocked the formation's eye.

Surprisingly, he didn't have the power to destroy the formation.

For a moment, Zhang Yu had mixed feelings, but the light ball that was shot into the sky fell into the water after its power weakened.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu felt even more anxious. If he wanted to let the light ball return to the water, he was afraid that all his previous efforts would be in vain.

At the villa at the foot of the mountain, Dhruv was still breaking the formation.

He had broken all four house-killing talismans, but the formation was still there. Dhruv was obviously very impatient. He sat under the stairs on the first floor, holding the "Holy Lesson" again and kept talking. chanting.


As Dhruv muttered, the vase placed by the window on the left side of the large living room suddenly trembled, and a burning sound came from inside.

Dhruv did not look, but Master Yuan, Father Charlie, and Charlie Su ran over to check.

I saw a total of nine Phalaenopsis orchids in the vase. The Phalaenopsis has withered, even as if it had just been burned, and it was broken off.

Pure dryness!

This is the direction representing pure Qian among the four images. Zhang Yu used nine Phalaenopsis to form an array.

If you want to break the formation, you don't just need to take away the Phalaenopsis, because the formation has already been formed, and taking away the things is of no use.

Dhruv obviously knew this truth, he just forced the formation.

The pure stem was directly broken, and a moment later there was another "pop" on the other side of the living room.

The three of them, Yuan Zhenren, went over and looked again, but the nine phalaenopsis were still withered and broken. These are the nine phalaenopsis representing pure Kun.

"Poof!" "Poof!"

Get dry!

Become Kun!

Nine more phalaenopsis in two directions were withered and broken.

This is not over yet. In the Big Four Elephant Formation, there are also nine lines of Qinglong, six lines of white tiger, seven lines of Suzaku, four lines of Xuanwu, and Zhang Yu, all of which are composed of Phalaenopsis.

These four vases were placed by Zhang Yu on the windows of the dining room and the corridor on the second floor.

As Dhruv kept chanting, the sound of "Puff" sounded one after another, and the Phalaenopsis in the four vases also withered and broke.

Although the flowers in four more vases withered, the aura in the formation was still there. It was certain that the formation was still intact.

It may sound simple, but Dhruv broke the Phalaenopsis in these eight vases one after another, which also took a lot of time.

Previously, Zhang Yu had asked for thirteen vases, but now eight of them had been taken care of. It was not difficult to guess that if he wanted to break the formation, Dhruv would have to take care of the last five vases.

If you search carefully, you will definitely be able to find these five vases, but it is useless to find them. Dhruv is not in the mood to look for them, so he just relies on "Holy Lesson" to forcefully break the formation.

Master Yuan saw this and sneered in his heart. This foreign devil was not communicating in Feng Shui. He was clearly relying on this thing in his hand to show off his ruthlessness.

Without this magical weapon, Dhruv would probably never be able to break Zhang Yu's formation in his lifetime.

Of course, Dhruv is a Western astrologer. How could he understand the Eastern Feng Shui formation? When facing the Western formation, Zhang Yu also had to choose to attack with force. Of course, when Zhang Yu broke through Paris's formation, he really found the opening of the formation and broke through it.

As Zhang Yu's formation was slowly being cracked by force, Yuan Zhenren had already seen the secret of Zhang Yu's formation. If you ask her to do it right away, she might not be able to do it, but she knows some of the clues.

This is the Great Four Elephant Formation, and then it should be the turn of wood, metal, fire, water, and the twenty-eight constellations of the Four Palaces.

As long as the fourth house and the twenty-eight constellations are destroyed, you will basically face the enemy.

At the same time, Master Yuan was also lamenting that Zhang Yu's cultivation was so strong that he was able to arrange a simple big four elephant array to such a state. Not only was it unprecedented, but it was probably also unprecedented.

Just as I was sighing, another voice sounded from the room upstairs, "Poof!"




A few minutes passed, and four such voices sounded one after another. Yuan Zhenren shook his head helplessly, and said to himself, "Oh no!"

Dhruv was already facing a rival, and Zhang Yu was certain to lose.

Not only Master Yuan is aware of this, Father Charlie and Charlie Su are also obviously aware of this, because the aura of the formation here has been greatly reduced as the Fourth Palace and the Twenty-Eight Constellations were broken. Both of them had joy on their faces and glanced at each other, as if they were ready to announce at any moment that Dhruv had successfully broken the formation.

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