Simultaneous time travel: From Japanese comics to American comics

Chapter 95: Night Parade of One Hundred Demons

After the battle, the Aurors were responsible for cleaning up the place, whether it was the dead Death Eaters or the living Death Eaters, they were now responsible for them.

Mr. Lucius Malfoy was in a very bad situation.

Although he kept saying that he was coerced by Voldemort.

But considering that he said the same thing last time, he might not be able to escape prison this time.

Even if he was not sent to Azkaban, his fate would definitely not be very good.

As for Azkaban...

Professor McGonagall told Fudge about the Dementors' defection to Voldemort, and the latter looked grim, but did not directly indicate the subsequent treatment.

Professor McGonagall was a little worried.

Cornelius Oswald Fudge had always trusted the Dementors during his tenure as Minister of Magic.

There were doubts from the outside world, but Fudge didn't know where he got the confidence from, and he always believed that the Dementors would help him guard Azkaban.

You know, these monsters were Voldemort's allies during the last turmoil.

The Death Eaters' large-scale jailbreak has already pushed Fudge's reputation to the forefront, and now it has been confirmed that they are helping the Dark Lord to attack Hogwarts again.

In order to keep her job, Professor McGonagall thinks that the other party will try their best to suppress this matter.

For example, saying that Voldemort has not been resurrected at all.

This attack is just a revenge of the Death Eaters and other nonsense.

With Fudge's obsession with power, it is entirely possible to do such a thing.

When the Ministry of Magic took everyone away, the sunset had already fallen, leaving only a few clouds of fire.

Professor McGonagall found Dumbledore and expressed her concerns.

Dumbledore smiled and said, "Professor McGonagall, you have always performed very well in teaching and handling school affairs. You are very suitable to be the next headmaster."

Professor McGonagall was stunned for a moment. She didn't know why Dumbledore was talking about something else.

"Principal Dumbledore, this is not important. The more urgent thing now is..."

"No, Professor McGonagall, this is very important because I will no longer be the headmaster of Hogwarts."


Professor McGonagall exclaimed, attracting the attention of the teachers around her.

She whispered, "No, Hogwarts can't leave you."

Dumbledore looked at the tall castle on the cliff, his eyes full of emotion, "This castle is my home, but also my bondage. During my time here, my vision has become narrow, and I can't see the rapid changes outside."

Professor McGonagall didn't understand what Dumbledore said, and asked, "Hogwarts is the starting point for wizards, and all changes should start from here."

Dumbledore's eyes were deep, and he sighed faintly, "You also said that it's just 'wizards'."

Professor McGonagall seemed to have guessed Dumbledore's thoughts, and frowned, "The changes you are talking about are...Muggles?"

Dumbledore smiled and said, "A student once told me that as time goes by, the destruction of the magic world is imminent."

Professor McGonagall smiled and didn't care.

"At first, my attitude was similar to yours. How could magic be eliminated when it was so mysterious and powerful?"

"But the seeds of doubt were still planted in my heart. You know, I have always been very curious."

Dumbledore joked, and then said: "During the time I was looking for Horcruxes, I also frequently went in and out of the Muggle world. Unlike before, I became curious about their world and stopped to observe."

"Gradually, I learned one thing, and began to worry. This worry was even stronger than what Voldemort brought me!"

Professor McGonagall didn't know what Dumbledore was worried about, but his emotions still infected her, making her heart lift.

"They are changing all the time, but what about us?"

"Principal Dumbledore, we are also making progress."

"Occasionally inventing some new spells, can it be considered progress?"

"Principal Dumbledore, I don't understand, isn't this enough?"

Faced with Professor McGonagall's questioning, Dumbledore said firmly: "Not enough!"

"Professor McGonagall, the magic world did not start to promote the pure blood theory in the era of Voldemort. It has been thousands of years, and we still haven't changed at all."

"How long will we stay on such trivial matters?"

Professor McGonagall asked doubtfully: "Is this a trivial matter..."

Dumbledore sighed:

"Compared with the survival of the magic world, it is certainly just a trivial matter."

