Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1672 Floating Coffin

The wooden man Jade King, who looked the same as Qiu Jianyue, had already seen that the colonel was taking the lead, so he planned to capture the thief first and kill the colonel directly.

After all, the colonel is a living person. Unlike corpse cultivators like Ye Linglong, he should be relatively easy to deal with. But once I got started, I realized that this was not the case.

The colonel's fighting ability was extremely strong, and coupled with his great strength, they were evenly matched for a while.

Of course, the colonel must be at a disadvantage. The wooden man has a knife in his hand, and it is a close combat. Although the colonel also has a military spur, it is nothing if the military spur stabs the Jade King. If he gets a knife from the Jade King, he will probably be unlucky. .

The other special forces members watched the colonel and Yu Tianwang duel, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

It's useless to shoot. At such a close distance, if a grenade is thrown, everyone will be killed. Even so, they still held submachine guns and pointed them at the stone pillar. In the past, someone would rush out.

"Puff puff!".

Six more fireballs shot out from behind the stone pillar.

"Ah" "Ah".

Immediately, another special forces member was set on fire. Fortunately, other companions quickly shot at the stone pillar to prevent Ebido from continuing to attack.

Also relying on Ebido's limited cultivation, his fire talisman is much inferior to Zhang Yu's fire talisman. There were bulletproof vests standing outside, and companions came up to help take off the bulletproof vests. In addition, the special operations team members who were set on fire did not panic like ordinary people and remained calm. No one was burned to death. At best, they were burned.

"What are you waiting for? Split up to outflank and kill the others!" the colonel suddenly shouted.

When the special forces members under his command reacted, they immediately spread out and surrounded the stone pillar.

"Thud, tug, tug, tug, tug, tug, tug, tug, tug, tug, tug, tug, tug."

Seeing the power of the fire talisman, they all opened fire as they advanced.

When they were doing it, no one would notice the stone wall on the opposite side.

In front of the stone wall were nine low tables. The incense on the low tables suddenly burned out at this moment.

The moment the incense went out, the stone wall suddenly trembled.

"Crash, crash, crash." First, the gravel kept falling, and then there was a "boom", and the stone wall suddenly collapsed.

Such a huge sound instantly attracted everyone's attention. Except for the colonel and Jade King who were still fighting fiercely, everyone else's eyes were looking towards the collapsed position.

Behind the stone wall, there is a cave.

The area is obviously not small, but because this side is completely illuminated by a few fires, it is difficult to see clearly what is going on there.

You can only vaguely see some strange-shaped things surrounding it, and above these things, there is a large box suspended.

Everyone watched carefully, and before they could see clearly what was happening, they felt a sudden cold wind blowing in front of them.


The wind was very cold, so cold that it made people shiver. This is an ancient tomb, there is no way the wind can blow in.

Zhang Yu, who was lying on the ground, felt a chill on his body because he knew it was the cold wind!

"Brush!" "Brush!" "Brush!"...

The fire in the stone room was suddenly extinguished by the wind.

In an instant, the stone room was completely dark, and I couldn't see my fingers.

"Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!"...

A series of fireballs shot out from behind the stone pillar. Yes, this was typed by Kaido people.

The enemy is outnumbered and we are outnumbered. At this time, it is definitely impossible for the Kaido people to go to the front to see what treasures are inside. He knew that now was a good opportunity to kill the opponent.

He sprang out from the left side of the stone pillar, followed closely by Qiu Jianyue, who sprang out from the right side, rolled forward, took out the dagger from his sleeve, and rushed forward.

"Ah..." "Ah..." "Ah..."...

Screams instantly echoed through the stone room, and the sudden changes made the special forces members a little unable to react. This was not because their reaction was slow, but because Haidao and Qiu Jianyue were too fast.

Especially Qiu Jianyue, the title of "King of Soldiers" was not earned for nothing.

Four special forces members were hit by fireballs and their bodies were set on fire. Two special forces members were stabbed to death by Qiu Jianyue's dagger.

"Thud, tug, tug..." "Thud, tug, tug..."... Gunfire followed, and the stone room turned into a pot of porridge.

"Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!"

Suddenly, in the darkness ahead, six cyan fireballs lit up.

The fireball floated in mid-air, but those fighting in the stone chamber no longer cared about it. Only Zhang Yu, who was lying on the ground, watched carefully.

The six will-o'-the-wisps looked eerie, jumping and jumping in the darkness. Using the will-o'-the-wisp illumination, Zhang Yu could probably see what the big suspended box was this time.


A coffin.

Six will-o'-the-wisps happened to surround the coffin. Around the coffin, there are clay sculptures that look like tomb beasts. However, the distance was still far and Zhang Yu could not see clearly.


There was another scream, and it seemed that one of the special forces members had been hit.

"Eh?" Zhang Yu was stunned because he discovered that a will-o'-the-wisp suddenly appeared next to the suspended coffin.

"What's going on?" Zhang Yu didn't care about the bloody battle here and just stared at the coffin.

"Ah... uh..." Another scream sounded.

That’s right! That’s absolutely right!

At this moment, another will-o'-the-wisp appeared next to the coffin.

"Something's wrong..." Zhang Yu vaguely realized the seriousness of the matter.

Every time someone dies here, a will-o'-the-wisp will appear next to the coffin. This happened after the stone wall collapsed, so there must be something strange in it.

You know, there is still a Yin spirit here, but it has not made a sound for a long time. Perhaps these will-o'-the-wisps are related to this Yin spirit.

The Yin spirit is suppressed here. If he breaks the seal and comes out, everything will be in trouble.

Now he really wanted to go to the coffin and take a closer look to see what was going on, but his body was tied so tightly that he was completely helpless.

"No more..." Zhang Yu finally couldn't help shouting. He wanted to say, "No more fighting."

But before he could finish his words, the screams rang out again, "Ah..."

After the screams subsided, another will-o'-the-wisp appeared next to the suspended coffin.

"The traitor!" The vicissitudes of life, the sad voice finally sounded, "The traitor... the traitor... you want to trap me here forever, this is impossible..."

In the past, he only called the word "treason" and never said anything else. But now, he actually said something like this.

After listening to his words, Zhang Yu groaned in his heart. He knew that he was in trouble now.

But the sound of fighting and gunshots in the stone room still didn't stop. Everyone knows that once he stops, the other party will take advantage of him.

"Puff puff!"……

Nine will-o'-the-wisps suddenly fell down and instantly ignited the strange objects surrounding the coffin.

There was a huge fire, and most of the stone room was illuminated.

The suspended coffin immediately fell down, "Boom!"

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