The early readers also know the process of writing books.

Not long ago, I finally found a book that I like, and I was enjoying it, but it suddenly stopped updating. I just felt regretful at the time, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt bad, so I tried to write it myself.

I must say that the stand-alone period was very painful, and my pain was quite short, just a few days.

At that time, I refreshed the data 800 times a day, always wondering if someone would post a book review, if someone would vote for me, any vote would be fine!

So the first user who voted for me, "Huhu Sigh", still remembers it very clearly. At that time, it was four or five in the morning, chasing after him to reply, afraid that the other party would not receive it, and even ran to his comments under other books.

emmmmmmm, it's a little embarrassing to think about it now.

Here I have to thank the editor Liu Xing who picked me up from the garbage dump.

Although it is a mediocre and bad book, the fact that he picked me up shows that there is something in the bad book.

The first time I wrote a book, I made a lot of mistakes.

I didn't know how to upload the cover at first, the number of words in a chapter was randomly allocated, the release time was a mess, and there were some bad points, etc.

Fortunately, many readers have given a considerable degree of tolerance.

For example, "Dust in the sky of separation and hatred", "Yan Yan", "Bookworm No. 10086", "Moral integrity has fallen from the sky", "Azerrad", "Who is better, me or Xu Kun in the north of the city", etc. There are also many readers, and I can't list them one by one due to limited space.

There are roughly two bad points in this book so far.

One is the contest between the pirate Luke and Garp. In the first version, I wrote it too excitedly and didn't pay attention to the characters and the excitement. In the end, I patched it up for a while before I barely changed it to be almost the same.

This is still good, after all, it can be changed back, and the second change is not easy to change back.

The second is the detailed description of the Luotian Dajiao competition in the later period and the stitching of 9981. The reason for writing the competition in detail is very simple, because the original work is really exciting, and every battle is very interesting, which makes people want to know what will happen if the other few fight.

The original idea actually includes Jia Zhengliang's Yuwushu against Wang Ye's Fenghou Qimen, Zhang Lingyu's Yin Wulei against Feng Baobao, etc., and some other battles. Because many readers responded that it was too slow, it was deleted and directly went to the battle between Lu Ke and Zhuge Liang.

At the beginning of 9981, a reader asked me if I could stitch it. I thought, they are all written by the same author, the settings are highly overlapped, and the combat power is at a higher level, so there is something to do.

The most important thing is that as an old bookworm, I have seen enough of the fixed routines in fan fiction, and I am eager to see something new, even if it is a bit bad.

Later I found out that the reader's perspective is different from the author's perspective, and personal thoughts are different from the public's thoughts. Few readers have read Jiujiu, and the sense of immersion is seriously insufficient. My writing is not very good, so this part was criticized badly.

Because the plot that I was confident of writing was criticized for being useless, I was a little afraid to write, so I deleted the manuscript and accelerated the completion of the one-person story.

The summary reaction is that the character setting should be maintained well, don't write nonsense, and don't do things that readers don't know about.

I will still read the comments, but I don't dare to reply.

This is the advice given by the seniors in the author group. As an author, don't interact with readers frequently, otherwise it is easy to be affected.

Okay, the discouraging words stop here.

The next part should be asking for the first order time.

But after rereading my own writing several times, I found that it was a mess...


As a new author, I am not thick-skinned enough to ask for first orders for my own books. The current data is all thanks to the fact that there are not many good books in the 99th-rate track.

I sincerely hope that there will be more and better books of the same type!

So I don't ask for anything. If readers think you can still read it, just subscribe and read it.

As for updates, 10,000 a day is a bit unrealistic. I will try my best to get 6 a day. If it is higher, I don't know what kind of shit I will write.

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