Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1325 The best in the world


As soon as Director Yang finished speaking, the scene was in an uproar.

You know, many mobile phones look similar, but the radiation values ​​of ordinary mobile phones from other brands are relatively high. Even for domestic high-end brands, the radiation value is above 2.0 watts/kg. As for foreign high-end brands, no matter how good they are, they must be above 1.0 watts/kg. There is currently no mobile phone in the world that is lower than 1.0 watt/kg.

It is conceivable that the 0.5 watt/kg mobile phone has created the world's best.

Of course, it is impossible to brag about this kind of thing. 13 If it exists, it exists, and if it does not exist, it does not exist. After all, this is a record-breaking event, and once announced, the world will have to study it.

Zhang Yu had never thought of such low radiation before. The day before yesterday, he went to see Wen Qiong to discuss countermeasures and attack his opponent.

The two experts questioned two points. To be precise, they were questioning, but the tone of their words was not questioning, but slander. If the radiation is high, then it must be tested. Wen Qiong arranged for the Telecommunications Department to conduct a test. As soon as the test results came out, the people at the Telecommunications Department were confused and even thought that there was something wrong with the instrument.

I quickly measured it with another mobile phone and found that everything was normal. Only then did I confirm that there was no problem. It was indeed the low radiation from my sleeping phone. In response to this, Wen Qiong asked the Science and Technology Department for testing again, which shocked the Science and Technology Department again. I tested more than ten sleep-friendly mobile phones in a row, and every one of them had the same radiation, 0.5 watts/kg.

With such low-radiation mobile phones, the Director of Telecommunications and the Director of Science and Technology immediately seized several mobile phones as "souvenirs." Similarly, the two companies also expressed their willingness to attend the press conference, firstly to clarify for Ai Sleeping on Mobile Phones, and secondly to announce this exciting result.

If it were simply the first produced corn mobile phone, the radiation would be below 2.0 watts/kg, so it would be impossible to have such a measurement result. Zhang Yu analyzed it and believed that the wood and the formation he arranged had the effect of counteracting radiation to a certain extent, which was why there was such a low radiation phenomenon.

It can be said that once the results are announced, the iSleep mobile phone will be cheap at 16,000 yuan on the market, and 30,000 yuan is not excessive.

The uproar at the scene subsided and reporters began to take photos non-stop. Some reporters were impatient and wanted to ask questions. However, reporters have time for interviews, and they must wait until everything is announced before they can ask questions.

Immediately afterwards, Director Wang from the Science and Technology Department stood up and said very proudly: "Jindang Technology can develop this kind of ultra-low radiation mobile phone, which is definitely a blessing for the people of the country and society. Our Science and Technology Department has reported it to the federal government Academy of Sciences, and plans to apply for the Guinness World Record for sleeping on mobile phones!”

"Pap-pap-pap-pap." "Pap-pap-pap-pap." "Pap-pap-pap-pap."

When his voice settled, the auditorium immediately burst into applause.

Domestic mobile phones have been suppressed by big foreign brands in the market. The iSleep mobile phone is simply a breakthrough. Everyone can be sure that in the near future, the iSleep mobile phone will definitely replace the influence of foreign mobile phones in the country. Even, the iSleep mobile phone will have a place in the international market in the future, and it will really be a mobile phone for the whole world.

When the applause fell, Lu Feicai's face was extremely pale. He knew that not only did radiation theory not exist, but it would also make people who sleep on their phones even more famous.

The two directors were polite and took their seats one after another. Zhang Yu came forward to speak again. Zhang Yu said with a smile: "Just now, the chiefs of the Telecommunications Administration and the Science and Technology Administration have refuted the radiation theory of sleeping on mobile phones. Obviously, sleeping on mobile phones is the mobile phone with the lowest radiation in the world. If this is considered high radiation, then how high are the radiations of other mobile phones? What do you think, Lu Feicai?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Yu deliberately looked at Lu Feicai.

"Haha." Lu Fei smiled awkwardly and said awkwardly: "Well, it seems that my lack of research at the beginning was a bit inappropriate."

"Lu Zhuanjia, are you wording this inappropriately? You clearly intend to slander our love of sleeping on mobile phones and have a great negative impact on our company. Here, I solemnly tell you that our Jindang Technology will deal with your Defamatory remarks, file a lawsuit with the court, and demand compensation! If you don’t want to fight this lawsuit, I hope you can apologize to our Jindang Technology in public!" Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Uh." Lu Feicai's face turned blue and white. For a moment, he didn't know what to do.

He knew in his heart that if Jindang Technology sued him now, he would definitely lose the lawsuit. At that time, it will not only be a public apology, but also financial compensation.

But if I take a tough stance now, it will definitely be criticized by thousands of people, and it will be of no benefit at all.

While he was anxious, Miao Shouren, who was sitting next to him, helped and said: "Mr. Zhang, regarding the radiation problem, your Jindang Technology is indeed worthy of praise. As the two directors said, it is a blessing to the people of the country and a blessing to society. But. "You haven't answered the question of whether there are chemicals in mobile phones. Why it makes people fall asleep and why there is such low radiation is really puzzling."

Miao Shouren also had to bite the bullet, but now he had no other choice but to fight Zhang Yu. Hoping to find some loophole.

But he didn't want to think about it. Zhang Yu was obviously confident when he invited so many people from the office.

Zhang Yu smiled faintly and said: "As for whether there are chemical raw materials in the iSleep mobile phone, I think the Chemical Industry Research Institute has the best say. Today our company invited Dean Zhang from the Chemical Industry Research Institute, and now it is up to Dean Zhang to answer your problem."

After saying that, Zhang Yu took the lead in applauding, "Bah, bang, bang, bang."

"Pap-pap-pap-pap." "Pap-pap-pap-pap."

There was another round of applause in the auditorium, and now everyone could see that Ai sleeps on his mobile phone to the extreme. This press conference can be called the strongest advertisement for sleeping on mobile phones.

As long as the results of the press conference are published, it is much better than the advertisements made by Zhang Yu and others about Louis Koo sleeping and men needing to sleep soundly.

Dean Zhang of the Research Institute of Chemical Industry stood up amidst the applause. The old director wore glasses and had a kind face. He said slowly: "In response to the rumors on the Internet, our Research Institute of Chemical Industry has carried out investigations on people who like to sleep on mobile phones. A comprehensive test has been conducted. We can confirm that there are no chemical components in the raw materials of mobile phones. However, mobile phones that can make people fall asleep are by no means pseudoscience. I think it is up to the Department of Health to explain what the secret is. Because, After all, we are a chemical research institute, and even if we find some clues, we are not authoritative."

After Dean Zhang said this, he looked at Director Su from the Medical and Health Department.

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