Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1730 Achilles heel

Good guy, this Qi Wuyao has racked his brains to deal with Zhang Yu. As for letting his sister be fucked by Zhang Yu, he didn't take it to heart at all.

"Okay, then it's her!" Paris said bitterly.

The red crystal Chun V zodiac sign is her natal magical weapon, because she is a Chun V zodiac sign. Relying on this villain, she can arrange any formation according to the Chun V constellation. Among them, this Blood Sea Hell is the most powerful.

Now that the villain was destroyed by Zhang Yu, this was more fatal than the crystal ball being destroyed by Zhang Yu. She wanted to eat Zhang Yu alive.

But she already knew in her heart that she was no match for Zhang Yu, and with her own abilities, there was no way she could take revenge.

Counting on his senior brother Dhruv, Dhruv has no free time now. The Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui Exchange Conference is being held, and Dhruv will definitely not be able to leave.

Besides, Dhruv was not something she could command.

In desperation, he had no choice but to make this decision.

Although Qi Wuyao thought of his sister, he immediately scratched his head and said, "That's what I said, but my sister may not listen to me."

"It's simple. Although I am severely injured and can't deal with Zhang Yu, I still have no problem dealing with ordinary people. As long as you bring your sister out of the villa, everything will be taken care of by me." Paris was confident. said.

"Are you going to knock her out?" Qi Wuyao was a little worried.

"I'm an astrologer, would I use such rude methods?" Paris said with a smile.

"That is?" Qi Wuyao was puzzled.

"All it takes is a little trick, okay, don't waste any time. Let's go quickly, don't let Zhang Yu run away first." Paris said and stood up.

Qi Wuyao was very curious and didn't know what method Paris was talking about. He followed Paris out of the villa honestly.

Unexpectedly, Paris walked directly towards the top of the mountain. This startled him and he quickly asked: "What are we going up to?"

"Don't worry, Zhang Yu is now at the time when the medicine enters the body. It is impossible to come out immediately. As long as we don't provoke him. I will use a small illusion outside to deal with the master. Naturally It's useless, but it's enough to deal with ordinary people." Paris said, gritting her teeth and continuing to walk up.

Hearing what Paris said, Qi Wuyao plucked up the courage and followed Paris to Villa No. 2.

Sure enough, as Paris expected, Zhang Yu was not seen, but she just didn't know if he was inside.

Paris casually took out a handful of red spices, sprinkled them here, and waved back to Qi Wuyao to leave.

The two of them went down quickly without saying a word, heading all the way to Villa No. 7. Along the road, Paris sprinkled a little spice from time to time, as if to guide people.

Soon, the two came to Villa No. 7. Paris hid aside and asked Qi Wuyao to trick his sister out.

Qi Wuyao pressed the doorbell of the courtyard, "Ding dong. Ding dong ding dong."

The doorbell rang several times, but no one responded. Qi Wuyao simply took out his cell phone and dialed his sister's phone number.

Soon, the call was connected, and a girl's voice sounded, "Hello, brother."

"It's me, where are you?" Qi Wuyao asked.

"It's quite interesting to accompany my friends down there and watch them do Feng Shui." said the girl on the phone.

"Let's see what's the point of that thing. I have something to do with you, so hurry back to the villa on the top of the mountain." Qi Wuyao said eagerly.

"I don't have time. If there's anything urgent, just call me." The girl said.

"I couldn't tell you clearly on the phone," Qi Wuyao said.

"This" the girl obviously hesitated for a moment, then heard the excited voice of another girl next to her, "We've finished the show, it looks like the formation will be broken soon."

After the voice settled, Qi Wuyao's sister Qi Lingling still had the time to pay attention to Qi Wuyao. She just said: "Let's get serious right away. If you have anything to do, we can talk about it later."

After that, he hung up the phone directly.

Seeing his sister just hang up the phone, Qi Wuyao almost died of anger.

"Huh?" At this stall, Paris's quiet voice sounded from behind, "Hide quickly, someone is coming."

Qi Wuyao didn't know what was going on, but he immediately hid with Paris. He followed and found a person coming up from the bottom of the mountain.

Looking carefully again, the clothes looked familiar. After a while, Qi Wuyao finally recognized it. It was Wen Qiong.

Of course, this Wen Qiong is just Wen Qiong's body. Inside Wen Qiong's body is actually Pan Yun.

"It's Wen Qiong," Qi Wuyao said in a low voice.

"Wen Qiong? What do you do?" Paris didn't know who Wen Qiong was.

"It's the one who made you change the souls of the two, and one of them is the woman who is the mother." Qi Wuyao explained.

"It turns out to be her." Paris nodded slightly.

Pan Yun came looking in the direction, and she was not sure whether Zhang Yu was here. But now I don’t know where Zhang Yu is, so I can only rely on my own case-handling skills and intuition to find it.

As she slowly climbed up, she had already passed the road next to Villa No. 7.

Seeing her passing by, Paris quickly sat cross-legged on the ground, grabbed the cross star necklace on her chest with one hand, and muttered silently.

Qi Wuyao didn't know what Paris meant, but he didn't dare to disturb her and could only wait nearby.

As Pan Yun walked further and further, after a while, Paris put down the necklace, took a long breath, and said, "Huh!"

"Miss Paris, what happened to you just now?" Qi Wuyao asked in confusion.

"I really can't find anyone. If no woman comes to Zhang Yu's door anymore, I'm afraid he will run away. So, I can only send this woman to him!" Paris said fiercely.

"Ah?" Qi Wuyao was even more surprised and stammered: "Give her to Zhang Yu, then."

As he spoke, his stutter suddenly disappeared and his eyes lit up again, "That's really great!"

"Since it's good, then quickly find someone to block the two of them while they are doing good things inside!" Paris said with a sneer.

"Okay!" Qi Wuyao nodded heavily, but then showed a look of embarrassment.

"What's wrong?" Paris asked coldly.

"I'm afraid it's not appropriate to do this. Zhang Yu is fine, but Wen Qiong has a very good background. If he does this, I'm afraid it will give us a big blow." Qi Wuyao is not a fool. If you say, He dares to let people arrest Zhang Yu and Wen Qiong. It is estimated that the Wen family will never let them go. At the very least, Qi Wuyao is dead.

"Don't do it to mother-in-law or mother-in-law. There is only one chance. Do you want to kill this kid?" Paris said fiercely.

"It's really inappropriate to let people go. If we can record the two of them while they're at it, that would be enough," Qi Wuyao suggested.

If you can master this video, it will be equivalent to grasping Wen Qiong and Zhang Yu's Achilles' heel. Regardless of whether he likes to sleep on his cell phone or is a gangster, Zhang Yu has to give it to him without daring to say a word. And relying on this, I can completely turn over. When the time comes, they can even force Wen Qiong to obediently send Pan Yun to his door.

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