Different from the rough corridor outside, the stone passage in the secret room is finely polished, with exquisite and weird basilisk statues on both sides.

Under the statue are flowing pools, like two moats, flowing slowly.

The air is moist and cold, which is exactly the environment snakes like.

Chu Yang walked forward step by step. In the center of the secret room was a large statue of a human face. There was no doubt that the owner of this face was the famous Salazar Slytherin.

Behind the statue is the hiding place of the basilisk.

The mechanism of the statue, like the bathroom above, requires Parseltongue to trigger, so Chu Yang chose a more direct method.

Make a seal with your hands.

Chu Yang used Earth Escape again.

Earth Release: Split the Earth and Turn the Palm.

Chu Yang slapped his hands on the ground, and the ground began to collapse section by section until the statue of Salazar Slytherin shattered.

A dark gap appeared behind the rubble.


The sound of the basilisk sticking out its tongue and crawling reached Chu Yang's ears.

Then a huge creature quietly appeared in the gap.

The basilisk was huge, with a waist that was about two meters thick. It stood up and hovered, staring down at Chu Yang.

Chu Yang closed his eyes and did not look at it.

The eyes of the basilisk are the same as those of the legendary Medusa. If you look directly at them, you will die, and if you look at them indirectly, you will be petrified.

A trace of human ridicule flashed deep in the basilisk's pupils, and then it slowly swam towards Chu Yang.

Although Chu Yang had his eyes closed, he could see and hear that his domineering energy was already unfolding, and every move of the basilisk was within his perception.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly.


The ground is heaving.

Emerald green branches and vines broke out of the ground and wrapped around the basilisk, fixing it in place like iron chains, unable to move.

The angry basilisk kept twisting its body, trying to break free from the branches attached to it, and its roar echoed in the secret room.


The branches and vines wrapped around the basilisk not only did not break off, but became more and more numerous, becoming tighter and tighter.

After a fierce struggle, the basilisk opened its bloody mouth and began to pour out venom.

An unpleasant smell immediately appeared in the air, making people dizzy. Chu Yang took a few steps back.

The venom is slowly corroding the branches and vines on the basilisk's body.

Chu Yang smiled when he saw this. The reason why he didn't kill the basilisk immediately was to make it spit out as much venom as possible.

In addition to destroying Horcruxes, the basilisk's venom has many uses, and Chu Yang wants to collect a large amount of this venom.

After a while, the basilisk noticed something was wrong. No matter how many branches and vines were corroded by the venom, those annoying branches and vines would continue to grow in the next moment.

It stopped spitting poison and used its last strength to twist its body wildly.

"My IQ is not low, it's a pity..."

Chu Yang muttered, and then increased the chakra output. The branches immediately grew into a thick tree, pressing the basilisk to the ground. The tree grew bigger and bigger, until it completely swallowed the basilisk's body and broke through the secret room. ceiling.

Chu Yang collected most of the venom that the basilisk poured out before it died, and the rest flowed into the pool in the secret room.

Chu Yang didn't know whether the water here would circulate to the school, so he simply destroyed the entire secret room.

The violent shaking even affected Slytherin's dormitory.

Snape thought there was an earthquake and quickly asked the students to take refuge in the courtyard.

When the students reached halfway, the shaking stopped, and a group of people stood in the corridor looking at each other.

Snape frowned.

On the other side, Chu Yang had returned to the cabin. Not long after, Dumbledore came back with Sirius, and they brought the last Horcrux - Slytherin's locket.

"All the Horcruxes have been collected." Dumbledore smiled happily, and the big stone in his heart finally fell.

"Principal Dumbledore, I found this in the Forbidden Forest. It may have an impact on Horcruxes."

Chu Yang handed a bottle of basilisk venom to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore picked up the venom and looked at it carefully, then took out a silverware engraved with complicated patterns from his arms and poured the venom on it.

The silver melted instantly.

Dumbledore's eyes lit up and he nodded: "Such a powerful poison can indeed cause damage to Horcruxes."

