Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1760 The mystery of the great formation

"Wow!" "Wow!"

It was raining heavily, and people on the Caitai side were hurriedly looking for shelter from the rain.

There are many awnings on Qi's lawn, which are not only beautiful, but also come in handy now. Everyone ran under the awning to take shelter from the rain. The big screen was waterproof, but the situation on Zhang Yu's side was no longer clear. All that could be seen were the raindrops hanging on the camera screen.

"Father, let's go take shelter from the rain." Xiaoyun, the wheelchair user, and the young man were still standing behind. Seeing the heavy rain, Xiaoyun said quickly.

"No!" The wheelchair man immediately shook his head, "If you don't want to take shelter from the rain, go to the lake!"

He had stayed here without moving, just watching everything on the big screen.

But now, he obviously couldn't hold his temper any longer.

"It's raining so heavily, foster father, are you okay?" Xiaoyun was obviously worried that the wheelchair user would get caught in the rain.

"It's okay. Go quickly." The wheelchair man urged.

"Okay." Xiaoyun agreed quickly, and she and the young man pushed the wheelchair towards the lake.

It's not far from the lake, but because of the sudden heavy rain, it was inconvenient for a wheelchair to walk on the lawn. In addition, we encountered many people running back to take shelter from the rain, which delayed our time.

"Why did it rain suddenly?" Xiaoyun's hair and clothes were already soaked by the rain, and her face was naturally covered with rain. She really couldn't figure out why it was raining on such a sunny day when the sun had just set.

The wheelchair man said calmly: "Of course this rain didn't come by myself."

"I didn't come by myself. Then how did I come?" Xiaoyun asked in confusion.

"Someone is asking for rain," the wheelchair man said.

"Pray for rain. Who has such great ability? He has nothing to do." Xiaoyun said with a little pout.

"Of course it's not because there is nothing to do, and it has something to do with breaking the formation." The wheelchair man said.

"Breaking the Formation. Could it be that Zhang Yu asked for the rain? I didn't see it," Xiaoyun said with her mouth flat.

"Of course it's not him. If it were him, I could tell it at a glance even on the screen." The wheelchair man said.

"Who could that be? Who would be so free with nothing to do." Xiaoyun asked curiously.

"This competition is not a simple Feng Shui exchange, but a competition related to the reputation of Eastern Astrology Feng Shui. If Zhang Yu and others lose, the reputation of Eastern Astrology Feng Shui in the country will not only be lost, but even It may also be replaced by the Western astrology and feng shui of foreign devils. This is absolutely unacceptable to all Taoist schools. Zhang Yu is now the last one to take action. If he doesn't find anything, he can only give in. Lose. But haven't you noticed that the exchange has been going on for a long time, and Dhruv has not broken Zhang Yu's Feng Shui strategy yet?" the wheelchair man said seriously.

"Yes." This time it was a young man who spoke. "The foreign devil usually only needs one minute to break the formation. He will definitely be able to do it within one minute. But when I watched him break the formation on the screen, I couldn't find the key point even though I tried several times. ."

"That's it." The man in the wheelchair said calmly, regardless of the rain falling on his head and face, "Everyone was deceived by that foreign devil before."

"You were deceived by him? How do you say this?" Xiaoyun asked curiously.

"The strength of this foreign devil is indeed not weak, but it is impossible to break through the formations set up by so many Eastern astrology and feng shui masters while talking and laughing. There must be a reason why he can win easily one after another. This reason , if my guess is good." The wheelchair man was talking eloquently. When he said this, his expression suddenly became cold, and he raised his head and looked around.

"What's wrong?" Xiaoyun and the young man were both puzzled and looked around along with the wheelchair man.

But the two of them obviously couldn't see anything.

"That's right! That's right at all." A smile appeared on the wheelchair man's face, but there was a fierceness in this smile.

"Father, what's wrong?" Xiaoyun asked quickly.

"It's as I expected. Zhang Yu, Zhang Yu, you must have discovered the flaw on the mountain as well." When the man in the wheelchair said this, he could not help but think of the scene he saw and the sounds he heard on the mountain. He was so angry that his teeth almost broke. It took him a long time to calm down and said intermittently: "The lakeside here is a formation in itself, and this formation is well hidden. It is not to hurt people, nor to confuse people, so It’s hard for people to spot.”

"A formation doesn't hurt people, nor does it confuse people. Master, what is this formation used for?" The young man couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Didn't the foreign devils set up Feng Shui bureaus in those four villas? Those four Feng Shui bureaus are one, four, four, and one. Their formations are connected together, that is, the artificial lake, and the formation on the lake. The law depends on each other. Because the formation is in the lake, no one can break his formation, and this formation covertly covers all the houses here. Do you still remember the compass held by the foreign devil? , this thing, I think it relies on this formation to be powerful. Here, his compass can find the formation eyes in anyone's formation, but once he leaves this, the compass is not so useful, so that the foreign devils are at the foot of the mountain. At the villa, Zhang Yu's formation has not been found for so long." The man in the wheelchair talked eloquently and gave pointers.

What he said was absolutely correct. The reason why he dared to say so definitely was because he just suddenly felt that the aura of the formation was permeating the surrounding area, covering the entire lakeside villa area.

This aura was something that had never been seen before. It was all because the person setting up the formation was very well hidden, and there was no urging, so no one would notice it.

The reason why the aura is flowing now is that the power of the formation has been activated.

This person is most likely Zhang Yu.

Xiaoyun and the young man pushed their wheelchairs all the way to the lake.

There is also heavy rain at the lake, which seriously affects the line of sight and makes it impossible to see the scenery too far away.

Even so, they could see that the stars were shining brightly on the water, and at one location, the water surface rotated in a circle, even forming a spiral nest.

The person standing closest to the lake was Zhang Yu. One of his fingers pointed at the swirling nest in the lake, and his body was trembling a little.

If it hadn't been for the heavy rain, someone would have discovered how much Zhang Yu had sweated.

Although the previous contest with Paris was a near miss, it still had some impact on Zhang Yu.

Now, he was going all out, using all his true energy to activate the Eighteen Transformations of the Universe and fight the formation on the lake.

The power of the formation is really powerful. Zhang Yu has used the Eighteen Transformations of the Universe to the extreme, but he can no longer break the formation.

In fact, let alone breaking the formation, it was difficult to even find the formation's eye.

"Ah!" At this moment, Zhang Yu shouted loudly, almost urging all the energy in his Dantian to rush to the money sword.

The true energy surged out, and Zhang Yu couldn't help but swayed and sat down on the ground.

At that moment, a ball of light flew out of the vortex and shot high into the sky.

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