Hermione suddenly pulled Chu Yang's sleeve and asked in a low voice: "Can you tell me what's going on? I don't believe that so many people would stay in the common room all night. What are they doing?"

"I heard that Slytherin's common room is under the Black Lake. It's dark and cold. What's so fun about it?"

Hermione's thinking is more adult-oriented. In fact, even Professor McGonagall doesn't believe this argument, so she went to the medical room after class and visited Malfoy.

Chu Yang didn't bother to make up any excuses. Anyway, sooner or later, he would have to hide the fact about beating people.

Those people were just knocked unconscious by him, but they didn't lose their memory.

Chu Yang said straightforwardly: "They stopped me at the door of the dormitory last night, saying that I was not a pure blood and was not qualified to be in Slytherin, and they planned to make things difficult for me. I was tired and sleepy at the time, so I just I wanted to sleep, so I had no time to make trouble with them, so I had to invite them all out. "

Hearing this, Hermione paused, opened her mouth, looked at Chu Yang in shock and asked, "The 'please' you said...is the word 'please' we usually use?"

Chu Yang thought for a while, shook his head and said, "There is a little difference."

"I'm afraid it's more than a little, right?" Hermione took a deep breath and felt the temperature around her suddenly drop a bit, and asked, "If you beat a classmate, you will be held accountable by the school, aren't you afraid?"

"How could one person beat so many people? They beat me, but I was fighting back in self-defense." Chu Yang rolled his eyes, helplessly spread his hands and said, "Do I still have to stand there and let them bully me?"

"That's true. They were the ones who caused the trouble first!" When Hermione thought about Chu Yang being rejected by the other Slytherin freshmen because he was not a pureblood, she felt the same way and couldn't help but feel indignant.

The two of them walked into the classroom talking about what happened last night.

"Isn't Hermione our Gryffindor? Why do you always stick to Chu Yang's side!" Ron suddenly felt uncomfortable when he saw Hermione and Chu Yang talking happily.

"We are all classmates, so there is no need to tell the difference so clearly, right? And they should have more in common. After all, both of them are very smart and knowledgeable." Harry replied to Ron as a matter of course, not feeling it at all. What a problem.

With the experience of the Transfiguration class just now, the freshmen quickly sat down in their seats after entering the classroom, fearing that they would be harshly scolded by Professor Snape.

Compared with the seriousness and meticulousness of Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape feels very scary, dark and terrifying. It always feels like whoever offends him will be punished very tragically.

After the students were all seated, Professor Snape walked in from outside the classroom.

The wind carried her as she walked, causing her robes to flutter in the wind.

He might think he was handsome, but Chu Yang felt like he looked like a big moth the moment he walked in...

"This course does not require you to wave your wands foolishly, nor do you need to recite incantations blindly. I think not many of you know how to appreciate the profound science and precise craftsmanship of making potions."

Professor Snape leaned on the desk, not hiding the indifference on his face. He was about to continue talking, but when he glanced around, he found that many students were missing.

"This doesn't seem to be the first class in the morning, right? How come so many people are late?" Professor Snape looked at the absent students, his voice filled with anger, "He's actually a Slytherin student?!"

Professor Snape slapped the desk hard, making a "thud" sound that shocked everyone.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door suddenly outside the house.

Professor Snape, who was about to continue scolding the students, frowned. Anyone who was interrupted from speaking would feel uncomfortable.

Professor Snape straightened his clothes, then walked to the door like the wind, opened the classroom door, and outside stood Professor McGonagall who had returned from the infirmary.

Professor McGonagall first looked into the classroom and showed a helpless expression when she saw Chu Yang, and then signaled Professor Snape to come outside to speak.

Listening to Professor McGonagall's account of the ins and outs of the absence of the Slytherin freshmen, Snape was a little confused at first, and then fell silent.

The students were whispering to each other, wondering why Professor McGonagall called Snape out while he was teaching?

This is the age when you are very curious about everything.

About 5 minutes later, Professor Snape returned to the classroom with a strange expression on his face.

He did not go to the podium, but walked straight to Chu Yang and looked at him coldly.

"Mr. Chu Yang, can you tell me how you used a pair of fists to prevent several students in the dormitory from attending class the next day?"

"I'm really curious, but don't tell me that you, who was born in an orphanage, also know Eastern Kung Fu. That's really ridiculous!"

Snape sneered at Chu Yang without any scruples, and his words had already caused an uproar in the classroom!

The reason why those Slytherin students failed to come to class was actually beaten by Chu Yang!

For a time, there was a huge buzz of people!

Harry and Ron were astonished and couldn't help but look at Chu Yang with admiration in their eyes. Good guy, so many people were killed by him alone?

Ron was still telling Harry yesterday that if a non-pure-blood wizard like Chu Yang went to Slytherin, he would definitely end up unhappy.

Harry was also worried about Chu Yang's situation.

When he saw that Chu Yang was safe and sound this morning, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

As the only two orphans in the first grade, if something happened to Chu Yang, Harry would inevitably feel sad.

Among the three giants who were deducted points, the calmest one was Hermione, who had already learned the truth from Chu Yang, but she was still worried about Chu Yang, after all, Professor Snape looked very angry.

Chu Yang stood up and replied calmly: "Professor Snape, I really don't know Kung Fu, but as you said, I came from an orphanage. The geographical environment there is not good, and fighting is everyone's fault. A required course for children.”

"And, with all due respect, a wizard who can't cast spells without a wand is no more powerful than a Muggle..."

Chu Yang's behavior of comparing Muggles and wizards directly angered Snape.

He stepped forward quickly, almost face to face with Chu Yang.

"You made a big mistake, Mr. Chu Yang!"

Snape stared at Chu Yang fiercely and yelled: "Don't think that you can solve everything with your fists. You can do it now, but what about three or two months later? When the freshmen who were bullied by you pick up the wand and learn the magic spell Finally, how are you going to deal with it, or are you going to use your fists?”

The tit-for-tat confrontation between Snape and Chu Yang made the already cold dungeon even more unbearable. The freshmen looked at the two men in fear, not daring to express their nervousness.

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