Once a Horcrux is damaged beyond repair, the soul residing on it will be completely destroyed.

"In other words, as long as Harry's problem is solved, all of Voldemort's Horcruxes can be destroyed?" Sirius showed an incredible expression, even though Dumbledore had told him just now in the ancestral home. It was a lot, but he still couldn't believe it.

"I also feel like I'm dreaming." Dumbledore said meaningfully: "But I believe everything is an arrangement of fate..."

While speaking, Chu Yang felt that Dumbledore glanced at him.

Dumbledore continued: "With Voldemort's current state, it is impossible for him to create a new Horcrux in a short time."

Sirius said: "Then he is no different from ordinary people today. They all have one life. The question is how to kill him again?"

If Voldemort concentrated on hiding, no one would be able to find him. This has been the case for the past ten years.

Dumbledore smiled and said: "The things I did are not completely confidential. At least someone in the Ministry of Magic should be able to guess my intentions. Therefore, Voldemort will receive the news soon."

The implication of Dumbledore's words was that he knew that some people in the Ministry of Magic were remnants of Death Eaters.

Chu Yang frowned and said, "Did you let them know on purpose? Even if it was to lure out Voldemort, it's too dangerous."

"It's really dangerous. If it weren't for your help, this might have been the most wrong decision of my life." Dumbledore said thankfully, "But fortunately, everything went well."

Sirius asked, "How many people in the Ministry of Magic are related to Voldemort?"

Dumbledore shook his head, "Maybe only one or two, maybe..."

Horcruxes are Voldemort's last trump card. Once he is sure that all Horcruxes have disappeared, he will definitely do everything.

Those Death Eaters lurking in the dark will also become extremely crazy.

They may even target all the teachers and students of Hogwarts.

In this case, if Dumbledore still has to take care of Harry, he will definitely lose sight of the other.

This is why he sent Harry to the Forbidden Forest from the beginning.

Dumbledore took a bottle of venom from Chu Yang, and then returned to school, devoting all his energy to improving the spell.

Sirius continued to stay in the cabin.

A week later, the Ministry of Magic suddenly sent someone to inspect Hogwarts. They stayed for a whole day, and stayed in the principal's office the longest, as if they were looking for something.

After the inspectors left, Dumbledore gathered the teachers, explained the current situation, and declared Hogwarts to be in a state of emergency.

Not long after, news came from Azkaban that prisoners had escaped on a large scale.

"Don't worry, Harry, close your eyes and take a deep breath."

"It may be a bit uncomfortable later, you have to be patient and hold on until the ceremony is completed."

Harry closed his eyes nervously.

Dumbledore stood opposite him and slowly guided Harry.

He completed the improvement of the spell. Today is the day to eliminate Voldemort's soul fragments.

Sirius, who was watching from a distance, looked more nervous than Harry.

Hermione and Ron were locked in a cabin by Hagrid. He was afraid that the two would run around and disrupt the ceremony.

So they could only squeeze by the window and look out desperately.

Ron said indignantly, "Why can Yang be outside?"

Hermione said enviously, "Because he passed the O.W.L. test..."

Ron was confused, "What test?"

Hermione rolled her eyes and turned her head away.

In fact, Chu Yang not only passed the O.W.L test, but also took a N.E.W.T. test under Dumbledore's permission, and passed it. However, Chu Yang only admitted that he had completed the former to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Dumbledore's spellcasting began soon, and the visible magic power gathered into a blue light band, flowing out from the top of Dumbledore's wand.

The magic flow turned in the air, and as Dumbledore continued to chant the spell, it gradually flowed into Harry's body.

Harry's whole body suddenly burst into a dazzling light.

A painful groan came from Harry's mouth, followed by a continuous groan.

The process of tearing the soul fragments was more painful than Harry had imagined. It was not "a little uncomfortable" as Dumbledore had said before.

But he was in no state to denounce Dumbledore. Only a bunch of meaningless interjections were left in his mouth.

Although it was painful, the effect was indeed very obvious.

