Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 103 Raising troops to investigate crimes

Mr. Yu also knew something about Zhang Yu's situation. He knew that Zhang Yu came from the countryside to join his little aunt. Now when I heard that my little aunt was arrested by the patrol room, I was very worried for Zhang Yu, so I quickly called my son Chu Zhenhuan.

Soon, Chu Zhenhuan's voice rang on the phone, "Xiao Zhang, what happened?"

"Uncle Chu, my little aunt was arrested by the patrol room." Zhang Yu said.

"Because of what?" Chu Zhenhuan asked.

"It's some kind of commercial fraud. My little aunt can't do such a thing." Zhang Yu said aggrievedly.

"Don't worry, tell me what exactly happened." Chu Zhenhuan said gently.

"I don't know the specific situation. I just received a call from the agency saying that my little aunt was arrested by someone from the patrol room this morning. I just went to the patrol room on Second Street to see her, but the patrol refused to let me see her and said that I would be arrested. Catch them too." Zhang Yu said aggrievedly again.

Chu Zhenhuan still knew Zhang Yu. He knew that Zhang Yu came from the countryside and didn't know much about things in the city. He was a simple man. He would definitely not be able to explain clearly when he encountered such trouble.

So, Chu Zhenhuan comforted him: "Don't worry, as long as your aunt is innocent, I guarantee that she will be safe and sound. So, aren't you at the patrol room on Second Street now? Just wait for me at the door, I'll be there soon."

"Okay, thank you Uncle Chu." Zhang Yu said gratefully.

"You're welcome." Chu Zhenhuan said.

Seeing what Chu Zhenhuan said, Zhang Yu didn't call Pan Yun again after hanging up the phone.

He once remembered Shen Qing saying that Chu Zhenhuan was the director of some department, and he seemed to be a high official. But he didn't know how old this official was, but as long as an official came forward to help speak, Zhang Yu believed that the little aunt would be able to come out safely.

He, the glasses girl, and Zhu Dafei were waiting outside.

After more than half an hour, two police officers came out of the patrol room, one of them was the middle-aged police officer just now. When he saw Zhang Yu and the other three still standing outside, he immediately showed an unhappy look on his face.

The middle-aged patrolman glanced at Zhang Yu and said angrily: "Why are you still here?"

"Can't we do it here?" Zhang Yu felt unhappy and replied directly.

"Hey! You kid, you dare to talk like that! I think you don't want to leave, come on, come on...come in, let's talk!" The middle-aged patrolman did not expect that Zhang Yu would dare to reply, and immediately shouted angrily .

"I'm not going in, I'm waiting for someone else!" Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Waiting for someone... ha..." the middle-aged patrolman chuckled disdainfully, and then said: "You still want to find a connection to intercede. Look at you, you are such a bear. Who do you know? Now I suspect you are involved in a theft case. If it matters, take out your ID!"

With that said, he walked up to Zhang Yu.

Another little patrolman followed him in a hurry. As soon as he reached Zhang Yu, he grabbed Zhang Yu's arm and shouted loudly and boldly: "I asked you to get your ID, don't you? It seems that you don't have it!" They must be part of a theft gang, come in with me!"

Then, he gave Zhang Yu a heavy hand, intending to pull Zhang Yu into the patrol room. Zhang Yu was furious, and the other party's tug aroused his temper even more.

He grabbed the little patrolman's arm with his backhand, and with just a little force, he threw him over his shoulder.

With a "bang" sound, the little patrolman fell heavily to the ground and said "ouch" in pain. The middle-aged patrolman was shocked when he saw this, and immediately shouted: "How dare you hit the patrolman!"

Then, he shouted into the patrol room: "Come quickly! Someone is under arrest!"

As soon as the female patrol officer sitting behind the information desk heard his shout, she immediately pressed the alarm bell and notified the patrol officer inside to come out quickly.

"What's going on!" "What's going on!"... In the blink of an eye, five or six patrol officers rushed out from behind.

"This kid is under arrest! Arrest him quickly!" the middle-aged patrolman shouted outside.

After hearing this, the patrol officers who had just come out rushed out of the patrol room door in a swarm. They dared to arrest at the door of the patrol room. Did they want to rebel?

Zhang Yu was still standing and didn't move. The man had already beaten him. Since the other party was coming, he had no choice but to fight hard. He only hoped that Chu Zhenhuan could arrive soon. The glasses girl and Zhu Dafei were stunned. What kind of place was this? They actually dared to patrol here. Zhu Dafei felt a little regretful. If he had known better, he would not have followed this stupid young man.

Unfortunately, it was too late to regret. The policemen who rushed out immediately surrounded them. The young policeman who had just been thrown out by Zhang Yu now got up and went straight to Zhang Yu. He shouted: "Boy! I think you are looking for death." ah!"

At this stall, a patrol car roared from the intersection and stopped at the door of the patrol room in a moment. The police officers were a little confused when they saw the sudden arrival of six or seven patrol cars. They soon discovered that three of them looked like patrol cars with the word "patrol" written on them.

