In the lounge next to the auditorium, the freshmen were waiting for Professor McGonagall's return. Many of them had already accepted the exam.

After all, if one person didn't review, he might get impatient before the exam, but when he knew that most people didn't review, playing badly became a collective joy.

"How many times do you want me to tell you to be quiet today?" Professor McGonagall stood at the door at some point, staring at the students in the lounge like a class teacher.

The shadow of the past came to his mind, and Chu Yang, who was always calm and composed, shuddered.

"Now line up and get ready to go to the auditorium, where you will complete your sorting ceremony."

Under Professor McGonagall's sharp gaze, the freshmen stood up quickly.

They quickly lined up and followed Professor McGonagall obediently.

Professor McGonagall led the freshmen out of the side door and turned to the main hall door. As soon as they approached, the door opened automatically, and everyone followed them into the magnificent hall.

There are four rows of long tables in the hall, one for each of the four colleges, and a smaller long table at the top, which is where the teachers sit.

Thousands of candles are floating in the air above the Great Hall, illuminating the place as bright as day.

On both sides are statues with burning braziers hanging.

The ceiling has been enchanted, turning into a dark night, with stars occasionally appearing, giving the illusion of dining outdoors.

Chu Yang was amazed at the first sight of the Great Hall, but was soon replaced by other thoughts.

"It would be nice if the candles were replaced with LED lights with adjustable color temperature. The candle light is unstable and quite dazzling, and it also lowers the view of the ceiling a lot."

Magical as it is, Chu Yang, who is gradually becoming familiar with Hogwarts, feels that the development of this place is deviating from that of the Muggle world.

The magic world is like a stubborn old man, conservative and afraid of change, standing still with a sense of decay, while the Muggle world has already boarded the train of the times and is moving forward rapidly.

Chu Yang knew very well how much technology would change the world in the next twenty years. If the young wizards of this generation did not make changes, the status between wizards and Muggles might change completely.

Chu Yang, who was daydreaming, suddenly felt someone was looking at him. He looked in the direction of his gaze and saw Dumbledore sitting in the center of the teacher's seat.

This old wizard, who was known for his wisdom and the most powerful and prestigious in the magic world, was looking at Chu Yang with curiosity.

Not far away from him, Professor Sprout of Herbology was also waving at Chu Yang.

And kept pointing at herself with her finger.

What does it mean?

You want me to choose Hufflepuff?

Chu Yang stared with a blank face.

This made Sprout so anxious that he almost stood up and shouted.

"Ahem." Dumbledore coughed hurriedly when he saw this.

He signaled Sprout to be careful, and the latter could only stop and sit in his seat.

However, such a small episode attracted the attention of Professor Snape beside Dumbledore.

Originally, his attention was on Harry Potter...

In addition to Snape, Quirinus Quirrell, who was possessed by Voldemort, was also observing Chu Yang.

To be precise, it was Voldemort in him who was ready to move.

There was a four-legged stool in front of the teacher's table, on which was a worn-out pointed hat with patches here and there.

It was hard to believe that this was the Sorting Hat that was infused with the thoughts of the four founders of Hogwarts!

As Professor McGonagall led the freshmen to the Sorting Hat, the Great Hall became unusually quiet because everyone knew what was going to happen next.

"Before the Sorting Ceremony begins, Headmaster Dumbledore has a few words to say to everyone."

As soon as Professor McGonagall finished speaking, the elderly Dumbledore stood up and spoke. He didn't say much, mainly two points, reminding freshmen not to enter the Forbidden Forest next to it and the corridor on the right side of the third floor.

Chu Yang was not really interested in the corridor on the right side of the third floor. Even if Dumbledore did not remind him, Chu Yang did not plan to go there.

But the Forbidden Forest...

That is a good place to make money. Not to mention Dumbledore, even the king of heaven could not stop Chu Yang.

"Now, if anyone hears your name, come forward. I will put the Sorting Hat on his head and decide which college he will go to." Professor McGonagall raised the Sorting Hat, staring at the list in her hand, and prepared to read the names.

"Is it so easy to sort the students?"

"Where are the exams, Hermione?"

"Oh my God, as long as there are no exams, it doesn't matter how we sort them."

While the freshmen were whispering to each other, Professor McGonagall began to call the roll. The first one was the future owner of the Leaky Cauldron - Hannah Abbott.

As the saying goes, the protagonist changes with time, but Hannah is always there.

When Chu Yang heard her name, he suddenly remembered this long-standing golden sentence.


Chu Yang was still sighing, and Professor McGonagall's voice came to his ears.

"Chu Yang!"

Chu Yang took a deep breath and walked out of the crowd.

As a time traveler who does not belong to this world, Chu Yang still feels very stressed when facing the Sorting Hat.

Because he does not know to what extent the Sorting Hat [Legitimate Memory] can reach.

Can it only read superficial personality traits?

Or can it directly read memories?

Chu Yang thought about trying to avoid the Sorting Hat, but when he noticed that Dumbledore was paying attention to him, he immediately gave up the idea.

Playing tricks in front of the greatest wizard of the time is not a wise choice.

Chu Yang came to his senses with a heavy weight on his head. He found that the Sorting Hat was already on his head. He could only pray that the effect of the Sorting Hat was not as strong as he imagined.

On the other hand, the moment the Sorting Hat landed on Chu Yang's head, it did not detect anything. It was like being placed on a stone.

This surprised the Sorting Hat. It was the first time in a thousand years that it encountered such a situation. Could it be that it had fallen into disrepair? But this was impossible. It had signed a contract with the entire Hogwarts. The two dumb guys, the Book of Admission and the Pen of Acceptance, had not broken down yet. How could it break down first?

Just when the Sorting Hat wanted to go full throttle and increase its strength...

It felt an illusory palace.

It was a more magnificent and imposing building than Hogwarts!

Then, something vaguely emerged...


Countless thrones!

When it wanted to figure out some things!

Whether it was a worn-out throne or a complete throne, they all burst out with an unstoppable force!

Nearly a hundred thrones gathered densely packed figures!

Those figures suddenly opened their eyes and stared coldly at the Sorting Hat.

In reality, the Sorting Hat suddenly let out a terrifying howl!

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