Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1335 Losing Money

After the divorce, Wang Yuan had nothing. The house and children were all with the woman.

If such a large amount of money is lost this time, it will be discovered in less than two days. By then, there is no way to escape from jail. He probably has to stay in jail until he retires.

Wang Yuan is also an intellectual, and now he is completely dumbfounded.

He didn't know what to do, and after pondering for a long time, it seemed that only his true love could help him. He sent a message to the female anchor, but she didn't respond. She must have fallen asleep. He didn't care that the other party was sleeping, so he simply dialed the number and finally woke up the female anchor.

"Honey, call me this late at night. What can you do?" the female anchor said softly on the phone.

"Xiaoqing. The gift I gave you tonight is the company's money. Now there is a problem. Can you lend me a hundred thousand yuan to help you turn around?" Wang Yuan said bravely.

"The gifts you gave me haven't been settled yet. They are all at the live broadcast company." The female anchor's voice was obviously as gentle as before.

"Then you've made a lot of money before, and I'm going to make a lot of money tonight. Can you lend me some of your own money first?" Wang Yuan said pitifully.

"I work so hard all day, but I can't actually make much money. My mother is sick, and all the money I earned before was used to treat my mother's illness. I really have no money now, or you can wait until it opens next month. Let’s talk about salary,” the female anchor said.

"I need it urgently now," Wang Yuan said anxiously.

Now he just wants to get some money and take another gamble, hoping to make money back.

"I don't have it if you need it urgently. By the way, my mother called me. Maybe there was something wrong at the hospital. I hung up first." After the female anchor finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy signal on the phone, Wang Yuan felt annoyed and called the female anchor's number again, but she couldn't get through.

At this time, Wang Yuan was completely desperate. He didn't know where he would get money.

In desperation, he left the house alone. When he saw an open supermarket on the street, he went in and bought a bottle of liquor, drinking it while walking aimlessly.

"Money, money. Where can I get money? I can't go to jail."

Zhenhai Administrative District is also called the city that never sleeps. It is different from other cities at night and has a luxurious life.

When he walked to the parking lot of a nightclub, he saw a middle-aged woman getting out of a Bentley. The woman was carrying a bag on her shoulder. It looked like rich people came here to have fun.

The name of this nightclub is - Yale. People in the street call this place "Duck Le" because the ducks here are particularly famous.

After Wang Yuan waited for the woman to leave the parking lot, he gritted his teeth, rushed over, grabbed the leather bag from the woman's shoulder, turned around and ran away. He believed that people who came here to play would have tens of thousands of cash on them.

The woman was startled and shouted, "Someone is grabbing the bag! Someone is grabbing the bag!"

There were security guards at the nightclub, and there were car guards in the parking lot. Someone who knew the woman, when they heard the shouting, immediately helped chase her.

This was Wang Yuan's first time doing this kind of thing, and he was exhausted. Maybe it was some mistake, but as I was running, there was actually a construction site in front of me.

This is the project of Wudang Group in the urban area. During this time, the construction site is dark. Wang Yuan panicked and rushed directly to the construction site.

In the darkness, he kept walking and stumbled. When he passed the downstairs of a building, his toe was hit by a stone and he fell forward.


On the ground in front of him, there was a broken steel bar stuck on the ground. God knows why, it was such a coincidence that when he threw himself down, he hit the steel bar, and a hole was pierced in his right chest. The blood kept flowing out, Wang Yuan also lost his strength and could never get up again. If someone discovers it immediately and sends it to the hospital for rescue, there may be some hope of survival.

It's a pity that because the construction site was too dark, the people chasing him didn't dare to come in, for fear that he would bring something with him and it wouldn't be worth it to hurt himself. The workers at the construction site were still sleeping soundly, and they would not have noticed that such a person had walked in.

When Wang Yuan was found, it was already five o'clock in the morning, and Wang Yuan was completely dead.

The patrol came here to deal with it, robbed and escaped, and accidentally fell to death. Return the bag to the owner and the case is basically closed.

However, no one would believe that Wang Yuan would go to the streets to grab bags for no reason. He was not a homeless person, so there must be something wrong. As for the company, people are inevitably wondering, can Wang Yuansi, who is so gentle, do something like grabbing a bag?

As soon as the finance department paid wages, it discovered a problem. Wang Yuan transferred the company's money to his own Alipay, and then transferred the money to Douxia Live and the gambling website.

Whether it is transferring money to Douxia Live or to a gambling website, the company cannot recover the two money and can only ask Wang Yuan for it. Wang Yuan is dead, who else should I look for?

Although the company lost such a large amount of money, it was not the full amount of salary after all. Wang Yuan could not transfer that much, which was just a few million.

The person was already dead, and Yang Ying could only accept her bad luck.

When something like this happened, Young Master Yang Ying had to call Zhang Yu and report it.

Zhang Yu was busy working in the Taoist temple, and he didn't think too much about it. The loss of several million, the people involved in the case were all dead, what else could he do?

The company is operating as usual, and Zhang Yu has to stay busy at Taoist Temple for a few more days.

As a result, in just a few days, Wudang Group was unlucky. The losses kept coming.

The next day, a batch of high-end ceramic tiles purchased by the company, worth 15 million, overturned on the highway. Most of the ceramic tiles were broken, and the remaining ones were moved away by surrounding villagers.

The day after tomorrow, the Wudang Group's artificial lake project next to the forest farm in Masi Town collapsed, causing serious losses of up to 60 million yuan.

The day after tomorrow, a crane broke down at a construction site in the city, resulting in three deaths and eight injuries, involving a compensation of 2 million yuan.

These losses will be reflected in the books, and the ruined tiles will have to be purchased again. Finance has to make money.

If the artificial lake collapses, it will have to be rebuilt, and another sum of money will have to be spent. Not to mention accidents at the construction site, the deceased will be compensated, and the injured will quickly pay for medical expenses.

The most unlucky thing was that when one of the company's transport trucks was transporting sediment, it passed an intersection without traffic lights and accidentally hit a box truck driven by a patrol car.

When the driver got out of the car, he thought it was no big deal. The Wudang Group was considered the number one in the district office, so the big deal was that they would have to pay for it. The insurance compensation on the car was 2 million, and the truck driver was fine.

As a result, the patrol officer who was driving the road told the driver that this box of goods was a JDZ vase exhibited at the administrative district museum, with a total price of at least one billion. You kid even dared to hit the car our patrol car was driving.

Once the box was opened, the outer packaging of the vase was sealed and half of it was broken.

Because the driver was on official duty and did not run a red light, the Wudang Group was entitled to compensation. Looking at the list sent by the museum, Yang Ying and Xiao Jiejie's eyes were a little dizzy.


Special thanks to: Mr. Oogway, Chinese Spare Ribs, Dahai, Wanfeng for the big rewards, as well as today’s more than 50 monthly tickets and more than 300 recommendation tickets.

Alas, I have been suffering from severe insomnia these past two days. It would be great if I had a sleep-friendly mobile phone.

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