As soon as they saw these two words, they immediately determined that this was the ICAC's car. We are still outside the patrol room. Even if Zhang Yu is arrested, we cannot beat Zhang Yu in front of the patrol. The patrolmen did not dare to take action and stood there, thinking in their hearts, what is going on?

Immediately afterwards, the doors of the patrol cars and the ICAC cars all opened. A group of people wearing patrol uniforms and patrol uniforms got out of the car.

The first one was a middle-aged patrolman who could be fifty years old wearing a high-end badge. When he saw the badge, all the patrolmen were startled, and then they realized that this seemed to be the chief inspector of their town's east patrol office.

It's good to see the Chief Inspector's face only once a year during the patrol meeting. At best, you can just look at the photos. In a patrol car at the back, a middle-aged man also got out. This middle-aged man was none other than Chu Zhenhuan. Zhang Yu recognized him at a glance. It was Chu Zhenhuan.

"Uncle Chu!" Zhang Yu shouted immediately.

He was surrounded by several patrols. Even if he could fight and was not afraid of these patrols, this was illegal, and there must be someone with a gun in the patrol room. Seeing Chu Zhenhuan at this moment made him feel excited, and he finally saw his savior.

Chu Zhenhuan nodded slightly at him, giving him a reassuring look. Even though Chu Zhenhuan was wearing casual clothes, there were many people wearing patrol uniforms standing next to him, and he looked like an official.

"What's going on?" The patrolman with a high-level badge asked, pointing to the patrolman opposite.

The middle-aged patrolman rushed to say: "You are the chief detective, right? This guy arrested and beat our people at the door of the patrol room."

Regardless of whether he is justified or not, talk about your grievances first.

After listening to his words, the patrolman with a high-level badge turned to look at Chu Zhenhuan.

Of course Chu Zhenhuan understood what it meant. He immediately pointed to Zhang Yu and said, "Come here and tell me what's going on?"

Zhang Yu walked over and said aggrievedly: "They arrested my little aunt. They also said that I was part of a theft gang and they wanted to arrest me too."

He was not a fool, so of course he couldn't directly admit that he beat the patrolman, so he simply didn't mention it and just talked about his grievances. This is just like fighting in the countryside when you were a child. You have to emphasize your grievances and not hit others yourself, so that you can get the support of your parents.

"Did they take your little aunt?" Chu Zhenhuan pointed at the middle-aged patrolman.

Zhang Yu immediately nodded, "That's him!"

"This patrolman, I am Chu Zhenhuan from the Independent Commission Against Corruption. I would like to ask, why did you arrest... someone from Jiabao Agency?" Chu Zhenhuan said in a gentle tone.

The middle-aged patrolman was obviously a little confused. So many people came at once, including patrolmen and policemen. The most terrible thing was that Zhang Yu just called that person uncle.

Just looking at this formation, he was already a little scared. He said to himself, that's not what you said before. Didn't you tell me that Yang Ying was from the countryside? How could she know such a big official?

It was true that Zhang Yu was on patrol, but the patrol did not mention this issue, but asked why Yang Ying was arrested. He showed a flattering look and said: " fraud..."

With this answer, Chu Zhenhuan immediately looked at the patrol officer with the high-level badge and said: "Inspector Lu, as far as I know, commercial fraud should be tried by the commercial crime investigation room of your patrol room. Now the patrol room Are they ready for trial?"

The patrol officer with the high-level badge was Lu Weichen, the chief inspector of the Zhendong Patrol Office. He rushed over after receiving a call from Chu Zhenhuan. Normally, Chu Zhenhuan himself has the power to handle this kind of matter and arrest the people involved directly. But what Zhang Yu said on the phone was unclear, and he didn't know whether Yang Ying was suspected of commercial crimes. To be on the safe side, he decided to ask Lu Weichen to take a look.

Chu Zhenhuan was the person with the authority to invite Lu Weichen to drink coffee at the Independent Commission Against Corruption. How could Lu Weichen not give him face and rushed over immediately. Although he didn't know the specific situation, he could get a rough idea after listening to the conversation between Zhang Yu and Chu Zhenhuan.

Chu Zhenhuan was obviously standing up for Zhang Yu, and the SB in the patrol room was obviously exceeding his authority to enforce the law. Not to mention whether the arrested person was involved in the case or not, it has nothing to do with you being in the street patrol room. It's probably true that Zhang Yu beat up the policeman, but it's obvious that you guys went too far.

Lu Weichen's face immediately darkened, he made a gesture forward and said in a deep voice: "We'll talk after you go in, don't embarrass me outside, call your patrol chief down!"

After saying that, he strode inside.

The policemen and patrol officers followed in one after another, and the people passing by were obviously a little confused when they saw this scene. I want to take a look at the excitement, but this is the patrol room. Who dares to go in and take a look? Even if I am watching nearby, I don’t have the courage, so I can only hide in the distance and watch the excitement.

After all the patrol officers and patrol officers entered the patrol room, everyone saw that there was no excitement and had no choice but to disperse.

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