Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1326 Interview

Director Zhang of the Chemical Industry Research Institute has made it very clear that the reason why sleeping on a mobile phone can make people fall asleep has nothing to do with chemical raw materials. He asked Su Xiaoyan from the Medical and Health Department. Apparently the mobile phone was related to medicine.

At this moment, everyone turned their attention to Su Xiaoyan.

Su Xiaoyan looked accommodating and stood up with a smile. There was another round of applause in the auditorium.

As the applause fell, Su Xiaoyan said with a smile: "Due to online public opinion and our own curiosity, our Medical and Health Department has conducted research on sleep-friendly phones. The reason why sleep-friendly phones are so magical cannot be separated from science and medicine. Sure enough, , we quickly discovered that the wooden back shell on the back of the iSleep phone is a very good wood, it should be camphor wood. The camphor wood exudes a delicate fragrance, and anyone who buys the iSleep phone will find that the It has a light fragrance. Not only that, we also found that camphor wood is prepared with precious soothing medicinal materials, and the processing technology is unknown to us. But one thing is for sure, the Sleeping Phone is a combination of modern science and ancient Created by combining traditional Chinese medicine and culture. I have to admire the R\u0026D personnel who love sleeping on their mobile phones. Their wisdom is unparalleled!"

At this point, Su Xiaoyan took out a mobile phone from her pocket, which was the Sleep Phone. She said with a smile: "I am not advertising the Sleep Phone. As people get older, they inevitably lack sleep. I will use it now." If you like sleeping on your phone, it really works.”

This Su Xiaoyan was willing to go all out in order to curry favor with Wen Qiong. I didn’t get a penny of advertising fees, and I took the opportunity to make an advertisement for iSleep Mobile.

The audience burst into laughter, and the applause lasted for a long time.

Su Xiaoyan slowly sat on the chair. Zhang Yu looked at Miao Shouren with a smile on his face and said, "Miao Zhuan, the issue of chemical composition has been explained clearly. I wonder what you want to say to Director Su? What’s your opinion?”

Su Xiaoyan is the director of the Zhendong District Medical and Health Department. Her statement basically represents the statement of the public office. If there was really something wrong with the phone, she wouldn't dare say anything, as she would have to take responsibility. She just thinks that there is nothing wrong with sleeping on mobile phones. As she said, it is the crystallization of technology and traditional Chinese medicine culture.

Miao Shouren was confused now. If he were to question Director Su again, he would be making himself uncomfortable. Miao Shouren felt a little regretful. He shouldn't have come to today's press conference at all. This arrival is simply asking for humiliation.

He understood what Zhang Yu said to Lu Feicai earlier, that he needed to resort to law. Now he must have something to say, that is, apologize in public. Otherwise, if he is sued and loses the case, he will be even more ugly.

It is said that a man can bend and stretch, not to mention that Qi Wuyao has already received the money. For a master like him, there is no integrity at all. It's just an apology. It can't be a piece of meat. At most, it will be a bit embarrassing.

After thinking about this, Miao Shouren smiled slightly and said: "Since the Chemical Industry Research Institute and the Medical and Health Department have given this statement, I am willing to retract my previous doubts online and hereby solemnly apologize to Jindang Technology Group . I will try to make up for the impact my remarks have had on the person who loves sleeping on his mobile phone!"

When Lu Feicai saw that Miao Shouren also apologized, he immediately said: "I am also willing to retract my previous doubts on the Internet and solemnly apologize to Jindang Technology Group."

Regarding these two masters, Zhang Yu can't say that he killed them or beat them up. Litigation is basically an apology in the end. After all, publicly asking for compensation makes Jindang Technology stingy. Of course, the compensation won't amount to much money.

If it weren't for the relatively low cost of such indiscriminate spraying, why would there be so many brick-and-mortar experts? It wouldn't be a big deal if they were wrong anyway. It's just like those stock commentators and stock experts who don't talk nonsense in public. If you buy stocks based on their words, you will lose money. But there's no point in suing them.

At today's press conference, Zhang Yu's goal has been achieved. Letting the two entrepreneurs apologize at the press conference would have a better effect than anything else.

Next, it is time for questions from the media.

Many reporters could no longer hold back for a long time, and now they could finally ask questions. The reporter who was first in line immediately asked: "Mr. Zhang, I would like to ask, how does your company combine traditional Chinese medicine and technology into one? Does sleeping on a mobile phone really have no side effects on the human body? "

Zhang Yu said with a smile: "How to achieve two-in-one? Needless to say, even if you ask a single question, I am not able to answer it here. Because this is the core technology of our Jindang Technology, it must be kept secret. Maybe in It will be made public in the near future. As for whether sleeping on your mobile phone will be harmful to the human body, I, Zhang Yu, dare to guarantee with my life and property here that there will never be any side effects. Several commissioners have just said that the radiation from mobile phones It is the lowest in the world, and Chinese medicine has always been a harmless product, and there is no need to take it.”

"Mr. Zhang, I wonder if the important systems on the AiSleep phone have a shelf life. Will they become completely ineffective because the medicine disappears?" Another reporter asked.

Zhang Yu still smiled and said: "There should be no mobile phone produced by any company that can be used for a lifetime. Just like the popular Ai Feng mobile phone, isn't it updated every two or three years? Any technology will be replaced after a certain period of time. It is inevitable that the times will be obsolete. We are currently producing the iSleep 1 mobile phone, and in two or three years, the iSleep 2 mobile phone will be on the market."

Although he did not directly answer the reporter's question, he made it very clear that if a mobile phone can last a lifetime, wouldn't it be a one-time deal for the mobile phone company? Where can I find such a mobile phone product?

Immediately afterwards, another reporter asked: "Mr. Zhang, after Sleeping has experienced this turmoil, in my opinion, it has become even more famous. I wonder if Sleeping will increase its price as a result?"

"No!" Zhang Yu said bluntly, "I always stick to my word, and the price I offer will not change."

Later, a male reporter asked: "Mr. Zhang, the sleep-friendly mobile phones currently on the market are in limited supply. I wonder if this will continue to be the case in the future?"

"Director Liu has just said that the technology of the Sleeping Phone is very complex, and its manufacturing cost and production time are very long. It is very difficult to produce it on a large scale. Our company can only do it and make it as large as possible. It will be put into production, but in the next few years, there is no guarantee that it will be able to fully meet market demand." Zhang Yu said.

"Zhang's company's advertisement does not say that it wants to have a mobile phone for the world. If the production cycle is so long, when will it be possible to actually have a mobile phone for the world?" asked another female reporter.

“Technology will always advance, and we at Jindang Technology will also advance with it. It is impossible for everyone in the world to use a sleeping phone, but we at Jindang Technology will strive to bring mobile phones to the world. Every country." Zhang Yu said confidently.

"Mr. Zhang, domestic export products are often priced lower than the domestic market sales price. The iSleep mobile phone will obviously be launched into the international market in the near future. I wonder what the sales price at home and abroad will be like then?" " asked a male reporter.

"I can guarantee that no matter what time it is, the sleep-friendly mobile phones sold in China will definitely be cheaper than those sold abroad!" Zhang Yu said seriously.

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