Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1671 Tear Gas

As soon as he heard that the anti-drug special team had arrived, Zhang Yu felt happy. It seemed that delaying the operation was somewhat effective, and there were unexpected gains.

Of course, Zhang Yu's real purpose of delaying time was not this.

Zhang Yu was happy, but Haidaoren was worried. Qiu Jianyue kicked Zhang Yu directly and shouted angrily: "You brought them here!"

"It's not me. I don't know how they got here. But they've come here. I think you should surrender." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Daydreaming!" Qiu Jianyue said harshly: "Even if I die, I will hold you on my back!"


He stepped on Zhang Yu's belly again.

Qiu Jianyue was the king of soldiers, with every punch and kick carrying extremely lethal power. Even if Zhang Yu had a divine talisman to protect his body, being stepped on his stomach would still shock him badly.

But a divine talisman is a divine talisman after all. Copper skin and iron bones are invulnerable. Only one or two blows can't cause him serious damage. Zhang Yu screamed exaggeratedly, "Ah"

There was a deliberately painful expression on his face, and he didn't know how seriously he was hurt.

At least Qiu Jianyue couldn't tell. She really thought that Zhang Yu couldn't bear it, so she said coldly: "I thought you had some tricks up your sleeve, but it seems like that's all!"

After saying that, he raised his legs again, preparing for another kick.

At this moment, the other side shouted again, "I'll count to three. If you don't surrender and come over, I'll shoot!"

"One!" This was the colonel's voice. He was not polite at all and just counted.

In fact, the colonel also knew that it was almost impossible to get King Jade to surrender. Drug dealers are all charged with beheading, and those across the street are all death row prisoners. Surrender means death, and failure to surrender means death. Usually this kind of gangster will basically just fight to the end.

The Haidao man knew in his heart that the only way out was to fight to the death. He grabbed the female Jade King, ducked behind the stone pillar, and then took out a large handful of fire talismans.

The child and Jade King also hid, leaving Qiu Jianyue standing there alone.

His foot hit Zhang Yu's stomach heavily again.

"Ah" Zhang Yu cried out in pain again.

"Two!" At this time, the colonel opposite shouted again.

Qiu Jianyue still didn't hide. He didn't seem to forgive his hatred, and he touched Zhang Yu's body again. At this moment, his eyes were red, his body was trembling, and he looked very excited.

Zhang Yu gritted his teeth, endured the pain, and said with a smile, "Does it remind me of you back then?"

"Nonsense!" Qiu Jianyue lowered her head and glared at Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu just smiled faintly and said, "You admit it. Once upon a time, you, like the special forces across the street, belonged to the righteous side and arrested criminals. But now, you have become the evil side and want to Isn't it a bad feeling to have a fight with them in the same room? Surrender."

"I would rather die than surrender!" Qiu Jianyue said harshly.

"Three! Fire!" Seeing that the Kaido people had no intention of surrender, the colonel shouted directly without stopping.

"Thud, tug, tug." "Thud, tug, tug."

It is the duty of special forces members to obey orders. When the colonel gives the order, the members will fire immediately.

"You die first!" Qiu Jianyue had been prepared for a long time. Almost at the moment when the special forces opened fire, she lifted up Zhang Yu's body with her kick.

Zhang Yu flew up like a parabola. Bullets flew across the air, and he was hit several times.

"Uh" The person fell to the ground, Zhang Yu groaned, and the person instantly lost his breath.

Qiu Jianyue naturally had no time to check Zhang Yu's body and hurriedly hid behind the pillar.

If he looked carefully at Zhang Yu's body, he would find that there was no blood at all on Zhang Yu's body. Helpless, bullets were flying everywhere in the stone room, and it was dangerous to even poke your head out.

"Thud, tug, tug." "Thud, tug, tug."

As the overwhelming bullets flew by, the gunfire stopped. Then there was the sound of small footsteps, and the special operations team members slowly moved forward.

Zhang Yu was lying on the ground, his body hurt, so he was naturally fine. He didn't even open his eyes to look, he just pretended that he was lying dead, and next he would look at the special forces team.

Although his eyes were closed, Zhang Yu could observe everything here with his mind's eye.

He felt that the steps of the special forces team members stopped, not far from the stone pillar where several Haidao people were hiding. Immediately afterwards, they seemed to take out something from their clothes and threw it forward.

Zhang Yu felt nervous and thought to himself that it couldn't be a grenade.

"Bang" "bang" "bang".

As soon as the thing hit the ground, there were only a few incoherent bangs, not that violent explosion.

Zhang Yu was not far from where the thing landed. He soon felt as if he was surrounded by some kind of gas, and there was a strong burning sensation on his face. His tears began to flow out uncontrollably, making it difficult to breathe and his nose kept dripping. There is even a feeling of being in the clouds and having difficulty finding a way out.

"What?" Zhang Yu was secretly surprised and worried.

But it was no use no matter how anxious he was, his body was tied so tightly that he couldn't even move. He could only open his mouth and gasp for air.

"This is tear gas." Qiu Jianyue's voice sounded from behind the stone pillar.

The sound was not loud, but Zhang Yu could hear it clearly.

I had only heard of tear gas before, but had never seen it before. Today I tried it. I don’t know if it can kill people if it takes a long time.

He could tell that the Kaido people couldn't stand it anymore.

"Fight them!" Haidaoren shouted suddenly.

"Puff puff!".

Six fire talismans were fired first, and the fire talismans turned into fireballs and shot at the special operations team members.

Those special operations team members obviously did not expect that their opponents had such a trick. They wore high-grade body armor and bullets could not hurt them. Now faced with the sudden fireball, it was too late to avoid it.

Six special operations team members were hit by fire symbols on the spot, and their body armors were all worn.

"This" "This" "Take off your clothes quickly.".

Just as the special forces members were astonished, King Jade rushed out first.

"Thud, tug, tug, tug, tug, tug, tug, tug, tug, tug, tug, tug, tug."

A special team is a special team. Although they are panicked, they are not completely stupid. When someone came out, someone immediately opened fire.

It's a pity that the bullet hit the person's body as if it was punched into wood, without causing any harm to the person.

In the blink of an eye, King Jade was in front of the special forces member. He took out a dagger from his waist and stabbed it through the heart of a special operations member.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

The colonel's pistol fired directly, hitting Jade King in the head with both bullets. They saw the bullet embedded in Jade King's head, but they didn't see any blood.

King Jade turned his head, looked at the colonel, and rushed forward in a few steps. Facing the Jade King who could not be killed by bullets, the special operations team members were somewhat confused. But the colonel was not afraid. When he saw the opponent coming up, he stepped forward to meet him.

"Bang bang bang bang."

The two of them went back and forth and immediately became a fighting team.

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