Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1319 The smoke before the war

"Sister Qianqian, can you sell me this mobile phone at a cheaper price?" At this time, a girl next to Nie Qian said embarrassedly.

This girl is Nie Qian's roommate, and they have a good relationship with each other. She is usually called Sister Qianqian, and she is called Sister Qianqian.

She actually wanted to ask Nie Qian for a mobile phone, but she was too embarrassed to say it out loud for a mobile phone worth 16,000 yuan.

This mobile phone is actually not important to Nie Qian. Zhang Yu just said that, so she naturally doesn't care.

At that moment, Nie Qian said openly: "We good sisters, if there is anything you don't want to buy, I will give it to you!"

"Really! Thank you, Sister Qianqian!" The girl shouted excitedly.

There were six girls sleeping together, and the other three looked at Nie Qian when they saw their two companions.

Nie Qian laughed and said: "Everyone has a share! Everyone has a share! Each of us has one in the dormitory!"

"Thank you, Sister Qianqian!" "Long live Sister Qianqian!" "Long live Sister Qianqian!" Good guy, Liang Lu and the other five girls all shouted loudly.

The girls around him were even more envious and jealous, and all of them secretly wondered why they didn't have that fate. Even if you can't meet a wealthy person like Zhang Yu, you can still live in the same dormitory with Nie Qian.

"Sister Qianqian, I'm sorry just now." "Sister Qianqian, what I just said is nonsense. We are all classmates, so don't take it seriously." "Sister Qianqian is so generous." At this time, Wang Xiangwen's roommates were all confused. They moved closer to Nie Qian and apologized one after another to please her.

Wang Xiangwen and Shi Weiwei almost died of anger when they saw their roommates going to apologize to Nie Qian.

Shi Weiwei glared at Zhao Jun beside her hatefully, then turned and left. At this moment, she had already made up her mind. If she met someone good, she would kick the crap out of Zhao Jun.

Wang Xiangwen also turned around and left. As he walked, he cursed in his heart, "Nie Qian met this person somewhere. It's really a ghost. I'm much prettier than her and have a better figure than her. Why can't I meet her?" Arrived!"

The school entrance is lively, and at this moment, the Internet is even more lively.

The reason is that a medical expert named Miao Shouren and a technical expert named Lu Feicai each posted a Weibo.

The content of Miao Shouren's Weibo is: "I love sleeping on mobile phones. How is it possible that there is a mobile phone that makes people fall asleep after playing with it for a while? Is there such technology in the world? It is obviously impossible! Then why is there love? What about a product like a sleeping phone? I can completely guarantee with my personality that there must be some chemical components in this phone that can affect the human brain! If used for a long time, it will definitely affect the human brain!"

The content of Lu Feicai's Weibo is: "As we all know, mobile phones contain radiation, it just depends on the size of the radiation. If you like a mobile phone that can make people fall asleep as quickly as possible, I am sure that this must be a mobile phone with high radiation. Through strong The radiation plays a role in hypnotizing the human brain. If used for a long time, it may cause the brain to shrink and become a vegetative state!"

This kind of expert really dares to say anything. Of course, these two brick masters are indeed "brick masters". I don’t have any R\u0026D at all, I have written a few academic papers, and I’m not doing very well. As long as I’m paid, I can talk about anything. And this time, it was still a big job. Qi Wuyao gave him a lot of money, so he had to work even harder. Anyway, I didn’t kill anyone, and I didn’t set a fire. So what if I said it wrong?

As soon as their statement came out, trolls on the Internet immediately began to cooperate with each other.

On the Haijiao Forum, a post was first posted by Colorful Starling: Sleep-friendly mobile phones contain chemical ingredients and high levels of radiation. Please do not be fooled. There is no such technology in the world, there must be something wrong!

Second floor: I have always been suspicious of this phone. It is an exaggeration. It is a phone that is sold to the whole world. It is a boast. The ads are disgusting, and the functions are even more disgusting. If it doesn't rely on high radiation, how can it be possible for people to sleep when they want to?