Chu Yang had seen some kind of smoke-like mass gradually coming out of Harry's body.

That was Voldemort's soul fragment.

Without a carrier, the soul fragment would disappear at a very fast speed.

During the whole process, Harry's soul was not affected at all, but his body suffered a little.

Dumbledore raised his wand high, his voice suddenly became high, and his magic power was like a pair of big hands, pulling Voldemort's soul fragments hard.

In the blink of an eye, the remaining soul fragments were also pulled out by him in one go.

The light disappeared.

Harry fell to the ground, closed his eyes, and fell into a coma.

Sirius rushed over and began to check Harry's body.


Harry's breathing was steady, and he looked like he was asleep.

Dumbledore wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Suddenly he felt something at his feet, and when he turned around he found that Chu Yang had moved the stool over.

"Thank you." Dumbledore sat down slowly, took a few deep breaths, and then said: "Most of the Horcruxes have almost zero connection with Voldemort due to time issues, but the soul fragments in Harry are different."

Chu Yang asked: "Did Voldemort sense what happened here?"

Dumbledore nodded, "He should be here soon. Before that, we have to deal with the other Horcruxes first."

As he said that, he placed all the Horcruxes on the ground and poured the basilisk venom on them.


The sound of corrosion came, followed by the shrill screams of the Horcruxes, they were like living things, and their voices were filled with fear.

After a bottle of venom was poured out, the screams slowly stopped, and all the Horcruxes were deformed under the corrosion of the venom, and a blood-red liquid flowed out.

Chu Yang waved his wand, and the ground collapsed immediately.

The Horcrux was buried, the soil closed, and everything returned to normal.

"I'm going back, Voldemort could come at any time." Dumbledore warned: "Protect Harry and the others, but also protect yourself!"

Chu Yang nodded.

Dumbledore performed Apparition and left with Hagrid.

Sirius walked over and whispered: "Although Hogwarts is the main battlefield, we also need to make some preparations in advance."

"You can do whatever you want without asking me." Chu Yang was noncommittal and returned to the tent to sit down and read a book. He didn't care at all how big of a camp Voldemort could win over.

In addition to Death Eaters, there are just some dark monsters, such as giants and the like...

Seeing Chu Yang's casual attitude, Sirius said nothing and silently set up magic traps around him.

In the evening, Firenze suddenly appeared, walked up to Chu Yang, lowered his head and said: "My people have noticed traces of werewolves nearby, and the giants and other dark monsters deep in the Forbidden Forest are also ready to move. They should It’s all about Harry Potter.”

The corners of Chu Yang's mouth raised slightly, "Mr. Riddle really has a wide range of friends."

Firenze asked, "Do we want to strike first?"

Chu Yang shook his head and said: "It's not necessary. Your tribe will suffer great losses. Let them come over and let the giant war tree deal with it."

"You lay an ambush first, and when their attention is attracted by the giant war tree, you can then take the opportunity to launch a surprise attack."

"Don't worry about the giants, try to clear out other dark monsters."

Firenze understood and immediately left with Chu Yang's order.

Soon, the centaurs were quietly hiding in the jungle, waiting for the opportunity.

Night falls.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron stayed nervously in the cabin, with Sirius watching over them.

Chu Yang stayed with the unicorns and stood quietly on the edge of the lake. Under the moonlight, the calm lake water suddenly began to ripple. The water waves vibrated and spread outwards in circles.

The vibrations became stronger and stronger, and the stones at Chu Yang's feet were beating.

Following a few roars of unknown meaning, a giant jumped out of the forest and looked at Chu Yang across the lake.

The second head...

The third head...

More and more giants appeared from the darkness, and there were also many dark creatures, eyeing Chu Yang and the small wooden house behind him.

Chu Yang turned over and sat on the unicorn's back and yawned. After waiting for so long, he felt sleepy.

At the same time, the leader of the giants launched a charge, followed by the rest of the dark monsters.

Boom! ! !

A sound like a mountain collapsing exploded on the battlefield. Giants stopped and looked back, fear suddenly appearing in their eyes.