Professor McGonagall covered her mouth and looked at Dumbledore in surprise.

"The magic world can't hide forever. The technology of the Muggle world is becoming more and more advanced, and the space we live in will only become smaller and smaller."

"The two worlds will collide one day. What should wizards do when that time comes?"


"Thousands of years ago, wizards had to choose to disappear when facing Muggles with only swords. Now they not only have machine guns, but also airplanes and cannons!"

"How many shells can the Hogwarts barrier defend against?"

Professor McGonagall wanted to refute, but every word of Dumbledore was so powerful.

In fact, many wizards know that the magic world is the weaker party, but their inner pride does not allow them to admit it.

Because wizards are born different.

"It's time to change. In the past, mortals rejected us because they were afraid of the power of wizards, and in the future they may even eliminate us because we are aliens."

Dumbledore no longer called ordinary people who did not understand magic "Muggles", but chose to use the word "mortals".

"Now is the best time. We are not completely corrupt yet, and they are strong enough and will not be afraid. Both sides can communicate on an equal footing."

Hearing this, Professor McGonagall seemed to understand what Dumbledore was going to do, and became excited.

Dumbledore held his eyes and smiled, "I must lead the magic world to make changes, so I will become the new Minister of Magic."

Not to run for election, but to become.

This old man who has refused the position of Minister of Magic countless times in his life is finally going to step onto an unprecedented stage.

At the same time, Chu Yang has quietly come to another space.

Familiar palace.

Familiar throne.

Not long after Voldemort died, Chu Yang felt the call of the Soul Palace. When he came to his senses, he was surrounded by people. After sharing memories, everyone knew the news of Voldemort's death.

Demon Slayer Chu Yang spoke first: "How does it feel to defeat the boss?"

Magic Chu Yang smiled and said: "Even more empty than you..."

Voldemort was still a threat in the early days, but as each clone grew by leaps and bounds, he became less and less impressive.

Marvel Chu Yang said: "You can share memories and abilities synchronously in the future, right?"

Magic Chu Yang nodded. Now he, like Demon Slayer Chu Yang, can share abilities and memories with himself in each world at any time.

No longer need to rely on the Soul Palace for "updates".

This is very good news for Chu Yang in other worlds.

The improvement of swordsmanship mainly depends on Demon Slayer Chu Yang. The [Origin Breathing·One Form·Sun and Moon Rotation] used by Marvel Chu Yang to deal with the Destroyer Armor is Demon Slayer Chu Yang's masterpiece, and its power is very impressive.

From then on, the ability of magic, including ninjutsu and ghost arts, can be fully handed over to Magic Chu Yang to study.

This greatly reduced the pressure on Naruto Chu Yang and Death Chu Yang.

The former needs to spend time extracting the blood of the Otsutsuki, while the latter needs to awaken the Zanpakuto as soon as possible.

As for the curse, Chu Yang has not yet awakened his own life-destined technique, and among the non-life-destined techniques, he has only learned the use of barrier techniques and a small part of the curse, so the research value is not high.

However, Chu Yang is preparing to combine all kinds of different techniques, and then Ninjutsu and Kidou may be performed in the form of curse.

There is no need to spend energy on learning curses, just master the use of curse power.

Another point is that the more and stronger the "self" in each world, Chu Yang's curse power will only become stronger and stronger. In addition to curses, there is also a more terrifying skill called [Black Flash].

The so-called [Black Flash] refers to the space distortion caused when the error between physical blows and curse power impacts is within 0.000001 seconds, and the power is the 2.5th power of the curse power strength and physical strength.

There is a huge difference between those who have had experience with [Black Flash] and those who have not, in terms of the distance from the core of the cursed power. In simple terms, the control of the cursed power is completely different.

Comparing with Gojo Satoru, Chu Yang's cursed power is definitely not as strong as Gojo Satoru, but if the physical strength is added, Chu Yang is confident that he can make up for the gap with the opponent.

In summary, the power of [Black Flash] between the two is not much different.

In the world of curses, no curse spirit or curser can take on Gojo Satoru's [Black Flash]. In other words, Chu Yang's [Black Flash] is also absolutely destructive.