Third floor: I call on the Chinese people to wake up and don’t be deceived. Such bad and profiteers must be resisted. Otherwise, sooner or later, he will become a vegetative state.

Fourth floor: I would not hesitate to ask for this kind of broken mobile phone if it was given to me for free. If you sleep every day, wouldn't you be sleeping stupidly?

Fifth floor: I agree with the opinion above.

Sixth floor: Front row to see the wind direction.

Seventh Floor: If there were no chemical ingredients in this phone, I would live broadcast eating.

Eighth floor: If this mobile phone didn’t have high radiation, I would live broadcast eating dog food.

Ninth Floor: Nowadays, businesses can harm people. This mobile phone is just for deceiving people in China. If it is taken abroad, the quality will definitely be found to be substandard.

10th Floor: Call on relevant departments to investigate strictly and stop eating and not working all day long.

Eleventh floor: The relevant departments have been fed by profiteers for a long time and have no time to work. It’s better that we consciously forward it and consciously boycott it.

Twelfth Floor: I don’t believe this kind of phone is any good. If I support domestic products, I also support rice phones.

Various arguments are overwhelming, and they are basically all about sleeping on mobile phones. Many opinions, which are not questioning at all, have already given the nature of sleep-loving mobile phones, that is, high radiation and chemical ingredients. As for how high the radiation is and what its chemical composition is, no one has said. Anyway, you don't need evidence if you come out to be evil.

The iSleep mobile phone is currently only available in Zhenhai, and the price is an exorbitant 16,000 yuan. Not everyone can buy it, and everyone can afford it.

There will never be a shortage of people in this world who find grapes sour if they cannot eat them. Many people followed the trend and began to slander people who love sleeping on their phones.

According to the current arguments on the Internet, sleepy phones should be smashed, the people who invented sleepy phones should be shot, and the bosses of Jindang Technology, Zhang Yu and Xiao Jiejie, should be cut to pieces.

Jindang Technology Office Building.

In the conference room, Li Zaiping and Zhou Chang were discussing contract details with many dealers.

Li Zaiping and Zhou Chang strictly followed Zhang Yu's instructions. The supply should not be too large, but there must be a purchase limit. After all, even if Zhang Yu wanted to completely spread it out, he couldn't process so much and could only do it bit by bit.

Therefore, during the negotiations, Li Zaiping stated that he did not supply much goods to various dealers. According to the quantity, you have to pay a deposit first, and then after the processing is completed, you will get the goods in one hand, and there will be no credit.

For each dealer, although the goods in hand are slightly less, the profit of this mobile phone is huge. There is a difference of 6,000 yuan between the ex-factory price and the retail price. With such a profit, it would be better to take less.

The contract was all drawn up and Li Zaiping distributed it to everyone, so they had to sign the contract on the spot.

At this moment, a series of cell phone ringtones rang in the conference room, "ring ring ring ring ring." "ring ring ring" "ring ring ring."

This is not just one and a half, there are six or seven dealers whose mobile phones are almost ringing together.

"Sorry." "Sorry." "Answer the phone.".

Everyone stood up and took out their phones to answer the call.

"Hey, Xiao Li, what's going on?"

"Boss, something happened to me who sleeps on my phone."

"What could happen?"

"There are rumors on the Internet that sleep-enhancing mobile phones have high radiation and chemical ingredients, so they can make people sleep deeply. Now they are resisting it. Looking at the situation, it seems not optimistic. It may be true. Once this happens, it will not only affect sales , those who like to sleep on their mobile phones will even be directly banned.”


Special thanks to: Nanan Liuyun, Mr. Wu Gui, Helpless, A Touch of Crying, Xiangyun Yuyu, Chinese Spare Ribs, Ye Jie Graves, I sincerely and greatly rewarded, and today’s nearly 50 monthly tickets and more than 300 monthly tickets.

Brothers and sisters, if you have votes, please vote for Lao Tie. You will soon be caught up by those behind you.

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