In front of them, an ancient tree that covered the sky and blocked the sun was slowly standing.

A branch hanging down from the giant tree is almost as thick as the giant's waist.

Although these dark monsters are all monsters, the behemoth in front of you is even more of a monster among monsters!

Before the giants had time to retreat, the giant war tree suddenly waved its arms, and thousands of branches swept across the battlefield, knocking more than a dozen giants away at the same time.


Dumbledore led all the teachers in the school to open a magic barrier to protect the school.

Outside the barrier, Voldemort and the Death Eaters were watching eagerly.

At this time, Voldemort was possessed by Barty Crouch Jr., and the father of this body was Barty Crouch, Director of the Department of International Magical Exchange and Cooperation.

During the last operation to clean up the remaining Death Eaters, Barty Crouch Jr. was imprisoned at the age of 19.

Crouch Sr., who had a chance to become the Minister of Magic, was therefore transferred to the Department of International Magical Exchange and Cooperation, with no hope for the rest of his life.

Crouch Sr. hated his son very much, but his wife had been worried about her son, so much so that her health deteriorated rapidly in a short period of time.

Mrs. Crouch drank the polyjuice potion before she died and turned into the appearance of her son. Under the operation of Old Crouch, she replaced the son in Azkaban.

Soon after, Mrs. Crouch died inside as Little Crouch.

Crouch Jr. did not gain freedom because of this. His devout belief in Voldemort made Crouch Sr.'s hair stand on end, so he was imprisoned at home.

Until Voldemort accidentally learned about him...

Crouch Sr. has been controlled by Voldemort's Imperius Curse.

Secretly helped him do many things, including the large-scale prison break in Azkaban.

The Ministry of Magic is also under Voldemort's control.

Even so, Voldemort still couldn't suppress the panic in his heart.

Because he couldn't find any Horcrux...

Diary, Hufflepuff's gold cup, Ravenclaw's diadem, Gaunt's ring, Slytherin's locket.

Except for Ravenclaw's diadem, Voldemort had confirmed all the other Horcruxes one by one.


There is only one person in this world who can take away all his Horcruxes.


Voldemort took away control of Barty Crouch Jr.'s body, slowly walked to the barrier, reached out and pressed it, and the barrier rippled like water.

Voldemort stared at Hogwarts standing on the top of the cliff with cold eyes, and slowly uttered a few words in his mouth.


As soon as he finished speaking, countless magic spells hit the barrier like raindrops. From a distance, they looked like colorful salutes.

There are also some dementors hovering over Hogwarts, all of whom were helpers obtained by Voldemort in exchange for benefits.

In the castle, the lower grade students were brought to the auditorium by the upper grade students to assemble.

Draco Malfoy shivered in the crowd.

Because he knew that his parents were outside, standing with Voldemort.

Lucius Malfoy, who lost his diary, was almost killed by Voldemort. Fortunately, he showed his loyalty in time and became the opponent's pawn again.

Lucius also wrote to Draco, asking him to be an insider in the school and help Voldemort catch Harry Potter at a critical moment.

How could Draco, who was so young, bear such pressure? He almost collapsed during this period.

Fortunately, Harry went to the Forbidden Forest, and Draco wanted to help but couldn't, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Dumbledore and some teachers with combat capabilities gathered in the courtyard outside, maintaining the barrier while discussing how to deal with Voldemort.

Someone suggested asking the Ministry of Magic for help, but was ridiculed by Snape.

"The Ministry of Magic is a sieve. I don't know how many Death Eaters are hidden in it. Voldemort can appear here in a swagger. How could they not know?"

"Go out and take a look. There must be many familiar faces waiting for you outside."

Snape's words caused discussions among all the teachers present, and the atmosphere was boiling for a while.

Professor McGonagall interrupted everyone's discussion and said loudly: "Principal Dumbledore is still here."

Just one sentence, like a reassurance to them, the teachers stopped arguing.

Yes. Dumbledore is still here.