Therefore, instead of focusing on curses, it is better to focus on [Black Flash], the latter's potential is almost unlimited.

However, since the curse appeared in the world, no curser has been able to actively cast [Black Flash], and the error of 0.000001 seconds is too harsh.

Most of the cursers who cast [Black Flash] use it unintentionally in battle by instinct.

The current goal of Jujutsu Chu Yang is to become the first person to actively cast [Black Flash].

With the help of Magic Chu Yang, this will succeed sooner or later.

It is a pity that the multiple shadow clones that Naruto Chu Yang learned not long ago cannot carry power other than chakra, especially the special power of cursed power that is sourced from negative emotions.

If you can use multiple shadow clones to explore the tricks of casting [Black Flash], the whole process will be faster.

Magic Chu Yang and Jujutsu Chu Yang chatted briefly for a few words, then walked to Marvel Chu Yang, and the two began to discuss Asgard's magic.

Asgardians are born with extraordinary physiques and do not need magic wands to act as a medium to control the output of magic power. Their bodies are the best magic wands.

Chu Yang's physique is also very different from that of normal people. He can completely learn from their casting mode. After in-depth study, he immediately had a new idea to improve wandless casting.

After Magic Chu Yang returns, it will probably not take long for him to cast the Soul Reaper in the form of wandless casting.

This will be of great help to Marvel Chu Yang's future activities, and he wants to use it to control the entire Hydra organization.

After the New York War, the Hydra hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D. will take away the Cosmic Cube and the Mind Scepter, and he must get these two things.

Since they can create Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch and Vision, they can also push Chu Yang's power to a higher level.

When the Avengers are obviously going to lose, he doesn't want to pin his hope of survival on the 50% probability of Thanos snapping his fingers.

After a while, the fog brought everyone back to their own world.

The world of spells.

The morning sun shines through the French windows onto a large bed. Chu Yang is blinded by the sun and can't open his eyes. He gets up while mumbling.

Chu Yang takes out a large bottle of ice water from the refrigerator and stands in front of the French window. He drinks while looking at the bustling commercial street not far away.

The house Chu Yang lives in now is a high-end apartment in the center of Tokyo.

This house is his dream when he was a social animal.

Not long after becoming a spellcaster, he saved up money that ordinary people can't earn in their entire lives working 996.

The high salary is matched by higher risks.

In the profession of spellcasters, there are many people who die with money left unspent.

After admiring the busy back of the social animal, Chu Yang left the balcony. He walked to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, took out a piece of marbled beef left over from last night, and fried it in a frying pan.

Chu Yang swallowed his saliva when he heard the sizzling sound in the pan and smelled the aroma of meat.

Just as he was about to put the 70%-rare beef into his mouth, the phone on the table rang. Chu Yang picked it up and saw that the caller ID was Nanami Kento.

He answered the phone.

"Senior Nanami, what's up so early in the morning?"

"I heard that you killed another first-level curse spirit last night?"

"That curse spirit was injured, I just took advantage of it."

"You said the same thing last time!"

Chu Yang put the hot barbecue into his mouth, exhaled continuously, and said vaguely: "Senior, don't worry, a social animal like me will definitely run away if the wind is not right."

Nanami Kento on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and said lightly: "Take it easy, don't ignore everything for making money."

Chu Yang was very surprised, "Senior, you actually said such a thing?"

Nanami Kento replied stiffly: "You became a curse master because of me, I don't want to collect your body in the end and affect my mood for retirement."

Chu Yang nodded, "Then I will try not to die, but then again, you called me early in the morning not just for this matter, right?"

Nanami Kento said: "Of course not, I'm not that free, you have to come to the college, something big happened!"

Chu Yang glanced at the time displayed on his phone.

December 20, 2017.

Four days later, the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons.

There are two schools in the world of sorcery that train sorcerers.

Tokyo Metropolitan Technical College of Sorcery.

Kyoto Prefectural Technical College of Sorcery.

