However, despite being a little panicked, she still did not forget to take Chu Yang to the principal's office.

The two of them arrived at the 8th floor via the long spiral staircase. At the end of the corridor was an oak door with a griffin knocker on it. Professor McGonagall stepped forward, picked up the knocker and knocked on the door.

With a creak, the door opened, and Professor McGonagall led Chu Yang into the room. What came into view was a huge wooden table with snacks placed on it.

The room is very spacious, filled with strange silverware, which looks like magical creations and a bit like simple decorations.

The wise old man was standing by the window, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Dumbledore, Chu Yang is here." Professor McGonagall reminded him.

"Excuse me, Minerva, go and do your work!" Dumbledore smiled and nodded, then crossed the wooden table in the center of the room and walked straight to Chu Yang.

"Before I leave, I have something to tell you." Professor McGonagall walked quickly to Dumbledore's side, but whispered about Malfoy and the Black Lake.

A flash of surprise flashed through Dumbledore's eyes, and he pondered: "We'll wait until Malfoy wakes up to ask him about the specific situation, and put aside other people's remarks for now."

"I understand." Professor McGonagall nodded, then turned and left the principal's office.

"You are Chu Yang, right? Sprout mentioned your name in my ears every day. For a while, I thought I lived in the East." Dumbledore smiled and asked Chu Yang to sit down, and took out the table handed him a small snack.

The moment they took the snack from Dumbledore, the two looked at each other, and then Dumbledore experienced the same experience as the Sorting Hat.

After three or four seconds, Dumbledore quickly closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The oppressive feeling conveyed by those sights was somewhat unbearable even for him.

"No wonder the Sorting Hat is like that. You seem to be hiding something terrible to prevent others from prying into your thoughts."

Dumbledore exclaimed: "Because you are an orphan, we naturally treat your parents as Muggles, but now it seems that this idea is a bit inaccurate."

"Your parents should be from a famous wizard family in the ancient eastern country, otherwise it would be difficult to explain what is happening to you."

Chu Yang shrugged and replied nonchalantly: "I don't know where they are from, but I am indeed an orphan."

"Also, you just said you were spying on my thoughts..."

Chu Yang looked at Dumbledore with burning eyes. Anyone who experienced [Legilimency] twice in one day would be angry.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chu Yang. This is one of the few bad habits I have had in all my years as a principal. I always want to be careful and prudent in everything, but I neglect other more important things."

Dumbledore spoke softly and said with sincere eyes: "From your point of view, you should indeed feel angry, but I also hope that you can understand me, an old man."

Dumbledore was a very smart wizard, and the smartest thing about him was that he was good at infecting others with his kindness and sincerity.

Chu Yang knew this very well, but even so, the anger in his heart was still disappearing quickly.

Dumbledore smiled and said: "As compensation, I can agree to some modest requests, such as providing more bursaries."

"I like reading!" Chu Yang said without hesitation: "Principal Dumbledore, if possible, I hope the library can open more areas for me so that I can learn more knowledge."

Chu Yang's request was obviously not what Dumbledore had expected. He originally thought that a child from an orphanage would decisively choose financial help.

Dumbledore praised: "As a wizard, this is undoubtedly a wise choice, but knowledge is often dangerous, especially children of your age who are not able to distinguish this danger."

"And you have just entered school, and you still need to learn a lot of basic knowledge. If you want to become a great wizard, you must take every step steadily."

"So, I will reserve your request for the time being and wait until the right time to let you gain access to more knowledge."

Chu Yang did not get entangled any further and calmly accepted Dumbledore's advice.

Dumbledore's rejection was unexpected by Chu Yang. He had never thought about achieving the goal at once. It was already a very good result to have Dumbledore make a promise.

As long as Chu Yang continues to show his extraordinary talent and make Dumbledore change his mind, the magical knowledge hidden in the library will sooner or later be in his possession.

Dumbledore was pleased with Chu Yang's maturity beyond his peers.

If it were any other 11-year-old child, he would probably be in trouble for a long time.

"Sprout told me that you have some characteristics that are different from ordinary people, and the Sorting Hat seems to have a hard time deciding where you belong, so do you have any thoughts on this?"

At this time, Dumbledore was like a friendly old man next door, discussing issues with Chu Yang amiably. Chu Yang felt equal from his attitude. This attitude alone made people feel close to him.

Chu Yang closed his eyes and thought about it, but finally shook his head.

Dumbledore pushed up his glasses and asked, "Child, can you show me your magic?"

After speaking, he tapped the air with his finger, and the magic at his fingertips bloomed like fireworks.

Immediately afterwards, the wand on the desk flew into his hand.

Casting spells without a wand!

Dumbledore handed the wand to Chu Yang's hand.

He smiled and said, "This is the wand I had someone prepare in advance. The material used to make it is similar to your wand."

"Of course, the core of this wand is not precious unicorn scales, but a unicorn tail feather. Both represent sacred magical creatures and will not be too repulsive to your magic."

Chu Yang took the wand from Dumbledore, but he was thinking in his heart, what would happen if Dumbledore asked him to use the Elder Wand to cast spells?

How big of an impact will the natural magic power with Wood Release as the core encounter when the Elder Wand with elderberry and Thestral tail feathers causes?

Anyway... this principal's office will definitely not be saved.

The portraits of past principals hanging on the walls will also be destroyed.

Dumbledore didn't know that Chu Yang was thinking wildly. Seeing that he didn't move for a long time, he thought he was worried about the consequences, so he smiled and comforted: "Don't be afraid, kid, no matter what happens, I can bear the consequences for you, relax." , pay attention and control your magic power.”

With the last experience, Chu Yang felt less obscure when using the wand. He listened to Dumbledore's teachings, slowly channeled the magic power in, and waved it gently.

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