Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1731 Inner Demon

Qi Wuyao also knew that Pan Yun and Wen Qiong had switched bodies, and the current Wen Qiong was actually Pan Yun.

But whether it is Wen Qiong or Pan Yun, it is Wen Qiong's body after all. As long as it can be recorded, it is an absolute killer.

Thinking of this makes people feel inexplicably excited.

Pan Yun looked for Zhang Yu along the road and went up the mountain based on her intuition. As she walked, she suddenly found a familiar figure in front of her.

Looking at the back, it seems that he is wearing a white Bagua Fairy Clothes, but the person in front moves a bit fast, and looks like he is in a hurry.

"Zhang Yu. What is he doing?" Pan Yun greeted Zhang Yu intentionally, but was afraid of affecting Zhang Yu. She murmured in her heart, without slowing down at all, and just went up the mountain to follow him.

Within a moment, the person followed him to a villa. The courtyard door of the villa is open, with the word "2" written on it.

"What did he come here for?" Pan Yun vaguely saw that Zhang Yu seemed to have entered here, hesitated for a moment, and then followed him in.

Come here, you have to find Zhang Yu quickly. If you encounter any trouble, you should be able to help.

Pan Yun went directly into the courtyard and came to the door of the second-story building. The door was open, and he didn't know if it had just been opened by "Zhang Yu". Pan Yun is currently using his current body, but it does not affect his skills. The only flaw is that he does not have a gun or anything.

She dodged and entered the villa. The large living room of the villa was well decorated. At present, the formation here has been broken by Zhang Yu. It is just like an ordinary villa living room, nothing else can be seen.

Pan Yun looked around Zhang Yu and examined it, but couldn't see anything wrong. However, the courtyard door of this villa was open, and the door of the room was also open. He just saw Zhang Yu's back clearly again, obviously there was a reason.

She checked around the corner downstairs, but found nothing, so Pan Yun simply walked upstairs.

Most of the doors upstairs were open. Pan Yun turned to the left, looking for Zhang Yu. She passed by the study room and the tea room one after another, but there was no one inside. Soon, she came to the door of a room. The door was also open, but the bedroom was very large and there was a screen at the entrance. Her steps were very light. Besides, she was from a college background and had certain tracking skills.

He leaned against the screen and peeked behind him. There was a big bed inside, and a person was sitting cross-legged on the bed.

This person was none other than Zhang Yu. His face was red and his forehead was covered with sweat.

"Zhang Yu." Pan Yun couldn't help shouting when he saw Zhang Yu, grabbed the screen and came to the bed.

At this moment, Zhang Yu, just as Paris expected, felt a little weak after inhaling the powder. The thought was extremely strong.

But this kind of weakness in the body is not due to the loss of skill, it is simply due to the effect of the medicine, which is somewhat uncontrollable. He was holding his breath and concentrating, hoping to suppress the desire in his heart as soon as possible. He also knew that his opponent was hiding in the dark.

If he wanted to run away directly and leave Longhu Villa, Zhang Yu could do it now, but in this case, as he moves, the medicinal properties may be exerted faster, making people unable to control the beast's heart; secondly, Yes, I still have two things to do, which are to exchange the souls of Wen Qiong's mother and daughter, and today's Eastern and Western astrology and Feng Shui exchange meeting.

Because of this, Zhang Yu didn't leave. He hoped that the medicinal properties could be completely suppressed, and he also hoped that the person hiding in the dark would show up.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a familiar person came.

Seeing "Wen Qiong", Zhang Yu couldn't help being stunned and blurted out: "Auntie."

But he immediately realized that this should be Pan Yun. Sure enough, Pan Yun said: "I am Pan Yun, what's wrong with you?"

Pan Yun sat beside the bed with concern and held Zhang Yu's arm. It's okay if she doesn't come. Zhang Yu can still control himself. As long as he persists for a while, Zhang Yu should be able to suppress the medicinal properties.

But as soon as she appeared, Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster and his body was even hotter than before.

Pan Yun was so close to him, and he could clearly feel the heat emanating from Zhang Yu's body. This heat, which seemed to be full of enthusiasm, infected Pan Yun and made her face turn red. Pan Yun asked in a low voice: "You, what's wrong with you?"

This time her voice became extremely low.

At this moment, she would not notice what she looked like at all. If there was a mirror, she would probably scare herself.

This is Wen Qiong's body. When attending a public event today, her clothes must be consistent with her mother's identity. Her hair was tied up, and she was wearing a white shirt, and a light blue suit jacket outside the shirt. Below is a light blue narrow skirt and white high heels.

Her neck was slightly red, her cheeks were springy, and her phoenix eyes were a little blurry. This makes that dignified and noble appearance reveal a charm and tenderness, which is simply unparalleled charm.

Zhang Yu was so excited when he saw it. He wished he could just knock down this dignified woman who exuded an alluring charm.

Fortunately, his willpower was relatively strong, so he pinched his arm hard.


After the battle just now, Zhang Yu had to at least make sure whether this was an illusion.

He calmed down and checked with his inner eye. There was indeed a person next to him, and it was not an illusion.

This made him even more puzzled and asked curiously: "Why did you come here?"

"The exchange meeting has already begun. The foreign devil asked each of the participating guests to set up a Feng Shui bureau and then break each other's formations. Everyone is here, but you are not." Pan Yun answered straightforwardly, but continued to speak, gasping for breath The further he left, it was easy to see that his shirt began to rise and fall, "Huh, so I came to find you here. Why is it so hot?"

After listening to Pan Yun's words, Zhang Yu immediately understood the general idea, but Pan Yun later said "hot", which made Zhang Yu feel nervous again.

At this time, Zhang Yu realized that the medicine in the sauna room was mixed with the steam, and the steam inside was still released. Not only that, his body was also smelled of medicine.

Pan Yun was so close, not only would he smell his scent, but he would also inhale the smell from the sauna into his nose.

He couldn't resist the power of this medicine, let alone Pan Yun.

Zhang Yu jumped out of bed in a hurry, took Pan Yun's arm, and said eagerly: "Let's go, we can't stay here."

Pan Yun's body seemed to have no bones now, and he pulled him up.

But it was obvious that she had no roots at all. Whether it was because Zhang Yu's movement was too sudden or because of something else, her body fell down and fell into Zhang Yu's arms.

"It's so hot. I...I...I seem to have no strength at all." Pan Yun's body was soft and his voice was also soft. It was so tempting to hear it in people's ears.

Zhang Yu could have suppressed the heat in his body and remained calm at first, but with Nephrite in his arms, it was difficult for anyone to restrain himself.


Special thanks to: Mr. Wugui, Happy Bad Guy, Pot Lid Upturned, Xiao Quanquan, A Touch of Crying, Bad Guy Love, Liquor City Kid, Jin Kecheng, wukaigang, Tiger Head Steamed Buns, Book Friends 201709, Book Friends 201708, Law in the Rain, Ye Never leave, carefree, drifting with the wind, Fengxing, it’s great to have you, Yunkai, 3D Master, Jiuwuliu have given big rewards, as well as more than 500 monthly tickets and more than 2,000 recommendation votes these days.

Today is the last day of September. Lao Tie shamelessly asked for votes. I hope everyone will give Lao Tie all the monthly tickets they still have in their hands.

The tough September has finally passed, and next month Laotie will strive to resume 0-point updates.

I would like to thank you all for your continued support to Lao Tie. Lao Tie is grateful! Sincerely thank you!

There are still three chapters left today, and I’m working on them! It will be served soon!

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