Simultaneous time travel: From Japanese comics to American comics

Chapter 37 Gamp's Basic Law of Transformation

Except for Chu Yang, there were only a few girls in Slytherin sitting in the classroom honestly.

After waiting for a long time, there was still no new Slytherin student arriving.

Professor McGonagall's face became visibly gloomy.

As the school's deputy principal, this was the first time she had encountered such a thing after teaching at Hogwarts for so many years.

"Does anyone know what's going on in Slytherin? Where have all those boys gone?" Professor McGonagall glanced coldly at the entire classroom, and everyone suddenly fell silent and quickly lowered their heads.

"Professor McGonagall, it seems that the boys played in the common room all night last night and all got cold this morning. They were sent to the infirmary by the senior students."

Pansy Parkinson, who had short hair, stood up with a gloating smile on her lips. She was happy to watch those conceited boys make a fool of themselves, and Malfoy, whom she liked, was not among them anyway.

"Thank you for answering my question, Miss Parkinson, but even so, Slytherin will still have to deduct 5 points." Professor McGonagall, who knew the reason, showed displeasure and motioned Pansy Parkinson to sit down.

More gloating laughter came from all directions, making the self-defeating Pansy Parkinson blush with anger.

"Quiet!" Professor McGonagall paced in the classroom and said seriously: "Now, open your books and turn to the first section of the first page..."

Professor McGonagall began to tell some basic knowledge about transfiguration, mostly popular science knowledge, so that students could understand what transfiguration is and the risks of transfiguration.

There are also some special feelings. For example, when a person transforms into an animal, what does it feel like when the clothes and glasses worn on the body turn into animal skin?

This special feeling can only be experienced by being an Animagus. It is a valuable experience for other wizards.

In addition, Professor McGonagall briefly mentioned the five exceptions to Gamp's basic law of deformation.

Chu Yang summarized, these five items are - you can't transform anything other than food into food, but you can transform one kind of food into another kind of food, or make the food larger.

Secondly, dead objects cannot be turned into living objects, or living objects into dead objects. Transfiguration cannot change the target's life level and status.

The third item is that you cannot cast transformation spells on magic items. There will be a strong conflict between the two due to the differences in magic spells and magic sources.

In addition, special transformation spells such as Animagus have similar restrictions, that is, they cannot transform into magical creatures.

Chu Yang's understanding is that the conflict between transformation and magic items (creatures) is similar to adding two unrelated or even conflicting pieces of programming code to a program, which destroys the normal operation of the original program.

The fourth item is quantity. You cannot use transformation to change the target from one to multiple. This kind of copying or creating individuals is similar to the second item. It is not a field that human beings can achieve.

The fifth item is to create something out of nothing. You cannot use the transformation technique to fabricate some kind of substance out of thin air, even if it is something you have seen and deeply understood.

These five special situations are all attempts to use magic to violate the laws of "reality"!

But what's interesting is that Chu Yang secretly feels that the above five items are not impossible to achieve. They are more like some kind of "shackles". Once one of them is broken, magic will enter a new field and produce qualitative changes.

In the first class for the new students, Professor McGonagall briefly talked about some necessary precautions. Since most of the new students in Slytherin House were absent from class, she did not teach any spells.

"Be familiar with what I just talked about." After Professor McGonagall finished speaking, he transformed into a tabby cat and sat on the desk again, with humanized fatigue in the cat's eyes.

After a brief silence, four figures burst into the classroom in a hurry. They were the savior Harry and his little friend Ron, as well as Goyle and Crabbe, whose cheeks were swollen.

"Oh, it's a good thing that Professor McGonagall isn't here, otherwise we would be in trouble. She looks so serious and can scare people to death when she doesn't speak!"

Ron complained as he pulled Harry towards his seat. He didn't notice Harry's expression changing at all.

Professor McGonagall transformed from a tabby cat into a human form again, but only passed by them. Professor McGonagall's target was Goyle and Crabbe, who were belatedly arriving.

"I heard that you had so much fun last night that you didn't even want to come to the Transfiguration class the next day? Should I tell Principal Dumbledore to let Slytherin House teach itself Transfiguration class?"

Professor McGonagall had a frosty face and a low voice, but every word struck the hearts of Goyle and Crabbe. They now regretted not sleeping on the floor yesterday, otherwise they could go to the infirmary with others for treatment. .

"It's not like that, Professor McGonagall, please listen to my explanation." Goyle defended anxiously, and then felt someone gently tugging at the hem of his robe. He turned around and saw Crabbe, and also saw Chu Yang's playful smile. .

In an instant, Gao Er stood on his head with chills all over his body, as if there was an electric current flowing through his body. He still remembered Chu Yang's feat of overturning the entire first-year boys' dormitory by himself last night.

How many punches can you take?

Not even one punch!

"We're sorry, Professor McGonagall, and we promise we won't do it again next time!" Goyle quickly admitted his mistake, and then shut his mouth honestly.

Professor McGonagall was stunned for a moment, she was still waiting for the other party's explanation...

"There will be no next time!" Professor McGonagall glared and said loudly: "Sit down!"

Goyle and Crabbe sat down, but they couldn't sit down in class at all. Their buttocks were swaying like nails on the bench.

The reason why they are like this is because their seats happen to be in the row in front of Chu Yang. Even if they don't look back, they can clearly feel the real eyes from behind, sweeping over them.

Originally, the Slytherin girls planned to ask Goyle and Crabbe some specific information, but these two people were like statues in the hall, looking at their noses with their eyes and their hearts with their noses, and remained motionless until the next class.

The Potions classroom is in the dungeon, not far from the entrance to the Slytherin common room. The entire corridor leading to the Potions classroom is dark and damp, and most of the new students have scared expressions on their faces.

The atmosphere here is too gloomy. For a group of 11-year-old children, they have to bear a lot of psychological pressure.

Hermione, who originally planned not to talk to Chu Yang all day today, couldn't help but speed up her pace and quickly leaned towards Chu Yang's side.

Hermione coughed dryly and said angrily: "The people in your college are really amazing. They made Professor McGonagall so angry on the first day of school."

Chu Yang nodded noncommittally and said, "I also think they are quite powerful."

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