Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1684 Plague

"I should be able to think of it." The colonel hesitated for a moment and then guessed who Zhang Yu was talking about.

The colonel said: "I said, why did you suddenly come here? It turned out to be like this. Did she tell you anything and how to deal with the aftermath?"

Yes, the person the colonel was thinking of was naturally Wen Qiong. The incident at Yanghekou last time was obviously informed by Pan Yun, but he did not report it to him. Instead, the Zhendong District Patrol Office came to kill him and handled the case together, which made him a great contribution.

Although Zhang Yu has not really revealed Wen Qiong's font size now, this is probably the case. He must be planning to get some credit out of it.

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said: "I am just here to help. In fact, the patrol chief of the East District of Zhendong has already arrived. Please discuss the specific matters internally, so don't count me out."

"The patrol from Zhendong District is here?" The colonel was quite surprised. He really didn't expect that their deployment was very thorough.

"That's it here. I think we should withdraw first. Your special forces and patrols will join together and you can deal with it as you like. But Colonel, as I just said, I am a low-key person. It is best not to give me up. Get involved. This time, I am here to help." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Then" the colonel hesitated for a moment, thinking of Zhang Yu's life-saving grace, and Zhang Yu also had a clear identity. Everyone said this, so it was inconvenient for him to refuse.

The colonel nodded and said, "I know how to do it."

"Thank you very much." Zhang Yu bowed his hands to the colonel and said, "Infinite Heavenly Lord."

Why the Zhendong District patrol came here was naturally the result of discussion with Wen Qiong.

This time when we go down to the ancient tomb, someone from the Office will eventually come forward. Long before this, Zhang Yu and Wen Qiong had agreed that everything would fall on Niu Xiaopeng's head.

The person who reported it last time was Niu Xiaopeng, and the person who told the location of the ancient tomb this time was also Niu Xiaopeng. The Zhendong District patrol officer only came for verification, and of course the one standing before the attack was Zhang Yu.

The colonel glanced around and saw that almost all of them were corpses of his own men. The two who were alive were still seriously injured. The colonel was a little sad. When he wanted to leave, he carried the person out, but he was worried that he would not be able to withstand the torment and lose his life. It was better to wait for the manpower to be mobilized to carry out rescue.

He then looked at the wooden man who had lost his arms and the child, and said, "Leave these two to me."

Zhang Yu quickly said: "Colonel, it's not that I don't want to give people to you, look at these two..."

As he spoke, Zhang Yu pointed at the wooden man, "You see, he is just a monster, not a human being at all. Why did you take him back? I think it would be better if you let me deal with it."

"Then what are you going to do?" the colonel asked.

"This kind of thing is a bit unbelievable to'd better not know...when the time comes, I will definitely give you an explanation..." Zhang Yu said.

The colonel hesitated for a moment and took a closer look at the wooden man. There was a big hole in his chest and both arms were missing. He was not dead, so he was obviously not a human being. If this kind of monster were made public, it would definitely cause an uproar.

"Okay." The colonel nodded and pointed to the child, "Where is he?"

"His matter is even more troublesome. I just interrogated him and he said... he is from the Ming Dynasty... If you said I would hand him over to you, you must hand it over to the Office of the Commissioner for further research... If something goes wrong, I'm afraid it will lead to a lot of unnecessary things. If you let me handle it, I can guarantee that there won't be any problems." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"People from the Ming Dynasty..." The colonel frowned. I didn't expect that King Jade's gang was quite complicated.

"To be honest, if this matter spreads, it will definitely cause an uproar. I think it should be simple for me to deal with it in a low-key manner...otherwise, I will kill them both on the spot..." Zhang Yu said with a smile again.

"After what you said, I really want you to kill them both. My mission this time is mainly to eradicate the Jade Heavenly King gang. Now that the case has been solved, I don't want to cause any more unnecessary troubles. I hope you can handle it properly. If there is any trouble, I believe that even if I don't go to you, the Office will send someone to find you." The colonel said.

"Don't worry about that." Zhang Yu said in a positive tone.

Time is running out, a few people are leaving now. After previous searches, Ye Buli's suitcase and packages were also found.

Going up from the entrance of the cave, you can see several corpses directly. They are all the men of the Jade Heavenly King. At first glance, they were shot to death randomly.

In addition to human corpses outside the cave entrance, there were also many rat corpses. The burning smell was a bit nauseating.

"What's going on?" Zhang Yu asked curiously.

"There are too many rats here. We solved them with incendiary bombs." The colonel replied.

"That's it." Zhang Yu nodded, then realized something was wrong and exclaimed, "No! It's the plague!"

"Plague?" The colonel was stunned and asked curiously, "What's going on?"

"This smells wrong..." Zhang Yu said firmly: "There is something wrong with these rats, they seem to be carrying plague..."

"I heard that bad guy said that they drove the rats here just to let you set fire to them. In that case, the plague will be spread to you, which makes me worried... now, what should I do now... "Fang Yatou remembered what Haidaoren said when they were in the car.

"I really didn't expect that Ebony Dao has such a skill, but he underestimates people too much." Zhang Yu said, took out a few blank talisman papers from his arms, bit his fingers, and drew miasma-avoiding talismans on them. .

After the painting was completed, he distributed the miasma-avoiding charms to everyone. Of course, the wooden man and Ye Linglong and Ye Fenghuang couldn't use them.

"Just put the talisman in your mouth and it'll be fine." Zhang Yu took the lead in putting the talisman into his mouth.

Fang Yatou directly followed the instructions. The child was tied tightly, and Zhang Yu stuffed the talisman into his mouth. Fang Yatou was very obedient, and Ye Buli also knew how powerful it was. Only the colonel was dubious, but he still put the talisman in his mouth.

They left the ancient tomb and ran into no more trouble. After going up, Zhang Yu and the colonel called respectively to invite men to come. Zhang Yu was naturally greeting the police officers coming from Zhendong District, led by Detective Bai from the Crime Unit.

This was all discussed in advance. Zhang Yu definitely did his homework when he came this time.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yu took out another blank piece of golden talisman paper, drew a talisman with blood, and handed it to the colonel.

"The plague here is very serious. Even if we are fine, God knows whether the epidemic will spread here in the future. Take this talisman. When the servants come, prepare a few buckets of water. After lighting the talisman, put the ashes away. Get into the water. Just use this water and sprinkle it into the hall, and the epidemic will be lifted." Zhang Yu warned.

Seeing how solemn Zhang Yu was, the colonel took the talisman, nodded and said, "Thank you!"

"Okay, I have nothing to do here, colonel... let's..." Zhang Yu was about to say goodbye to the colonel, but when the words came to his lips, he had to swallow them back.

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