Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1604 Thoughts

When they arrived at Huayingyue's villa, all the necessary medicinal materials and items were ready.

Zhang Yu went directly to the kitchen and started boiling medicine. Hua Yingyue watched from the side, intending to help, but found that she couldn't help at all.

It was precisely because of this that she looked at Zhang Yu with admiration. She believed that Zhang Yu was definitely not just talking about it, and he couldn't be bragging just because of his mediocre method of brewing medicine.

Hua Yingyue obviously had more confidence in Zhang Yu. When Zhang Yu finished his work, she asked with some expectancy: "Zhang Yu, will the freckles on my face disappear after I drink these medicines?" ”

"I will try to cure the freckles on your face this time." Zhang Yu said confidently: "But these medicines are not all for drinking, they are mainly for external use."

"For external use. How is it used? Is it used on the face?" Hua Yingyue asked.

"Applying the face is part of it. Let me tell you the specific treatment plan." Zhang Yu said with a smile: "Freckles are mainly caused by wind-heat in the lung meridian. The lung meridian is blocked, resulting in a loss of qi and blood, and facial toxins cannot be discharged. Your freckles are very serious. If you want to completely cure them, you need to apply the medicine to the meridians of the lungs and start to absorb it from the acupuncture points and meridians on the surface of the skin. Because this effect is stronger than taking it orally. At that time, I will help you First, acupuncture is used to open acupuncture points on the meridians of the lungs, and then medicine is applied, and then acupuncture and medicine are used to forcibly clear your lung meridians, leading the blocked toxins to the body surface, and finally using cupping to suck out the toxins. "

What Zhang Yu said was convincing. Although Hua Yingyue didn't understand the pharmacology, she still understood the basics.

She nodded and said: "That is to say, it mainly relies on acupuncture to clear the meridians of the lungs."

As she spoke, she looked down at her body, searching for where her lungs were.

As soon as she lowered her head, her cheeks suddenly turned red and she subconsciously crossed her arms in front of her.

"Where, where should acupuncture be applied?" Hua Yingyue naturally knows where the lungs are.

It's embarrassing to do acupuncture and apply medicine in this place.

Seeing Hua Yingyue's expression was wrong and her words were stammering, Zhang Yu suddenly came to his senses.

Previously, I had only conceived a treatment plan based on medical theory, without thinking so much about it.

Hua Yingyue is a girl after all, and the position of her lungs is indeed a bit embarrassing.

"Well." Zhang Yu scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "I, I just followed the medical theory to specify the treatment plan. There is definitely no problem. I just ignored it. You are a girl."

This time, seeing Zhang Yu hesitating, like a shy boy, Hua Yingyue looked amused and almost didn't laugh.

But the matter was too embarrassing, so she had to hold it back. She lowered her head, flattened her mouth and asked in a low voice: "But what?"

"However, apart from opening acupoints on the lung meridian and applying medicine, there is no other way. In fact, this method is also very painful during the process of dredging the tendons." Zhang Yu said embarrassedly: "If it really doesn't work. , I’ll do more research and see if I can come up with another way.”

"We still need to study it. How long will it take?" Hua Yingyue asked in a low voice.

"The method I just mentioned is the most direct and effective. If you take it orally, I'm afraid it will have the same effect as your previous treatment, with no visible effect. Mainly because you are a girl. Applying medicine and Acupuncture is a bit difficult," Zhang Yu said truthfully.

"That's it." The shy Hua Yingyue hesitated. If she wasn't treated by Zhang Yu, she would never be as beautiful as other women. If Zhang Yu is allowed to treat him, his privacy will have to be seen by Zhang Yu and the site will take advantage of him. But after weighing it, Hua Yingyue believed that curing the freckles on her face was the most important thing. Furthermore, Zhang Yu is a very sincere person and doesn't dislike him. He touched me there last night, but it was just unintentional.

After hesitating for a long time, Hua Yingyue asked in a low voice: "Are you sure you can cure my face?"

"I'm not 100% sure, but it's at least 89%. Even if it can't be completely cured at one time, it can at least reduce the freckles on your face a lot and have obvious effects." Zhang Yu said in a positive tone. .

"That, that's good!" Hua Yingyue gritted her teeth. There was nothing more important than her appearance. Besides, I'm not married yet, so there's nothing to worry about.

Even so, she said in a warning tone: "There are only two of us here. I have not leaked anything you asked me to keep secret. You are not allowed to tell anyone about the treatment method this time. It must be kept secret!"

Zhang Yu nodded solemnly and said, "I know this, don't worry."

"Okay! Then I believe you!" Hua Yingyue raised her head this time, with a firm gaze in her eyes.

After the medicinal materials are boiled in a large pot, there is a long wait. In Zhang Yu's words, it takes at least four hours.

When she heard that it took such a long time, Hua Yingyue simply called the nanny to watch and invited Zhang Yu to go upstairs to rest.

Neither of them had a good rest at night, especially Zhang Yu, who was tired from traveling and going back and forth, with a look of exhaustion on his face.

Of course she couldn't let Zhang Yu sleep in the same room with her. There were so many rooms in such a huge villa. Hua Yingyue's bedroom was on the second floor, and she arranged for Zhang Yu to go up to the second floor, the room next to hers.

Actually this is a study room, but there is a bed in the room. Zhang Yu was also sleepy, so he went into the house and lay down on the bed to sleep. He could only treat Hua Yingyue after the medicine was ready.

Hua Yingyue returned to her room. She originally wanted to sleep, but she couldn't sleep.

Although the next treatment is exciting, it can also make people nervous and shy.

She has grown up and has never had a boyfriend. The family has very high demands on her, and she is also very strong. How can Miss Huajia find a boyfriend casually? The results are great, and it has always been difficult to achieve high results and low results. I originally wanted to win one of the top ten outstanding young people in the country, but unfortunately I let the guy next to me take it away.

Of course, even if Zhang Yu didn't grab it, she wouldn't be able to get it.

Sitting on the chair, Hua Yingyue looked down at her bulging mountain peaks and kept muttering in her heart, "Wait a minute. He's going to see me. It's really embarrassing. But my face can't always be like this. Listen to what he said." , that seems to be the case. Besides, I, I am not good-looking either, and I can’t compare to the girl he took that day. He probably didn’t just want to take advantage of me, as long as his face can be cured.”

"By the way. I haven't showered in three days and I'm sweating a lot. Wait, will it be rude? Otherwise, I'll wash up first. I'm not pretty anyway, but don't let him think that I'm not a talkative person. health."

She thought wildly, stood up, and walked into the bathroom with a blushing face.


Happy Chinese Valentine's Day, brothers and sisters! Lao Tie will continue typing tomorrow, there is no date at all, and he will give two more updates during the day.

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