Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1697 Belonging

"Please sit down!"

Zhang Yu didn't even look at anyone, he just stared straight ahead.

Soon, accompanied by the sound of footsteps, a person walked over, it was the colonel. The colonel was wearing a black shirt and black trousers, and had already changed his outfit.

He sat down on the sofa next to Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu turned his head and looked over with a smile on his face, "Thank you."

"There is no need to be so polite. After all, you are right. The Taoist surnamed Hai is the Jade Heavenly King. We should investigate the situation of Lu Zuge clearly to avoid any fish slipping through the net. As for what you have in mind, then don't It's our turn," the colonel said.

"What is the result of the investigation?" Zhang Yu asked.

"At present, no one in Lu Zuge is involved in the case. But now that they have been arrested, they certainly cannot be sent back in a day or two." The colonel said.

"That's true. By the way, if no one from Lu Zuge is involved in the case, can you return the Haidao man's body to Lu Zuge?" Zhang Yu said.

"The man is already dead. After his identity is verified, it is useless for us to ask for his body. It will naturally be returned to Lu Zuge at that time." The colonel said.

"A place like Lu Zu Pavilion must be well supervised if it has a criminal record. I have a small suggestion. Can the identity of the new abbot be registered with the Taoist Association and be strictly supervised in the future?" Zhang Yu said.

"Ha" the colonel chuckled, "What are you doing again?"

"How could that be?" Zhang Yu grinned, "I'm just a suggestion."

"Okay." The colonel stood up, "After this is over, I will leave Zhenhai. We will pay you for your life-saving grace."

Zhang Yu also stood up, looked at the colonel, and said with a smile: "Wrong! I owe you a favor. If you need me, Zhang Yu, in the future, feel free to come to Wudang Taoist Temple in Guangming Mountain to find me!"

"You are quite interesting. I hope we will meet again in the future." After the colonel finished speaking, he turned around and left.

As the colonel said, investigating Lu Zuge is inevitable and can be considered a routine matter. After all, the abbot Zhou Zhenren is missing, and Haidao Ren is the Jade Heavenly King through and through.

In fact, the patrol room has issued a wanted order to find Zhou Zhenren.

However, it is impossible for anyone to find Zhenren Zhou, because Zhenren Zhou is already dead.

Zhang Yu had saved Master Zhou's body at that time and then cremated it. How could the patrol house find it again?

The colonel's men interrogated them for three days. Under the fatigue bombardment, the Taoist priests in Lu Zuge were exhausted from the torture. Don't tell me, no one in the Lu Zuge family knew anything about it.

If there is no problem, it must be confirmed by the Taoist Association and the Religious Administration Bureau for underwriting. The abbot of Lu Zu Pavilion, Xiong Jian, was asked on the spot to sign an insurance letter. If a similar situation happened again, Lu Zu Pavilion would be banned.

This underwriting letter was actually registered in the name of Xiong Jian with the Taoist Association.

After everything was dealt with, the riot patrol officers used cars to drive the people from Lu Zuge back to the Taoist temple. Not only were all the people sent back, but the bodies of the Kaido people were also sent back.

After so many days, Kaidoren's body, although it had been kept in the freezer, was already covered in body spots. After taking it out, let it sit for a while and it will taste better.

The body was placed in the square outside Lu Zuge Hall, a small handover ceremony was performed, and the riot patrol officers went down the mountain and left. Only the Taoist priests from Lu Zuge were left in the square.

When the riot patrol was there, no one said anything. When everyone left, Hong Yuanpo pointed at Haidaoren's body and cursed: "This person named Hai is really harmful to people! Lu Zuge has built up his business for so many years. He almost ruined it!"

"Isn't that right? He died as soon as he died, and he also harmed us. He almost killed us all!" Another Taoist priest said angrily.

"Why did you hand over the body to us? His ashes have no right to stay in Lu Zuge! I think it will be burned on fire." Another Taoist priest said bitterly.

"Yes, yes, he has no family anyway, so just burn him." "I think so, it will do a lot of harm to people, why should we find a place to bury him?" "There is no need at all! Just burn him. .”.

When the Taoist priest spoke like this, everyone was excited. Xiong Jian was shocked. After all, Haidao was also his master and treated him very well, just like his father.

Xiong Jian hurriedly said: "No matter what Master says, he is also a master of our Lu Zuge. Now that the immortals are traveling, we cannot let his bones disappear. I think otherwise, after sending him to the crematorium for cremation, find someone Cemetery, bury him.”

He also knew that Master's situation was indeed serious. It is simply impossible to be buried normally in Lu Zuge's cemetery.

"Xianyou, he is still qualified to travel to Xianyou! Lu Zuge has lost all his face!" Qingmeizi spoke this time.

As soon as his voice fell, Hong Yuanpo said again: "How do you think your master is so good? Ba Cheng is the same as the one named Hai."

"Who are you talking about?" Qing Meizi originally attacked Xiong Jian, but unexpectedly, Hong Yuanpo suddenly pointed his finger at him. Not to be outdone, Qingmeizi immediately retorted: "My master has always been upright, how could he do such a thing? Everyone saw it at the beginning, and my master was killed by someone. In all likelihood, there are no bones left, and the murderer is The surname is Hai!"

"Yes, yes, yes, how could my master be such a person? He must have been killed by someone named Hai." "Yes, he was killed by someone named Hai." The disciples of the abbot's lineage said one after another. .

After all, there were many people on their side, and this shout immediately cleared away Zhenren Zhou.

When Hong Yuanpo saw that he couldn't explain it, he immediately changed the subject and said, "I won't argue with you about this, but there is one thing that we must make clear now."

"What's going on?" "What's going on?" The disciples of the abbot's lineage shouted again.

In their opinion, Hong Yuanpo might have falsely accused Master Zhou Zhenren again this time.

However, Hong Yuanpo turned his attention to Gao Laodao and Di Laodao, "Two uncles, our Lu Zuge cannot live without an abbot for a day. I think now, should we hurry up and confirm the selection of abbot?"

"That's right!" "We should confirm the selection of the abbot." "I think senior brother Qingmeizi should be the abbot." When the disciples of the abbot's lineage heard about this, they became more energetic.

There were many people who had been taken away for interrogation before, but the abbot's matter was so important that their eyes lit up.

From the tone of their words, it was obvious that they did not take the "abbot" Xiong Jian seriously.

Xiong Jian's junior brother Peng Xiaodeng became anxious and shouted at the top of his voice: "Isn't it already decided that the abbot will be the abbot? It's my senior brother Xiong Jian, what else do you choose now?"

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