Simultaneous time travel: From Japanese comics to American comics

Chapter 34: Non-pure-blood wizards in Slytherin


The direction the magic wand was pointing was exactly the wooden table in front of the two people. The wooden table actually began to sprout branches under the influence of magic.

The dead tree is reborn!

Dumbledore, who witnessed everything with his own eyes, showed a shocked expression on his face and murmured: "Unbelievable, really unbelievable! This magnificent life energy is as if nature is casting a spell herself."

"Magic has always been shown to people in the form of pure energy."

"Even though there are white wizards and black wizards among wizards, and there are special examples of black magic, they are essentially just pure magic. And this kind of magic with certain characteristics is the first time I have encountered it in my life!"

Dumbledore seemed to have discovered a treasure, with a childlike innocent smile of surprise on his face.

When Chu Yang's magic dissipated, a small tree had grown on the wooden table, almost reaching the ceiling, and creepers and colorful flowers grew on the vines below.

The portraits on the wall could no longer hold back and began to quarrel.

"Amazing! This is such a beautiful picture!"

"This really subverts my cognition. That child can produce such an amazing effect without casting any spells."

"Dumbledore, hurry up and catch him for research! Maybe it will set off a great era!"

Chu Yang slowly raised his head and stared coldly at the portrait that clamored to catch him.

[Phineas Nigellus Black]

The first headmaster to graduate from Slytherin, and the most unpopular headmaster in the history of Hogwarts!

He is also the great-great-grandfather of Harry's godfather "Sirius" Black.

In short... He is the most annoying one among the many headmaster portraits!

"Don't say that, Headmaster Phineas." Dumbledore adjusted his beard and wiped his glasses. "He is about to enter Slytherin, and he is still your junior."

"What?" Phineas suddenly became furious!

There was only a bloody mouth left in the frame, and it said angrily: "I will never allow a Muggle-born child to enter the great Slytherin College!"

Phineas had just heard the conversation between Chu Yang and Dumbledore, and knew that Chu Yang was from an orphanage.

As for Dumbledore's later statement that Chu Yang might be the offspring of a famous wizard family in the East, Phineas did not take this statement seriously.

He did not use [Legislatives] on Chu Yang, so he naturally could not agree with Dumbledore's opinion.

"You have been dead for more than 60 years, why are you still holding on to that boring bloodline theory?" A female headmaster said sarcastically, and it was heard that she despised Phineas.

Chu Yang glanced at her name.

[Delise Devonte]

Before becoming a famous headmistress in the history of Hogwarts, she was the chief healer of St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.

Delise became the headmaster long before Phineas, so when she spoke, Phineas usually kept silent.

After both portraits were quiet, Chu Yang asked, "Why was I assigned to Slytherin?"

Dumbledore was silent for a while, and said, "Slytherin is a very good college, but their views on certain things are too paranoid. As the headmaster, I cannot forcefully interfere with the students' thoughts."

"The person who changes their minds should be a student like them."

Chu Yang frowned and said, "Why choose me?"

Dumbledore explained, "The person who convinces them must be a wizard from a Muggle family, otherwise it is meaningless, but such wizards are generally not qualified and cannot do this, and you have extraordinary potential..."

Chu Yang was skeptical. He always felt that the seemingly kind old man in front of him was actually full of bad water.

Suddenly, he remembered Dumbledore's plan to transform Harry Potter into a savior.

Good guy, didn't he treat me as an insurance?

The more Chu Yang thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible, but in this situation, it was difficult for him to refuse Dumbledore's arrangement. After all, the compensation agreed before might also disappear.

"Okay, Slytherin is Slytherin, but I have to say something first. If those classmates are not friendly to me, I will fight back resolutely when it is time to fight back. You can't blame me then!"

It's just a group of reserve dark wizards who haven't graduated yet. I'm fighting against dark wizards!

Dumbledore smiled at Chu Yang's eagerness and said jokingly, "If you feel your safety is threatened, you can fight back on your own. There is no problem. I can assure you!"

"In that case, I am happy to join Slytherin College." Chu Yang bowed slightly, and then reminded, "Please remember the agreement too!"

"I never break my promise." Dumbledore winked at Chu Yang mischievously, looking like an old naughty boy.

Then he called out a house elf and said to it, "Please invite Professor Snape over."

The elf quickly disappeared into the principal's office.

When Chu Yang heard Snape's name, he sighed silently in his heart.

If you want to say that the most tragic character in the Harry Potter world is him.

The girl he liked was seduced by the boy who bullied him all day, and he had to risk his life to protect their son.

Severus Snape's deep love for Lily Evans is awe-inspiring.

But it also makes people feel pathetic and stupid.

If Chu Yang were to ask himself, he would definitely find a way to kill James Potter first if he were in Snape's shoes.

The humiliating incident of the hook hook in the fifth grade dealt a devastating blow to Snape's life, and he parted ways with Lily Evans, the love of his life.

Perhaps from Harry's perspective, James Potter is a great father, and from the perspective of friends such as "Sirius" Black, James Potter is a trustworthy friend.

But from the perspective of an objective passerby, they are just a bunch of bastards, even more bastards than Draco Malfoy.

So how to view a person as good or bad depends entirely on one's perspective.

About ten minutes later, Snape, who sent the freshmen to Slytherin, came late. He first greeted Dumbledore respectfully, and then looked at Chu Yang indifferently.

The shocking performance in the Great Hall lingered in Snape's mind.

He still remembered that Professor McGonagall said that the Sorting Hat could not determine the future of this child, but now Dumbledore called him to the principal's office. Needless to say, what was the reason.

As expected, Dumbledore said the next second: "Professor Snape, from today on, Chu Yang is a student of Slytherin. You take him to the dormitory."

You let a little wizard from an orphanage enter Slytherin?

Snape could fully imagine how difficult Chu Yang's next days would be!

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