Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1334 Flowerpot

Wudang Group, Finance Office.

No matter which company you are in, the financial office is a top priority, and the financial director is almost always a relative or confidant of the boss.

The financial director Yang Ying's business level is just that, but she can play an important role of supervision here.

Fang Yatou is also here now, interning with cashier Wang Yuan and learning some relevant financial knowledge. When you get started with accounting, you start with the cashier. There are three cashiers in the finance office, with different business divisions. Wang Yuan is the big cashier.

In the summer, the windows of the room were open and the door of the office was also open. No one could come in broad daylight and rob the finance room.

Everyone was at work, when Xiao Chen from the purchasing department passed by the corridor holding a pot of bamboo.

When he arrived at the door of the finance room, he poked his head inside and said, "Zhang Nan, would you like to have lunch together?"

Zhang Nan was also a cashier. After hearing this in front of everyone, his face turned red and he deliberately said angrily: "Let's talk about it later."

Her words immediately caused everyone in the finance room to laugh. Xiao Chen was also embarrassed and scratched his head. Unexpectedly, the phoenix bamboo he was holding fell to the ground and the flowerpot shattered into pieces.

"Oops!" Xiao Chen immediately yelled and said with a grimace: "I bought a new phoenix tail bamboo today."

"It will make you happy." "That's right.".

Everyone in the company knew each other, and procurement and finance often interacted with each other. When the finance people saw this scene, they burst into laughter again.

Xiao Chen quickly found things to pack. Seeing his embarrassed look, Zhang Nan, the cashier, came over to help, and together they cleaned up the broken flower pots and scattered flower soil.

It seemed like it was just a small thing, more like a joke, and no one cared.

But in the afternoon of that day, when everyone was having lunch, Xu Dong, the accountant in charge of bank loans, suddenly came down with dysentery and asked for leave to go to the hospital. Later, he got a call saying that he had acute appendicitis and needed surgery, and he had to take two more days off.

Because it was the beginning of the month, the financial aspect involved paying wages to employees. No matter how many people the group supported, wages were not a small number.

In the past, Xu Dong and Wang Yuan did this errand together. Now that Xu Dong has asked for leave, Wang Yuan has one less supervisor around him. But even if one person is missing, wages must be paid.

Of course, in Yang Ying's view, this is not a big deal. Wang Yuan has been in the company for so long and nothing has ever happened to him. Besides, Wang Yuan is accompanied by an intern, Fang Tong.

Wang Yuan used to work very conscientiously, otherwise he wouldn't be able to be a cashier.

But this guy had a hobby, which was watching football, which later developed into gambling. He lost a lot, and his wife divorced him because of it.

On the surface, no one knew the reason for the divorce. Naturally, Wang Yuan could not say that it was his responsibility in the company. Instead, he said that his wife was acting dishonestly to gain sympathy. During this time, he became obsessed with Douxia Live Broadcast. Instead of watching game live broadcasts, he watched the performances of female anchors and occasionally bought some gifts.

His salary is not low, with a monthly income of over 10,000 yuan and a bonus at the end of the year. However, there was no point in brushing the gifts. The female anchor kept fawning over her, calling her "honey" and "honey", chatting happily in private, which made Wang Yuan think he had found true love.

It was also unlucky. As soon as Xu Dong went to the hospital today, Wang Yuan thought that he was a little tight and didn't have enough money to buy gifts. It's better to transfer the salary money to your Alipay for a day, earn some interest, and find an excuse to pay it later tomorrow, since Xu Dong is not here anyway.

He was the cashier, so the repayment had to go through his hands. With Xu Dong watching from the side, he didn't have the guts. Xu Dong was not here, what could Fang Tong see, and he was fooled without paying attention.

Such a big amount of money can earn a lot of interest per day. Even though Alipay has a limit, he couldn't help but open three of them.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yuan's "true love" would be found when the anchors were shopping for gifts in the evening. It was said that there was a young wealthy man who kept checking her rankings and wanted to do whatever he wanted with her, but she didn't like that kind of man who had no substance. However, others brushed her off, and she couldn't do anything more than show mercy.

Under the instigation of the female anchor, Wang Yuan's brain seemed to be out of control. He thought that Alipay would earn a lot of interest in one day, so he simply went to fight with the little rich man.

In the live broadcast room, the female anchor kept shouting, "Brother Wang is domineering for all to see!" "Brother Wang is my man!" "Brother Wang, I love you!" "Brother Wang."

As the female anchor shouted, the tourists watching the excitement below kept swiping 666 to express their admiration and admiration for Wang Yuan.

And that rich man was really rich. He kept swiping upwards. Little did Wang Yuan know that the rich man was the stooge of the live broadcast room. How much he brushed out would determine how much he could get back.

Encouraged by the female anchor, Wang Yuan swiped more and more. In the end, he was confused and didn't know how much he had swiped.

The money swiped by the shill could not be returned on the same day. After swiping one million, I finally gave in. When he dressed, the female anchor shouted excitedly, and the visitors in the live broadcast room were so impressed by Wang Yuan that they kneeled down one after another.

This kind of transcendent feeling was Wang Yuan's first experience. On impulse, he gave the female anchor another 999 rockets.

When the female anchor went off the air, Wang Yuan suddenly realized from his happiness that the money for the gifts was not his, it was the company's salary for the employees.

He was worried, wondering what to do?

It was still unlucky, and he unconsciously thought of his old profession, which was betting on football. He transferred the remaining money in Alipay to an online gambling account, which happened to be the opening game of La Liga not long ago, when newly promoted Osasuna played against Real Madrid at home. Osasuna receives half a goal.

Wang Yuan saw that this was great. Real Madrid had to win at least four or five goals even if it was an away game against a newly promoted team.

If you buy it yourself, you won't get back the money you paid for the gift, and you can also make an extra amount.

But to be cautious, he decided to go to the Football Lottery Post Bar to read the comments above before making a final decision.

Needless to say, I immediately saw a guy from Hao making recommendations.

Brother Hao, the poster: Brother Xinhao, the bicycle becomes a car! Osasuna received half a goal at home today. From a strength analysis, Real Madrid has an absolute advantage, scoring at least two goals. But the bookmaker's offer of half a ball was obviously a fraud, and it was clearly an attempt to induce a bet. Optimistic about Osasuna being undefeated at home, recommended scores: 0-0, 1-1, 1-0.

When Wang Yuan saw that it made sense, he immediately invested his money and bought Osasuna. Just waiting for the bike to turn into a car after the game is over.

Then, within five minutes of the game opening, Real Madrid scored. Wang Yuan kept praying for Osasuna to score, but unfortunately soon, it was Real Madrid who scored again. At the end of the first half, Real Madrid scored three goals against their opponents.

It is simply a dream to expect Osasuna to come back.

In desperation, Wang Yuan decided to continue betting in the second half, and the handicap was 4.5 goals. If you can score 5 goals in the whole game, it’s considered big. If you can’t score 5, it’s considered small.

Wang Yuan considered that he scored three goals in the first half and at least two in the second half. Ever since, this time, everything that was transferred to Alipay, plus all the remaining savings on my card, I bought 4.5 balls in one go.

That's the way it is with gambling, the results are often different than what people think. If you score three in the first half, will you definitely score that many more in the second half?

At the end of the game, the two teams did not score a single goal in the second half, and the score was fixed at 0-3.

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