Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1683 The First Soldier King

Zhang Yu watched from the side, helplessly watching Colonel Qiu Jianyue make a fight. Seeing this posture, he was about to take action.

The two men's actions were clearly to treat themselves like air. But now the overall situation has been decided, Qiu Jianyue can't run away even if she wants to, and looking at the conditions of the two of them, the colonel's injury is obviously lighter than Qiu Jianyue's. Qiu Jianyue would definitely suffer if he started to fight. If the colonel still couldn't win, he could just buy a piece of tofu and die.

Therefore, Zhang Yu remained silent. Seeing Qiu Jianyue slowly crawling out of the pit, he glanced at Zhang Yu and others around him and said, "Can I borrow a place?"

Zhang Yu spread his hands and told Ye Fenghuang and others to step back, leaving room for Qiu Jianyue and the colonel to take action.

After they retreated some distance, Qiu Jianyue and the colonel were also ready to fight. The two of them were two steps apart, with each other's empty hands spread out to indicate that they had no weapons.

"Come on!" The colonel looked at Qiu Jianyue and said in a deep voice.

"Okay!" Qiu Jianyue said, rushing forward with one lunge, and swept the colonel's legs with one kick.

Good guys, this is a fight. Once the two of them get started, they are extremely fast. Not to mention that their moves are deadly, but they are not much different.

"Whoosh whoosh." "Bang bang bang bang."

Zhang Yu and others watched clearly from the sidelines. Although Zhang Yu was not good at close combat, he still had to compete with others. In addition, there are powerful Taoist methods such as thunder method and fire talisman, so there is no need to use martial arts at all.

Although he is not as good as corpse cultivators like Ye Fenghuang, his kung fu is acceptable. It can be seen that Qiu Jianyue and the colonel are about the same strength. If Qiu Jianyue had not been injured before, he should probably be higher than the colonel. Come out a little.

As he continued to hit, blood began to fall from Qiu Jianyue's body. The previous wound was not light, and it was probably just to stop the bleeding. Now that he was doing it, the blood continued to flow out.

But Qiu Jianyue didn't seem to take this to heart at all, and just focused on the decisive battle with the colonel.

Of course, for him, this may be the last time in his life to compete with others. Regardless of victory or defeat, there will be no chance in the future.

This was also the first time that Zhang Yu saw Qiu Jianyue go all out to fight with others. In the previous two times at Foye Ridge, Qiu Jianyue barely made a move and ran away in a panic; when he fought with Ye Linglong, he also suffered a loss, but it did not mean that his martial arts was not good, the main reason was that the two sides were not on the same level.

This time, Qiu Jianyue showed her abilities to the fullest. The wooden man's kung fu is also high. He should have learned his kung fu from Qiu Jianyue, but compared with Qiu Jianyue's kung fu, he is still a little behind.

Qiu Jianyue went all out, every move and every move was just right. Both he and the colonel were in the special operations team, and they learned similar skills. It was just to see who was more skillful. In actual combat, there can be no room for error.

In the blink of an eye, the two fought for more than sixty rounds.

At this time, the colonel punched Qiu Jianyue in the face. Qiu Jianyue raised her hand to parry, but she didn't expect the colonel's punch to suddenly hit Qiu Jianyue's chest. Qiu Jianyue didn't react in time and was punched by the colonel. And the place where it was hit was exactly where Qiu Jianyue was injured.

Originally, Zhang Yu thought that Qiu Jianyue would basically be reimbursed after receiving this blow. But Zhang Yu didn't expect that after Qiu Jianyue took the punch, she suddenly turned to the side, pushed forward, and grabbed the colonel's throat with her right hand.

The colonel originally thought that this punch was enough to finish off Qiu Jianyue, but when the punch hit Qiu Jianyue's body, Qiu Jianyue's side turned away, and most of the force on the punch was removed. As for Qiu Jianyue's claw, it was too late for the colonel to avoid it.

The colonel knew it was over. The two people's killing moves are almost the same. The punch I just made was often used in the teaching battles of the special operations team members. It is a very typical killing move. Naturally, if this technique is used on ordinary people, the fist will be able to knock the person away without sinking at all.

Qiu Jianyue obviously knew this trick. Instead of using conventional means to dismantle it, he used clever force to relieve the force, which surprised the colonel.

Not only him, but also Zhang Yu and others were a little surprised. It was too late to rescue him.

With a click, Qiu Jianyue's big hand grabbed the colonel's neck.

The colonel felt his throat tightening and he could hardly breathe. He closed his eyes, knowing that he was going to die, but he didn't want to but just felt a pain in his lower abdomen and fell backwards.

When he opened his eyes again, he had fallen to the ground.

"Hahahaha." Qiu Jianyue laughed proudly, his laughter seemed a bit sad and desolate.

"The number one soldier! I am the number one soldier! I said, no one can judge me! No one." At this point, Qiu Jianyue suddenly raised her hand and hit her temple with a heavy blow. Punch, "Bang!"


Qiu Jianyue's body fell to the ground.

Zhang Yu and others immediately ran over. He grabbed Qiu Jianyue's wrist, but she had no pulse.

In that punch just now, Qiu Jianyue used all her strength and hit her vital part. Definitely a one-shot kill!

"He's dead" Zhang Yu stood up and turned to look at the colonel.

The colonel straightened up and was still sitting on the ground. He just had a wry smile on his face and said sadly: "Why is this necessary? Alas, with your strength, this should not have ended like this."

After speaking, he shook his head regretfully.

Zhang Yu looked at Qiu Jianyue's body again. Although they didn't spend a lot of time together, Qiu Jianyue had his own advantages. Even his opponent was worthy of respect.

"Everyone's life has various stories, whether they are difficult, bitter, or joyful. I know that in your heart, you may have a clear conscience, but in life, you must stand upright. The way of heaven is harmed. When there is excess, make up for what is lacking; it is the way of man to sacrifice what is not enough and make up for the excess. These are all the ways of man." Zhang Yu sighed in his heart and couldn't help but say this.

After looking at Qiu Jianyue's body for a while, Zhang Yu stood up. After a person dies, it is settled once and for all, and the past grudges disappear.

Although he had been kicked several times by this guy before, he was already dead before he could take revenge. But with Zhang Yu's mind, he wouldn't settle with a dead man again.

Next, they continued their search, relying on Ye Fenghuang and Ye Linglong's inexhaustible energy to find the bodies of some special forces members one after another without having to eat.

Most of them were dead, and only two were seriously injured.

The colonel counted the number of people and found that they had enough. He said sincerely to Zhang Yu: "Zhang Yu, I really thank you this time."

"No need to be so polite, this is what we should do." Zhang Yu said calmly.

"When I go back this time, I will report to the office and ask for credit for you." The colonel said sincerely again.

"Hey, hey, hey," Zhang Yu quickly stopped him, "Colonel, I'm a low-key person, so don't ask me for credit. It's best to pretend that I haven't been here before. I came here this time because I was entrusted by others. There is nothing I can do about it."

"Entrusted by someone?" The colonel was stunned.

"You should be able to think of it." Zhang Yu deliberately let it slip.

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