The technical college that Nanami Kento mentioned refers to the Tokyo Metropolitan Technical College of Sorcery, where Gojo Satoru is a teacher.

The technical college is like the Hogwarts in the Harry Potter world.

The slightly different thing is that the technical college also has some powers and obligations similar to the "Ministry of Magic".

Chu Yang's apartment is very far from the technical college. It takes about 30 minutes to get there by taxi. Gojo Satoru and Nanami Kento brought him here once before.

A sorcerer who changed his career halfway like Chu Yang needs someone to guarantee him to complete the registration of his identity.

The technical college is located in a deep mountain forest outside Tokyo. There is a narrow two-lane road outside for two cars to drive. If you are not careful, it may lead to a tragedy.

No ordinary people will come here.

After getting off the taxi, Chu Yang walked up the mountain road slowly. After a while, he saw a group of buildings with a very retro style. Nanami Kento, dressed in a business suit, was standing at the end of the road waiting for him.

Chu Yang himself was also wearing a suit and tie.

The two stood together, like office workers who came here on a business trip.

"Nanami Senior, can you change your clothes?"

"You are the same, what right do you have to say that about me?"

The two were arguing, and Gojo Satoru suddenly appeared and said with a smile: "The relationship between you two is as good as ever."

Chu Yang said with a look of disgust: "Gojo Senior, this sentence is a bit disgusting."

Nanami Kento frowned, "Although you were very annoying before, you are undoubtedly the most annoying now."

Gojo Satoru covered his chest and said sadly: "I will be sad if you say that."

Nanami Kento quickly walked past Gojo Satoru.

"Ignoring me will also make me sad, Nanami~~~" Gojo Satoru shouted behind him.

"That's enough. Even I'm starting to feel embarrassed!" Chu Yang reminded.

"Really? Then let's stop here today." Gojo Satoru scratched his head, then walked in with Chu Yang, "I heard that you've been very active recently, exorcising a lot of first-level cursed spirits. It's only been two or three months, and your evaluation has been changed three times. Basically, it has to be changed every month. The work pressure from above is very high."

Chu Yang shrugged and responded, "It doesn't matter whether it's changed or not. I don't really care about this. They can do whatever they want. It's easy to get bald under pressure, but with the age of those senior executives, they probably don't have much hair."

Gojo Satoru raised his mouth, "You are really interesting, much more interesting than Nanami."

Along the way, Chu Yang saw many people, including students, teachers, and... a panda!

Chu Yang stopped and looked carefully at the panda in front of him.

It is a completely independent cursed skeleton made by the principal of Tokyo Metropolitan High School, Masamichi Yagata, with an independent personality and emotions.

"Why are you staring at me?"

The panda was a little annoyed by Chu Yang's look and raised his fist to warn.

"Because I like pandas very much."

Chu Yang answered frankly.

Hearing this, the panda was no longer angry and laughed awkwardly. He looked at Chu Yang with a much kinder look.

While talking, two men and one woman were approaching this side.

One of the three boys, who had his lower face covered, said to Gojo Satoru, "Nori-maru."

Gojo Satoru waved, "Hello, Goju-san."

Another man and woman also greeted him.

"Yuta-kun, Maki, when did you arrive?"

"When you just left."

The well-built Zenin Maki looked at Chu Yang and asked, "Teacher Gojo, this guy looks very young. Is he also a student of our school?"

Gojo Satoru shook his head, "Unfortunately, no, but you should have heard of his name. You asked me about him not long ago."

Zenin Maki thought for a while, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he said in shock, "He is the guy who killed five first-level cursed spirits in a month? I remember his name seems to be..."

"Yang!" Gojo Satoru danced with joy and said loudly in an exaggerated tone, "This rising star in the world of curses is called Yang!"

Many people around heard Gojo Satoru's voice, and then focused their attention on Chu Yang.

All the forces in the world of curses had already heard about this genius sorcerer who changed his career halfway through, and everyone was curious about what this young man looked like.

For a moment, the upcoming Night Parade of One Hundred Demons seemed unimportant, and all the topics revolved around Chu Yang.

