The ninja tool shop is a semi-monopoly industry. The craftsmanship passed down from generation to generation is never easily exposed. Design drawings, forging techniques, and fixed special material procurement channels, etc., are not easily taught by others unless they are from the same family.

So theoretically speaking, it is impossible for the Senkawa family, which is an emerging industry with no foundation and no support, to surpass the regular ninja tool shop.

But in reality, if you really want to surpass, there is a way, and it is very simple.

Lu Ke silently recalled the Shen Ji Bai Lian in his mind. This thing is powerful. After learning it, he has no doubt that he can crush his peers into slag.

The problem is that if you sell the things made by Shen Ji Bai Lian in the village, you will offend your peers and there is a high probability that it will be forcibly requisitioned by the Third Generation or Danzo.

Maybe it’s time to leave Konoha to develop. If you always live a leisurely life like this, you will be scolded by other Lu Ke as a slacker.

While thinking about how to get out, Lu Ke began to study Shen Ji Bai Lian.

As one of the Eight Wonders, the content of Shen Ji Bai Lian is quite rich, with dozens of chapters scattered here and there. Generally speaking, it can be roughly divided into three major chapters, the pre-chapter, the inscription chapter, and the structure chapter.

The content of the pre-chapter is the processing of materials, including the means of controlling objects and quickly achieving objects. Controlling objects allows materials to be operated freely as desired, and objects can be deeply transformed and changed.

These naturally have limits. The better the material foundation, the stronger the effect after transformation.

The inscription chapter is the core of Shen Ji Bai Lian, which achieves various incredible effects by engraving inscriptions with various strange effects.

For example, [hard], [sharp], [heat-resistant] and other material enhancements, and [flame], [ice], [thunder] and other attribute enchantments, and even mysterious inscriptions such as [malice perception], [automatic excitation] and [space]. Engraving these inscriptions on the completed weapon is considered to have completed the most basic magic weapon.

The structure chapter takes a general view and elaborates on the design ideas of how to customize the magic tools with specific effects, including the combination of various inscriptions, the internal structure of the mechanical art, etc.

In the original work, the magic tools used by Ma Xianhong were not provided by Shen Ji Bai Lian, so they should be customized by him according to the structure chapter.

After carefully recalling and touring, Lu Ke felt a little dizzy with the huge amount of knowledge. He rubbed his eyebrows and walked into the forging room to combine theory with practice.

After getting the plug-in, his father Qianchuan Takumu was politely asked to leave here by Lu Ke, and he was responsible for all the daily work alone.

At first, Qianchuan Takumu still objected, but seeing that his son was getting stronger and stronger, and he could run to the next door to date Acorus after ironwork, and he was also very relaxed, he reluctantly agreed and warned him to ask him for help when he was tired.

After looking around, Lu Ke planned to upgrade the tools first.

First, the forging furnace, with the two inscriptions of [High Temperature] and [Heat Resistant], the temperature of the furnace will be higher than before without actively using Qi to provoke it, but it will not be too hot.

Then there is the hammer, which is more convenient and lighter than the furnace. Lu Ke first controlled and transformed it, and then added the inscriptions of [Solid] and [Lightness]. After a few simple hammers, the feeling of man and hammer being one made Lu Ke nod with satisfaction.

The Divine Machine Hundred Refinements is really good. With the effects of various inscriptions, although it can't play a big role in high-end battles, it is also a way to go for explosive soldiers, and it can also give him more means, which can be said to slightly increase the lower limit of power.

And Lu Ke found that if this thing can be fully developed...

It can really be made into a Gundam!

After working hard for half an hour, Lu Ke completed his first official work-"The Faceless Man".

A ring with fuzzy visual cognition ability, when worn, will make others no longer pay attention to the appearance of the wearer.

This is to get rid of his "charm" attribute that is becoming increasingly uncontrollable as the number of Lukes increases.

As a true-pure love party among Lukes, Naruto Luke does not plan to have other women after he has Ayame. He also knows his own virtue. If there is really a girl who wants to pay for him, he will most likely not be able to resist, so he simply seals the succubus physique.

Then he went back to his room to get the ninja sword he bought at the beginning. The material of this thing is much higher than the pig iron used to make imitation shuriken and kunai in the forging room. Luke estimated that the number of inscriptions that can be supported will be a little more.

After melting the ninja sword, Luke controlled and transformed the thing that seemed to be iron juice but not quite like iron juice, and an exquisite and gorgeous sword slowly took shape under his control.

After repeated tempering, the final product has a slender blade and a crescent-shaped decoration on the handle. The overall shape is elegant and full of power.

The prototype comes from the weapon name Yueyin in the game "Elden Ring" that Luke played before.

After adding [sharp] and [sturdy] to the handle, Lu Ke was troubled about the combat skill "Moon Hidden in the Gap".

There was no "light wave" or anything like that in the inscription, so he added [cold] instead, comforting himself by thinking that the famous sword Moon Hidden and Moonlight Great Sword were fused together.

"Let's just call it Moonlight."

Looking at the Moonlight that combined elegance and power, Lu Ke said that he had to hold such a handsome weapon to show off, and after getting rid of the original appearance, he didn't have to worry about being recognized when he chopped people with Moonlight.

Putting the Moonlight back in the corner of the room, Lu Ke frowned, feeling that it was a bit conspicuous, and then hid the Moonlight in a cloth bag under the bed.

It seems that we need to hurry up and make a swallowing capsule that can store items, Lu Ke thought to himself, otherwise these conspicuous objects are not easy to explain, and the priority of the [Space] inscription can be advanced a little.

After dinner, Lu Ke was affectionate with Acorus as usual, sent him home, and kissed goodbye under the black face of his old father.

When it was late at night and everyone fell asleep, Lu Ke slowly opened his eyes, got up, locked the door, and walked to the desk.

After a burst of white light, "Might Guy" appeared in the same place.

The four skills obtained after the transformation are [Eight Gates], [Summoning Technique-Turtle Ninja], [Konoha Cyclone] and [Konoha Great Cyclone].

The physical ninja with a lack of skill pool suddenly won the big prize. In addition to skills, Lu Ke found that there was an additional feature in the Might Guy mode-[Perseverance].

[Perseverance]: Before the health value is completely reduced to zero, the body is not affected by injuries.

As expected of the man who almost kicked out the finale!

Lu Ke blurted out in his heart, "Awesome!", and then he hurriedly copied down all the knowledge of relevant skills, training precautions and key points in his mind.

After canceling the transformation, Lu Ke quickly scanned the paper full of words, confirmed that he had written it down, burned it directly, and then flushed the paper ash from the toilet.

After completing this series of operations, Lu Ke breathed a long sigh of relief and lay back on the bed with a ruddy face.

After waiting for so long, I finally got the Eight Gates of Dunjia.

I feel the satisfaction of playing galgame and finally playing the CG of liking female characters!

The content of Shen Ji Bai Lian has been supplemented, please don't worry about it and treat it as a second setting.

It will be on the shelves tomorrow, and the update time will be a little later.

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