Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1605 Take a nap

Hua Yingyue's bath took a long time. She hadn't taken a bath in three days, and she had to have acupuncture later. Now that she had time and nothing else to do, she just took a bubble bath.

After washing and drying, I carefully selected an emerald green silk robe and pajamas and put them on.

Resting on the bed, people are still thinking wildly. She was not only thinking about the acupuncture treatment she was going to receive, but she was also thinking about the first time she met Zhang Yu at the Yaowen Charity Auction.

The first time they met, neither of them spoke. I just sat in front of Zhang Yu.

Compared with Qi Wuyao and others, Zhang Yu appears to be very restrained, humble, and doesn't say much. If we don't get the top pick in the end and stand out, we will be ignored.

Precisely because of this, it gives people the feeling that it is already a blockbuster without even making a splash.

The two of them officially met yesterday, and Zhang Yu's approachability and mannerisms made people feel comfortable. Especially at night, two people sneaked into the infirmary secretly and were almost discovered. I was so embarrassed when I was hiding in the closet.

Unknowingly, Hua Yingyue's neck was a little red and her face was a little hot.

"Dang Dang Dang" At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Hua Yingyue straightened up quickly and asked.

"It's me, miss. I've been taking medicine for four hours. I don't know what to do now." The nanny's voice sounded outside.

"I understand, just wait." Hua Yingyue got out of bed directly, but did not immediately go to open the door. Instead, she subconsciously went to the dressing table and tidied her clothes.

After looking at himself for a while, he went over and opened the door.

Opening the door, the nanny was standing outside waiting obediently. Hua Yingyue quickly walked to the next room and knocked on the door a few times.

Zhang Yu was sleeping soundly when he was woken up by a knock on the door and asked, "Who is it?"

"It's me, it's time to boil the medicine." Hua Yingyue said outside.

"So fast." Zhang Yu rubbed his eyes and said, "I'll wash my face and go out right away."

He got up and took a quick shower. It was already noon.

Together with Hua Yingyue and the nanny, we went downstairs. The medicine in the kitchen had been prepared, and the nanny had also prepared lunch.

Zhang Yu always had a good appetite. Since he was preparing lunch, why should he be polite and eat first? Hua Yingyue is as heartless as Zhang Yu. She is still nervous now, especially when Zhang Yu came out of the bedroom just now, she felt her face was hot.

Zhang Yu quickly finished his bowl of rice and said, "Can you serve me another bowl?"

Naturally, the nanny had no problem and took away Zhang Yu's bowl. Zhang Yu immediately discovered that Hua Yingyue sitting aside had not yet moved her chopsticks.

"Miss Hua, why don't you eat?"

"I-I'm not hungry, you just need to eat." Hua Yingyue hurriedly lowered her head and said.

"It's fine if you don't take it. The effect will be better when you take the medicine later." Zhang Yu was honest.

The nanny served the rice, Zhang Yu ate another bowl, and then started to work.

The medicine in the big pot has been boiled. Zhang Yu put ten bowls of water into it and boiled it into two bowls.

He poured out the concoction and divided it into three bowls. One bowl is probably full, and the remaining two bowls are separate, with more and less. Zhang Yu gave the half bowl of concoction to Hua Yingyue and asked Hua Yingyue to drink it first.

The medicine was very bitter, but to Hua Yingyue, it was nothing. When I was treating illnesses in the past, I drank a lot of this traditional Chinese medicine. After drinking more than half of the bowl, Zhang Yu asked Hua Yingyue to go up with the smaller half of the bowl of medicine, while he took the full one.

Entering Hua Yingyue's room, the medicine bowl was placed on the bedside. Hua Yingyue turned around and saw Zhang Yu, her face already red.

She timidly said: "Now. Do we need treatment now?"

"Yeah." Zhang Yu nodded.

"I" Hua Yingyue had been mentally prepared for a long time, but at the critical moment, she was extremely ashamed and embarrassed to take off her clothes in front of a man.

Of course, if Zhang Yu were to help her take off her clothes at this time, she might be able to do it half-heartedly.

But what kind of person is Zhang Yu? Even though he is an experienced driver, his character is still very noble.

The two people looked at each other. Hua Yingyue lowered her head and said hesitantly after a long time: "Can you, can you turn around first?"

"Okay." Zhang Yu also understood the shyness of his daughter's family. This kind of thing is really embarrassing.

It was like after what happened between him and Fang Yatou, the girl took off her clothes at first and refused to let him see her.

Zhang Yu turned around, Hua Yingyue looked at Zhang Yu's back, hesitated for a long time, and finally gritted her teeth. I had just taken a bath, wasn't it just to ask Zhang Yu to help with the treatment?

She slowly unbuttoned the belt of her pajamas, revealing the emerald green bra and breasts underneath. It was obvious that she liked wearing green clothes. Although this color is not tempting, it looks pure and colorful, and has a certain charm.

Her pajamas fell to the floor, and Hua Yingyue hurriedly ran to the bed, grabbed the quilt and covered herself with it. After a long while, he whispered: "You can turn around."

Zhang Yu turned around and saw Hua Yingyue still covered with quilt. He couldn't help scratching his head and said, "This."

"I and you." Hua Yingyue pursed her lips and slowly pulled away the quilt, only her upper body. "Do you think it's like this?"

"This, it must be... not even close." Zhang Yu also said in embarrassment.

He didn't intend to take advantage at all. He already had so many people at home, and he didn't know what to do in the future. Xia Yuechan was already pregnant, so how would he explain it to Yang Ying and Fang Tong in the future. Therefore, how can he still think about other women?

"Then" Hua Yingyue hesitated for a moment, twisted her body, and lay on the bed, saying in a very low voice: "Please help me unbutton the back."

"Ah?" Zhang Yu was shocked.

"I'm really embarrassed to explain myself." Listening to Hua Yingyue's voice, she almost cried.

Asking her to take off this in front of a man would make her sadder than killing her.

Now Hua Yingyue's body is trembling, which shows how nervous she is.

"I, I" Zhang Yu felt embarrassed when he saw her like this. After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly had an idea.

He said gently: "Miss Hua, why don't you take a nap and you won't be nervous when you fall asleep. Besides, it will definitely hurt if you wait a while. It will be better if you sleep."

"Sleep. But I can't sleep now," Hua Yingyue said in a mosquito-like voice.

How can I let her sleep at this time? She couldn't sleep while waiting, and she was always thinking about it, let alone this time.

"I have a way. I'll massage your head and you'll fall asleep soon." Zhang Yu said gently.

"Then that would be the best," Hua Yingyue said in a low voice.

She was squirming and ashamed. Zhang Yu also knew what girls were worried about, and the treatment would have an impact on the meridians. The best way was to let Hua Yingyue fall asleep, which would also relieve the pain.

Zhang Yu immediately came to Hua Yingyue's side and stretched out his hand to massage the back of Hua Yingyue's head.

It didn't take a moment for Hua Yingyue's violently beating heart to slowly calm down, and her breathing to slow down, and she was obviously asleep.

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