Then, we have the confidence to defeat Voldemort.

Dumbledore smiled at everyone and said, "Don't be afraid, magic will guide us forward."


Forbidden Forest.

The violent appearance of the war tree immediately blocked the attack of the monster coalition.

It was like a reef that suddenly rose in the torrent.

The giants who were charging at the front suffered heavy losses.

Every time the war tree swept across, there would be giants who could not dodge and hit it head-on.

The war tree was like a millstone, and blood and flesh flew everywhere.

The werewolves avoided the attack of the war tree with their agile skills and extraordinary IQ, and took advantage of the gap between the attacks to launch a counterattack.

They quickly climbed onto the body of the war tree along the roots and branches, biting it madly.

The war tree twisted its body, trying to throw the werewolves off, but there were too many werewolves, and even if there were sporadic falls, the werewolves behind were also coming one after another.

The oversized body has an unparalleled advantage on the battlefield, but the disadvantage is also extremely obvious.

After the werewolf, the spider and other dark monsters also climbed onto the war tree and bit its body together.

The war tree wailed.

Only the giants were left on the ground. Their bloated bodies could not climb onto the war tree like other dark monsters.

So the giants pointed their spears at Chu Yang and the unicorns, waving their maces and charging.

Chu Yang burst into a dazzling blue light, and there were bursts of thunder.

He waved his arm, and a blue lightning bolt was pulled out from the top of the magic wand.

This is the result of Chu Yang's long-term research, a new type of magic spell developed by combining the lightning ninjutsu and some game ideas.

Thunder chain!

After hitting the first giant, the lightning will continue to jump to other giants, causing continuous large-scale damage, and will also be accompanied by abnormal conditions such as paralysis.

Chu Yang considered using the Steam Danger Explosion, but the power of the infinite explosion was too strong. When the war was over, the Forbidden Forest would be destroyed.

At least the lake in front of him could not be saved.

Chu Yang could only give up this idea.

As the brilliant lightning burst out, the giants' offensive momentum was curbed.

The centaurs, who had ambushed in advance, launched a surprise attack under the leadership of Firenze.

Almost all the giants who had survived the first round of damage fell into a state of paralysis. Facing the charge of the centaurs, they were like a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

The ending was doomed from the beginning.

At the same time.

The war giant tree collapsed under the siege of many dark monsters.

It attracted most of the firepower and created opportunities for the centaurs.

Chu Yang rode a unicorn and rushed over.

A large number of unicorns followed like a tide.

Unicorns are very strange magical creatures, and they are very weak individually.

But if they gather together, their holy power will be superimposed.

The white light was like the light of heaven, dispelling the dark creatures attached to the war tree.

The werewolves roared at the dazzling holy light, and the spiders fled in all directions.

Chu Yang flew to the treetops and delivered life energy to the war tree.

After a moment, the war tree stood up again and began to slaughter the dark creatures driven away by the unicorns.

Sirius, who was hiding in the cabin, looked at this scene in shock.

He finally understood why Chu Yang was so dismissive of the magic trap he had set.

The war in the Forbidden Forest soon came to an end.

The centaurs began to clean up the battlefield.

The unicorns didn't like the bloody scene very much, so they retreated and disappeared in the Forbidden Forest.

Only one unicorn was left carrying Chu Yang to the cabin.

"It's all over, Mr. Black, but don't let Harry and the others out before the battlefield is cleaned up."

Sirius pushed open the wooden door and looked at the boy on the back of the unicorn.

The boy who walked out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses had no fear on his face, and was so calm and composed.

Sirius felt a chill in his heart. Even Voldemort, who was the same age, did not have such a mentality.

"What about Hogwarts?"

"I'll take care of it, Mr. Black."

"Voldemort is really finished this time, right?"

"Of course."

The boy's expression and tone were full of absolute confidence.

After dealing with the enemies in the Forbidden Forest, only Voldemort and his Death Eaters, as well as some Dementors, were left.

It is definitely a little harder to deal with than dark creatures like giants.

But only a little...

