Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 104 Where is my little aunt?

“Chief Inspector.” “Chief Inspector.” “Chief Inspector.”…

In the hall on the first floor of the patrol room, most of the patrol officers, including the inspector and the two deputy inspectors, were gathered here. They were all very nervous. Especially the top inspector, it is simply inexplicable. How come Chief Inspector Lu came in person for no reason, and there was also the Director of the Independent Commission Against Corruption. What was he trying to do?

The middle-aged female patrol officer at the consultation seat was a little panicked now. She kept thinking in her mind whether her attitude was a bit bad when Zhang Yu came just now. Wouldn't it be bad luck if she was accused of this?

The few patrol officers who had just rushed out to help also felt a little regretful. This guy was so tough in the background, why did he provoke others when he had nothing to do? Did you feel full after eating?

They could all see that whether it was their chief detective or the director of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, they were all found by that kid. It is estimated that the middle-aged patrolman and the three patrolmen responsible for catching some little aunt are going to be unlucky today.

Lu Weichen glanced at the patrol officers present, then pointed at the inspector in the patrol room, and said, "Wang Dali, what's going on? Why did you take over the work of the commercial crime investigation room in the patrol room?"

Inspector Wang Dali was shocked when he heard this. This was an overstep of his authority in enforcing the law. In the least case, he would be given a demerit, and in the most serious case, he would be fired directly. He quickly said: "Chief Inspector, that's not the case. How dare I take over this job..."

"Ask him, what's going on?" Inspector Lu pointed directly at the middle-aged patrolman.

Wang Dali had already noticed that there were two patrolmen standing next to the middle-aged patrolman, and he knew that something was wrong with this guy. He immediately shouted: "Li Chen, what's going on?"

"Inspector...someone came to report the case, saying that it was a commercial fraud involving the sale of one house for I brought the person here to assist in the investigation..." middle-aged patrolman Li Chen stammered.

"Is this case your responsibility? Why didn't you tell the person who reported the case to patrol the main office?" Wang Dali asked angrily.

"I think the case happened in our department, so I will bring the person here for questioning...and then transfer it to the commercial crime investigation room..." Li Chen said carefully.

"What about my little aunt? Why don't you let me see her? Did you beat her?" Zhang Yu saw this guy quibbling, and he didn't know Yang Ying's situation yet. He immediately became anxious and couldn't bear it. He kept shouting.

Inspector Wang didn't know the details of Zhang Yu, so he couldn't help but look at Inspector Lu. As the head of the Zhendong Patrol Office, Lu Weichen couldn't help but know the fishiness involved.

He immediately said: "Yes, where are the people involved?"

When Inspector Wang saw that his immediate superior had said this, he immediately pointed at Li Chen and shouted, "Where are the people?"

"This... is, is... in the prison cell..." Li Chen did not dare to hide it. He was the one who arrested the person and sent him to the prison cell. It was obviously impossible to say he didn't know. I only regret that I didn't understand the situation and stirred up a hornet's nest.

Chu Zhenhuan had been listening to what was going on. When he heard that Yang Ying had been sent to the detention room, he completely understood.

He looked at Lu Weichen and said calmly: "Chief Inspector Lu, as far as I know, selling one house for two can be considered a commercial fraud, but it is not a serious case after all. Why was he sent to a prison cell so quickly? Here..."

He deliberately didn't finish what he said, but anyone could understand what he meant. It was obvious that there must be something fishy involved.

Lawrence Lu pointed at Wang Dali, as if to say, you can just have nothing to do for a day.

You know, Chu Zhenhuan of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, even he, the chief detective of the patrol department, is afraid of him. If it falls into the hands of Chu Zhenhuan, there will be absolutely no good fruit to be gained.

Wang Dali saw that the Chief Inspector had a bad look on his face and said quickly: "Chief Inspector, I really don't know about this matter. Li Chen must have abused his power. Please rest assured that I will definitely figure it out and give you an explanation. "

Lu Weichen said with a cold face: "You don't have to give me an explanation, just give it to Director Chu." After saying that, he turned to look at Chu Zhenhuan and said: "Director Chu, if someone in our patrol is involved in this case, Our patrol chief will never tolerate economic crimes, and we will leave everything at Director Chu’s discretion.”

Chu Zhenhuan nodded and said: "Don't worry about it in advance. Go to the prison cell and bring the suspects in the case over first and ask them all."

Chu Zhenhuan is still mature and prudent. Even if he stands up for Zhang Yu, he will not be too impulsive and must figure things out.

"No problem. I don't think you need to bother Director Chu to do this. I'll let someone go and pick him up." Lu Weichen said.

Just as Chu Zhenhuan was about to nod, Zhang Yu said at the side: "I'm going to pick up my little aunt!"

He was worried that Yang Ying would be wronged in the detention room, and he was more anxious than anyone else, so he wanted to see Yang Ying as soon as possible.

As for official articles, he didn't understand.

Normally, since Lu Weichen said this, it would be inconvenient for Chu Zhenhuan to go to the detention room again. But now that Zhang Yu said this, his father had something to say and he must make the decision for Zhang Yu. Besides, he was a filial son and was grateful to Zhang Yu for saving his father. How could he not agree to such a thing.

Chu Zhenhuan said: "Inspector Lu, I'd better go there myself."

"Then I'll go with you." Lawrence Lu said with a smile.

Chu Zhenhuan gestured to the patrolmen around him and said: "Keep an eye on this spot, no one is allowed to make phone calls, and no one is allowed to leave."

"Yes, Director." Five or six patrol officers agreed and immediately dispersed. See what it means. Anyone who dares to act rashly will be treated without mercy.

Lawrence Lu also looked at the patrolman beside him and said, "Assist in the patrol work."

Then, he glanced at Wang Dali. Although he said nothing, his eyes were very clear. He was asking Wang Dali, do you know.

Wang Dali immediately said aggrievedly: "Chief Inspector, I really don't know."

"It's okay if you don't know! Director Chu will not wrongly accuse good people. Please cooperate with the patrol work here! Don't cause me any more trouble!" Lu Weichen said in a scolding tone.

"Yes!" Wang Dali agreed immediately.

What Lawrence Lu just said seemed to be reprimanding him, but it was actually giving him reassurance. The meaning is very clear. If you really don't know, then nothing will happen to you and no one can touch you. But if you are the mastermind, then expect bad luck.

Wang Dali really didn't know anything about it, so after hearing what Lu Weichen said, he immediately calmed down and then cooperated with the patrol work. If you don't open your eyes to anyone in the patrol room, just wait for death. I don't have the time to die with you.

At that moment, Chu Zhenhuan, Zhang Yu, and Lu Weichen left the patrol room with only a few people and went straight to the custody room.

The chief detective of the patrol house and the director of the Independent Commission Against Corruption went to the detention room to pick him up. Those who didn't know would have thought that this man was a big shot.

The patrol officers in the patrol room breathed a sigh of relief without knowing it. But like Li Chen and the three policemen who went to arrest Yang Ying in the morning, their hearts are beating non-stop now.

The meaning was already very clear, Lawrence Lu would not protect them at all. Of course, they were not qualified to ask Lu Weichen to protect him, and their inspector Wang Dali probably did not dare to speak out. They felt extremely regretful and thought about what to do?

But now that I can't make a call, it's impossible to leave here.

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