Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1696 Reminder

"I" Lu Zhenren felt like a scholar meeting a soldier. The only difference is that he is a very talented scholar.

After hesitating for a moment, Master Lu said: "Okay, okay, my feet are straight and I'm not afraid of my shoes being crooked, so I'll go and have a look with you."

Lu Daoren and other people in Yangchun Guan saw that Zhenren Lu was going to leave with the riot patrol officers, so they hurried over.

"Senior brother." "Master." "Abbott master.".

"It's nothing. I'm just assisting in the investigation. You all go back and do your work. There is no need to be affected." Lu Zhenren said calmly.

Seeing what he said, everyone could only nod their heads, say something like "be careful", and then leave with the flow of people.

The people in Lu Zu Pavilion all stayed where they were. A riot patrol came forward to ask them about their duties in the Taoist temple. Gao Laodao, Di Laodao, Hong Yuanpo, and Qing Meizi, who were of high seniority and had some status in Lu Zu Pavilion, were not arrested. Let him go, Quan must follow the riot patrol to assist in the investigation.

They have no choice but to rebel. However, their treatment was better than that of Xiong Jian before. Xiong Jian was handcuffed and they did not use them.

The people in Yangchunguan wanted to leave, but they were stopped anyway. They picked out more than 20 numbers from the center, including Lu Zhenren, and followed the riot patrol officers to leave.

The people who were taken away were inevitably worried when they were pushed onto the riot patrol car after coming down the mountain. Lu Zuge has encountered such a big change, and we don’t know what will happen next.

There was no words to say all the way, and everyone was escorted to a blockade base in Zhennan District.

There was a small camouflage building inside. After being taken inside, each person was given a room and interrogated.

There were black curtains hanging on the windows of the room, making it impossible to see what was going on outside. Xiong Jian was locked in a room like everyone else, but there was no one in his room. It was just blocked by black curtains and dimly lit.

"Go in and wait, don't move!" the riot patrol officer said and closed the door directly.

There were chairs in the room, but Xiong Jian was relatively honest. Because the riot patrol officer said not to move, he stood just inside the door, motionless. Not to mention opening the window and looking outside, I didn't even dare to sit on a chair.

By this time, I didn’t know what time it was. On the way, my cell phone was confiscated.

Finally, there were footsteps outside and the door opened. The door was opened by two men in plainclothes. These two men looked solid and had protruding temples. They were definitely members of the Lian family.

"Come with us." A man said.

"Okay." Xiong Jian didn't know what the other party did, but if someone could get in here, it would definitely not be the miscellaneous people outside.

Besides, with the handcuffs still on, it was useless to resist.

He followed the two of them downstairs and got into a van outside. Entering the van, Xiong Jian was very puzzled and asked carefully: "Where are you taking me?"

"You'll know when you go there!" the man said coldly.

There were five people in the van including Xiong Jian. The van started and headed outside. On the way out, everyone was on guard, and Xiong Jian was beating a drum in his heart. He was the senior disciple of the Haidao people, and he must be the target of intense interrogation.

Even if someone is innocent, when faced with such a big case, people feel uncertain.

After leaving the blockade, the car drove a long way into the city and stopped outside the Marriott Hotel.

It was already evening when we came out of the cordoned off area, and now it's dark.

The man opened Xiong Jian's handcuffs and said, "Get out of the car with us."

Xiong Jian followed obediently, got out of the car, entered the hotel, and reached the guest room on the twelfth floor.

This was a large suite. After the man brought Xiong Jian in, he said, "If someone wants to see you, just wait here."

After saying that, the two men closed the door and left.

Xiong Jian was even more confused. Who wants to see me and come to this place?

Just as he was wondering, the door of the bedroom in front of him clicked, and the door opened, and a young man in a straight suit came out.

When he saw this young man, Xiong Jian was startled again and said in surprise: "Zhang, Master Zhang..."

That's right, the one who walked out was none other than Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu smiled, pointed to the big sofa in the living room, and said, "Sit down."

With that said, the person calmly walked to the sofa and sat down.

Xiong Jian followed, but did not dare to sit down. When Zhang Yu sat down, he said carefully: "Master Zhang, why are you here."

"Waiting for you here." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Wait for me here...they...they are..." Xiong Jian was even more surprised. He really didn't expect that Zhang Yu could still be related to these people.

"Don't mention this, let's get down to business." Zhang Yu said gently.

"You said..." Xiong Jian bowed and said.

"I told you last time that Lu Zuge was going to suffer a catastrophe. I didn't tell you the reason at that time, but now you know it. Your master Haidao Ren is the leader of the Jade Heaven King drug trafficking organization. In addition, your master uncle "Lu Zuge's disappearance is very risky, and it is very likely that it is a drug trafficking den." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"I...our Lu Zuge definitely can't do this kind of master...he doesn't look like that kind of could this happen..." Xiong Jian said very worriedly.

"There are many things that are sometimes unclear." Zhang Yu said.

"That's what you say...but I still can't believe it..." Xiong Jian lowered his head and said: "Zhenren Zhang, I don't know...why you asked me to be the abbot of Lu Zuge..."

"It's a matter of loyalty to others when entrusted by them." Zhang Yu said sincerely.

"Who is entrusted by me...could it be my master?" Xiong Jian asked quickly.

"Don't worry about this. I will tell you if I have the chance, but not now." Zhang Yu said.

After a pause, Zhang Yu then asked: "If Lu Zuge can be safe and sound, would you be willing to be the host?"

"I..." Xiong Jian shook his head, "I don't want to do it, and I don't have the ability to do it."

"But at this time, I'm afraid it won't work if you don't do it." Zhang Yu said calmly.

"Why?" Xiong Jian was puzzled.

"If you don't do it, I'm afraid there will be no place for you in Lu Zuge." Zhang Yu said.

"How is this possible..." Xiong Jian didn't believe it.

"Hahahaha..." Zhang Yu smiled confidently and said: "Everything is possible, just take care of yourself. I think so, I won't say more now. When you encounter difficulties, remember to come to Guangming Mountain Wudang Taoist Temple to find me. I will seek justice for you!"

"Remember..." Xiong Jian nodded, but he was still confused about justice. He couldn't understand where justice came from.

"Okay, then go back and remember what I said." Zhang Yu waved his hand, indicating that Xiong Jian could leave.

"Yes, Master Zhang." Xiong Jian nodded again, "The disciple takes his leave."

Logically speaking, he is the same generation as Zhang Yu, but Zhang Yu is the vice president of the Taoist Association. Being able to sit on an equal footing with Zhenren Yuan and Zhenren Lu naturally improves his status.

Xiong Jian walked out of the room. Two men were waiting outside and took him away immediately.

Zhang Yu watched him close the door and leave, then picked up the mineral water on the table and took a sip. After waiting for less than five minutes, the door was opened from the outside using the key card. A man's serious voice followed, "Mr. Zhang..."

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