After the centaurs cleaned up the battlefield, Chu Yang called out: "Firenze!"

Firenze jumped several times and came to Chu Yang's side, bowed and said: "I am willing to serve you, Mr. Chu Yang."

Chu Yang nodded, "Then let's go, it's time to put an end to the legend of Voldemort."

The unicorn screamed and immediately carried Chu Yang to Hogwarts.

The centaurs followed closely behind him.

The War Tree walked at the end of the team, and it was ten meters away with one step, and its speed was not slow at all.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione, the three of them, watched Chu Yang's departing back through the window of the cabin.

The two teenagers were yearning.

Ron murmured: "He really looks like a general."

Harry nodded frequently.


Voldemort and the Death Eaters were still blocked outside by the barrier.

With Dumbledore in charge, the barrier was as solid as a rock.

Voldemort was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

According to the plan, the dark creatures and werewolves in the Forbidden Forest should have brought Harry Potter to the Hogwarts battlefield to help them destroy the barrier.

But after so long, there was still no movement.

Where did they go?

"I shouldn't have expected these damn, dirty, low-level monsters!"

"Including the werewolves! Their IQ has degenerated from humans to the level of monsters!"

Voldemort cursed angrily and urged the Death Eaters to attack with all their strength.

In the crowd, Lucius silently observed Voldemort. He realized that the Dark Lord's comeback this time was too hasty.

It's time to find a way out.

He was not a loyal believer of Voldemort, but just a villain who curried favor with the powerful.

Just as Lucius slowly retreated behind the crowd, the ground suddenly shook, and it became more and more intense.

Voldemort was slightly stunned, and then showed an ecstatic expression.

"Hahaha! Our reinforcements are here!"

"We will soon be able to break through this castle!"

"Dumbledore will never stop me!"

The Dark Lord stood in the front, facing the Death Eaters with his arms outstretched, looking stern, like a king.

The Death Eaters knelt down one after another, prostrating themselves at the feet of the Dark Lord devoutly.

Lucius was also ready to kneel down, but when he saw the behemoth behind the Dark Lord, he stood stiffly in place.

Voldemort put down his arms and looked at him coldly, "Our Mr. Malfoy, it seems that he does not agree with me?"

The Death Eaters turned around and stared at him with the same cold eyes.

But compared with the murderous eyes of the Death Eaters and Voldemort, Lucius still felt that the huge tree man in front of him was more terrifying.

Lucius raised his arm and pointed to the back of Voldemort with trembling hands.

Voldemort then noticed the fear on Lucius's face, his heart skipped a beat, and then he slowly turned around.

The Death Eaters also turned to the direction Lucius pointed.

"What the hell is that?!!"

On the other side, the teachers at Hogwarts also saw the War Tree and immediately screamed and became a mess.

Snape's eyes were a little dull.

Even the usually calm Professor McGonagall couldn't help but lose control of his emotions and said, "Where did Voldemort find such a monster? I'm afraid the barrier outside can't be protected now."

Professor Flitwick clenched the wand in his hand and took a few deep breaths.

Professor Sprout clasped his hands together, closed his eyes, and began to pray devoutly.

Other teachers shouted in fear and panic, and the whole courtyard was in chaos.


Dumbledore's majestic voice sounded, and everyone looked at him.

"That's not an enemy, but a friend."

Dumbledore said excitedly: "Now, open the protective barrier, we are going to start the counterattack!"

The teachers were still in a daze, Hagrid had already taken out his long-sealed wand from his umbrella and shouted loudly: "I have been waiting for this moment for a long time!"

It was Voldemort who framed Myrtle's death on him, causing him not only to fail to graduate from Hogwarts, but also to be banned from using magic.

The angry Hagrid rushed out first.

Professor McGonagall came to his senses and quickly gathered the teachers to open the barrier together.

Dumbledore stepped forward, and Snape followed him.

As soon as the group walked across the corridor bridge, they heard the slogan of the centaurs charging outside.

Firenze took the lead and rushed to the front.