Zenin Maki ignored the funny Gojo Satoru, but stared at Chu Yang and asked, "I heard that so far, you have used physical skills in the process of exorcising cursed spirits?"

Chu Yang smiled and said, "I can't help it. I just entered the industry and don't know how to use curses. I can only make a living by relying on my body."

Make a living by relying on my body...

Many people twitched their lips when they heard this. It took only a few months to become a first-level sorcerer. Is this a good job?

Why can't others do it?

Zenin Maki whispered, "Can we have a competition later?"

Chu Yang scratched his head and said, "Forget it, I have to save my energy for the mission. This mission seems to be quite troublesome."

Zenin Maki was a little anxious. She was born without a spell, and her curse power level was about the same as that of ordinary people. She couldn't even see the existence of curse spirits. She needed to rely on curse tools to observe and fight with curse spirits.

Compared to Fuguro Shi'er's "Heaven and Curse Binding" with completely 0 curse power, Zenin Maki's "Heaven and Curse Binding" was not pure. Although her body function was also far superior to ordinary people, it still couldn't reach Fuguro Shi'er's abnormal level.

At the same time, Zenin Maki did not have Fuguro Shi'er's high resistance to curses.

In addition to collecting powerful curse tools, the only way for her to improve herself was to strengthen physical skills.

There were very few curse masters who were qualified to give her guidance in this regard. She herself was a master of physical skills.

Gojo Satoru's strength was completely on another level, which had nothing to do with physical skills, so he couldn't help her.

And Chu Yang's current fighting style was completely the same as hers.

Let alone guidance, even a simple fight can bring a lot of inspiration to Zenin Maki.

"It won't waste much of your time!"

Zenin Maki said to Chu Yang excitedly.

"Please help Sister Maki."

Otsutsukota next to him said sincerely.

Gojuan Ji followed and bowed deeply.

Panda hesitated for a long time and said reluctantly: "If you agree to her, I will let you touch my hair, it's very comfortable!"

Chu Yang immediately refused: "No need, I'm not interested in your hair."

Zenin Maki glared at Panda fiercely, and the latter smiled and shut up honestly.

"Just fight, Xiao Yangyang~~~"

Gojo Satoru didn't know when he got behind Chu Yang and whispered in his ear: "I also want to know your current strength. If you think Maki's strength is not enough, I can play with you..."

Everyone present heard this and looked over in shock!

Gojo Satoru put his arm around Chu Yang's shoulders and said shocking words casually.

Chu Yang knocked his hand away and said calmly: "I have to rest for a few months after fighting with you. Do you know how much money I can make in these few months?"

Gojo Satoru covered his forehead helplessly, "You have been taught badly by Nanami. You only care about money when you open your eyes or close your eyes."

Chu Yang said contemptuously: "You come from a big family. You don't know how hard it is for office workers to make money. It's easy to talk when you are standing. I do this job. If I don't do it to make money, is it for charity?"

Being repeatedly retreated by Chu Yang, Gojo Satoru raised his hands to surrender, but remembered a sentence from his best friend in his heart.

Spellcasters exist to protect non-spellcasters.

Gojo Satoru looked at the young man in front of him and suddenly laughed: "I'm so glad that you are a sorcerer who changed his job from office worker to a sorcerer. You have experienced the dark side of society and will not hold some naive ideas."

"It is even more impossible to go to extremes because of the collapse of faith. You have no faith at all. You only have money in your eyes..."


Chu Yang couldn't tell whether this guy was praising or mocking.

"Gojo-sensei, isn't that a bad thing to say?"

Otsukotsu Yuta warned cautiously.

"It doesn't matter. This guy has a strong mental endurance. Don't underestimate the office worker!"

Gojo Satoru said righteously.

Chu Yang suddenly felt a little itchy in his hands, but before he mastered the active release of [Black Flash], he decided to hold back.

Gojo Satoru's laughter quickly attracted a tall, stern-faced middle-aged man.

"Gojo Satoru, be quiet! The meeting is about to start!"

"Students, please don't gather. Today's meeting has nothing to do with you!"