What he shouted was not to defend Hogwarts or Dumbledore, but...

"For the glory of Mr. Chu Yang!!!"

And Chu Yang, who was riding a unicorn on the side, smacked his lips.

He swore that he had never taught Firenze such words.

The fanatical expression on that guy's face made him look more like a Death Eater than a Death Eater...

McGonagall and others who had just walked out of the main gate of Hogwarts looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Excuse me, what did the centaur say just now?"

"I think I heard Chu Yang's name?"

"Me too."

"If we don't have collective hallucinations, then he just called Yang."

"I have to say that Yang really has a wide range of friends..."

Soon they saw Chu Yang riding a unicorn slowly approaching.

"Merlin's beard! A unicorn is carrying a man?!"

"This is the most amazing scene I have ever seen in my life!"

Amidst the exclamations, Chu Yang turned over and dismounted, bowing slightly to Dumbledore and the teachers.

Dumbledore asked, "Over in the Forbidden Forest?"

Chu Yang replied, "Voldemort's reinforcements have been dealt with, and everyone is fine."

Snape, who knew the inside story, was shocked and turned to look at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore didn't say much, just smiled.

The War Tree began to drive away the Dementors as soon as it entered the field.

Although the latter can fly, their height is less than half of the height of the tree man.

The charge of the centaurs was fast and urgent.

As soon as the Death Eaters reacted, many of them died under the iron hoof.

In just one round, more than half of the Death Eaters were killed or wounded.

The severely injured Death Eaters fought back.

But the centaurs were extremely fast, and the battlefield was very chaotic, so the hit rate of the spell was extremely low.

Voldemort was angry and raised his wand, ready to do it himself.

A white flash came from a distance and hit the wand in Voldemort's hand.

Dumbledore walked slowly, "That's it, Tom."

Voldemort stared at Dumbledore coldly, feeling very unwilling.

If he could be truly reborn and obtain his own body, it would be impossible for Dumbledore to knock his wand away so easily.

Voldemort asked angrily: "Dumbledore, why do you go against me again and again? You are obviously born of pure blood, why don't you agree with my pure blood concept?"

Dumbledore looked at his former student and shook his head disappointedly, "Tom, the pursuit of pure blood is not a reason for you to arbitrarily inflict violence on others. Don't deceive yourself. You just want power."

Voldemort sneered: "Don't judge me with such a sanctimonious demeanor. Aren't you also immersed in power?"

"Most of the high-level officials in the Ministry of Magic are your students, and magic schools in other countries also respect you, not to mention Hogwarts."

"You are standing in the halo yourself, why do you say that others covet power?"

Dumbledore sighed.

"Mr. Tom Riddle, as a former Dark Lord, I am somewhat disappointed with the demeanor you showed in your last moments."

"Can't the loser just shut up and die?"

Chu Yang led the unicorn, stepped out of the crowd, and walked towards Voldemort.

When Voldemort heard this familiar voice, he suddenly recalled the memory of being severely injured twice before.

"Is it you?!"

Voldemort took a few steps back in fear.

Everyone looked at Chu Yang in surprise. Why did Voldemort feel afraid when he saw him?

When Chu Yang walked past Voldemort, Dumbledore and Snape both clenched their wands.

Voldemort was very surprised that Chu Yang did not stop talking to him, but really passed by him.

Then, a feeling of humiliation that he had never experienced before surged into his heart.

Voldemort turned his back suddenly, his eyes wide open, staring at Chu Yang's back!

An orphan in the Muggle world, but fortunately had the talent of a wizard, dared to ignore him!

However, Chu Yang didn't care about Voldemort's thoughts at all.

In his heart, the safety of these companions is much more important than the Dark Lord. Who would want to communicate with a short-sighted manic-depressive lunatic?

"No one has ever dared to face me with this attitude!"

Voldemort's hands surged with magic.

In the entire magic world, his wandless spellcasting attainments are second only to Dumbledore!

Even if he loses his wand, he can still cast the Killing Curse!

"Avada Keda..."

The spell has not been finished yet.

A brighter light burst out from behind Voldemort and pierced his body.

It was also the body of "Barty Crouch Jr."

The expression on Voldemort's face suddenly solidified, and the pain of soul tearing slowly came.

Voldemort, whose life was coming to an end, sneered at Dumbledore, "You sacrificed Harry Potter to get rid of me. In the days to come, you will be tortured by your conscience every moment."

"Dumbledore, you will become a more pitiful wretch than me..."

At this moment, a small figure appeared on the battlefield and said loudly: "I am not dead!"

Voldemort looked up and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Accompanied by Sirius, Harry, Ron and Hermione returned to school regardless of danger.

Although Dumbledore once told them not to leave the Forbidden Forest, Harry was still unwilling to hide.

Sirius respected his ideas and rushed over with him.

The appearance of Harry made Voldemort completely doubt his life.

Why didn't Harry Potter die?

Voldemort was still thinking about this question at the last moment when his soul disappeared.

Without Voldemort's soul possessed, Barty Crouch Jr.'s consciousness once again dominated the body, but he was not happy because he understood what it meant.

Barty Crouch Jr. knelt on the ground and roared heartbreakingly.

Voldemort was not only a belief he pursued, but also a father to him.

The Death Eaters sensed Voldemort's disappearance, and they all stood there with dull eyes as if their souls had been taken away.

The centaurs stopped attacking and gathered around Chu Yang to receive his treatment.

After Voldemort died, the Dementors also left the sky above Hogwarts.

Dumbledore stared at the group of Dementors that left and said in a deep voice: "I never thought that Dementors would join Voldemort's camp."

Professor McGonagall still said with fear: "They are not trustworthy."

Hagrid coughed dryly and said: "You can't generalize it like this. Some monsters are still very cute, Professor McGonagall."

Professor McGonagall was speechless and didn't bother to pay attention to Hagrid, who was obsessed with Fury.

Most teachers still agreed with Professor McGonagall's opinion.

After this battle, the Dementors can no longer be trusted by the magical world, and it is only a matter of time before they are driven out of Azkaban.

Snape stared blankly at the place where the Dark Lord's soul disappeared.

He never dreamed that everything would go so smoothly.

The day Lily was killed by Voldemort seemed like yesterday.

"Headmaster Dumbledore is so powerful. He defeated Voldemort in one go. Are you right? Mr. Black."

"Of course! That's Dumbledore! The greatest wizard in the world!"

Snape took a deep look at Harry who was celebrating with Sirius, then turned and left alone.

After the war, Minister of Magic Fudge arrived belatedly with the Aurors.

Fudge looked around. There were helpless Death Eaters everywhere, as well as Centaur warriors who were responsible for monitoring their every move.

Fudge rubbed his eyes, a little disbelieving. He turned to the Auror behind him and asked, "If I remember correctly, don't the centaurs hate wizards?"

The Aurors nodded.

"You came at the right time, Mr. Fudge."

Professor McGonagall's gentle tone sounded sarcastic in Fudge's ears.

"We are heading to Hogwarts as quickly as possible, Professor McGonagall."

Fudge smiled bitterly, then straightened his tie and walked to Dumbledore, asking in a low voice: "Where is 'that person'?"

The tall Dumbledore stared down at Fudge, his sharp eyes making Fudge tilt his head to the side silently.

"From now on, everyone no longer needs to avoid Voldemort's name. As the Minister of Magic, I hope you can set a benchmark for other colleagues."

"Tom Riddle is dead."

Dumbledore's rich voice reached everyone's ears.

The news of Voldemort's death made Fudge slightly stunned.

After a moment, he came back to his senses and said tremblingly: "Is he really dead this time?"

He was really afraid that Voldemort would "come back" again in the near future.

"Tom Riddle is indeed dead..." After saying this, Dumbledore suddenly looked at Chu Yang.

Looking at this young man who looked very similar to Voldemort, he was a little lost.

Then he said solemnly: "It is impossible for Voldemort to appear again!"

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