The middle-aged man was very imposing. His identity could be guessed just by his attitude towards Gojo Satoru.

The principal of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Jujutsu - Masamichi Yaga.

As a rare master of making cursed bodies, although Masamichi Yaga is a first-class sorcerer, the sorcery world values ​​him no less than a special-class sorcerer.

And he also made a completely independent cursed body like Panda.

If he hadn't announced that the birth of Panda was an accident, Masamichi Yaga would have been recognized as a special-class sorcerer.

The appearance of Masamichi Yaga also meant that the meeting officially began.

Before leaving, Zenin Maki was still staring at Chu Yang with a sincere look. He had no choice but to reluctantly agree to the other party's request.

Gojo Satoru watched the excitement and applauded.

Then he was glared at by Masamichi Yaga.

The sorcerers invited by the college entered the meeting room one after another. When Chu Yang stepped into the door, Masamichi Yaga suddenly glanced at him.

His eyes were filled with emotion.

The last time Chu Yang met Ye Ga Masamichi was the day Gojo Satoru brought him here to register as a sorcerer.

Ye Ga Masamichi was not optimistic about Chu Yang at first.

But under Gojo Satoru's strong suggestion, Chu Yang became a sorcerer.

This is also the consistent attitude of the entire sorcery world towards sorcerers who are not from technical colleges.

It is normal to think about it carefully.

How could a first-class prestigious university look down on technical secondary school students?

However, not long after, Chu Yang used his actions to slap the faces of some high-level officials, especially some arrogant sorcerers who claim to be from aristocratic families.

Everyone sat down.

Chu Yang sat next to Nanami Kento, while Gojo Satoru stood in the corner, still looking careless.

Ichichi Jiegao, who was responsible for the auxiliary supervision of the later stage of the technical college, began to preside over the meeting.

The board behind him was full of information.

The protagonist of the information was Geto Suguru, the planner of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons.

Geto was originally a student of the technical high school, and was also a classmate of Gojo Satoru. The two were close friends and were called the strongest in the technical high school.

Geto was once a good young man, and firmly believed that sorcerers should protect the weak. It was not until he realized that the dark and ugly side of human beings was even more disgusting than the cursed spirits that Geto's thoughts began to change, and his inner justice gradually disintegrated.

By chance, Geto learned the principle of the production of cursed spirits from the special sorcerer Jiujiu Yuki.

Ordinary people cannot control their weak cursed power formed by negative emotions.

When these cursed powers leak to the outside world, they continue to grow under the accumulation of negative emotions, and eventually form a curse.

Cursed spirits are just one of the manifestations.

Therefore, Geto thought that as long as he created a world with only sorcerers, cursed spirits would not be produced.

The implication is that all ordinary humans who cannot become sorcerers will be killed.

After experiencing all the ugliness of human nature, Geto's malice towards ordinary people became greater and greater, and he eventually took an extreme path.

During a mission, Xia Youjie witnessed the ignorant villagers of a village persecuting two little girls with cursed powers, and his anger towards human nature finally reached its peak.

Xia Youjie killed all the villagers and left with the two little girls. Since then, he has changed from a sorcerer to a curser of the evil camp, and absorbed some cursers in the same situation to form the "Xia You Gang".

Xia Youjie's spell is called Curse Spirit Manipulation, which can absorb natural curse spirits for his own use.

In Chu Yang's opinion, Xia Youjie is the Pokémon Master of the Curse World, but the process is a bit disgusting.

To absorb the curse spirit, the curse spirit needs to be transformed into a black spherical object and then swallowed into the body.

The process of swallowing is like eating a rag that has been wiped with vomit.

Just thinking about it is disgusting enough.

Xia Youjie can actually swallow five thousand times!

From this point of view, it is only a matter of time before he goes to extremes, and anyone who plays like this will go crazy.

Although he is strong, Chu Yang still refuses such a disgusting spell.

When the difference in strength is more than two levels, Geto Suguru can forcibly obtain the cursed spirits, eliminating the stage of surrender.

Therefore, Geto Suguru, who has reached the special level, has 5,000 cursed spirits of level 2 and below.

The Night Parade of One Hundred Demons he mentioned is to release these thousands of cursed spirits to Tokyo and Shinjuku to indiscriminately slaughter ordinary people.

After listening to the report of Ichichi Jiegao, many of the sorcerers who participated in the meeting showed puzzled expressions.

Although the opponent is aggressive, their strength is not as strong as imagined?

Ye Mo Zhengdao also expressed their doubts, "No matter how many cursed spirits there are, they are just level 2 trash and pose no threat. As for the curse masters around Geto Suguru, their number is not large..."

Gojo Satoru reminded on the side: "This is the strange part. Based on your understanding of Geto Suguru, will he fight a war that is doomed to lose?"

The words are saying that Geto Suguru has other conspiracies.

But no one thought that Geto Suguru's target was the special cursed spirit owned by Yuta Otsutsukoshi.

"Curse Queen" Rika Kimoto.

Because Geto Suguru once lied when he was a student, he said that he could not absorb the cursed spirit that had a master-servant relationship.

In fact, this is wrong.

Just kill the master of the cursed spirit.

The purpose of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons is to lure the tiger away from the mountain, so that Yuuta Otsutsuki is alone. Masamichi Yaga will not let Yuuta Otsutsuki participate in the defense of Tokyo or Shinjuku.

Because the power of Kimoto Rika is too strong, Otoko Yuta is not yet able to fully control it.

If something goes wrong, it may become a more serious incident than Hyakki Yakou.

It is a safe choice to let him stay in the junior high school.

Xia Youjie had already anticipated this and planned this action.

But Noctua could not imagine Xia Youjie's purpose at all. After listening to Gojo Satoru's reminder, he could only anxiously apply for support to deal with the upcoming Hundred Ghost Night Parade.

Just when Noctua was on the right path, Chu Yang said in the noise: "I want to know where the current information about Xia Youjie comes from?"

The conference room became a little quieter, and many people looked at Chu Yang.

Yiji Zhijie adjusted his glasses and explained: "Most of it is personal information saved by Xia Youjie during his time in high school."

Chu Yang asked: "Is there any possibility of a mistake?"

Noctua shook his head and said: "It's unlikely, because in colleges and universities, we often test students' abilities and constantly update records. You became a monk halfway, so it's normal for you not to understand this."

Then, some sarcastic sneers came, seeming to mock Chu Yang for being a half-hearted person.

Chu Yang originally wanted to remind him, but after seeing the attitude of these people, he immediately had a new idea and decided to keep silent.

Compared to Xia Youjie, Chu Yang hated the self-righteous senior officials of the Conjuring College even more.

Most of them come from spell families.

When it comes to evil, these people are not inferior to curse masters like Xia Youjie.

After the meeting, Chu Yang was assigned to participate in the defense of Kyoto, performing tasks together with the Tokyo Metropolitan High School.

"You seem to have something to say? If you don't mind, you can tell me and I'll listen."

Gojo Satoru appeared beside Chu Yang silently.

"No, I'm just curious about Xia Youjie."

Since he decided not to help the senior college, Chu Yang would certainly not expose Xia Youjie's lies.

Gojo Satoru did not continue to ask questions and walked all the way in unprecedented silence.

Until the two of them walked outside, they found that Chanyuan Maki and others were still waiting for Chu Yang.

"It's so difficult to deal with. I thought they were gone."

Chu Yang had no choice but to go up to him and said, "Since we want to fight, let's find a place."

Chanyuan Maki brought Chu Yang to the sports field of the high school with great interest.

Interestingly, Nanami Kento also came along, standing on the sidelines with Gojo Satoru, intending to observe this contest.

Gojo Satoru smiled and said to Nanami Kento: "Maki is only a fourth-level Wannian on the surface. If we really want to fight, she has the strength of a quasi-first-level magician, so she will not necessarily lose."

The pandas and others were cheering for Zenyuan Maki. Nanami Kento watched for a while before saying: "She will definitely lose."

Gojo Satoru smiled mischievously and joked: "It's such a deep trust."

Nanami Kento spoke slowly and said meaningfully: "Senior Gojo, you haven't met him much since you helped him register as a magician last time, right?"

"You only know about the battle between Yang and the Cursed Spirit from the information provided by Itichi Jiegao, and you have never seen it with your own eyes..."

Gojo Satoru scratched his head and said regretfully: "From your tone, I seem to have missed something very interesting."

Nanami Kento moved his neck and said, "Take your time and look at it. You will know what I mean soon."

Gojo Satoru turned around and stared at the two people on the sports ground.

"Mr. Chu Yang is already a professional magician. I can use magic tools to fight you. It should be okay, right?"

There is a huge bag at the feet of Zenyuan Maki, which seems to contain a lot of magic tools.

Chu Yang nodded and agreed to the other party's proposal.

Without the use of magic tools, Zenyuan Maki probably wouldn't be able to hold on for even a second in his hands.

Chu Yang reminded him kindly: "You'd better put on your armor."

Zenyuan Maki took a deep breath. This reminder made her a little angry. If the other party didn't think that the difference in strength was too big, why would she be allowed to wear protective gear?


Zenyuan Maki pulled out a naginata from the bag, which was filled with strong curse power. This naginata was very strong whether it was against curse spirits or spells.

It is of the highest quality in Zenyuan Maki's collection.

It can be seen that she takes this battle very seriously.

Chu Yang turned sideways slightly, gesturing for her to attack.

Zenyuan Maki's face darkened, and she stepped forward. In an instant, her figure looked like a ghost.

The naginata drew a semicircle in the air and slashed diagonally towards Chu Yang's chest and abdomen.

Chu Yang jumped slightly, and the naginata slipped under his feet.

The next moment.

Chanyuan Maki spotted Chu Yang's flaw in mid-air, raised his hands, and raised the naginata upwards.

The blade pointed directly at the vital points of Chu Yang's lower body.

"It's too much!"

Chu Yang shouted, twisted his waist, turned upside down, stretched out his hand and clamped the naginata with two fingers.

Break it off hard.

The top-grade cursed weapon, the naginata, suddenly shattered like a poorly made toy on a roadside stall.

Zenyuan Maki's pupils shrank suddenly.

The cheering on the sidelines also stopped abruptly.

The two boys and the panda also had their eyes widened, somewhat at a loss.

"Just now...he didn't use magic to strengthen his body."

Gojo Satoru pulled the cloth over his eyes and observed Chu Yang's battle through the gap.

"Pure physical strength."

Nanami Kento added calmly.

Gojo Satoru knew that Chu Yang's physical talent was outstanding, and he once compared him with Fushiguro Shiji.

It's just that Gojo Satoru didn't expect that he would realize his talent so quickly.

After losing her naginata, Zenin Maki did not immediately change to a cursed tool.

Instead, she rushed straight towards Chu Yang, intending to fight him in hand-to-hand combat.

Without the heavy naginata, Zenin Maki's movement speed was a bit faster.

She first made a feint attack in front of Chu Yang, dazed him, and then quickly went around to his weak side and punched him in the liver area at his waist.

It is commonly known as "liver-blasting punch" in the martial arts world.

Chu Yang was speechless. This woman either attacked his lower body vitals or hit his liver and kidneys, and every move was aimed at important parts.

If you are not careful, you will be the chief eunuch in the rest of your life.

Damn it!

Directly serve with armed color!

When Zenin Maki hit Chu Yang's waist, her face was happy at first.

Then it suddenly turned pale, as if she had suffered unbearable pain.

At the same time, a crisp bone cracking sound was heard.

Zenin Maki groaned, took a few steps back, and angrily said, "Do you have protective gear under your clothes?"

Chu Yang smiled and took off his upper body clothes directly, revealing his strong body.

No protective gear!

Zenin Maki couldn't believe it. How could a person's body be so hard?

"I told you to wear protective gear, but you didn't listen. Now you are injured. Do you want to fight?"

Chu Yang yawned. The few hits just now were not even a warm-up.

Zenin Maki gritted his teeth and blurted out a word.


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